West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Jul 1928, p. 4

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001C956B THE )VEST VAN NEWS July 6, 1928. Gooa Groceries AND ~~ Good Service ~~ We want both to be good nnd satisfying to our ctusomers. Ac- cordingly we specinlise in quali- ty products. Our groceries, fruits nnd vegetables are nlwnys fresh. Fair prices; relinble goods nnd good service at ajar&.C,FUN;iiii: S GROCE.I(Y West 16 PHONE YOUR ORDERS. We deliver. r p 'I 'I ""r i Waterfront Houses and Camps K. W. SAVO.(Y 1429 AIarine Drive Ambleside PHONE--West 69SR1 or West 340 Evening--West 143 THE f ar.ce S io) i k 1520 5larine Drive illarcel, Steam and Finger IVav- ing, Haircutting, Shampooing and Scalp Treatments For Appointment WEST 304 Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker L Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside HARRON BROS. R WILLIAMSON funeral Qirectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 (. ). 3(.WIS %'ishes to inform the public that he is now specializing in MINING STOCKS Information and advice gladly given Phone Seymour 6972 New office address: 709-710 Bower Building 543 Granville Street, Vancouver I I'R.SOm~r.S AIr. Gregory, 25th a»d Belle- vue, has gone to Hamilton, Ont- ario, on a business trip. Jim AIcGechaen, 13th and Ful- ton, is now working at Gemmill's drug store. Basil Cleme»ts has left West Vancouver for a holi- day. J. l'. Tiderington, who used to reside at 25th and Bellevue, but who is now living in Vancouver, was a visitor in EVest Vancouver on AIondal . AIrs. C. Blythe and son George 22nd and Jefferson, went to Se- attle over the week-end, where she visited 11er tivo sons who are resident in that city. AIr. and AIrs. Allen and family of Vancouver, have moved into AIrs. AI. AIcKenzie's cottage at 23rd and Bellevue. Chas. AIacdonald, who is re- cuperati»g at AIrs. Davies'est home at 22nd and Bellevue, is much improved. Mr. and AIrs. Mackenzie Mathi- eson of Vancouver, have moved into their summer home at Caul- feild. AIr. and AIrs. H. Lang, 29th and Marine Drive, were holiday- ing in Alta Lake last week. AIr. and Mrs. Riach of Edn1on- ton, arrived here on iAIonday and are visiting Mrs. Riach's mother AIrs. P. A. AIcBain, 29th and IVa ter front. A large sloop with an auxiliary engine owned by AIr. Hart of Ne'er Westminster, put into Dun- darave pier on Sunday evening with engine trouble. Repairs were effected here by the Mar- ine AIotors and she cleared for New Westminster on AIonday afternoon. AIr.and AIrs. Hendry and child of Vancouver, have moved into one of the Clachan cottages. AIrs. Small and family, who recently returned from the Ori- ent, are guests at the Fortune Cup Inn. Mr. Small is in West- ern China, where he is doing mis- sionary work. AIiss Kennedy, R.N., of Vic- toria, is spending a week as the guest of AIrs. Bourne, 25th and AIarine Drive. Mr. and AIrs. Manning of Van- couver, have moved from the city to their cottage at Travers Ave., West Bay, for the summer months. Mr. Manning is a mem- ber of the firm of Todd and AIan- ning, the Granville Street jewel- lers. Alajor and Mrs. Dufresne of Vancouver with AIiss Richard- son of Victoria, were visitors to )Vest Vancouver this week as the guests of AIr. and Mrs. E. J. AIurray, 25th and Ot tawa. AIajor Dufresne was formerly on the West Vancouver Municipal engineering staff. AIr. and Mrs. R. Hastings, "Bonnie Doon," Marine Drive, Dundarave, have as their house guests AIr. and AIrs. Campbell of Vancouver who are here on a holiday visit. Mr. Colpitts, janitor at Holly- burn School, has gone to the AIaritime Provinces for an ex- tended holiday. The Sunday School baseball team lost in the play-off against Chalmers United last'aturday evening. Every member played a good game. The team has played nine games, winning eight and losing one. The Rev. A. M. O'Donnell and family expect to spend their va- cation at Anacortes, AVashing- ton. AIr. O'Donnell will exchange with the Rev. Peter McCormack, Westn1inster Presbyterian Chur Westminster Presbyterian Church, Anacortes. During the vacation Mr. McCormack will oc- cupy the home of Mr. and Mrs. O'Don nell. Mr. Forshaw of Vancouver, has moved into a house at 28th and Bellevue. AIr. and Mrs. Crump of Van- couver, have leased one of the flats over Hall's Grocery, 25th and Bellevue, for a year. AIr. Gibson of North Vancou- ver, has taken a house at 80th and Bellevue. Jack Larnie, 11th and Duch- ess, on Saturday took a party consisting of Councillor J. T. AVatt and George Aman and J. Gilbert, both of Vancouver, on his launch for a trip up coast as far as Sechelt. They return- ed on Sunday evening having had a very enjoyable outing. Mr. and Mrs. Tanner of Point Grey have taken the Traill house at Fulton and Marine Drive. Miss Louise Bampton of Van- couver, has taken a house at 81st and waterfront. AIr. and Mrs. Page and family, 25th and Bellevue, have moved into the Clarke house at bridge 7. Marine Drive. Mrs. David Morgan, of %Vest Bay, left last week for a short holiday at Port Alberni, Vancou- ver Island. Miss Morgan, who was visiting there over the week end, has returned to her home here. iV. HERRIN APPOINTED ACTING CLERK J. Ollason, municipal clerk, is taking his annual vacation. Dur- ing his absence EV. Hen.in has been appointed acting clerk with the usual powers. CHILDREN FREE PICNIC TO IVHYTECLIFF ON 2GTH Organized by Board of Hade. The children's annual picnic to IVhytecliff sponsored and or- ganised by the AVest Vancouver Board of Trade will be held on Thursday, July 26th. Free transportation and some refreshments will be provided, and there will be swimming and running races for the youngst- ers. Parents are invited though any children coming alone ivill be well looked after. i i I CAULFEILD RATEPAYERS ASSN. AIAKE REQUESTS Messrs. Stone and McDonald, representatives of the Caulfeild Residents Ratepayers'ssocia- tion, presented the following suggestions to the council on Tuesday night for their consider- ation: 1. That Dogwood Lane and Pilot Road be made a one-way thoroughfare and entered from Piccadilly. No parking. Full stop. Fences to be rebuilt. The council laid the matter over. 2. That wood felling debris be removed. This was also laid over. 8. That the park be cleaned Up. This was refer1ed to the park workman. That Go Slow signs be placed on all narrow roads in Caulfeild. The matter was laid over. 5. That paper receptacles be placed in the park. This matter is in hand. 6 That park trees be preserv- ed. This was referred to the chairman of the parks board. The clerk was directed to send the Ratepayers'ssociation a re- port on the present financial standing of the Caulfeild water system. AIOUNTAINEERING CI.UB I'RESENT SIGN TO COUiNCIL The B. C. Mountaineering Club recently presented to the council a sign for erection on Marine Drive in connection with the pre- servation of dogwood trees. The council thanked the club for the sign, and advised them that they would have it erected in a place most suitable for the purpose. MUNICIPAL HALL CONTRACT LET Howard Tender Accepted. The contract for the municipal hall addition was awarded by the council on Tuesday night to A. C. Howard, who was the lowest tenderer, providing his credenti- als are approved by a committee consisting of the Reeve, Coun- cillor Blair. and Architect Hodg- son, and also that he agree to the deletion of such items as may be decided upon by the commit- tee. Particulars of the tenders re- ceived are as follows: H. D. Crawford.. $11,678 G. W. Deacon .... 12,698 Moncrieff and Vistaunet.. 18,895 D. M. AIcDonald .............. 12,981 A. C. Howard .................. 11,850 J. A. McKenzie ............... 15,080 Peers and McLeod ........ 11,855 Miss Christlson of "the Clach- an," asked the council for per- mission to take over the bath- house on Dundarave Pier. The council granted her exclusive use of the bath house at the nomin- al rental of $ 1 per year providing she agree in writing to keep it clean and sanitary. BOARD OF TRADE AIEETING ON AIONDAY 23RD Owing to election day falling on the 18th the regular meeting of the West Vancouver Board of Trade which should be held on AIonday the 16th will be held a week later i.e., the 23rd inst. Mr. and Nrs. Jack Anderson and family, have moved from 23rd and Bellevue to the Page house at 25th and Bellevue. Mr. and Mrs. Howard and fam- ily, 25th and Bellevue, have moved to the city, where they will reside while their new home is being built at Sunset Beach. (Opposite AiIarine Alotors) S I'ECIA I.S 1' in CERTO for Jams and Jellies ....................................... 'pc RAINBOW PICKLES ......................... GLASS CUP PICKLES ............................................ TINNED GOLDEN PINEAPPLE ............................. 15c MALKIN'S BEST PUMPKIN ....................................... 10c Casti,e Soap THE I'Ul(E KIND Once in n while you are of- fered n pure castile nt n bnrgnin price. This is your opportunity. 3 Bnrs for 25c A Sample bnr for 10 cents. REAIEi~lHER this is not the re- puted Cnstile but tho renl "Shell" brnnd. lve send Telegrams, either C. I'. lt. or C. N. R. Dispensers to the C. P. R Medical Association WEST VAN NARNACY The Store of Service I'rompt Delivery Phone W. 37 ARE You going to build in IVest Vancouver this year 7 See us for plans and Esti- mates before you begin. W. TINNEY 8 CO. Builder nnd Contractor Foot of 20th Street, Telephone West 322 City Office: I42 Hnstings St. W., Telephone Seymour 1944 408 LAUNDRY Ypl)R i i ~ c c SENO YouA. NEXT vauHOLY 0%OCR HERG- fF Av YouR.SFST ~ YouuaQ~P APPFAR- ~ The )IIrrariI ILallmlry Limited For People who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone AVest 410L (Established over 74 Years) C. J. Overington 14th and iAIarine 8'~'or appointment PHONE iVEST 135 A. 8i: F. VALENTINE 1406 Marine Drive Canadian Window Bakeries Agency FRESH CAKES and BREAD DAILY LIGHT LUNCHES TEAS Store closes 8 p. n1. Saturdays ]0 p.m. PITMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Est. 1898 Vancouver's Leading Business College Ind&v&dual Attention DAY and NIGHT School Night School, I nights each week Enrol at any time. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phono Sey. 9135. Cor. Hastings