001C9587 TIIE AVEST VAN NEEVS FERRIES SHOU'PERATING I'ROFITPrompt Delivery Smith 's l rocery The audit& r's report or& the municipal tra»sportation system for the six months ending 30th June has been i1eceived. For that period an operating surplus of $ 1,242.92 is shown, this not. including depreciation and be- be»ture interest, which are put down approximately at $ 10,800. lve Deliver A. HARVEY ShfITH, Prop. 24th AND hfARINE, Opp. Dundarave flail. Phono DEVEST 469 CHAIN RED AN9 WHITE STORE Specials for Friday and Saturday DEI'UTY lilINISTER AND G. HANES ON COI FIX V CONTRACTiLl chfAZOLA OIL, small tin, each.... GINGER SiVAPS, per lb.....i.... OLD DUTCH iVILD ROSE PASTRY FLOUR, 10 lb Sacks. SERV-US SARDINES ......................... ERSEY BRAND CORN FLAKES................. SPECIAL ORANGE PEKOE TEA, per lb.... REGAL SHAKER SALT, per pkg..... CANADIAiV SiUEET CORiV ....... CRISCO, 3 lb Tin, per tin.... LUX FLAKES ............................................. CERTO, makes better jam, per bottle 17c 27c 45c 29c 23c 52c 10c 25c 69c 29c 32c A letter dated 10th July, was received by the council from George S. Hanes stating that he had asked for an appointment at as early a date as possible with ilIr. Philip, Deputy Minister of Public iVorks. in connection with the Colfix coiitract, and that he would notify Mr. Johnson when the date had been arranged. A further letter from liIr. Hanes dated 13th July, was also received in which he stated that the council were responsible for the delay in construction work in June anil July, two of the best months in the year, and the onus for such delay and running the work into the wet season rested with them. He reviewed the cir- cumstances under which the council had raised some $85,000 from the proceeds of the sale of $90,000 worth of debentures under bylaw No. 381. He ap- preciated the council's request that he should confer with Mr. Philip and the contractor's eng- ineer, Mr. Johnson, to try and agree on the Colfix specifica- tions. Mr. Hanes agreed that the specifications were not com- plete as submitted, but he stated that it was not within the ethics of professional engineering for iAIr. Philip or himself in their po- sitions to assist the contractor's engineer to alter, change, add to or take away from the specifi- cations of the tenderer when once submitted or when under consideration with other tenders. Their meeting would no doubt be of a ver formal and pleasant nature. Both letters were ordered laid over. ................. 3 Tins for per sack....................... ...2 for ..3 for .......... 2 Tins for 3 pkgs. for iver 1~ THiS )S tRUE, THO lY SOUNDS FUNNY- SBST MEATS CosT THE LEO,sT oF HONEY Government Inspected 5Ieat D. ROBERTS, Prop. Next to Piggly Wiggly Fresh FruitsLocal Spring Lamb Bananas, per lb..., .......... 12c Tomatoes, per lb......................... 20c Plums..........~................. 2 lbs. for 25c Apricots....................... 2 lbs. for 25c Peaches, per dozen .................. 35c Oranges, per dozen .................... 45c Grape Fruit..........................4 for 25c Lemons........................Per dozen 40c Frying Chicken, each .......... 50c Boiling Fowl. per lb........ 26c Local Eggs PULLET EXTRAS. per doz.... 34c FIRSTS, per doz................... 38c EXTRAS, per doz.... 39c Vegetables Prime Steer Beef Cooking Onions ......., .. 5 lbs. 25cNew Potatoes ................ 12 lbs. 25c New Carrots, per bunch.......... Sc New Beets, per bunch ............... 5c Green Peas .................... 3 lbs. 25c Yellow Beans .................... 2 lbs. 25c Broad Beans, .................... 5 lbs. 25c Cabbage, per lb........................ Sc Narrows. each .......................... 10c Lettuce, each ........................ 5c Boiling Beef, per lb................. 10c Boneless Stewing Beef, 2 lbs. 25c Pot Roast. per lb....... 12c and 13c Boneless Corned Beef, lb. 15c., 20c Rump Roast, per lb. 20c and 22c Oven Roast, per lb....... 15c and 18c Sirloin Roast, per lb............ 28c The deputy minister of public works wrote the council that, in the absence of the minister of public works, he could not then name a day when he (Mr. Philip) could discuss the Colfix contract with Messrs Hanes and Johnson. He stated that the control of onstruction and maintenance ac- cording to statute rested entire- ly with the municipality. He did not think the department should meddle with details of specifica- tions nor did he think it ethical for him to do so under the cir- cumstances. He would gladly co-operate, however, and give any help he could to help mat- ters forward to a definite con- clusion and would be pleased to place their recommendations be- fore the minister. CohfE AViD SEE THE ICELESS REFRIGERATOR Side Bacon, Sliced, per lb......... 42c Back Bacon, Sliced, per lb........ 42c Ayrshire Bacon, Sliced, per lb. 30c Cottage Hams, sliced, per lb... 32c Head Cheese .......... 2 for 25c CORNED BEEF VEAL LOAF BOLOGNA BOILED HAM ROAST PORK BAKED HAhf iVo Ice iVo Chemicals iVo Electricity No Phones YOU SAVE No Delivery Invited to Convention, An invitation was received by the council to attend the conven- tion of the Union of B. C. Muni- cipalities to be held at Trail on 12th and 13th September. The council sent a letter of thanks to the secretary and advised him that the question of the coun- cil's representatives and notes for the convention would be dealt with at a later date. Join all the other kids next Thursday for the Board of Trade picnic to Horseshoe Bay. Cars leave 14th and AIarine at 2 o'lock. h REVISED PLUliIBING BY-LAlV SUBiilITTED TO COUNCI I. XV 'YORE, AQ0OY Groom FOWL il'OV'D ECHO~- THEH CONK AN&oua mucroY sHoK' revised plumbing by-law has been submitted to the council by the municipal engineer and the sanitary inspector. It was re- ferred to a committee of the whole for investigation in con- junction witll the plumbing and sanitary inspectors in order that a draft by-law may be prepared for the consideration of the council. Yes, IVe're running a dressed Poultry Show. Ave'll prepare a bird for. your pot or pan that will make your dinner a most pleasing event. All of our ineats are worthy of a place upon your table. Bny Your Snit in West Vancouver lY. WI.I.IAN.S 16th and MARIN E, A hf BLESI DE CUSTOllf. TAILOR ROBERTS'Setter Meats A PRICOTS--No. 1 hfoore Park, crate Saturday Extra Special &,„„„„, „„+,':25., water, by the piece, per lb.]5~ Theatre Tickets given with everv 50c purchase. July 20, 1928. During Hot IVeather all meats kept in refrigerator. I'l(ESH AND CURED hlEATS, BUTTER, EGGS, BACON AND LAIRD 3IJ =BY" S =A&K You'e often heard it said "that steak is as tender as butter." It is i compliment to us. You'l find it so at all times--for ave know meats. SAFETY FIRST--I)UY AT JEI FERIES '"'1' '1'Z rg«q p pZ ~ ri 't% ,g,,j,„g J, Next to Ilollyliurn Theatre I'HoiVE IVEST 3 Closed Thursday at 1 o'lock %E DELIVEft ~OS.MOST OF Us MEN l LllCQ ONCE lN A WHlLE " TO MGK'T'THE CHAP WITH If you want to meet a manw!th a satisfied smile look up the chap who has just erected a building constructed of lumber purchased of us, Have a talk with him and he will convince you of the undoubted worth of our merchandise. I.'S'. ltcL'll:I.IIII ltl! 'II, 'III;11!,',I,'I. 15th and liIarine LIliI I TED phone IVest 115 Play a game of I 3 tables for your pleasure CI. E'I S IEI-DS,",,",„',.",;„,'...„,., „.„,„ :.'LL'..Oney o ',oal.L on First AIortgage at current rates. Let us finance the building of your new home in AVest Van- couver. HAVE PERFECT FLOORS CLEAN, ShIOOTH, SAiVITARY, BEAUTIFUL There is no reason for having dirty, worn, unsightly floors. The "Uni-versal" Floor Surfacing hfachine will clean out the ground-in dirt, takeoff stains, remove old varnish or paint, smooth up the worn spots andmake the old floor as good as new. Oak, maple, hard pine. birch, or any wood is easily cleaned and made as smooth as glass. They can be re- finished same as when first put down. OLD FLOORS hfADE LIKE NET--NET FLOORS hIADE PERFECT Newly laid floors are easily and quickly brought to a clean smooth sur-face by the "Universal" method. This method saves the builder or generalcontractor the back-breaking labor and does the work much quicker, bet-ter and at less cost. "Universal" method finishes any floor beautifully and entirely withoutthe usual muss. A vacuum fan deposits all dirt in a bag, leaving the jobclean as you go along. Let us explain the method and quote you prices. CORBIN'S JANITOR SERVICE PHOiVE SEYhfOUR 5713 130 HASTINGS ST., iVEST SASI-I, DOO.(S AND ,Interior .Finish G-ASS anc Gl-AZ. 5 G OF ALL KINDS I I NO JOB TOO Sl~lALL AND NONE TOO LARGE GET OUR PRICES--IT IVILL PAY YOU. ÃL'III:I I!S (I'..li,'III;llllP ~ II. ';I:. London & British North America Co., Ltd. 51ortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street AVest Phone Sey. 6285 Local Representative;--F. X. Hodgson, West 665R 14th and Marine West 90 Come and see our Patterns. Large selection to choose from Dry Cleaning Dyeing, Repairs and City Prices and Pressing Alterations Open Saturday Evenings till 9 o'lock. lVe Call Fnr and Deliver. PHOViE iVEST 20. hlARINE DitIVE AT 16th STItEET Phone West 199 ASK FOR hlR. IiIORTON.