001C954C June 15, 1928. THE WEST VAN NEQ'S One Farmer: "Out where I come from the squashes grow so big we have to haul them in with a team of horses." Another One: "That's noth&ng. Out where I live the corn grows so fast that we have to keep two men at the base of each stalk to chop the ears off as they go by, and one day one of the fellow missed the ear and it caught under his belt. By heck, you won't believe it, but it carried him so far that we had to shoot dog biscuits up to him with a shotgun to keep him from starving."--Michigan Gargoyle. Class Leaders HOLLYBURN SCHOOL Public Schools Sports Day-- Hollyburn Wins Cup Scientifically Stated Physics Student (to prostrate pro Cessor who had stumbled over a stone): "Did you fall T" Professor: "How utterly imbecilic l Of course not! My body possessing motion produced an impact with a sta- tionary solid substance, which by the law of inertia resisted the force ap- plied to it and destroyed my equili- brium. So not being able to defy or break the law of gravitation, I suc- cumbed to the inevitable and assumed th)s horizontal posit&on. The public schools of West Vancouver held their annual field day Tuesday week under the aus- pices of the Board of School School Trustees, the juniors holding their sports at Pauline Johnson school grounds, in the morning, while the senior events were run off at the Hollyburn school grounds in the afternoon. There was keen rivalry this year between the scholars of Pauline Johnson and Hollyburn schools for possession of the handsome silver championship cup present- ed by the public school teachers. Hollyburn eventually coming out the winriers of the trophy. The following is the list of the winners in each event: Class Leaders, April-3lay Exams Division 1--Sa Margaret Gillette .... 76'~ Robert Reid... 75',r Jack AVatt ..................... 74", Division 1--Sb Gordon Edwards ............ 72'.'essieHoyle..................... 71',i Marguerite Edwardes ...... 69;& Division 2--Sb Nancy Kearnes ............ 76", Eunice Harrison .... 73.2',r, James Brown .................. 72', & Division 2--7a George Watt .................. 76", Archibald McKenzie .... 74.5", IIazel Brealey .................... 70.8;l Division 2--7b Eilen Hibbert .. 72.8; i Ronald Irish .. .. 69.8',r'arry Jones .................. 68.3'l Division 3--7b Walter Tearoe . . 73". Jeanne Lloyd .. 73 Jiloe Okino ....................... 66" Division 3--6a Marjorie Paton .............. 81;r Marjorie Hill .............. 74",c David Gray .................... 70;'l Division 4--6b Eunice MacRae ......... 94'J~ Caroline Marsh ......... 78",4 Olive Childs ...................... 73% Division 4--5a Alton Grafton . John Harper ...... .. 70% Walter Pearson ................... 66',l. Division 5--5b Mary Currie .................. 81;r Bernice Paton .................. 65,i Eric Hoyle ......................... 62",~o Division 6 ~a Freda Rush .................... 78.6~o Jessie Edington ............~...~... 78% Doreen Elgar .....~............ ~ .. 77 &o Division 6 ~b Marion McRae ................. 85.6,o Agnes Gray .................. 77.6",& Verne Taylor ................ 75.7% Division 7--3b Sophia Zielski............. 86% Elaine Kissick .................. 85% Lila Reynolds ...................... 83;l Division 7--3a Constance Jenni.............. 87",~ Betty Taylor ....................... 86",'r Betty Hadwin .................. 85~r Division 8--2a Douglas AVatt ............... 89",o Sheila Edwards ............... 88.8% Muriel McCulloch,........ 87.2",~o division 9--2b Susie NcLintock ........... 93.8~o Dorothy Chappell ........... 90.5'7o Donald Howieson ........... 83.6,4 High Jump, girls 8 and 9 years --1, Phyllis Brown, H; 2, Joan Eccleston, PJ; 3, Sofie Zielski, H. High Jump, Boys 10 and 11 years--1, Bobby Hill, PJ; 2, Sid- ney Blaney, H; 3, Walter Zielski. FI. High Jump, girls 10 and 11 years--1, Eileen EVare, PJ; 2. Edith white, PJ; 3, Pixie Reid, PJ. SENIOR EVENTS .... Boys Broad,Jump, 12 and 13 years--1, Bob White, PJ; 2, Met. Chapman, PJ; 3, Arthur Ed- wards, PJ. Boys Broad Jump, 14 years and up--1, Jack London, H; 2, Cyril Howarth, PJ; 3, Malcolm Stevens, PJ. Boys High Jump, 12-13years --1, Edward Ross, H; 3. Ronny Irish, FI; Arthur Edwards, PJ, and Billie Atwood, PJ, tied. Boys High Jump, 14 years and up--1, Haro Furnkawa, H; 2, Cyril Howarth, PJ; 3, Jim Chap- man, PJ. Boys 75 yard dash, 12 and 13 years--1, Geoffrey Cornish, H: 2, Met. Chapman, PJ; 3, Wilfred Thompson, H. Boys 100 yard dash. 14 years and up--1, Jack London, H; 2, )Vallace Brokovski, PJ; 3, Joe Grisedale, H. Boys 220 yard dash, 12 and 13 years--1, Robert white, PJ; 2, Walter Tearoe, H; 3, Net. Chap- man, PJ. Boys 440 yards, 14 years and up--1, Joe Grisedale, H; 2, Ivan Murray, PJ; 3. Wallace Brokov- ski, PJ. Ball Throwing--Charles Nev- ille, PJ; 2, Joe Grisedale, H; 3, Haro Furnkawa, H. Boys 220 yards relay, 12 and 13 years -- Robert white, PJ; Met Chapman, PJ; Arthur Ed- wards, PJ; Gordon Ash, PJ. Boys, 220 yards relay, 14 years and up--Jack London, H; Joe Grisedale, H; AVillie Draper, H; Stanley Grant, H. Girls'igh Jump, 12 and 13 years--1, Marguerite Edwards, H; 2, Edna AValker, PJ; 3, Aileen Young, PJ. Girls'igh Jump, 14 years and up--1, Louise Young, PJ; 2, Lu- cille Johnson, PJ. Girls'op-Step-an-Jump, 12 and 13 years--1, Jeanne Garrett, H; 2, May Cripps, PJ; 3, Norah Stronge, H. Girls'op-Step-and-Jump, 14 years and up--1, Phyllis John- son, H; 2, Jeanne Garrett, H; 3, Bernice white, PJ. Ball Throwing--1, Pearl Rob- ertson, H; 2, Marjorie Murray, PJ; 3, Phyllis Johnson, H. Girls'20 yard, Relay--Mari- an Blair, H; Nancy Kearns, H; Jeanne Garrett, H; Marguerite Edwards, H. Girls'elay. 14 years and up- Phyllis Johnson, H; Pearl Rob- ertson, H; Jeanne Garrett, H; Phyllis Reid, H. Girls'5 yard dash, 12 and 13 years--1, IUilma Donaldson, H; 2, Jeanne Garrett, H; 3, Barbara Harrison, PJ. Girls'5 yard Dash, 14 years and up--1. Phyllis Johnson, H: 2, Pearl Robertson, H; 3, Bernice white. PJ. BOYS Ab'D GIRLS !I25.00 for toe )est '.etter Junior Events 60 yards, Boys 6 years -- 1. Clifford EIill, H.; 2nd, Desmond Elgar, H; 3, Buddy Kisick, H. 50 yards, GiRs16 years--1, Audrey Corland, H; 2, Connie Brown, H. 60 yards, Boys 7 years -- 1, Ian Brown, H; 2, Billy Dickin- son, H; 3, Bobby Brine, H. 50 yards, Girls 7 years -- 1. Dorothy Sharman, PJ; 2, Dor- othy IIill, PJ; 3, Irene Turner, H. 75 yards, Boys 8 years -- 1, Ian Richards; PJ; 2, Buddy Fitz- patrick, H; 3, Clifford Tearoe EX. 75 yards, (;iris 8 years -- 1, Jean AIcTavish, PJ; 2 Reta Ald- red, H; Grace Wright, H. 75 yards, Boys 9 years -- 1, Verne Taylor, H; 2, Billy James, PJ; 3, Charlie Forrest, PJ. READ THE ADVT, OA PAGE 6 You want a swimming pool as much as anybody else. IYE KAO% what it will do for YOU but we want you to write and tell us WHY it will be a good thing for you and the other members of the family. $2$.00 FOR THE BEST Lar rER Just sit down and set forth your arguments in not more than two hundred words. All letters must be in our hands not later than June 30th. E. H. Bridgman and R. P. IVhitaker have kindly consented to act us judges and their decision will be made known to you through the press. Address your letter to Contest Editor, IVest Van News. 7 Jc72 i'& ou i~.an Save u~tne Ii~ollar 75 Yards, Girls 9 years -- 1, Jean Hill, H; 2 Elsie Partridge, PJ; 3, Joey Thompson, H. 75 yards, Boys 10 and 11--1, Frank Tearoe, H; 2, Billy Park- er, PJ; 3, Harry Jones, H. 75 yards, Girls 10 and 11--1, Geraldine Johnson, PJ; 2, Mar- jorie Hill, H; 3, Eileen AVare, PJ. 50 yeards relay, Boys--H. 1, Frank Tearoe, 2, Wymond Bri- ant, 3, Edward Elstrom, 4, Har- old Graham, 6, Billy Dickinson. 60 yards relay. Girls--H, 1, Jean Hill, 2, June Wright, 3, Con- ny Jenny, 4, Audrey Corland, 5, Peggy Napier. 25 yards, Boys and Girls under G--1, Patsy Neraw;2, Ariel Hodgson. 50 yards skipping, Girls 6 years -- 1, Jean Vernon, PJ; 2, Kathleen Luce, PJ. 60 yards, skipping, girls 7 years--1, Dorothy Hill, PJ; 2, Kathleen watson, H; 3, Lorraine Holden, PJ. 5 0 yards, skipping, girls 8 and 9years--1, Elsie Partridge, PJ; 2,Jean Hill, H; 3, Phyllis Brown, H,and Jean McTavish, PJ. 50 yards, skipping, girls 10 and 11 years--1, June IVright, H;2 , Marjorie Hill, H; 3, Bernice Babcock, H. 50 vards, skipping, girls, 12 years and up--1, Betty Bradford 25 yards, shingle, Boys 6 and 7years--1, Clifford Hill, H; 2, Clifford Tearoe, H; 3, Donald Reynold, H. 26 yards, shingle, Boys 8 and 9years--1, Gordon Gibson, H; 2,Charlie Forrest, PJ; 3, Jim Love, H. 50 yards, 3-legged, boys 10 years and up--1, Frank Tearoe, Fred Corbett, H; 2. Milton Ward, Alfred Busst, PJS. 60 yards, 3-legged, girls, 10 years and up--1, June IVright, Grace Russel, H; 2, Freda Rush, Patsy McKenzie, H. 25 yards, sack race, boys, open --1, Lloyd \Vallace, PJ; 2, Jim- my Bloxham, PJ. 60 yards, needle and thread, boys and girls, 10 and 11 years --1, Lenore Beattie-Angus Mc- Tavikh. PJ: 2, June IVright-Gor- don Gibson, H. High Jump, boys 8 and 9 years --1,Wymond Briant, H; 2, Bob- by Timbrell, PJ'. 3, Gordorr Gib- son, PJ. If you pay your te1e p ho n e b i11 by the 18th of the month Division 9--la Clifford Hill .................. 92.2% Harold Graham .............. ~ . 90.4",o Buddy Kissick ................. 87.4",c B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY Division 10--1b Alice Nelson; Jessie Davies; Audrey Corlan. ~e ~ c w ' c Pi iti Get Acquainted with The Ice Man 5i Ii lI pl l(. l. i'i. l. ti i]. lt. l. ~'i Va ue!I6.50 for IONE MACDONALD TAKES FIRST I'LACE IN ART SCHOOL Ione Macdonald, 11th and Duchess, daughter of Mate Mac- donald of the Ferries, has again proved her ability as an artist. At the annual awards of the Vacouver School of Decorative and Applied Arts made this iveek. Iona gained first place in the first year students, ivinning the Vancouver Exhibition schol- arship of $30. This in a class of 60 students is a record one may &veil be proud of, and that Iona, who is only 14 years of age, should carry off the premier award is a matter for congratu- lation. Phone your order at once The supply is limited MES I 456 g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q ~ y~ g ~~ a ~ ~ a ~ g~ a ~ g~ +~ ig m g~ 0 ~P ~~m ~~ ~~g~ a ~&4 + a 4 s o e o e 0 e e e hw e y e a e ~ r a ~ ~ s y e e e r i e ~ e e a e a ~ a &v a s r ~ 4 We r e a e o ~ e a e e e e e e e e a r a e o ~ 4.