West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Jun 1928, p. 5

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001C9558 THE AVEST VAN NEWSJune 22, 1928. Sects'ervice SaI:is ies Meeting of School Trustees GIRL GUIDES CAiIP. The Girl Guides'amp this year mill be held at Davis Bay, near Sechelt, the new camp site of the Girl Guide movement July 14th to July 23rd, inclusive, is the time allocated to the West Vancouver companies. Perman- ent camp requirements have been procured this year and the camp is under the direct supernsion of 3Iiss Rena ~IcArthur, camp adviser. ~Irs. Deal of North Vancouver, is the camp com- mandant of the iNorth Shore Div- ision. A qualified trained nurse is also on the staff. All Guides in the District are eligible and the committee trust that all Guides will avail them- selves of this w onderful summer outing provided for them under proper camping conditions. The fees for camp are $7.00 for ten days, or $500 for one week. these amounts include transportation. Any further information de- sired by parents may be obtain- ed by telephoning Mrs. J. B. Ley- land, West 63R1, secretary of the Local Girl Guide committee. DISCUSS NECESSITY OF &IORE EXPLICIT SCHOOL EiIPLOYLIt G NORTH REPORTS ASKED FOR SHORE INSPECTOR Quality and low prices greet you with every purchase. Our Service will satisfy you. Our Prices will please you and the quality of OUR Goods you can rely upon. HARD)VARE and GROCERY Trustee 3!rs. Robinson re- ported that complaint had been made regarding the monthly re- port cards sent to parents. This matter was discussed with Mr. Brealey. It was pointed out that other complaints had been made in regard to these reports, par- ents having asked that the cards be marked in percentages instead of letters of the alphabet being used as symbols. It was decided by the board that the three pub- lic school principals be requested to form a committee and bring in a recommendation with a view to making these reports more intelligible to parents as to the standing of their children in their class. The report of the joint com- mittee of the North Shore school trustees was discussed at the last meeting of the West Vancouver board of trustees. The question of forming a municipal inspect- orial district comprising the three North Shore municipalities was gone into at some length. Chairman Elgar reported that such an inspector would be able to spend approximately four half days per school year in each class room, and the cost to the AVest Vancouver board was esti- mated to be about $500 per an- num. Some doubt was expressed by members as to the desirabil- ity of the IVest Vancouver board entering into a joint agreement for the appointment of an offici- al whose employment it might be impossible to terminate, should the agreement be found to be unsatisfactory. and also as to what advantages might be expected through the services of a municipal inspector as com- pared with the present system. It was resolved on motion of trustees Leyland and Fiddes that the West Vancouver representa- tives on the joint committee be asked to recommend to the com- mittee that representation be made to the department of edu- cation that the territory of in- spector Pollock (the present in- spector of schools) be curtailed, in order that more time for in- spection purposes may be devot- ed to the North Shore schools. Ambleslde IVest 28 Sonrisa on Trial Trip~ NET ENGINES ARE SATISFACTORY HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th 4 Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH Proprietor The Sonrisa has been complete- ly renovated and will be placed on the run probably next week. The cost of renovating the boat was $ 10,500, this including the in- stallation of new 96-horsepower internal combustion engines, which, on the trial trip held this iveek, gave the boat a speed of over ten knots. The Sonrisa, with her new en- gines, will now be able to hold her own with the other boats of the ferry fleet. and there is the possibility that a twenty-minute service in the evenings may be instituted in the near future. EVith the reeve and council on board the Sonrisa had her trial trip on Friday afternoon to test her new engines. She crcossed to Point Grey, where she cov- ered the measured mile at a speed of over twelve miles per hour. On Saturday evening she made the trip from Long Bay, Gambier Island, to Ambleside dock in one hour and three-quar- ters, which speaks well for her new engines. LET US )LoolC You ewe oveaj Railroad Complains of Damage The P. G. E. Railway Co. com- plained to the board regarding the disfigurement of stations and shelters by school children. Secretary Garland was directed to bring this matter to the at- tention of each school principal and to the Chief of Police. . ~A ~ ~ l l l ~ 0 0 . o'" flicJ=.~ ARE YOU COIIING TO THE Flower Show Tomorrow IN DUNDARAVE HALL? We'e the folks that ran be trusted When you want your car ad- justed. Display boards are to be placed over the blackboards at Holly- burn school. These are for the purpose of putting an end to the practice of fastening drawings and pictures to the blackboards with drawing pins, the tender of D. WIcDonald for $60 for this work being accepted. The one thing that we have for sale is s e r v i c e-satisfaction. That's the only way we make a profit out of the business-- giving a man a big businesslike return for his money. If your car's all run down we can re- store its mechanical ambition. Ne are master motor mechanics. ~Ve are located next door LUNCHES & TEAS SERVED Real Home Cooking Mrs. DRAPER CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING COUNCIL AiVARD OF PAVING TENDER %Vest Van Garage Ambleside IVest 130 243$ SIARINE DRIVE Neat Dualaraeo HalL NOTE PHONE& West 3SS AIrs. Hugh Hodgson, 24th and Marine Drive, received a cable on Wednesday morning inform- ing her of the death of her fath- er in Lancashire, England. The deceased had been expected to visit )Vest Vancouver this sum- mer. Rev. A. 5I. O'Donnell will de- liver a memorial address in the K. P. Hall, Mount Pleasant next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'lock. Mr. O'Donnell is a past chancel- lor of the order. 0 Mr. and AIrs. Bufton of West Bay, are leaving shortly on an auto trip through the Cariboo country,and will probably extend the trip to California and other points. Coat of Arms for Classrooms The Canadian Club of Vancou- ver advised the board that the club had arranged for the sup- ply of the Canadian coat of arms for each class room in the West Vancouver schools. The Hon. AV. H. Sutherland, minister of Public AVorks, rec- ently wrote the council in con- nection with the i~Iarine Drive tenders. "In designing this pave- ment," he said, "AIr. Hanes sub- mitted a type of pavement which was considered within the finan- ces of both the government and the municipality. If, however, the council now wish a different type of pavement, such as pene- trations, I have no objections whatever, but before proceeding further 4iIr. Hanes will be re- quired to draft a specification so that he can properly supervise the work. or alternately those tenders ivhich have been submit- ted to you must be supplemented by the tenderers with a detailed specification for the approval of the consulting engineer. I am taking no action in this matter pending further advice from you. All tenders and letters from the Ellis Cotton Co., Columbia Bitulithic Core the General Con- struction Co. and Carter Halls Aldinger Co. ivere forwarded to the department, that of the Col- fix Pacific being already in Vic- toria and that of the Armstrong i4Iorrison Paving Co. having beeii withdrawn. The Novelty Dry Goods Store C.'RI:ll'RAC"CI 4 r 'te&t to Stratton Bakery &Iarine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver Phone West 383 Roherta A. Vass D.Cee Ph. C. Graduate of I'almer School (hlrs. S. F White) I'hone West 366 Seed's Block, next to Grocery Marine Drive, Ambleside HOSIERY DRESS hlATERIALS NOTIONS, ETC. Dlt ESShlA KING Plain Sewing Alterations A short talk on forest conser- vation, particularly in regard to fire protection will be given all classes in the different schools during the last sessions before summer vacation. As the nerves control and regu- late all the tissues and organs of the body, it must be evident that any disease could be caused by pressure upon the nerves at various points. J. R. Teare wrote the board stating that he divas not able to act as substitute teacher in the absence of Mr. Colpitts'ho has been granted leave of absence, the appointment of a substitute being left to Chairman Elgar and Trustee Fiddes. Principal Dav- idson reported that he had secur- ed the names of twenty two pupils who will be of school age in September next, and said that he expected the actual number to be much larger. Phone North 346 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y BURRARD S III'I'I CHIROPRACTIC 6 ILL HELPYOUWEST Anything in Sheet hletal Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Tar and Gravel Roofs, General Repairs of all kinds. 229 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver, B. C. 4 Courts Season Membership--Ladies $ 10 Gentlemen $16. For particulars Phone Nest 23L2, B. Burton, Pres.; Nest 481R3, I. Davenport, Secty. .'o. y)urn Tlkeatre Friday and Saturday, June 22nd and 23rd. 4Iana Corda ln "Moon of Israel" Monday Only, Reginald Denny in "On Your Toes" y,see eo y~~e ~ r e r e zaa e pe ee ee ee eere e~~gy ~ ger ~ y ~ r ~ a~reer'ey ~ ~e I' I Get Acquainted with The Ice Man Va ue!)6.50 for The supply is limited PHONE WES+ 456 I1. ~ nQ &Q ~ ~ Ag &Q & ~ & ~ A ~ 0j &g & ~ %e % eh+~T~ 14 ~i le~ ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~e ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~re ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AIr. Fred Vass of ~Iontreal, will be a visitor to West Van- couver this iveek end. Mr. Vass, who is the proprietor of the Do- minion )Vire Rope Co., has many friends and acquaintances here. He is a brother of Doctor Vass, chiropractor, who has an office at Ambleside and who resides at West Bay. 0 0 4 ~Iiss Mangan, 25th and AiIar- ine Drive, left yesterday for a visit to Harrison Hot Springs. TENDERS TO HE CALLED FOR AIUNICIPAL HALL ADDITION Architect H. A. Hodgson sub- mitted to the council on ihIonday night plans for the addition to the municipal hall. The plans were approved and AIr. Hodgson was instructed to draw up the necessary specifications and call for tenders for the ivork. Nednesday and Thursday, Etntl Jannings ln The Last Command I I f ~I I THE I" (..'I G STU.DIO (Ve V. VINSON, I'rop.) Nill give you satisfactory work. STUDIO: 3ll Hastings St., Wee I'hone Seymottr 1046 4r-reer-re lr rr rr'rvt ~ ~ r rr ~ r ~ ~ rr rr rr rr ~ 1- ~ ~ rr-er ~-1 ~ .er- A GOOD F '% I ~ & ~ IS A CONSTANT JOY. Have the children taken regularly and so keep a record of their develop- ment.