001C9561 THE EVEST VAN NEEVS June 29, 1928. TIIE GOOD OLD Iie.iar e Grocery Whether for special occasions or for every day meals, you can't improve on the quality of the goods sold nt this store- and it's mighty nice to knoiv you can rely on getting, at all times, the very best goods at the lowest prices. PHONE YOUR ORDERS. We deliver. ri ik i &Li Waterfront Houses Miil Camps (. W. SAVO.&Y 1429 AIarine Drive Ambleside PHONE--West 698R1 or West 340 Evening--IVest 143 THE ,fi arce S &0 ) I 1520 Marine Drive ~larcel, Steam and Finger Wav- ing, Haircutting, Shampooing and Scalp Treatments For Appointment AVEST 304 Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The YVest Van Watchmaker 5 Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral Qirectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 Vilest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 (. ). 3 ( '.W. S Wishes to inform the public that he is novr specializing in MINING STOCKS Information and advice gladly given Phone Seymour 6972 Nevr office address: 709-710 Bower Building 543 Granville Street, Vancouver Schlitz Malt and Hop Extract IVEST VAN . Iies1:auranI: 1421 Marino Drive at 14th St. I'ublic I'hone ~Vest 611-0AIr. and AIrs. Jasper E. Spenc- er of Caulfeild, have «s their guest for the summer 5Irs. Spencer's motlier, 5Irs. EV. Dix- o» Hopcroft of Vancouver. iAIiss Z. Kincnid of Vancouver spent the week end with 51rs. George Stone at her home in Caulfeild. AIr. and WIrs. Gray «nd family of Vancouver ai'e»ow occupying their sunimer cottage at 13th and Waterfroiit. DIiss E, J. Nairn, sc)iool teach- er, will spend her summer holi- adys at Port Alice, B. C. AIiss Simpson of West Bay, is leaving in a day or two for Toronto ivhere she will spend her vacation T. J. Noble, now of Calgary, Alta., but who lived for many years in winnipeg is visiting his daughter, DIrs. Harry Hodgson. Mr. Noble will leave for his home tomorrow. 5Iiss Vivian Armstrong, 12th and Esquimalt. has gone to Cobble Hill, Victoria, to spend a week of her holidays with friends at that place. 5Ir. and BIrs. Harrry McDon- ald have returned from their honeymoon spent in Seattle and Victoria. "Mickey" and his bride have taken an apartment at 1056 Burnaby Street, Vancouver. Nurse Cullin has moved into the Archer cottage, 17th and Duchess. No boiling anil no smell. Makes a delicious beverage with the minimum trouble. Large Ca» $ 1.25. B. C. EI.ECTRIC COOKING SCHOOI. A successful Cooking School was held iii the Hollyburn Thea- tre last Thursday and Friday afternoons, under the auspices of the B. C. Electric Company. Miss Read, Domestic Science expert, was the demonstrator, going through two most interest- ing menus to the evident interest and delight of approximatelv three hundred EVest Vancouver ladies. Miss Read has been the leading authority ori cooking el- ectrically for a number of years and is very well known through- out Canada. Mr. Watt, local manager forthe B. C. Electric Company,formally opened the proceedings and in course of his remarksstated that the number of elec-tric ranges in EVest Vancouver was approaching the two hund-red mark. He explained that the B. C. Electric Rly. Co. had adopt- ed this cooking school methodof education and were gratifiedat the interest shown by thepublic. DIr. whitehead of the Vancou-ver range sales staff, gave ashort address on the construc- tion and expense or rather econ- omy of the electric range, and Mr. George of the washer andironer staff, showed in a breezP cfemonstration just how easy itwas to wash and iron in a fewminutes with the machines overwhich he supervises the Vancou-ver sales. Mr. AValker, sales engineer,sent his regrets at being unableto be present. His assistant Mr. Priestman, merchandise super- intendent, attended on his be- half. Mr. Priestman stated that he was very well pleased thatthe school had had such a good reception. During the Sessions ten tick- ets were drawn each day, and atthe end of the second day the lucky winner of a universal per- colator was announced. Mrs. Frank Armstrong drew the win- ning ticket and Miss Read on be- half of the Company made the presentation. The percolator was of the urn type beautifully «ickl- ed and a most handsome addition to Mrs. Armstrong's new home at 12th and Esquimalt. We send Te!egrams, either C. I. lt. or C. N. It.Miss P. Hedley of Toronto, is visiting her aunt 51rs. Rex BIac- donald of Caulfeild. Nr. and 5Irs. A. H. McRobbie of Vancouver will shortly move into their new home at Cypress Park xvhere they will spend the summer. Dispensers to the C P R Medical Association WEST VAN l'HARNACY The Store of Service P rom pt Delivery Phone W. 37 J H Redden of Caulfeild is awav on a short trip to Nova Scotia. The Novelty Dry Goods Store (iilrs. S. E. White) Phone West 355 Seed's Block, next to Grocery Marine Drive Ambleside HOSIERY DR ESS i%i ATE it I A LS NOTIONS, ETC. DR ESS i~i A K IN G I lain Sewing Alterations Mrs. F. X. Hodgson was the soloist at the dinner meeting of the Soroptimist Club in the Hotel Georgia on Tuesday even- ing. A. Rines and staff of the Lord Roberts School, Vancouver, held their annual dinner at the Cliff House, AVhytecliff Park on Thursday, 21st instant. The council granted Mrs. Mar- ling's request to pay next Sep- tember her half cost of the alter- ation of the sidewalk in front of her property. Her application for access to Lane 775-5, reported on by the municipal engineer to cost $28, was also granted. ilIiss Marquette was hostess at a tea party honoring her mother's birthday at their home, "Rose Mellower," 29th and Math- ers, )Vednesday afternoon. A coterie of friends were invited. Arthur Baldock of Winnipeg, is staying with his father Rev. AV. H. Baldock, 17th and Gordon. Miss Etta McVean, 23rd and Bellevue, was on Tuesday oper- ated upon for appendicitis in the North Vancouver General Hospi- tal. She is doing as well as can be expected. Joyce, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Stevenson, who lives in Squamish, was visiting h r grandparents last week at their home at 22nd and Inglewood. She left on Monday night to re- turn to her home in Squamish. Mrs. Fred Allen of Seattle, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. McGow- an, 26th and Bellevue. Mrs. J. H. Redden with her daughter Peggy, will spend the iveek end on the Island and on their return will be accompanied by her son John who has been attending the Shawnigan Lake School. 0'0R- LAVNDK~ , hClsfg $ f c~I SpHD YouA. NEXT g~gggQ.Y QR,o'R HER'E- \F p~ YouR SEsT Z'YogWOuaO APPEAR- a Mrs. R. R. Charlton and fam- ily, 12th and Duchess, are leav- ing today for Oakland, Califor- nia, where they will in future re- side. Mr. Charlton has been working there for some time. AIrs. Milton Cunningham, 29th and Marine, has as her guests, her mother, Mrs. Kerley of Oak- land, Cal ~, and her sister and brother-in-law, Mrs. and Mr. M. E. Titus of Salinas, Cal. The party arrived on Wednesday of last week travelling by auto. They irill remain until the begin- ning of August. Mr. Titus is head of the Science department of the Junior University High School at Salinas. The Burrard Laundry Limited For People Who Are Particular THIItD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. AVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone IVest 410I. (Established over 7N Years) C. J. Overington 14th and Marine AIrs. H. R. AIcDonald Entertains Mrs. H. R. McDonald, 1507 Fulton Avenue, entertained at tea on Thursday a few of the pioneer ladies of the district. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. D. AVillington. The invited guests were Mrs. Gardiner, Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Elgar, Mrs. Pat- on, Mrs. Thomson, Mrs. watson, Mrs. Edington. Mrs. Gillette, 5Irs. Cullin, Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Pit ts, Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Chis- holm, Mrs. Duncan, Mrs. Cross and Mrs. H. Hodgson. Mrs. Lockhart who has been staying at EVhytecliff, has re- turned to the city. Mis. Fiank Lefeaux entertain e6 the boys of the westminster Glee Singers last Sunday, her son having gone to the same school as the choristers attend while Mrs. Lefeaux was on her recent extended visit to England last year. They had a thoroughly good time and went back to Van- couver in the evening tired and happy. )~ e For appointment PHONE AVEST 135 Mrs. Hislop, East Beach, ent ertained the Ladies'uild of Trafalgar Street church, Van- couver, at her home on Tuesday. Robert Hartley of Vancouver, has moved into a house at 1467 Bellevue. A. & F. VALENTINE 1406 Marine Drive Canadian Window Bakeries AgencyThe municipal board of works have opened a lane from 17th Street, which runs parallel to Marine Drive as far west as Hol- lyburn Theatre. AIISS McLEAN, SCHOOL TEACHER TO BE AAVAY FOR A YEAR Miss Hilda Woolstone of the local telephone staff is leaving tomorrow for her annual two weeks'acation. C. H. Trueman of Vancouver, has taken a house at 23rd and Marine Drive. Mrs. A. M. Stephen, 23rd and Haywood, who has been visiting her mother-in-law in Victoria, has returned to her home here. AIrs. D. M. Thomson, 11th and Esquimalt, has returned from a week's visit to Mrs. Mitchell at Long Bay, Gambier Island. Mrs. Chas. Henshaw of Van- couver has moved into her sum- mer home at Caulfeild. FRESH CAKES and BREAD DAILY Miss Ola McLean one of the Hollyburn School teachers has been granted one year's leave of absence by the Board of School Trustees for the purpose of attending the university. Miss McLean who this term taught class was very popular with her voung pupils. LIG HT LUNCHES TEAS SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC Store closes 8 p. ni. Saturdays 10 p. m. The )Vest Vancouver United Church Sunday School will hold their annual summer picnic on Thursday, July 12th. This year it is to take the form of a Basket Picnic wheii parents and children hope to join in a happy time at EVhytecliff. The train is to leave Amble- side at 2.16 and it is hoped that a large number of parents and friends will take advantage of this delightful outing. The re- turn fare for adults will be 50 cents, which can be purchased from school officers on the train. PITMAN BUSINESS COLLEGETeacher Appointments Confirmed At the meeting of the Board of School Trustees last week the present temporary appointments of the following teachers was confirmed: D. Davidson, J. R. Mitchell, Miss M. AVall, Mrs. K. Racklyeft, E. C. Edgar, Miss E. F. Davidge, A. F. Robinson and Hugh Brown. Est. 1898 Vancouver's Leading Business College Individual Attention DAY and NIGHT School Night School, 4 nights each zveek Enrol at any time. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Sey 9135 Cor Hastings I I-'B.SONa I.S