001C9561 June 29, 1928. THE 4VEST VA N NEKVS The members of the AVest Van- couver Horticultural Society cer- tainly have reason to be proud of the Flower Show held last Sat- urday. The perfection of the blooms shown was particularly striking, and shows that the people of West Van. are garden- ers, as well as garden lovers, and that the interest in gardening is increasing. There is nothing like friendly competition to stim- ulate and maintain a gardener's enthusiasm. It is a long time since we have so thoroughly enjoyed ourselves as ive did at the I'lower Show. EVe re-newed our acquaintance with many old friends not seen for years. and met many new ones whom we sincerely hope to retain, as we find that people who love flowers and pets make by far the best friends. They seem to have a kindlier outlook on life. In speaking of pets, have you ever noticed that in nearly every case folks who are fond of gardening are also fond of animals, and invariably have one or more around. AVe ourselves, have a dog and four cats, and couldn't be induced to part with any one of them. It is particularly encouraging to see the interest which thf children are taking in flowell, and it is to be hoped that if the money by-law for improving the school grounf}s in the 4Tunicipal- ity is again submitted to the elec- tors, a different view will be tak- en and the funds voted by a large majority. In view of the interest tak»ii in the Flower Show it is hard to realize where the opposition to the recently sub- mitted by-law came from. Sure- ly not from the resident proper- ty owners. It is just as import- ant that we take the same pride in the parks, schools and other public buildings in the municipal- ity so that visitors and prospect- ive citizens will be favorably im- pressed and will have a desire to live in such a pleasant well caved for place, and still more important, it will be a much happier, healthier place for those who are already property own- ers there. A good picture can be spoiled by a poor frame and a fine building loses a great deal of its attractiveness by not having the grounds around it properly cared for . How much better it VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone %Vest 9 ..'er;i izers for Your Garden I'U EI. X BU I L I) I 5 G S U I'I'LI ES ~I/a", -sy Or Sae from The Dairy» i t h the h ighest score. North 122 would be to have the children educated amid surroundings where the beautv of the flowers, shrubs and trees is constantly before them. EVe have offered to prepare without cost plans for the im- proving of the parks and school grounds of West Vancouvt.r and to supervise the planting of the iecessary trees, shrubs and flow- ers. EVe are endeavoring to get to- gether slides and pictures show- ing them at the September shdw of the Horticultural Society and also to have an article in the September 7th issue of the NEWS giving in detail the bene- fits which might reasonably be expected to result from improv- ing the parks and other public grounds of the municipality. NOTE The writer rill consider It ~ pleasure to answer questions concerning the garden In this colulnn. The questions should he addressed to the writer ln care of ths EdItor. The ~newer rill appear ln an early Issue oe II a personal reply I ~ desired a ~ tamped, ~ elf-addressed enrelope should he enclosed. Choral Society Hold Meeting Th« first meeting of the ne'v executive to the IVest Vancouver Choral Society was held on blon- day evening of this week and many plans for the coming wint- ev's ivork were made. It is hoped that this year' Society will be even better than it has ever been both in quality and balance. That of course is the ideal aimed at by any body of singers and hoped by every conductor-- 'a choir of fine tone quality and perfect in balance.'ith the fine body of singers liviiig in the Ailunicipality from which to drat this should be an easy matter to accomplish. From the enthusiasm display- ed at 5Ionday's meeting there is no doubt that the Choral's work- ing committee means to see that the Society starts off on the right foot for a splendid season' work. The work chosen by the music committee for this year should of themselves create enthusiasm in the hearts of both the sing- ers and those who hope to hear them. They are "Tales of Old Japan" by Coleridge Taylor and "Stabat Mater" by Verdi. These works are both little known, the Stabat Mater of course being the more familiar but neither has ever been given here in EVest Vancouver and in fact with the exception of one rendering of Stabat Mater by a church choir in Vancouver they have not been used at all in this part of the ivorld. That of itself makes them interesting and added to that is the fact of their being of a high order musically and em- inently singable. The officers and committees for the Society for '928-29 are: President--Mv. B. ~. Harrison Vice-Pres.--Dlv. R. lV. Grundy Sec.--Mr. P. T. Nasterman Treasurer-- illv. P. EVait Librorian--Mr. H. G. Alason Press Corr.-- i~Irs. Colin 0 fac- lean Conductor--Pro. James Morgan. Accompanist -- Margaret McIn- tyre. Executive--Mrs. R. C. Proct- or, illrs. Colin MacLean, Ilrs. J. T. Wat t, Mrs. R. How ieson, Messrs. P. Chapman, J. Flett, A. E. Baker, J. Jeffevies. hlusic Committee-- bliss i~lar- garet hlclntyre, blrs. I". X. EIodg- soli, Prof. illorgan, J. Haydn Young «n&I ) Iv. Aubrey Clarke. Stratton's Bakery have had a new cake mixer installed i» their bake shop. The machine is driv- en by electricity and is the latest of its kind. GARDENS AND GARDENING By hllNA G. HUTI', Landscape Architect Ladscaplnc U. of C ~ & rfcan 5choof of Ladscape prchftectureCard en I n C. Mernher Natl onal Landscape Serrtcr. BASE BA I.L IVest Vancouver Intermediates Still in Line for Playoffs. By defeating Renfrew Ar- gyles on Tuesday night at Clark Park, West Van. still remains tied with Centrals for second place. After defaulting Monday to AVest Van. the Argyles turned out in full strength Tuesday and with several new players signed up gave the local boys a good game, the score at the beginning of the seventh being 3 all. West Van. put across two more in their half of the seventh while the opposition went out in order. Fred Condon pitched a good game for West Van. while Bill Davie made his first appearance with the Argyles. Harry Dick- son provided the fielding feature when he pulled a hard fly off the fence with the bases loaded. Tonigh t AVest Van. meets Grandview Centrals, the winner to play the Cardinals best two out of three for the Shore Cup. Blessed are those who are not too meek. for they shall take their own share of the earth without waiting forever to in- herit it. lV. H. ~IALKlii SPEAKS TO CANADIAN& CLUB At the North Shore Canadian Club supper nn Tuesday evening W. H. Ilalkin delighted his audi- ence with a description of his worlfl tour, from which he rec- ently returned. He claimed that the nomadic habits of the desert Arabs were fast disappearing. and that it was as safe to cross the Assyrian desert as to ride on many of our modern high- ways. After describing many of his experiences he claimed that Vancouver harbor was finer than any he had visited in other parts of the world. He found out that a Canadian was v elcome wherever he had travelled, and that it was a popular opinion wherever he had been that the next decade would be the most prosperous that Canada had ever experienced, and would at- tract the attention of all the large trading centres of the world. Ilargaret S. Pomfret asked for a fill in front of her property. Lot 4, Block 8, D. L. 811. The question was referred to the municipal engineer for his re- port. GROCER It is always important that you get quality Groceries. You can rely upon the goods you buy here. Fruit and Vegetables in Season .l Ormanc 's Q ~,'l"„il„". ~i"( 14th and Ilarine Fhone %Vest 66 S 'TTON'8 BAKERY Ambleside nnoun cern.ent J. L. EVALKER wishes to announce that he has purchased the business known as GRANGERS GROCERY (Marine Drive at 21st) and would solicit the custom of old and new customers of the store, and «ssures them of courteous and appreciative treatment at all times. PHOAE N'EST 27 And our Delivery man wtll caIL If you have not eaten Strat- ton's Products you have not had the best. People buy STRATTON'S BREAD and PASTRIES because they demand Su- perior Bakery Goods. CA I'ILANO TliAIBER COillPAN Y I.DIITED sC', W I '1 I I % s T is sane policy to give your business to the firm that maintains your local pay roll, even when it costs a little more to do so. But it does not cost move, in fact it usually costs less to deal with us rather than P 'I ~ ...16 1')I RI10 .. Illl 3CF 0.. 1:(. WATERFRONT and I EiblHERTON NORTH 305 Night Phone 549L FIRE WOOD IVe now take orders direct for kilndvied Planer ends at $3.50 per cord tlelivered. NORTH 30-I N I G H T I'HON E NORTH 304 K elsewhere. Between ouv mill on the waterfront and our camp up the Capilano Vnlley our firm gives employment to almost 800 men--all white. YVhen, therefore, you require any Lumber--be it in small lots or for a big job- see us first and we shall both be the gainers for it. You may rest assured of always receiving good grades.