West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Jul 1928, p. 7

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001C956B July 6, 1928. THE AVEST VAN NE4VS ~ Closing Exercises of the Public Schools ROLLS OF HONOR AAVARDED Alice Grady, Betty SIeraw, Di«k Creelman, Joan Sharman. Division 10 Proficienc" --John Kendrick. Deportment-- Lillian Morton. Punctuali ty and Regularity- Maisie Buss'., Knox Richardson, william Albin. Jack Sheffield. Tom Grieve. M~rg~ret Saunders. VALrLI ttE JOHNSON SCHOO Last Friday the Pauline John- son School closed for the Sum- mer vacation at 11 p. m. Trus- te s 4Trs. Robinson and ilr. Ley- land visited the school and the children were assembled in their various classes in front of the boys'overed play court. 3 Ir. Ley land addressed the pupils, complimenting them on their year's work and wishing pupils and children a bright and joyous holiday during the next eight weeks. 3tlrs. Robinson then spoke a few words of apprecia- tion, and made an appeal to the pupils to remember the rules of "Safety First." Trustee ~Irs. Robinson pre- sented the Rolls of Honor to the successful students for Profici- ency, Deportment, Regularity an&I Punctuality. In the afternoon the short as- sembly was of a bright and joy- ous nature for each classroom had what is termed by the younger boys and girls "A Sur- prise" on the teacher, and into this program pupils and teach- ers whole heartedly and hilari- ously entered. The doors were finally closed on the happy crowd for the next two months and thus the holidays of 1928 got off to a happy start. Trustee Leyland called for a cheer for the teachers, and in response the pupils gave a still heartier cheer for the members of the Board of School Trustees. Division 1 Proficiency--Betty Edwards. Deportment--Annabel SIorton Punctuality and R~mlarity- Grace Creelman, Grace Thomp- son and Joan Curtis. Division 2 Proficiency--Dick Bradley. Deportment--Sadie Leckinen, Chas. Baldwin. Regularity and Punctuality-- Ethel Lloyd, Eileen Dent, Hattie Young. IVEST VAitCOUV ER'S ORIGIN A I. Home Bakery Just try our products Extra Special Fruit Cake, per. Ib HOI.LYI)URN SCHOOL Class Leaders --Doreen Palm- er, Alton Grafton, Jim 41acdon- ald. 23c The closing exercises of the Hollyburn School were held last Friday at 10 a. m. trustees hIrs. Robinson and J. B. Leyland were in attendance to present the rolls of honor to successful students arid to give brief talks to the assembly. In happy phrase both trustees complimented the schol- ars on their work during the past sc.ason and expressed the hope that the long vacation would be a happy and enjoyable time for them all. IIrs. Robinson pre- sented the champion athletic cup to Phyllis Johnson as represent- ing the I Iollyburn School for their winning this emblem at the recent inter-school sports. Jean- ne Garrett was presented with the championship medal, and Jack Lowden and Joe Grisedale were each presented with a med- al for their prowess at the sports. Div. 1.--Grade 8A. Pt oficiency--1IIargaret Gillett. Dc portment -- i~Iargaret Mc- Lintock. Punctuality, Regularity--Bon- ita Armstrong, AIarion Blair, Robert Reid, Donald Stewart, Clayton Stewart. Class Leaders--Margaret Gil- lett, Jack EVatt, Clayton Stewart. Grade 8B Proficiency -- Marguerite Ed- wards. Punctuality, Regularity--Jes- sie Hoyle. Class Leaders--Margaret Ed- wardes, Jessie Hoyle, Gordon Ed- wards. Division 5 Grade 58 and A Proficiency--~Iary Currie. Deportment--~Iary Rosseau. Regularity and Punctuality-- Peggy Davies and June IVright. Grade 5B Class Leaders-- ~Iary Currie. Bernice Paton. Hertha Leth- Pauleen. Mrs. DRAPER The following pupils are the leaders in their respective terms for the school year ending June 30th, 1928:-- Grade 1--1st Term -- Bobby Kendrick, Cynthia Culbard, Freddie Smith. 2nd Term--Betty 3Ieraw, Al- ice Grady, Kenneth ~!oe. Grade 2--1st Term -- Paul Jagger, Douglas Denniston, Bob- by Glover. 2nd Term--Moira Jones. Dor- othy Anderson, EIarry Parker. Grade 3-- 1st Term -- Jessie Ritz, Kathleen Jagger, Kenneth Vernon. 2nd Term -- 3Iarion Sparrowe, Jack Ritz, ~Iarjory O'Donnell & Joan Parker. Grade 4--1st Term -- Joan Sheffield, Ian Richards, Hugh Farmer. 2nd Term -- Marjorie Rivers, Eunice Turvey, Jack McLeod. Grade 5--1st Term -- John IIoe, John Bradley, Ralph Bur- bridge. 2nd Term B -- Frank Smith, Peggy Hardman, Florence Grac- ey. 2nd Term A -- Frank Hodg- son, Dickie Lester, Phyllis 4Vatt. Grade 6--1st Term -- Helen Ritz. Donald ~Iills, Lucy Smith. 2nd Term -- Catherine Grady, 1IIarjorie Vernon, Joyce Smith. Grade 7--1st Term -- John Kendrick, i~Iaisie Busst, 6 illiarn Albin. 2nd Term -- John Barker, Douglas Forrester, Edna AValker Grade 8--1st Term -- Dick Bradley, Charles Baldwin, Josie Leyland. 2nd Term -- Betty Fdwards, Joan Dorchester, Grace Cveel- man, Grace Thompson. 2i35 hIARINE DltIVB Next Duatlarare Hall. NOTE PHONE: Weat ASS IIOLLYIIURA Barber Shop 16th 4 hlarine E X I' lt T S E It V I C E E. MARSII Proprietor Division 6 Grade 4 Proficiency--~Iarion i~IcRae. Deportment--Jessie Edington Regularity anti Punctuality- Verne Taylor, Jean H ill, Ian Rush. Class Leaders--Grade 4A- Sydney Blaney, Jessie Edingtol., Doreen Elgar. Grade 4B -- clarion hIcRae, Agnes Gray, Verne Taylor. Division 7 Proficiency--Constance Jenni. Deportment--hIargaret Dick- inson. Punctuality anil Regularity-- Alan Fraser, Gordon Vince, Ken- neth AIcNair. Class Leaders--Grade 3A- Constance Jenni, Anna Pearson, Alan I raser. Grade 3B -- Elaine Kissick, Lila Reynolds, Sophie Zielski. Division 8 Proficiency -- ~11uriel IIIcCul- loch (2A); Dorothy Chappell (2B). Deportment--iAIuriel Reynolds Regularitv and Punctuality- ilIuriel Vigar, Jack Kearns. Class Leaders--Grade 2A- Muriel 1IIcCulloch, Sheila Ed- wards, Douglas 9'att. Grade 2B--Dorothy Chappell, Susan )IcClintock, Buddy I itz- patrick. Yov NEVER CAN TsLt. OSe MIdt&l ossa oem ick " th' tV~itn~ Ive mean to do no frightenlng-- A loosened nut needs tightening. Too much stress cannot b» laid upon the importance of exact auto-adjustment. E ac h b o I t should be in place and each nut properly tightened. Your steer- ing gear should be working per- fectly and every part of the cnr's mechanism should nt nll times be doing its bit. It wouhl be well for us to examine your cnr frequently. Division 2 Proficiency--George EVatt. Deportment--Molly Andrews. Punctuality, Regularity-- Nancy Kearns, George EVatt, Douglas iATcNair. Class Leaders--Grade 8B- Eunice Harrison, Nancy Kearns, Alexander Reid.- Grade 7A -- George IVatt, Archibal 4IcKenzie, Hazel Brea- ley. Grade 7B--Dorothy Boshier, Doris Cullin, (Eileen Hibberd, Ronald Irish and Douglas McNair tied) Division 3 Proficiency--iAIarjorie Paton. Deportment--Shigi Furnkawa At tendance -- Eileen Body, AIarjorie Hill, Annie AVillits, Jean Thompson, Ian Elgar, AVal- ter Zielski, Shigi Furnkawa. Class Leaders -- Grade 6A- AIarjorie Paton, David Gray, 51arjorie Hill. Grade 7B--Jeanne Lloyd, IVal- ter Tearoe, Jiloe Okino. Division 4 Grade 6B Prof iciency--Joan Jefferies. Deportment--Valerie Rerrie. Regularity and Punctuality-- Pearl Robertson. Class Leaders--Joan Jefferies, Eunice 5IacRae, Ida Boshier. Grade 5A Proficiency--Doreen Palmer. Regularity and Punctuality-- Alton Graf ton. %Vest Van Garage Ambleside IVest 130 I I I I I ~ ~aJ ~ c ~ ~ i ~ Division 9 Proficiency -- Susan &IcClin- tock (2B); Clifford Hill (1A). Deportment--John ilIcRae. Regularity and Punctuality-- Nary Hodgson (1A); Henry Vig- or (2A); Audrey Burkhart (2A) Division 10 Class Leaders Proficiency (1A) --R. Graham (1B) --Alice Nelson. Deportment--Allan Blaney. Regularity and Punctuality- Jessie Davids, Jacquelin Pater- son, iAIargaret Allen. Audrey Cor- lan, Lloyd Bryant. Division 3 Proficiency--John Barker. Deportment--Charlie Lauder. Regularity and Punctuality-- Bert Albin, Lloyd Dewar, Evelyn Dickinson, Alex. Baxter, 5Iax Lemcox, Laura Murray. Division 4 Proficiency--Helen Ritz. Deportment--Alex. Denniston Regularity and Punctuality- Billie Hawkes, Donald i~Iills, Frank Hodgson, Scott Richard- son. Edward Sheffield, Gertrude Thompson, Robert IVard, Harold Stephens. Division 5 Proficiency--John Moe. Deportment--John Bradley. Regularity and Punctuality- 3Iargaret Hardman, Alfred Busst, Nora Dent. D&v&sion 6 Proficiency -- John Norman 'IcLeod. Deportment--Eunice Turvey. Regularity and Punctuality-- Phyllis Creelman, John Teece, Donald Sharman. Division 7 Proficiency--Jessie Ritz. Deportment -- Kathleen Jag- ger. Regularity and Punctuality-- Jack Ritz, Shirley )Vare. Division 8 Proficiency--Dorothy Andel- son. Deportment--Isabel Hodgson. Regularity and Punctuality- Ronaicl Hawkes, Audrey Gass, Dillie Barker, Philip Tenace. Division 9 Proficiency--Harold Kendrick Deportment--John Turvey. Irregularity and Punctuality-- Member of the B. C. hlining and Stock Exchange Stocks Real Estate Insurance and Loans :0. y mrn "Ieatre Friday and Saturday July 6th nnd 7th. "Second to None" "A Romance of the Royal Navy"Orders promptly nnd efficiently executed. 579 Dunsmuir St., Vancouver I'hone Seymour 8894 &londay and Tuesday, July 9th and 10th. ~ tctor IIugo's Immortal DramaDUNDARAVE SCHOOL Class Leaders Division 1. Grade 4B--Jack AIacLeod, Ian AIills. Grade 3A -- Brenda )Vicking, Evelyn McGowan. Grade 3B--Gordon Mills, Hugh williams. Honor Rolls Proficiency--Grade 4 -- Jack MacLeod. Grade 3--Brenda AVicking. Deportment--Evelyn McGow- an. Punctuality and Regularity- Jim Turner, Albert Huggins. Prizes Drawing -- Ian i~Iills. Neat Note Book -- Pat Bibbs an&I Nora Young. Proficiency--Gordon AiIills. Arithmetic--Albert Huggins. Good Effort--Patricia ilIurray Division 2. Class Leaders. Grade 1B -- Ruth iAIacLeod, ilIargaret Roberts. Gratle 1A--iAIartha vo» Zub- en, Dale Ericksen. Grade 2B--Hazel Sangster. Grade 2A--~Iitsuko Okadas, Dorothy ~Iorton. Honor Rolls Proficiency--AIartha vo» Zu- ben. Deportment--Elsie Robbins. Punctuality and Regularity-- Audrey Davey. Prizes Proficiency-- Hazel Sallgster, Ruth iAIacLeod. At tendance. Peter williams. Deportment--iAIitsuko Okadas "LES MISERABLES" iVEST VAN . Iiesi:auranI; ~Vednesdny and Thursday, July 11th and 1 th. CAPTAIN SALVATION A gripping story of the sea.1421 hiarine Drive at 14th St. I'ublic Phone IVest 611-0 qadi-WHY &ws-~ ~ -c ~ -i i ~ s- ~ A GOODPhone North 346 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y BURRARD S! II'll'. Il .c L „ IS 4 CONSTKNT JOW Have the children taken regularly and so keep a record of their develop- ment. Anything in Sheet hletal Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Tar nnd Gravel Roofs, General ltepnirs of all kinds. 229 Lonsdnle Ave. North Vancouver, B. C. Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry wharf IVEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, etc. THE .(. &(i S".U.) 0 (V. V. VliiSOA, Prop.) Kvill give you satisfactory work STUDIO: Sll Hastings St., IV., I'hone Seymour 1046 ~ ~ ql-4l-e~b al ~ a ~ .q0. ~ ~ 1~is.+ ~ ~ i eg- i ~ go~ ~ .a1. ~ i ~ I I I or 1~roceries anc ....art:ware Try Seeds Values $6.50 for C~~ QI 90 Ou& Setiic.e vill satisfy vou Our Prices will please vou andthe quality of OUR Goods you can rely upon. IIA14DIVARE and GROCERY The supply is limited. Phone IVest 456 A. J. RIDLEY 8c SONS iVest 28Amble~ide GET ACQUAINTED WITH THE ICE MAN