West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Jun 1928, p. 4

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001C9558 THE GOOD OI.D THE WEST VAN NEWS TYPEWRITING AWARDS WEST VAN. HIGH SCHOOL June 22, 1928. lpga ,Iie.iai e l&rocery It is mighty satisfying these days to be able to rely absolute- ly upon the goods you buy. AVhen you deal at GREEN- AVOOD'S you are sure of get- ting the best possible at fair prices. I 'Pi'l~/Ei'll li'S G COC:. &Y West 16 PHONE YOUR ORDERS. AVe deliver. Tl-.lE .'Al"j'.&'t'rs. N. D. Ross BIarine Drive, Ambleside (between 14th and 15th) Home Made Bread CAKES, PIES, COOKIES "Just Try Them Once" „'l„I ~g Waterfront Houses and Camps .(. W. SAVO ('.t 1429 Marine Drive Ambleside PHON~%Vest 698R1 or lVast 340 Evening--IVest 143 THE ..ii arce S io) i 1520 Marina Drira Marcel, Steam and Finger WVar- ing, Haircutting, Shampooing and Scalp Treatments For Appointment %VEST 304 Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker L Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, etc. HhRRON BROS. R %ILLIhMSON [funeral Itrertnrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 I l" R S 0 N A I. S A Goo'.anPresented May 23, 1928, Underwood certificates, first Words per minute. Alex, Grieve .................... 3p. Selma Siewert.......... 30.3 Beatrice Short ... 3p 6 AIiHie Muir AIargaret Clements.......... Remington certificates, firstyeai- &'Iargai et Clements... e ma Siewei t..... 27 Beatrice Short ............ Alma Partington................ Remington Card Case, first yeal'-- Millie Muir .................... 37. Underwood certificates, second yeai'-- Seiji Homma .................... 30.1 Grace Cuthbert ..........~..... 33. Dorothy Payne ...~.............. 37. Irene Young ...................... 40.8 and bionze medal emblem. Frances Brydon-Jack........ 51.3 and bronze medal emblem and silver medal emblem. L. C. Smith bronze emblem-- Frances Brydon-Jack........ 49. Weigh the baby each week so that the pro- gi ess may be noted. The use of our scales is free. No obligation whatever. 5Ir. Delbert Hill of the staff of the Seattle P. I., who is a cousin of Dr. Vass, is now visit- ing them. Mrs. lIIatthews of West Bay has taken the cottage at 27th and Roseberry owiied by Mrs. Dalgleish and DIiss Davies anti is moving in shortly. f The AIusical Society's finances have been assisted by a contribu- tion of $5 macle by the I.O.D.E. towards the expenses of the last concert. Miss Marjorie Barnott of the local stafF of the B. C. Telephone Company, has gone to Rainbow Lodge, Alta Lake, for the holi- days. IVe send Telegrams either C. P. R. or C. N. R. e Yoiiilg Hairy Joiles, 13th aild Waterfront, had a narrow es- cape from drowning last Tues- day night when playing o» tlie water at the foot of 13th Street. EVe understand that he got out of his depth and was sinking for the third time when rescued by Ted Russell, 14th and Esquimalt. Tom Turner, 27th and 5Iath- ers, was taken to the Vancouver General Hospital last Wednes- day morning suffering from in- juries about the head received in an accident at the sawmill of J. Hanbury 4 Co., Ltd. His injuries, it is reported, are not serious. DIrs. Hoadley, 21st and Es- quimalt, has been confined to her home this week as the re- sult of an accident. e e Miss Durrill of Vancouver has taken the Lewis house at 12th and Duchess and expects to move in on 1st July. Mrs. George Gemmill, 15th and Esquimalt, had her back bruised and hurt on Wednesday week through being carried along by the open door of a city car when she slipped on the step and the car went forward. For- tunately no bones were broken. D. Macdonald of Vancouver has moved into the cottage at 13th and Duuchess, which he rented from Nrs. Bone. Miss Cunningham of Vancou- ver has rented Mr. and Mrs. T. Killin's house at 17th and Gor- don for the month of July. Although hard at work put- ting the final touches to their year's work, the public school scholars are rejoicing in the thought that next Friday, 29th instant, will see the end of school until next September. Dispensers to the C. P. R Medical Association WEST VAN PIARNACY T'e Store of Service Prompt Delivery Phone &V. 37 tl 0 HousK- Ho&D LINENS II I ill WE, I.auWOCR elhi~ IN A WAV" ~ ~ 'THAT IRINt'S US I Co&pLI'HKH7$ EACH QA'f. ~ Basil Clement is now learning the di ug business at the West Van. Pharmacy, having taken Francis Nash's place there. Clarence, the son of Mr. and AIrs. T. Sorenson of West Bay, graduated from the Moran School, Seattle, with the highest possible honors, and was pre- sented by his father with a new automobile in honor of the oc- casion. Refrigeration Week 1'he .)urrarill Lan ry Limited For People ~Vho Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L Miss Harrop of West Bay, has her mother from Winnipeg vis- iting with her. Mrs. Pride, sister of Mrs. (Captain) Lunn, is leaving shortly for a visit to Eastern Canada. Iceless Refrigerator No Electricity No Ice No Chemicals (Established over 7'5 Years) C. 3. Overington 14th and Marine Miss Harron of Vancouver has rented Mrs. Taylor's house at 21st and Argyle and has taken possession this week. Mrs. Bowman, 26th and Belle- vue, is visiting her mother in Vancouver, who received painful injuries recently through a fall. Mr. and Mrs. J. Holt are leav- ing on an auto trip to the Cari- boo. Mrs. Holt is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stratton, the Ambleside bakers. Mr. Mackenzie has rented J. Wall's cottage at Travers and Marine Drive for the summer. I IIINilIIIw'loydMcDougall, aged four, who lives with his grandparents, Nr. and Mrs. Scribner, 14th and Bellevue, poured a quantity of hot water over himself last Monday, severely burning his side. Mrs. Stewart Currie left here Tuesday night for her old home in Saskatoon to attend the wed- ding of her youngest daughter, Bessie Margaret, to William G. NcCarter of that city. The wed- ding will take place on 2nd July at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Alee Harris. Mrs. Currie intends spending the summer visiting friends on the prairie. &Nik)'or appointment PHONE WEST 135 AVEST VAN IiesI:auranI: 1421 Marine Dnva at 14th St. Public Phone West 611-0 BOARD OF TRADE PICNIC FOR CHILDREN JULY 26 Keeps foods cool and sweet at absolutely no cost. No Ice or Current to pay for --no iceman to wait for- no drip-pan to empty--no mess--no worry. The iegular monthly meeting of the Board of Trade was held on Monday night at 8 o'lock in the Legion rooms, ferry build- ing. It was decided to hold the second annual picnic for the children of EVest Vancouver on Thursday afternoon, 26th July, to Horseshoe Bay. W. McQuaker was appointed to take charge of the afFair, with power to choose his own committees, and a very pleasant afternoon is in store for the children on the 26thprox- imo. Their parents are also re- quested to keep the date in mind and it is hoped that as many of them as possible will take the trip. Swimming races will be held during the afternoon, and further particulars of these races and of transportation and other arrangements will be an- nounced later. The secretary was instructed to write the council asking for a blue print of the work done on the Brothers Creek water system from the intake to Ingle- wood avenue, together with a statement of all improvements to the water system since cer- tain recommendations in the matter were made to the coun- cil by the board on 21st Febru- ary, 1927. A letter was ordered sent to the B. C. Telephone Company asking when the extension to Whytecliff will be completed. A. & F. VALENTINE 1406 Marine DriveThey are strongly made with steel frames and steel linings, mounted on ball- bearing castors, and are finished in cream or pearl grey. Wide range of models for various needs to suit all purses. Manufactured in Vancou- ver, B.C., by Canadian AVindow Bakeries AgencyMiss Vera Mae Bowes has re- turned from Seattle, where she attended the convention of dec- orative and applied arts held in that city during the week. Dr Roberta Vass, .vice-pr4&- dent of the archery club, will be acting president for the time being following the death of Major Barwis, who was presid- ent of the club. An invitation has been received by the local organization to participate in a tournament next month at Bell- ingham, when the local members will be the guests of Dr. Dough- ty. FRESH CAKES and BREAD DAILY LIGHT LUNCHES TEAS Store closes 8 p. m. Saturdays 10 p.m. Western Utilities Ltd. PITMAN BUSINESS COLLEGEModels on display at Est. 1898 Vancouver's Leading Business CollegeCash and Carry Meat Market Individual Attention DAY and NIGHT School Night School, 4 nights each week Enrol at any time. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Cor. Hastings (Next to Piggly Wigg]y) 1500 Blk. Marine Dr. Major and Mrs. H. T. Curtis of West Bay, entertained a num- ber of friends at their home last week, amongst the guests being the Misses Kilby, Mrs. J. D. Al- lan, Mrs. B. Hayes, Mrs. McNeill, and Mrs. Tristram. There is on exhibition in the West Van. Jeweller's window the silver cup for the best municipal exhibit won by the AVest Van- couver Horticultural and Agri- cultural Society at the Greater Vancouver Spring Flower Show held in the city on 19th May. DUDLEY ROBERTS, DISTRIBUTOR 3 tables for your pleasure Play a game of c Q ]QQ 14th StreetRight at the Railway Crossing