West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Jul 1928, p. 10

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001C956B 10 QUAKER CORN FLAKES..................,. PERRIN'S CHOCO-OPERA CREAhlS, per lb...... BI,UE RIBBON hIAYONiNAISE, 84 oz. bottle.... PAUL'S FRENCH CASTILE SOAP.........„.„... hfcLAREN'S QUEEN OLIVES, 8 oz. bottle JELL-JELL JELLY POWDERS.... No. 1 CORNED BEEF, per tin.... B. C. ICING SUGAR..................... 5 lb B. C. GRANULATED SUGAR and 1 lb OUR OIVN SPECIAL COFFEE for............ 3 lbs. BROKEN ORANGE PEKOE TEA for.. hIARhlALADE, hlurray's -I lb tins, per tin............. 3 r)kts. 3 cakes I pkgs. .. 3 lbs. for 25c 3$c 35c for 23c 35c for 22c 19c for 27c ..... 95c . $ 1.19 55c S' I -- rl ~ .lL. LEST You FoRCET- I WE SAY 1T YET- ME BE5T c1EATS aT THIS SCOOP voULL 6ET . qV'overnment Inspected 51eatD. ROBERTS, Prop. Nex.t to Piggly Wiggly Prompt Delivery Smith '8 ~ rocery IVo Delirer A. IIARVEY ShIITH, Prop. 24th AND hIARINE, Opp. Dundarare Hall. Phono IVEST 469 CHAIN .(ED AN9 W - ': STORE Specials for Friday and Saturday THE WEST VAN NEWS CONS ERVATIV ES (Contirrtrecl from Page 1) him to become Minister of Agri- culture in his government. As lencler of the Conservative party Tolmie has, in a few months, brought unity out of dis- sention and aggressiveness out of apathy. Realizing this arrd the need of a change, capable busi- ness men have rallied to his standard as candiclates for strong, efficient government. Is lt riot time fol' change . A new broom ssveeps clean. I.IBERAL (Continued from Page 1) Ottawa, with whom they are at present in close accord. When one visualizes the hum- anitaria» legislation and the lab- or legislation which has 'beerr placed upon the Statutes by the Liberal party it is difficult for anyone possessed of ordinary in- telligence to understand what ivould be gained by a change of Goverr)ment at this time. In our private or business life it is not customary for us to 'discharge tried and trusted servants upon whom we can place complete re- liance, for the purpose of intro- ducing into our affairs new ser- vants, ivhose only claim to con- sicleration lies in the suggestion that they ivish to obtain ex~eri- ence, and what we would not do in our private and business cap- acities it ivould be equally stupid to contemplate in our public af- fairs. The dawn of the North Shore is on the eve of breaking, let us not obscure it by any doubt or July G. 1928. A bVILDE.R. PRO~A~ «& I~P.y WISt,- 8~ ~&IN| I CAuTious ~~e& Hf.tIA'ou will show constructionwisdom if you build for the fut- ure. You will show buying acu- men if you come here for your lumber. Every foot of lumber we sell lives up to its warranted reputation of real worth and lasting quality. & I,'S&; 'I'Il'.I',llI Ve,'~I 'I'I.ll."I,l;l. 15th and blarine LIMITED I'hone AVest 115 Play a game of 3 tables for your pleasure S 14th Street Right at the Railway Crossing C-OC- ~-A S Our meats have a superior tenderness--flavor--that's what counts. Buy and trv our meats just nnce ancl you'l be con- vinced. Everything we sell is wholesome and healthful We never sell anything but the best. SAFETY FIRST--BUY AT JEFFERIES All hlents Kept in ltefrigerator I ~ "w r~ 4 4 i i iA iL i 4 ~ lb' I 1%&)(ggg Next to Ilollyhurn Theatre I'IIONE iVEST 3 Closed Thursday at I O'lock iVE DELIVER I'ItESII AND CU lt EI) hI EATS, BUTTER, EGGS, BACON AND LAIRD Prime Beef Boiling Beef, lb................. 10c Stewing Beef ......... 2 lbs. 25c Pot Roast, per lb........... 12c to 15c Oven Roast, from per lb............ 15c Rump Beef, Ib .......................... 22c Prime Ribs, per lb........... 20c Boneless Corned Beef, lb ........ 15c Our Own Cooked Neats Boiled Ham, per lb................ 60c Roast Pork, per lb..................... 60c Bologna, per lb.. .. 25c Iveiners, per lb............. 27c Head Cheese, each ................... 15c pessimism, but rather go forward to meet it with the assurance that there is a tried and trusted hand at the helm of state, and a capable and vigilant pilot, direct- ing our course out of the shoal of depression, into the fuller re- alization of an industrial pros- perity. :V.:oi.-icy o .oa i on First 51ortgage at current rates. Let us finance the building of your new home in West Van- couver. 23c 2Sc Pork Butts, per lb... Pork Loin, lb................ Local Veal Oven Roast, from lb............ 20c Local Spring Lamb Ayrshire Bacon, sliced, lb ....... 30c P. hI. Back, sliced, lb ................ 40c Cottage Ham, per lb.... 29c Pork Sausage, per lb............ 25c Cambridge Sausage, per lb.........10c Pure Lard, Ib .......... 19c WIN SUCCESS IN R. A. 51. EXAAIS Announcement is made today of results in the annual music examinations conducted in Brit- ish Columbia by the Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music. The annual presentation of certificates will be made in the ball room of Hotel Vancouver during the afternoon and even- ing of October 3. The following local candidates were successful: Advanced Grade Winifred Brealey, violin. Higher Divisibn Julia Mary Pyne; Ethel Joan Jefferies (D); Hazel Brealey (HM); Kathleen Hampson. Lower Division Frank Hodgson, Isobel Ruth Bennett. Elementary Division Eleanor Eager (HM); Iren Clark, Florence Isabel Smith, Doreen Todd; Murray Allan (D) John Arthur Wright, Annabelle Robertson Wood. Primary Division Betty Hodgson; Gertrude Mary A. Nash (D); John Reeve Hurling; Auclrey Todd; Jessie Florence Eddington (HM); Mary Olivia Gibson. Local Fowl, lb ........................ 28c Frying Chickens, each... 50c 8: 55cLocal Eggs Pullet Extras, dozen.................29c Firsts, dozen ... .3lc Extras. dozen ...........................33c Grape Fruit, 4 for ....................25c Plums ....... .... 2 lbs. 25c Apricots,................. 2 lbs. 25c Hot House Tomatoes, lb.......20c Cooking Onions............ 6 lbs. 25c Peaches, per dozen.............. 35c I New Potatoes................... 1lhs. 25c SATURDAY ONLY 3 lbs New Zealand Butter for $ 1.23 TERiiIINAL RATES GRANTED NORTH VAN.0'in. se Tl Word has been received that terminal rates have been granted by the C. P. R., C.N.R., and G.N. R. to North Vancouver. CONSERVATIVE AI EETING AT iVHYTECLIFF TUESDAY The Conservatives are holding a meeting next Tuesday, July 10th, at 8 p. m. in the Blue Drag- on Inn. The speakers will be Jack Loutet, R. McDonald and K. Collins. Tea will be served in the main dining room. YOU don't have to worry about whether your Dinner will be late if you send us your meat order. Ive'll attend to it at once. Send you the best cut of the meat you want, and see that it is deliv- ered at once. That's the sort of service you'e been looking for. isn't it? "Don't worry about that, clear," said the husband to his young wife ivho had noticed a hair on his sleeve, "it is far too long to be a woman'." Buy Your Suit in West Vancouver V. W ..AVS 16th and hIARINE, AhlBLESIDE CUSTOM TAILORROBERTS'eletter Meats Come and see our Patterns, Large selection to choose from Dry Cleaning Dyeing, Repairs and City I'rices and Pressing Alterations Open Saturday Evenings till 9 o'lock. IVe Call For and Deliver. I'HONE IVEST 20. 14th and 51arine Weri: -0 Thea)re Tickets given with every 50c purchase. No Phones YOU SAVE No Delivery london & British North America Co., Ltd. 51ortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street West Phone Sey. 6285 Local Representative;-- F. X. Hodgson, KVest 665R SAS., )00(S ~ G..ASS anc ANiD nterior 'inis& G.A2 'iG OF& ALL INNINGS 1I NO JOB TO Si~iALL AND NONE 'l'OO LARGE GIVE US A TRIAL. J„L "I.l I'. I. I').',I.'ll.'ll'.l. I ',I.. hIARINE DltIVE AT 16th STICEET Phone %Vest 199 or North 1431 r ASK FOR DUNG. AIORTON HAVE PERFECT FLOORS CLEAN, ShIOOTH, SANITARY, BEAUTIFUL There is no reason for having dirty, worn, unsightly floors. The "Uni- versal" Floor Surfacing hlachine will clean out the ground-in dirt, take off stains. remove old varnish or paint, smooth up the worn spots and make the old floor as good as new. Oak, maple, hard pine. birch, or any wood is easily cleaned and made as smooth as glass. They can be re- finished same as when first put down. OLD FLOORS hIADE LIKE iVEIV--NET FLOORS hIADE PERFECT Newly laid floors are easily and quickly brought to a clean smooth sur- face by the "Universal" method. This method saves the builder or general contractor the back-breaking labor and does the work much quicker, bet- ter and at less cost. "Universal" method finishes any floor beautifully and entirely without the usual muss. A vacuum fan deposits all dirt in a bag, leaving the job clean as you go along. Let us explain the method and quote you prices. CORBIN'S JANITOR SERVICE PHONE SEYhIOUR 5713 130 HASTINGS ST., %EST