West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Jun 1928, p. 7

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001C9558 June 22, 1928. THE EVEST VAN NEAVS -- A C I F I C &TAGES go Euerycllhere Have you ever been to White Rock, with its jolly clambakes; to Port Moody Port Hsney, Whytecliff, Grouse Mountain, Ladner, or to the doxens of happy holiday spots on the Low- er hfainland......or to Se- attle 7 PACIFIC STAGE Lines, with their luxurious safe- ty Coaches reach them all. Plan on a week-end or vacation trip NOW. You'l enjoy every minute of it. For further informa- tion, phone Sey. 4000. You'l be surprised at the low round fare rates. 4 ~ ~ fbi V if Mej QR ggLNsPQRIAT$93'O ATs BRIDGE TRAFFIC OVER AVEEK-EAD According to a report issued by bridge officials, 27,454 persons and 9065 vehicles of all types crossed the Second Nar- roivs bridge over the past week- end. On Sunday, 19,073 persons and 5640 vehicles crossed the bridge, and on Saturday 8381 persons and 3425 vehicles. Sun- day's traffic was slightly below the usual mark. Bert Cameron of Ioco was vis- iting his brother-in-law and sis- ter, Mr. and iAIrs. George Reid, 21st and illarine Drive, over the iveek end. The British Empire Red Cross Fair committee wish to thank those residents in AVest Vancou- ver who helped so generously (o make the Fair the great success it proved to be. The balance sheet is as fol- lows: Total receipts ............ $21.76.00 Cost of Chrysler car.... 1,000.00 Other expenses ...... 114.86 Total profits.................. 1061.14 The proceeds of the Fair will be used principally for relief work amongst families of return- ed men and the sick. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSES AND CAMPS FOR RENT GEO. HAY Notary I'ublic 1405 iblarine Drive. West 21 City Office: 315 Cordova Street West Seymour 1260. CLASSIFIED ADS W. JE&VEY, Builder, Cabinet Work ol all kinds. Phone West 346L. LOST--I'air ol Eye Glasses between Inglewood High School and Holly- burn. Kindly phone West lfi5R3. ELECTRIC WIRING--Ranges, Wash- ers, radio, fixtures. Call us for pric- es. North Shore Electric--Radio, G. A. Broder, Prop. IIOL'SE I Olt SALE--New, Modern, four-room house with attic, within five minutes walk of ferry. Good locality, splendid view. Apply to Owner, P.O. Box 305, Hollgburn, or phone West 484. R. I'. Clarke 8c Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. SU&DIER COTTAGE--Quiet and con- venient location. Over half acre in ares, cleared and in garden, witii fruit trees, flowers, etc., and view of water. $ 12o0, terms c~ cash, bal- ance arranged. COIINER IIOilESITE--Two lots, at- tractive situation, water, light, phone, paved road, bus, $760 or of- fer. Terms to suit purchaser. GLENEAGLES GOLF LINKS--Noic open to the public. See special ad for revised list of Green Fees. Ex- cellent opportunity for beginners dur.ng week.days. Instruction if re- quired. R. P. Clarke Jt Co. (Vancouver) Ltct 823 Hastings St. W. Sey. 7483, 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 225. FOR SALF Nice Cottage on Fine large lot. Garden. Fine sea view, $ 1,000. FIVE-BOO il BUNG A LOiV on 200 feet frontage. Lovely garden, sea view. Garage. $2750. iVEST VANCOUVER INVEST- ill ENT COY. West 102. FOR RE.iT--Three and lour roomed suites, well furnished. Close to beach. Delightful locat on suitable for business girls. Phone West 81L TO RE.iT--Cottage with light and water. 24 acres cleared land. Fruit trees. Inglewood. between 15th and 16th. Phone West 653L.NEWSIAN gc ROBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalsomining, chimneys built. 28th and Marine. Phone iVest 74R1. ART MONUME.'iT CO„LTD. Speci- alising in Capilano View Cemetery Tablets. 602 Kingsway. Fair. 1248. H Eii STITCH IN G--Plain.. w hi te.. Sc yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and hfarine. Phone ivest 141. I'LAIN SEWING WORK WANTED-- by experienced seamstress. 2642 Lawson Ave., West 92L1. ilOVING--We have special facilities for furniture moving. Express, etc. Hobb Coal and Transfer. West 17. WATKINS I'RODUCTS--Spices. Ex- tracts and Toiletries. Dickson's Teas, Coffees. H. Davison, West 629X. SERVING CANTED -- Ladies'hildren's work. Mrs. Bloxham, Phone iVest 226. iVILL ACCEPT West Van. Property in exchange for modern house, with large garden, near Magee Station, two blocks from new public and high schools. Phone West 698R1 or West 340. WEBB'S SHOE REPA I RS iVEAlt BEST--Dundarave. WINDOW BLINDS--hIade to order and installed. Estimates free. Pearce's Drygoods. 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. FOR SALE S. E. Corner of 30th and Slathers Ave.. Lott 66. D. L So6. This comprises 127 acres overlooking the Straits of Georgia, situated in residential area, only one block from Marine Drive. $ 1,000 Cask J. B. Leyland West 63R1 K I LN D RIED WOOD--Double load $4.00. Hobb Coal & Transfer. West 17. WANTED--Young Girl or Woman to do light housework and care for child of four years. Phone West 321 after 6.30 p. m. FOR SALE--Builder has two classy new modern four room bungalows with unfinished attic. Will accept small house as part payment. Rent terms. Fine location. Phone AVest 331L. 250 ROOSTERS (4 to 6 weeks) lor sale. 12 lor $ 1. West 462L. PRACTICAL N U R S I N G WORK Wanted by experienced ~oman. Phone West 420L. 3IODERN HOL SE FOR SALE by && ANTED--l'rivate tuition in ent- owner under Soldiers'ousing Plan rance class work. Apply Student, Cash payment and $23 month cov- c'o West Van News. ers principal and interest also in- surance, taxes, water, etc. phone SUil&IER RESORT. -- Hopkin's West 637R. Landing--Cottage Suites, tent near beach, running water. Launch Pat LOST in Ambleside I'ark Wednesday from Horseshoe Bay by aPPoint- night, boy's ail wool tan sweater. ment. APPly Wm. Reilly. Reward West 311X1. FOR SALE -- Furnished Bungalow. Garden, nice location. A snap for quick sale. Douglas 743 ~ ~ s POWER D 'ME~ l916 826.) Capital invested in Manulacc~- 19I6 . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $2bl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~liiliIiil 6,$ j.jriI& . Iil$jipi!ipse! Of the millions of horsepower available In out provfnce, but half o million are now harnessed to curn tha wheels of Industry. The great hydro-elecrtIc development at Bridge Rivet w I II ultimately generatemore than 600,000 horsepower, «hile the output ot Sonnlngton Falls aad ocher points Ia being steadily Increased. fhe Campbell and Chliko Rivers, on the mainland, and the hicnpklah on Vancouver I ~land, are capable of tremendous powct development for the conversion of our forest aad mineral resources Into fabulous wcaIth. Two of British Columbia's electric power systems are among the Rrcotcet In Canada, each generating n ore than i00,000,000 kiilowact hours In l037. Thl~ represents an Inctcase In tha Isat tcn years of 0$ ~«, truly a remarkable achlevcmcncI Foreign authorltlea speak of thl ~ record aa o measure of the great rItality of British Columbia. Today «e rank third In powct and Industrial development among Canadian provincea. We hare cuade greater progress pct capita than any. It Is the policy of British Colucabla to foster the dcvelopnient of tha hydro-electric powers for the brnegc of the public. Tiiey ara allotted to private enccrpriace on conditIon that they will be developed «Ichln a certain time, oo that no eaploitatloa of public oaaets may toke piece. Millions of dollars aro now earmarked for Power derrlopnient In our province. Dame are being built turbines Installed . ~ . transmission lines erect co cere for the lmmlneat Industrial development, Thowaada of dollars ara being expended «eekly on matcrfale aad wageec thousands are feeIIag cha Immediate bcnclta of thIs catcrprIaa. Side by aide with out power derclopmcnt In-dustrial EapanaIon haa kept pace. Today 17$ afCanada'e eaccrnol trade Io handled by Br itfah Co Iu mbia. During tha past decade, our basic Industries have Increased 101.3arr. Our total Payroll, Including oll ciasace, Ia estimated at 210 million dollars. Todayour Lumbering, hiinlag and Fishing Iaduatrics employ 73,S17 people, paying them 17S million doiiare Ia wages... distributing on arcrage wageranking among the highest In Canada. These 17S millions In wages are ~ great con-tribution to our annual Internal trade ln the province. They have given our Industrial workers a buying F «cr ranking second In tha Domlnloa and haie argely been responsible for our ever Increasing prosperity, as evidenced by the fact that the number of automobllea registered In the province Iaat year woe 76.107 aa compared with S,S96 In 1%16. British Cofumbia'o ~ tcady and varied InduarrIal derclopmcnt hoa changed the conception In Eastern Canada and the United States of out provInce. No longer are we entirely dependent on the East for our manufactured produces. British Columbia Ia Increasingly furnishing hcr owa needs. She now ranks third In the w hola Dominion ao o maaufaccw- Ing province. Our phenomenal Powerand InduatrIal growth has focused the attention of the great Induatriailata and Inracore on oor province. Today, British Columbia In the eyes of the world stands for Poser, Progress and Plenty. hcsy our abort ~ of cha neat tea years ~ ceblllae and Increase our Prosperity I Ibad Qrw easoesrreirsca asd ssdrralasd yosr Prerferr' prefrraa... rfi p ihrre esi ead srsd Ckrsi Ce /rirarfr. I/ yes drrlre recta replla e/ clrar asseserrwrll4 4 soir Co IAI ~ , ~ ireroeprr wII 6rcsy Arsi. Adrrrciae year Prorlsrrl ~ co ns BRITISH COLUMBIA'S Power resources are the envy of the world. . & iVith Power, the riches of the world can be won; with Power, ores can be mined... smelted; transportation problems solved; manufacturing industries developed, and with them population... payrolls. Power is British Columbia's strongest bid for more industries... more people. FOUNDATION, CMI ENT WORK, Landscaping, Lawns made, Grading and Clearing. T. Barnott, Resid- ence Phone West 672R. FURNISHED ROO&IS TO RE'.iT-- 3 Doors west from Ferry. Apply Owner 1430 Bellevue Avenue or P.O. Box 257, Hollyburn. AMBLESIDE HALL Applications for reservations of the Ambleside Hall for the present may be made to the agents for the build- ing. GEO. HAY Notary Public 1405 Marine Drive Phone West 21 WATER NOTICE (Use and Storage) TAKE NOTICE that Hood Point Es- tates. Limited vrhose address is 303 Rogers Building, 470 Granville Street, Vancouver, L C., will apply for a licence to take and use 100,00 gallons per day and to store Thirty, (30), acre feet of water out of an unnamed stream flowing out of what is locally known as "Honeymoon Lake" which flows North-westerly and drains into Grafton Bay, Howe Sound, about mile Northerly from the South-west corner of Lot 2958; Group 1; New'vestminsterDistrict; on the North side of Bowen Island. The storage-dam will be located at the iVest end of Honeymoon Lake. The capacity of the reservoir to be created is about Thirty, (30), acre- feet, and it will flood about Eight acres of land. The water will be di- verted from the stream at a point about 1600 feet North-westerly from Inter- section of East boundary of Lot 2957, G. 1, and North boundary of Lot 1674, G. 1., and will be used for Waterworks purpose upon the land described as Lots 823 and 2260; Group 1; New westminster District, Bowen Island. This notice was posted on the ground on the 19th day of hlay, 1928. A copy of this notice and an applica- tion pursuant thereto and to the "Wat- er Act, 1914," vill be filed in the of- fice of the iVater Recorder at Van- couver, British Columbia. Objections to the application may be filed with the said iVater Recorder or with the Comptroller of iVater Rights, Parliament Buildings, Vic- toria. B. C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. Pipe-line across Lots 2957, 2958. 2407 and 1605, G. 1; N. W. D. Distribution system on Lots 823 and 2260, G. 1; N. W. D. "The petition for the approval ol the undertaking will be heard in the office of the I4srd at a date to be fizcd, and any interested person may file an objection thereto in the ollice ol the Comptroller or ol the Water Re- corder of the district." The date of the first publication of this notice is June 1st, 1928. HOOD I'OINT ESTATES, LIMITED, Applicant By J. ALEX. WALKER. Agent CHEVROLET TOURI.iG FOR SALE --New tires, excellent condition $475. Terms. H. C. Osborne, West 62SY. MEN'S FINE SHOES at Tites. See windows. New address: Messenger Block, opposite Amhleside Lumber Coy. SAND, GRAVEL and Building Sup- plies. Hobb Coal and Transfer. West 17. NOTICE TO PAINTING CONTRACTORS Sealed Tenders, marked "TENDER FOK PAIN I'ING" wili be received by the Architect, up to 5 p. m. of Thurs- day. June Wth, for Painting and Kal- somining the BULLYHUkA SCHOOL 13th ancI Duchess Ave., West Vancou- ver. B.C. Specifications may be obtained at the office of Hugh A. Hodgson, Archi- tect, 32U I'rovince Building, Vancou- ver, on Friday, June 22nd. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. H. B. GARLAND, Secretary, West Vancouver School Hoard NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed Tenders, marked "TENDER FOR FLAGPOLE:," will by the Architect . up to 5 p. In. of Thursday, June Mth. for Dressing and Erecting a Flagpole on the IN('LE- WOOD SCHOOL GROUNDS, 17th and Ingiewood Ave., West Vancouver, B.C. Plans may be obtained at the of- fice of Hugh A. Hodgson, Architect, 320 Province Building, on Friday. June 22nd. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. H. B. GARLAND, Secretary, West Vancouver School Board NiOTICE TO CO/TRACTORS SEALED TENDERS, marked "Ten- der for addition to Municipal Hall" will be received by the Architect up to 5 p.m. of Tuesday, July 3rd, for an ADDITION TO THE MUiiICIPAL HALL, West Vancouver, B. C. Plans and Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of Hugh A. Hodg- son. Architect, S20 Province Bldg.. Vancouver, B. C., after 4 p. m. of Tuesday, June 26th. on deposit of a cheque for Ten Dollars which vial be returned on receipt of a bona fide tender and return of plans and speci- fications. A certified cheque, payable to the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver, for Two Hundred and fifty ($250.00) Dollars must ai~mpany each tender. Cheques will be returned when contract is signed. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. J AS. OLI %SON. Municipal Clerk, West Vancouver, B. C.