West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Jun 1928, p. 8

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001C9558 THE'VEST VAN NE4VS June 22, 1928. prompt Delivery Smith 8 I rOCery We Delirer A. HARVEY SMITH, Prop. 24th AND AIAltINE, Opp. Dundarare Hall. Phone IVEST 469 «A» RED AN9 WHITE sToRE Specials for Friday and Saturday SiAIITH'S PURE HONEY ........................Jar 23c; Pail 89c B. C. LUDIP SUGAR................................... 2 lbs. for 19c SERVUS FINEST TOi4IATO CATSUP.........I'er bottle 22c MOLASSES...................................................... Large Can 21c REGAL SHAKER SALT.....................2 packages for 21c BAIvER'S PREMIUM CHOCOLATE.........Half-pound cake 26c READY-CUT ihIACAROiNI ...............................'bs. for 19c SHREDDED WHEAT .........................Per packnge 10c SUNLIGHT SOAP ...............................Per 4 Bar Carton 19c HERRINGS IN TOMATO SAUCE.............................Per tin 19c BLUE RIBBON MAYOiVNAISE..............3t/I-oz. jar, each 17c Baseball Squamish Heat IVest Van. In one of the best games play- ed this season Squamish beatthe West Vancouver tea&n last Monday by a score of 1-0. Up tothe last half of the seventh thescore board showed only rows of cyphers. Ransome pitched for West Vancouver and Gallagher was the twirler for the Indians. Both pitched exceedingly good ball, and the whole game was re- plete with spectacular perform- ances. It was a hard fought game, and the fans thoroughly appreciated the efforts of each team. It was o»ly hard luck that lost the game for the locals, but whether winning or losing it is such exhibitions as this which has given baseball the popularity the game deserves. Both Ran- some and Gallagher pitched sup- erb ball, and one did not have any edge on the other. THURSDAY'S GAIIIE r ts. GOVERiV'llEVT INSE ECTED ill EAT D. ROBERTS, Prop. Next to Figgly Wiggly Local Spring Lamb Shoulder, per lb.......................25c Rib and Breast, per lb.................25c Lee-. pe I per lb..............................35c Local Veal Oven Roast, per lb.........20c Legs, per lb................................25c Prime Steer Beef Boiling Beef, Ib.................... 10c Pot Roast, per lb........... 12c to 15c Boneless Stew Beef, per lb.........l3c Oven Roast, per lb........ 18c and 20c Rump Roast, per lb.......20c and 22c Sirloin Roast, per lb..............26c Prime Rib, per lb......................22c Boneless Corned Beef, lb., 15c, 20c LOCAL EGGS Pullet Extras, dozen ...............29c Firsts, dozen .......................... 31c Extras. dozen .............................33c Pork Sausage, per lb.................25c Cambridge Sausage, per lb.........10c Ay~hire Bacon, Sliced, lb.........30c Peameal Backs by the piece.... 35c Side Bacon, by the piece, lb...... 35c Picnic Ham, per lb......................20c Veal Loaf, Jellied Corned Beef, Jellied Veal, Bologna, IVeiners, Baked Ham. Grape Fruit, 4 for .......,......,.....25c Large Cantalouupe, 2 for............35c Pluums, 2 lbs. for........................25c Apricots, 2 lbs. for....................25c Hothouse Tomatoes. per lb.........28c Cooking Onions, 6 lbs........... 25c Bing Cherries, per lb..............25c ATonday's game was a good one, but last night the game a- gainst the Elks ivhich EVest Van lost by a score of 6 to 0 was a weird exhibition. Nanlay Rom- ans at first was the star of the local aggregation. He and Heas- lip played a good game, but the rest of the team were simply not there. Robinson, pitcher for the Elks, showed himself master of the situation at all times, and his team mates had no difficulty in connecting with the offerings of Lindsay who pitched for )Vest Van. Somerville, the new catch+ er for )Vest Van. played his first game on the local lot. The new grandstand made pos- sible kg the money grant from the council and the enthusiasm and interest of some of the local men who erected the structure, is a decided asset and conveni- ence to the fans, and the fact that a policeman was in evidence last night to keep the children away from the base lines cert- ainly made it more comfortable for the older people who have been expecting a serious accident to happen at any time. We und- erstand that wire netting is to be erected along the front of the bleachers, and that an effort will be made to raise sufficient funds to build dressing rooms. SATURDAY ONLY West Vancouver Now Tied for Second I'lace in Intermediate League By defeating Ex-Brock last Monday at )Vilson Park, EVest Van. jumped into a tie with Grandview Centrals and Ren- frew Argyles for second place with three losses each. Cardinals are still at the top of the league having lost only to )Vest Van. As the two top teams play off for the championship there should be some keen games be- twen these teams before the sea- son is over. Tonight )Vest Van will meet Collingaood at Amble- side Park in a postponed fixture. On Monday they will be at home to the Argyles and on Tuesday will meet the same team at Clark Park. Next Friday they play Grandview Centrals at Amble- side Park. As the boys have had a lot of travelling to do this sea- son it is hoped a good crowd will be on hand for the remaining home games. 31bs for $ 1.23 50c each New Zealand Butter . Frying Chickens Theatre Tickets given with every 50c purchase. A letter of thanks was receiv- ed by the council from the AVom- en's Auxiliary of the North Van- couver General Hospital for the permission granted them to tag in )Vest Vancouver recently. Ap- proximately $326 was collected, EVest Vancouver's share being $85.85. 'KHOw 00R- The council on Monday night instructed the municipal clerk to obtain from the fire chief a list of names of men in his bri- gade for insurance purposes, the same to be received before 21st July, when the present policy ex- pires. WE WANT YOU TO TELL OiV US Don't keep it a secret. After you'e discovered how our meats please you, your family and your guests, we want you to tell other folks about it. That sort of friendly gossip won' hurt anybody. Pass along the good word. Trades License By-law No. 392 was finally adopted on Monday night by the council, Buy Your Suit in West Vancouver M. WI.. AV.S 16th and MARINE, AhlBLESIDE CUSTOM TAILOR ROBERTS' reletter Meats Come and see our Patterns. Large selection to choose from Dry Cleaning Dyeing, Repairs and City Prices and Pressing Alterations Open Saturday Erenings till 9 o'lock. IVe Call For and Deliver. I'HOViE IVEST 20. 14th and Marine ~IItesI ' ll„"l No Phones YOU SAVE No Delivery C-OC- 7-A S Our meats have a superior tenderness--flavor--that's whatcounts. Buy and try our meats just once and you'l be con-vince(l. Everything we sell is wholesome and healthful. IVe neversell anything but the best. SAFETY FIRST--HUY AT JEFFERIES All ~lleats Kept in l(efrigerator 'arm 4 , j,, Next to IIollyburn Theatre PHoNE IVEST 3 Closed Thursday at 1 o'lock WE DELIVER F«ESII HAND CURED AIEATS, BUTTER, EGGS, BACON AND LAIRD THE, MAN WHO STARTS Tp i SILO SHOOLDS'EL--- HI~ LUMBERS OF FIIEST ~CLOACAL~! ,Qll I&4I/~~~' r'~re&)'+~eu/~d/ppp, )PP +co.i .&+S A building can be young at the age of a hundred years if it is constructed of properly milled, well seasoned woods. It is as important that you buy first quality lumber as it is that you erect a building upon a safe foundation. IVe sell quality lumber of rugged worth. Play a game of 3 tables for your pleasure C -..".& S Q 14th StreetI i i5 i& Jg Jc Right at the Railway Crossillg .V.:Oney O, .Oal-l on First 51ortgage at current rates. Let us finance the building of your new home in AVest Van-couver. London 8E British North America Co., Ltd. AIortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents.626 Pender Street AVest Phone Sey. 6285 Local Representative;-- F. X. Hodgson, West 665R HAVE PERk KCT FLOORS CLEAN, Si~lOOTH, SANITARY, BEAUTIFUL There is no reason for having dirty, worn, unsightly floors. The "Uni-rersal" Floor Surfacing Machine will clean out the ground-in dirt, takeoff stains, remove old varnish or paint, smooth up the worn spots andmake the old floor as good as new. Oak, maple, hard pine. birch, or anywood is easily cleaned and made as smooth as glass. They can be re-finished same as when first put down. OLD FLOORS ilIADE LIKE NEW--NEW FLOORS ilIADE PERFECTNewly laid floors are easily and quickly brought to a clean smooth sur-face by the "Universal" method. This method saves the builder or generalcontractor the back-breaking labor and does the work much quicker, bet-ter and at less cost. "Universal" method finishes any floor beautifully and entirely withoutthe usual muss. A vacuum fan deposits all dirt in a bag, leaving the jobclean as you go along. Let us explain the method and quote you prices. CORBIN'S JANITOR SERVICEI'IIONE SEYiIOUR 5713 130 HASTIiVGS ST., WEST mL Pj I DOiV'T LET YOUR HOUSE DETERIORATE keep your home in repair and it will last indefinitely. Take pride in the outward appearance of your home, even as you do your suit of clothes. Order your materials from us and repair be- fore winter sets in. THE HOUSE THAT JACK 8UILT El',l.l I,'s„i; e,,li il,.leI',I:l. j,l;I:. MAI(iiVE DRIVE AT 16th STltEET Phone West 199 or North 1431 ASK FOR DUNG. MORTON ~ii,'Sl; f'I'll:llllllite', III 'llI'ii),'l I'I. 15th and Marine LIMNI ITED Phone IVest 115