West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Jul 1928, p. 3

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001C957A July 13, 1928. Mrs. J. Clarke and daughter Irene, formerly of Duchess Street. are guests of hIr. and hlrs. Harry Hodgson until next week when they will leave for Victoria to join hIrs. Clarke's brother, Hugh May, who is now connected with hIessrs. Pember- ton Er, Sons of that city. 0 0 0 Mrs. P. A. Meuse and family of Prince Rupert, B. C., who have been visiting Mrs. S. R. Scribner, Bellevue Avenue, have now left for washington, where they will visit before returning north. Mrs. lV. Inman, 14th and Ing- lewood, who has been in Victoria visiting hIrs. and Mr. F. J. Halls, her sister and brother-in-law, has now returned to her home here. Mrs. I. A. Pearson, 14th and waterfront, left last wednesday with a party of Vancouver friends on an extended auto trip to Toronto and other Eastern cities and will not return until late in September. The party will travel by way of the Oka- nagan, and will call at Golden and BanfF. 0 Recent visitors to EVest Van- couver were Mr. and Mrs. Gruen of Cincinatti. Ohio, and Switzer- land, the guests of Mrs. Olaf Lundberg, Marine Drive, Alta- mont. The much travelled visit- ors were charmed with the beau- ty of West Vancouver and the wonderful drive up to the Grouse Mountain Chalet. e ~ e Miss Evelyn penman, Marine Drive, Altamont, is spending her holidays at Shaivnigan Lake the guest of AIrs. Harry Doughty. Mr. and Mrs. AVm. Higginson of Sardis, B. C., have taken the Gillette house on Fulton near 15th and will make their future home here. Master Olaf Lundberg, 30th and Marine, who accompanied his father on the triangular tour to Prince Rupert and Stewart, is enjoying a holiday at Jasper I'ark, Alta. Nrs. Olaf Lundberg, Altamont had as her guests, this week end Nr. and Nrs. Dana Pratt of Hins- dale, Illinois. Nrs. Pratt is a cousing of hIr. Lundberg. Mr. Pratt is connected with the But- ler Paper Coy. of Chicago, which does considerable business with the British Columbia Paper Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Cameron, hliss Grace Cameron and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bell of Caulfeild, ivho have been away on a fish- ing trip, have now returned. nasal' $&l,, eT( A Creamo Wagon on Every Street Every Morning. From the Dairy with the Highest Score 9 Quarts for One Dollar North 122 Mr. and Mrs. SVm. A. Grafton spent Sunday with their parents, hfr. and Mrs. T. D. Grafton, at I'oint Atkinson Lighthouse. Oth- ers visiting the Lighthouse folks on Sunday were hIiss Fanny Gray and Messrs. S. Clarkson, Jack Jacob and Ernest Reade, all of Vancouver. 0 0 0 Caroline, the daughter of Mr. and hIrs. F. hIarsh. left last week for a holiday at BanK and will visit the Stampede at Calgary. 0 0 ~ Mr. and AIrs. J. S. Burnett and daughter Mary of Seattle have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. EValter Partington, 1488 Gordon. 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Murphy and family of Vancouver are spend- ing a aveek in West Vancouver as the guests of Mr. and AIrs. D. Gillette, 15th and Fulton. 0 0 Mrs. Oliver H. Bell, Newport Avenue, Victoria, with her two children are visiting hIr. and AIrs. James D. Tait of Altamont. 0 4 0 Imported Japanese Challie coats, fashionable as beach and summer wraps and dressing gowns, brought direct from the silk markets at Yokohama, are being featured in a display at The Marcel Shop, 1520 hIarine Drive. hIr. and Nrs. Percy Downey and family, 22nd and Gordon, are leaving next week for Gull Lake, where they will in future reside. Mr. Downey has farm- ing interests there. 0 Mrs. Gentleman has taken hIr. Downey's house on 22nd at Gordon and will move in next week. Miss Spinks of Vancouver was a week-end visitor to )Vest Van- couver, being the guest of Nrs. J. D. Allan of )Vest Bay. Mr. Fred Vass, who has been visiting his brother, Dr. Vass, of AVest Bay, has now left for hIontreal, where he will join his wife and together make a trip to England to visit his cousin, Sir Alfred Dickenson, at East- bourne. 0 0 Mrs. H. T. Curtis of EVest Bay, with her daughter Joan, have returned home after a holiday visit to Vancouver Island. 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Harvey of Vancouver are now occupying their summer cottage at )Vest Ray. Mrs. hIcGill moved on EVednes- day into one of the Clachan cab- ins she had taken. The home of AIrs. Herbert EVood at Caulfield was the scene of a pretty Badminton tea last Saturday when hIrs. EVood en- tertained in honor of her daugh- ter Barbara's birthday. Those invisted 'vere hIiss Noel David- son, Miss Annie Ridley, Miss Grace Cameron, Miss Virginia King, Miss Mary Matheson, Miss Audrey Edwards and Miss Jean hIatheson. 0 Miss Jean Kincaid of Vancou- ver returned home last hIonday after staying with hIiss Made- line Stone at her home in Caul- feild. 0 4 Miss Jean Davidson and Miss Helen hIatheson of Caulfeild were among the week-end guests at Mount Strachan Lodge, Bow- en Island. Mr. Carney and Don Tyrell entertained several friends at their camp at Point Atkinson Lighthouse last Sunday. P ERSOKALS THE AUEST VAN NEREUS AIrs. C. H. Sandell of Los An- geles, Cal., who has spent the last two months at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. D. Grafton of Point Atkinson Lighthouse, left last week for Marysville, Wash., where she will visit her father and brothers before re- turning home. hIrs. Mackenzie hIatheson of Caulfeild was a luncheon hos- tess of Tuesday. 0 0 0 hIr. and hIrs. Herbert KVood entertained at dinner last hIon- dag. 0 0 0 Mr. and ihIrs. F. S. Armstrong entertained a number of young people at their home 2331 Belle- vue Avenue last Friday, the oc- casion being the birthday of their daughter Margaret. The invited guests were Misses Syb- il Chapman, Myrtle Gracey, Jean Hood, Molly Edwards, Phyllis Leckie, Dorothy Fowler, Hilda Hunter and hIessrs. Charles Chapman, Eric Allan, )Vill IVhite, Jack Harrison, Stuart Brackenridge, Ken Garland and George Johnston. hIr. Jack Jacobs of Vancouver has been visiting at Point At- kinson Lighthouse as the guest of hIr. and hIrs. Grafton. hIr. J. H. Redden of Caulfeild returned home last week after a short trip to Nova Scotia. 0 hlr. and Mrs. Frank hIarsh, who formerly lived on Gordon Avenue, near 15th, have taken up residence in New Westmin- ster. of all kinds. Kiln Dried, per load $3.50 Slabs, per load .... 3.50 Cedar, per load.... 3.00 HOY'S TRANSFER Phones: IVest 112 North 1654 GORDON ROBSOY Barr&ster 8c Soheitor West Vancouver office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403 Suite 801; S10 Hastings St., W. Phone Seymour 4199. For the Picnic or the Home. when bought at ,l Orman~ 's 14th and i~Iarine can be rehed upon. Everything needed in the mak- ing of a tasty snack may be found here. Fruit and Vegetables in Season Phone West 66 S 'TTON'S BARFRY A~bleside CHOICE CAKES INA &=Vs i goi -3Y (Formerly Granger's) Corner 21st and i&Iarine Phone IVest 405 Your custom is appreciated Phone your orders - We Deliver Baked fresh da~ly. Why bother with home baking this weather, when you can get such delicious cakes here fresh every day. Drop in this afternoon and see our display. A trial of anything we make will convince you of its quality. OUR BREAD Is baked fresh daily and may be had at our shop or delivered at your home. PHOAE WEST 27 And our Delivery man «ill ealL CAPILANO TlhIBER COilIPANY LlhIITED -T is sane policy to give your business to the firm that maintains your local pay roll, even when it costs a little more to do so. But it does not cost more, in fact it usually costs less to deal with us rather than elsewhere. Between our mill on the waterfront and our camp up the Capilano Valley our firm gives employment to almost 800 men--all white. AVhen, therefore, you require any Lumber--be it in small lots or for a big job- see us first and we shall both be the gainers for it. You may rest assured of always receiving good grades. O'ATERFRONT and PEhlBERTON FORTH 305 Night Phone 549L FIRE WOOD We now take orders direct for kiln-dried Planer ends at $3.50 per cord delivered. YIGHT PHONE NORTH 304KFORTH 304