001C954C THE WEST VAN NEWS June 15, 1928. ](ar A Long-fel.t 5'eed The public spirited action of a group of citizens of the North Shore has started a movement which will result in the development of an amuse- ment centre which has been a long-felt need. The success of the venture is dependent to a large extent on community effort. Evidence of a real desire for warm salt water baths with provision for dancing, cafe service and ther requisites of a high standard swimming pool and dance pavilion can best be judged by the co-operation of those who will benefit by this development and that means everyone on the North Shore. The unqualified success of scores of swimming pools in operation on this continent is offered as evidence of the sterling quality of this form of investment. Instances are recorded where properties have made a return of the original capital invested in as short time as sixteen months. These have been small towns with a sparse population to draw from. North Vancouver is ideally situated to draw on the whole of the lower mainland and a pool would operate twelve months in the year. An Exce].].ent Opportunity Every man, woman and child on the North Shore is eligible to participatein this stock issue. It has the unqualified approval of all public bodies andthe high standing of the directors of the company makes it an offering of exceptional merit. A COAIAIUNITY APPEAL In order to construct and operate this natatorium a company is about to be formed which will be capitalized at $200,000 divided into 20,000 shares having a par value of $10 each. The building and grounds will cost ap- proximately $150,000, $25,000 of this being subscribed amongst the dir- ectors and their friends. If YOU will subscribe a further $50,000 the dir-ectors have been assured that the balance required will be obtained in the city of Varicouver. There is no promotion stock and the directors are giving their services gratis. P].easure and. Profit An amusement centre that will be the Mecca of Greater Vancouver is a desirable asset for the North Shore. It will repay in handsome profits those who have the foresight to become shareholders in an enterprise so well founded. Isn t it worth while to investigate what it can do for you and your community? Warm salt water swimming during the summer and winter, pleasant surroundings, a good dance floor, excellent refreshments and in addition to this a beautiful gymnasium fitted for Badminton and other indoor sports. A natatorium such as this will be a real asset to the North Shore. I ~ ~ I The Secretary of the Jantzen Swimming Association Says'. "There have been instances of swimming pools from $75,000 to $100,000 investments that are making approxi- mately $25,000 to $80,000 a year and this is a regular oc- currence in many of the cities throughout the West. The Jantzen Denver Plunge at Golden in Colorado cost in the neighborhood of $ 100,000 and, according to its manager, it is verv likely that the pool will pay for itself in sixteen months operation. We do not hesitate to say that a pool will be a mighty good proposition to Vancouver and will also be a big paying proposition. Vancouver is a new field and has no competition and should a pool be built it will undoubtedly be a financial success." P ROVIS IONAL D I RE CTORATE: President: Col. J. P. Fell Vice-Pres.: 5Iayor G. H. Morden Secretary: R. P. AVhitaker Treasurer: E. H. Bridgman Directors: Reeve J. 5I. Fromme Reeve V. V. Vinson Lorne E. McKenzie Gymnasium Basketball, badminton and a running track! These are only a few of the attractions which will be provided by the gymnasium for the North Shore Natatorium. The gym- nasium will be 70 feet long and 40 feet wide and will be equipped with all the necessary gymnastic apparatus as well as a racing track completely encircling the floor. Badminton, a game which is becoming more popular every year, can be played regardless of seasons. Not only that, but badminton and basketball matches and tournaments can be held and made more attractive by the knowledge that a hard game may be followed by a swim in the pool and a few hours dancing. Special hours will be reserved for boys'nd girls'lubs, for business men's clubs and for local athletic clubs, giving everyone the maximum amount of pleasure and exercise without confliction. I ~ ~ BOYS and GIRLS You want a swimming pool as much as anybody else. lVE KNOIV what it will do for you but we want you to write and tell us why it will be a good thing for you and the other members of the family. $25.00 FOR THE BEST LKL i'ER Just sit down and set forth your arguments in not more than two hundred words. All letters must be in our hands not later than June 30th. E. H. Bridgman and R. P. YVhitaker have kindly con- sented to act as judges and their decision mill be made known to you through the. press. Address your letter to Contest editor, The News Vilest Vancouver, B. C. ~ = gl I I I I I I l I I I' ) IIIIIIIII»II):-== -,--; ~ISII % ~ g+=,;:-,.~ ~ )@~I~ '"-. em'. =4 JoUTH E,VATIO N ~ I']we .5'ort]x S]wore natatorium SANITATION The salt water for the pool which is to be drawn from Burrard Inlet at the foot of Pemberton Avenue is being tested by G. S. Eldridg„..k Co., industrial chemists of Vancouver. Mr. N. L. Arm- strong, ho is in charge of this work, stated that be- fore the test was completed the results were far more pleasing than were expect- ed. There are no indica- tions of any kind of bacteria or injurious contamination, and chemically the water is ideal for bathing pur- poses. In fact from a sanitary standpoint it is almost as good as city drinking water." ~ +Q Location The location of the proposed natatorium at the corner of Marine Drive and Pem- berton Avenue, approximately four and a third acres in extent with a 609 foot frontage on Marine Drive, was chosen not only as a point easy of access by traffic but as the most economical. It is centrally located for both North and West Vancouver and thousands of cars will pass the building daily. All west- bound traffic must of necessity pass the location twice. A spring on the property will furnish the necessary fresh water for showers, etc. The building, of which the artists conception appears above, will be similar to the Crystal Gardens in Victoria. The Pool The swimming pool will be 110 feet in length and 40 feet in width, tiled and thoroughly up-to-date. Salt water will be pumped out of Bur- rard Inlet at the foot of Pemberton Avenue and filtered before enter- ing the tank. While in circulation in the pool the water will be kept at a temperature of 72 degrees in the winter and 65 degrees in the summer, giving patrons a warm sea bath in pure salt water at all times. The water will be circulating con- tinually through a filtration and chlorination process to ensure ab- solute sterilization which will safe- guard the bathers from disease of any kind. Dancing A dance floor covering 2800 square feet will provide excellent entertainment for the evenings --summer and winter. After a hard turn in the gymnasium and a refreshing swim in the pool, two or three hours of dancing in delightful surroundings to the strains of good music will round out a perfect evening's entertain- ment. In like manner, for those who cannot swim, is the enjoy- ment of dancing and watching others in the water. A Real Investment The entire plan as it stands atthe present time cannot be too highly recommended. A pool by itself would be a paying interest with- in a short time while the added attractions of gymnasium and dance floor make the suc- cess of the enterprise doubly sure. The capitalization is low and therefore the terms will not be long delayed. There will be no promotion stock and the directors are giv- ing their services gratis. Subscriptions for stock which is to be sold at $10 per share, will be taken by the secretary, R. P. Whitaker, 880 Hastings St., W., Vancouver, B. C. A branch office is located at 58 Lonsdale Ave- nue, North Vancouver. The stock is to be paid for 1-5 on application, the balance in payments over six months.