001C957A .'i.'i), IllNOi:li: 'S G.ROC.E 4Y PHONE YOUR ORDERS. We deliver. Waterfront Houses and Camps (. W. SAVO.('( 1429 Marine Drive Ambleside PHONE--West 698R1 . or West 340 Evening--West 143 THE .t, arce S &0 « 1 1520 5Iarine Drive hiarcel, Steam and Finger Wav- ing, Haircutting, Shampooing and Scalp Treatments For Appointment WEST 304 Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker 5 Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside HARRON BROS. R WILLIAMSON guuerul 6lrefturs North Vancouver Parlors 122 AVest Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 (. ). )('.W S Wishes to inform the public that he is now specializing in MINING STOCKS Information and advice gladly given Phone Seymour 6972 New office address: 709-710 Bower Building 543 Granville Street, Vancouver I 6 PHONE 4 YOIJ,R 083:8 West 16 You get exactly the same ser- vice whether you bring your market basket or whether you telephone us your order. Our reliability will give you great satisfaction. THE )VEST VAN NEgrg CONSERVATIVE hlEETING NEXT bIONDAYI I'. S 0 N a I. g The Conservatives are hold- i»g a public meeting on 51on- &lav, 1Gth July, at 8 p.m., in Dundarave Hall. A number of prominent speakers ivill be pres- ent to address the meeting. 5Irs. J. J. Bay and son of Van- couver, expect to move shortly totheir summer home at Whyte- cliff. The ivork of clearing that part of Ambleside Park immediately east of the present baseball grouiid a»d between the P. G. E. tracks and Marine Drive is about completed. With a little leveHing the amount of space available for the playing oi games will be considerably increased. iAIiss Brown of Vancouver, has moved into the summer cabin o1 the Misses Steveiison at 25th and Bellevue. Airs. )Valter Gourlay is having a garage built at the back of her property at 23rd and Bellevue. AIrs. Shakespeare of North Vancouver, has moved into her cottage at Sandy Cove for the summer months. 0 Bert Gisby of the Dundarave Garage left on Monday for a motor trip to Seattle. Michael son of Colonel %V. K. Savory, cut his wrist badly while at the cadet camp in North Van- couver as the result of falling on a rock or a piece of glass. Mrs. Ed Black and family, 25th and Marine Drive, left on Saturday for their summer cot- tage in Selma Park, where they expect to stay during the school holidays. LIBERAI'ALLY NEXT TUESDAY AT HOLLYHURN THEATRE DIr. and Mrs. )V. E, Leppard, 21st and Bellevue, have taken the Oliver house at 15th and Esquimalt. The Rev. William Lawson with his daughter and family are vis- iting West Vancouver and are spending a couple of iveeks at the Fortune Cup Inn. Bert Kendrick, 21st and Belle- vue, who has been organist at St. Stephen's church for the past year, has obtained a position on"the Baychimo" for her trip noi'th, and left here on Friday with &is ship. He will probably be away about three months. Mrs. Mary Christie and son, Bevan, of Vancouver, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Le- Shure, 12th and Marine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Peacey of Van- couver, have rented the Chinery house at 14th and Clyde for the summer. The Keith Road has now been put in shape by the municipal board of works. A top dressing of dry dirt has been put down throughout its length and the road has been gone over by the steam roller, giving it a good level surface. The Rev. J. Ellery Read, D.D., of Sherbrooke, Quebec, was a vis- itor at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. O'Donnell, Dundarave. Dr. Read is the chairman of the con- ference of Montreal-Ottawa and is spending two months visiting British Columbia and the State of washington. James Cornish, 17th and Gor- don, has joined the stafT of the Royal Bank, and is now employed at the AVest Vancouver branch. During the summer months Mr. A. L. Grout will be the or- ganist at St. Stephen's, Albert Kendrick having left last Fri- day for a three months'rip on the Baychimo. A monster Liberal Rally ivill "e held in the Hollyburn The- «tre next Tuesday night. The Liberal candidate, Hon. Ian hIac- kenzie, provincial secretary, will give n, resume of I.iberal policies. There ivill also be other speakers. A splendid musical programme, including the D.O. K.K. quartette has been arrang- ed for. This being the last meet- ing before election day, it is ex- pected that the theatre will be crowded to capacity, so, if you ivish to obtain a seat, you should make a point of being there early. The meeting will start at 8 o'lock. 51USIC Servant and master am I: ser- vant of those dead, and master nf those living. Through me spir- its immortal speak the message that makes the world weep, and laugh, and wonder and worship. I tell the story of Love, the story of Hate the story that sav- es and the story that damns. I am the incense upon which pray- ers float to Heaven. I am the smoke which pails over the field of battle where men lie dying with me on their lips. I am close to the marriage alt- ar, and when the graves open I stand near by, I call the wand- erer home. I rescue the soul from the depths, I open the lips of lovers, and through me the dead whisper to the living. One I serve as I serve all; and the king I make my slave as easily as I subject his slave. I speak through the birds of the air, the insects of the field, the crash of waters on rock-ribbed shores, the sighing of the wind in the trees, and I am even heard by the soul that knows me in the clatter of wheels on city streets. I know no brother, yet all men are my brothers; I am father of the best that is in them, and they are fathers of the best that is in me; I am of them, and they are of me. For I am the instrument of God. I AM DIUSIC.--"Inter- iiational Musician." Mrs. George Bell, 24th and Haywoed, has gone to Sechelt fog'he summer. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ure motor- ed up from San Francisco, and are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew 4V. Ure, 24th and Kings. The Misses Stevenson moved on Monday into the new home they have had erected at 25th and Bellevue. Miss Beatrice Black of AVhyte- cliff, fell and injured her elbow on Sunday when trying to avoid being hit by a motor car. Dr. F. Dorchester and his son were in Portland, Oregon, this weep, where Dr. Dorchester was giving a lecture. Mr. and Mrs. MacBeth of Van- couver, have taken Mrs. P. A. McBain's cottage at 29th and AVaterfront. Jim Jessaman, 24th and Ing- lewood, joined the staff of A. J. Ridley & Sons last week. Fred Fennings, 22nd and Bel- levue, fell off a swing last Fri- day and fractured his left fore- arm. The proof of will power is con- tinued possession of your tonsils. .. ie ifes: fan ..i «era s INVITE YOU to the following affairs at which Zi!'on. i.an J'~i! ackenzie Mrs. Ida McLean and family are moving next week from their present residence at 22nd and Argyle to a house at 21st and Bellevue. Barbara, the daughter of Mrs. Allwork, 17th and Bellevue, is spending the summer holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Bryan, of Innisfail, Alberta. Rev. A. Harding Priest, rect- or of St. Stephen's Church, is leaving next Monday on a vaca- tion. Captain R. N. Taylor of the fery staff, who resides at 23rd and Marine Drive, had the mis- fortune to have his arm broken on Saturday night while the fer- ry boat was backing out of the Vancouver dock. The pressure of the water wrenched the rud- der round suddenly and spun the wheel, the spokes of which struck Captain Taylor's arm. PROVINCIAL SECRETARY and Liberal Candidate toill be present. a:-ce!-.i .. a-i y In JOHN LAWSON'S ORCHARD, 17t)1 and Marine 'I'omorrow--SA l'URDA7 3to6pm. MUSIC AND REFRESHMENTS J. J. DUTTON, Chairman Socl a. »~ .3aj-ice IN DUNDARAVE HALL, a t 8 p.m. 'I'omorrow --- SA j.'URDAY GOOD ORCHESTRA REFRESHMENTS DUNCAN McTAVISH, Chairman July 13, 1928. Hot Weather Comforts UNGUENI'INE for Sunburn MENTHOLATU&II for bites, FLY DOOM--the best Insect- kil ler. STERNO--Keep your home cool F ILill--Eastman in the Yellow box. SUN VISORS at 20c, 25c L, 50c QATH POIVDER -- Very re- freshi ng. ICE CREAi~l and ICE COLD DRINKS Phone us your orders and in a few minutes our boy will be on his way to you. ~l e send I e egrsms e&ther C. I'. lt. or C. N. I(. Dispensers to the C F R Bled ical Assoc&at&on WEST VAN f'BARNACY 'I'he Store of Service Prompt Delivery Phone lV. 37 ARE YOU going to build in West Vancouver THIS YEAR? GET OUR I'LANS and I'RICES W. TINNEY & CO. BUILDERS AN D COiN T R ACTORS Foot of Phone 20th Street West 322 City Office: 142 Hastings Street West I'hone Sey. 1944 FRSsH ISA Rosf AS PURE, as RoSES XtssKD BY aE~ .. YHK LauHDRY wE g Stag IACl(T Y6U 'a T&e Burrarf Laumry Limited For People who Are Part&cular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1810. &Vest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone AVest 410L (Estabhshed over 7Q Years) C. J. Qverington 14th and Marine a~ ip~ For appointment PHONE AVEST 135 A 8 F VALENTINE 1406 Mar«ne Dnve FRESH CAKES and BREAD DAILY LIGHT LUNCHES TEAS PITMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Est. 1898 Vancouver's Leading Business College Individual Attention DAY and NIGHT School Night School, 4 nights each week Enrol at any time. 4 22 Richards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Cor. Hastings