West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Jul 1928, p. 2

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001C957A THE )VEST VAN NEWS July 13 1928 HOSIERY SPECIALS Childre»'s Sox. Ladies Hose, per pair... AIen's Hose, per pair .. --" -------- 4 pairs for 95c .. 2~c, 50c, 75c, 95c and up ......... 20c, 35c, 50c and 75c up Bathing Suits for every member of the family. Dry Goods at Economical Prices I'hone IVest 383 Roberta A. Vass D.C., Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School C III,fl.l 'P C "0 f Next to Stratton Bakery SIarine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver HEALTH SERVICE Our Health Service is based on scientific principles ivhich have been tested and proved. It covers all ills. CHIROPRACTIC WILL HEL)'OU i SS r gpss~ For both business and pleasure, by Pacific Stage Lines... swift... scenic ... cool... comfortable! Regular service and low fares to Vancouver, iNotth Vancouver, Grouse Moun- tain, Whytecliff, Horse- shoe Bay, Ladner. Port Haney. White Rock, Boun- dary Bay, Seattle...Ideal trips for week-ends and holidays. Phone SEYMOUR 4000 for schedules and in- formation. 4r. ~ News Gleams Exposure gives hardness, but the dear creatures ~vere not par- ticularly weak-kneed to start xvith. It is worthy of note that few statues are erected to me who had no women to boss them. They'e found a skull three- quarters of an inch thick, but the story doesn'. tell what col- lege professor was so tactless as to report it. To waste money is bad; to waste time is worse; to waste op- portunities for pleasure is un- pardonable. There isn't much to encourage the toothpick industry except canned blackberries. But when you talk to London you can't tell whether that fun- ny noise is static or just pro- nunciation. The French say hens lay better if given wine. Alas! poultrymen here have no bootleghorns. Well, suppose innocent men are sent to prison. Those places must be used for something. "You seldom find an innocent man accused." True; but why drag in that last word? A merry party was going on in one of the rooms of a large hotel when the festivities were interrupted by an attendant who said:-- "Gentlemen I have been sent to ask you to make less noise. The gentleman in the next room says he can't read." "Can't read?" replied the host. "Go and tell his he ought to be ashamed to say so. AVhy, I could read when I was five years old." Y. 40e ~ ~ ~4tltlg ~ ~aQNg es ~ V~a lef OTg Cp1i ll 4yeie+04tV'A ++aNCC44 ~ aleCOvllt aTs aeOt (A P3.C. 0& l&mmpoaa~o~'Y. ~ 'T I. ~ 1 Not a Dialogue "Pop, what's a monologue?'A monologue is a conversation be- tween husband and wife." "I thought that was a dialogue." "No, a dialogue is where two per- sons are speaking." ~~rigors".~ry ~~ooc s S:ore 1540 DIarine Drive, between 15th and 16th. WEST VANCOUVER Chrlstlan Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Esquimalt, Hollyburn Sunday Services 11.30 a.m. and 7.30 p. m. SubJect Julv 15th "LIFE" Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8.15 p.m. St. Stephen's Church 22nd street near Marine Trinity 6 (July 15th)-- 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Morning Prayer. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong. There will be divine service at 3 p.m. Sunday at St. Francis Church, Caulfeild. The annual Sunday School picnic will be held Wednesday, August 22nd, to Second Beach, English Bay, the journey to and from the city to be made direct by the local ferry. I Jnitet C sure & 21st street near Marine Minister, Rev. A. M. O'Donnell Lord's Day Services-- 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Morning worship. Morning anthem: "Be Joyful in the Lord" (Garrett). 7:15 p.m.--Evening worship. Evening anthem: "They That AVait Upon the Lord" (Elvey). Solo: Selected, Mrs. H. Eager. Last Sunday was Sacrament Sunday in the United Church. A reception servige was also held when a number were received into the fellowship of the con- gregation. In the evening a thanksgiving service was held. A special service of song was given by the choir which inspir- ed the large congregation pres- ent. )aptist C sure & 15th and Duchess Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. %Vest Vancouver Sible School Ambleside Hall, Marine at 14th Sunda& July 1 th at 3 p. m. Leader MR. PERCY KING Subject: SHAKING THE POQ I.RS OF HEAI EN EVERYBODY WELCOME Bring your questions along on Sunday afternoon. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a.m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a.m. SIX HUNDRED CADETS UNDER CANVAS ON NORTH SHORE BROKE CATNIP TUESDAY "One continuous round of pleasure," is the phrase most ap- plicable to the camp life of the 600 cadets under canvas at Mah- o» Park under the supervision of Capt. J. M. Cummings, director of cadet services for B. C., and a staff of twenty officers, which came to an end on Tuesday. Many parents took the oppor- tunity to visit the camp and saw their boys and one visit sufficed to reveal to the parents why the boys like the camp and are al- ~vays ready to go under canvas each year. The boys got plenty of good, substantial food prepar- ed by a large staff of cooks. Sickness in camp was a rare thing, with the result that Dr. H. C. Graham had an easy time nf it and Sister S. Saunders, R. C.A.M.C., camp nurse, had only minor afflictions to attend. Saturday was "sports day," when the lengthy list of athletic events was keenly participated in by the various battalions in camp and the officers had a busy day of it. Lucky "You say you served in France?" asked the restaurant proprietor, as he sampled the new cook's first soup. "Yes, sir; officer's cook for two years and wounded twice." "You'e a lucky man. It's a wonder they didn't kill you." &ecipes f ~ II ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 1 ~ tel ~ I illl I& ~ ~ ttl I ~ II I ~ ' ~ I ~ I ~ 1 Griddle Cakes 5Iade IVith Sour ilIilk Two and one-half cups flour P 1 tsp. soda, 1-2 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. ~ sugar 2 cups sour milk 1 egg beaten, 1 tbsp. melted shorten- ing. The sour milk recipe is given y because the cakes are more tend- er than those made with sweet milk. Mix and sift dry ingredi- ents. Add milk slowly then beat en egg, beat until smooth (about one minute). Add melted short- ening. beat one minute, cook as directed for griddle cakes. Very hot griddle iron. Ripe Marrow Savory Dish Peel and wash marrow, remove seeds and cut into three-inch lengths. Boil until tender. Drain, then place in deep dish; make a white sauce and pour over; cover with grated cheese, lastly with bread crumbs dotted with small pieces of butter. Season- ing to taste. Bake a golden brown. Serve hot. Fish Louie One and half lbs. halibut in one piece, 4 large potatoes, 1 onion, a little rind of lemon, pinch of mace, 1-4 tsp. pepper, ] tsp. anchovy paste. (No salt). Chop onion, fry light brown in butter in a large frying pan, place halibut in centre, cut pota- toes into cubes 1-2 inch in siz~ and place around dish, add grat- ed rind of lemon, mace and pep- t~, per, a piece of butter size of an egg. Let it simmer 10 minutes in cold water, using just enough to cover fish and potatoes. Recipe for Walnut Squares Biscuit Paste: Three-quarters cup sugar, 3-4 cup flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, piece butter the size of a walnut, 2 egg yolks. Add small drop milk, enough to make dough consistency for rolling. Roll fairly thin and spread with jam or jelly, then spread on following paste: walnut Paste Wvo egg whites beaten stiff, 1 cup sugar (white) 1 tbsp. corn- starch. Place dish on steaming pan for 10 or 15 minutes, remove from stove and add about 6 ozs. walnuts rolled fine, and 1 tsp. vanilla. NOTE--Be sure to have bis- cuit paste rolled and spread with „-'elly before you take walnut paste from stove, as the white of egg evaporates quickly. Church Service, 11 a.m. ""::"'": ""':="'"',l.ons:er .i&era (a y HOLLYHURN THEATRE AT 8 P.5I. '..'U: SDAY,;tu..y 3.7tji '~Pest ~an ¹Ns )Vest 363 West 412L Business and Editorial Office: 1361 Marine Drive Mail Address: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands 5c per copy. Published Every Friday H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE Publishers Phones: FAVORS IMMEDIATE COMPLETION OF THE PACIFIC GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY FROM NORTH VANCOUVER TO THE PEACE RIVER EVe have had enough of worthless pre-election promises from the Government which were conveniently forgotten the day after they had achieved their purpose. We have had nothing but evasive statements from the Conservatives. The Liberals have imported two candidates in the past, and both were defeated. History repeats itself. The Conservatives have an imported Federal representative. Result, absent treatment. The much-vaunted social legislation by the Liberal Govern- ment was made possible only by being forced upon it by the Independent and Labor members of the legislature. COKIE AND HEAR A RESUME OF LIBERAL POLICIES. ~ LJ, J il AVill Give an Address. A Good Musical Programme. D.O.K.K. (Dokay) Quartette JOHN LAWSON, Chairman CLEANING UP THE BALAiNCE OF John Mann's Estate THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to buy a lot in the most central loca- tion in West Vancouver at an exceptionally low price. CLEARED LOTS, 50x140, bet&veen 21st and 22nd $200, on very Easy Terms, Let us show you these GEO..:--::AY ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION On Jady 18th. I'HONE iVEST 21 14th and MARINE