001C954C June 15, 1928. THE AVEST VAN NE4VS WEST VAN. WANTS / DOG'S INSTINCT GUIDES RESIDENT ENGINEER HIilI TO LOCAL HOGTIE CLASSIFIED ADS The Corporation of KVest Van- couver advertises a vacancy for the position of instrument man and resident engineer for the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ construction of seven miles of Marine Drive. The duration of the work is expected to be about four months. Applications must be in by 5 p.m. next i~Ionday. June 18th. Whimsical Review Wife, reading: "It says here they have found a long-legged sheep in the Hirnilaya mountains that can run 40 miles an hour." Her Hubby: "IVell, it would take a lamb like that to follow hfary now- adaysa. "Sir," said the student to the dean of the college. "I want permission to be away three days after the end of vacation." "Ah, you want three more days of grace T" "No, sir," faltered the student, "I want three more days of Gertrude."-- Capper's IVeekly. A Doggone Good Story There was n mnn who had three dogm. One evening when he came home he found all three of them asleep on his couch. He whipped them nnd drove them away. The next night when he came home, the dogs were lying on the floor. But he placed his hand on the couch nnd found it warm from their bodies. Therefore, he gave them another whip- ping. The third night, returning earlier than usual, he found the dogs sitting before the couch, blowing on it to cool it. "IVhy is it, mother, that some have dimples while others have moneyT" "Dimples, my son, are given only to those who have bi'.en kissed by angels." "IVell, daddy ought to have them by now, for I heard him call the maid an angel last night, nnd he made her kiss him three times before he would let her come down stairs." IVntch It Develop An Englishman, n Scotchman nnd an Irishman were arguing as to who had hnd certain things the longest. The Englishman said: "I'e hnd this horse ever since it wns n colt." The Scotchman said: "Ive hnd this cow ever since it was a calf." "IVell, that's nothing," exclaimed the Irishman. "I'e hnd this cart ever since it wns a wheelbarrow." Benjamin IYould Enjoy This "Who can give n sentence using the word pendulums" asked the teacher. Little Rachel's hand shot up. The teacher nodded encouragingly. "Lightning wns invented by Pendu- lum Franklin." "Did my father leave an order with you this morning for r load of wood v" naked a strange but attractive young indy of n well-known planing mill mnn. "I don't know, miss," he replied. "There wns n gentleman in who said to deliver n load to n driver who would call, and said it wns for Nr. Zell." "Yes, thank you," said she, "I'm Glndys Zell." "Eh, what?" gulped the millmnn. "I'm Glndys Zell," she repeated. "Oh, yes," he replied, "So'm I." Brain-IVork Stuff Farmer: "Thought you said you hnd plowed the ten-acre field" Plowman "No; I only said I wns thinking about plowing it.'Oh, I see. You'e merely turned itover in your mind." There are no forts along the border, but there's many a "dead soldier" there. Two Chicago men died recently and met in the Great Beyond. "IVell, Jim," said one of them, "heaven is a pretty nice place, after all." First Yegg: "Hnd any heavy jobs lately 7" Second Yegg: "Nix-- I ain't hndlin'o more murders till I finiah me cor- respondence course in insanity." Have You Ever Noticed? When the other fellow takes time to do things, he is "dead slow"; when you do it, you are "deliberate." When the other fellow spends n lot, he is a "spendthrift"; when you do, you are "generous." When the other fellow picks flaws in things, he's "cranky"; when you do, you are "discriminating." 3iIr. and illrs. Isabel Grant, of East Beach lost their collie dog "Rex" on Sunday somewhere be- tween Grandview and Lulu Is- land. Rex turned up on Tues- day at his home here. His wet and dirty appearance testified to the fact that he had travelled many weary miles on his self- conducted return trip. As he did not cross the inlet via the SVest Vancouver ferries and had been taken 'once across the Second Narrows bridge, it is thought that he came that ivay. In any case the fact that he was able to find his way home at all says a great deal for his sagacity. EVhen the other fellow is mild in his manners,he is a "mush of conces- sion"; when you are, it is being "gracious." GEN. A. D. iblcRAE, AI.P., RETURNS THIS WIONTH General A. D. &IcRae, North Vancouver's member in the Fed- eral House, will leave England for Canada on June 16, accord- ing to information received at his office in North Vancouver. General lIIcRae will reach Van- couver about the end of June. Whatever I have tried to do in life I have tried with all my heart to do well, whatever I have devoted myself to, I have devoted myself to com- pletely.--Charles Dickens. BASEBALL West Van. Defeats League Leaders. Playing their best game of the season EVest Van. Intermediates defeated. the Cardinals 5 to8 at EVindermere Park last Thurs- day. Jack Normand pitched good ball, and was never in danger until the seventh inning, when with the score 5 to 2 and two out he hit two and walked two batters, forcing in another run. The next man went out on four pitched balls. Eddie Downie, playing centre field, provided the fielding feature when he ran twenty yards to pick off a hard drive and doubled a runner at second. On Wednesday evening the local boys had an easy time with Ex-Brock winning 22 to 0. Stan Stronge pitched for EVest Van. On Monday the boys will jour- ney to wilson Park for a return game with Ex-Brock. Letter Writing Competition for Boys and Girls. Cash Prize $ 25. See ad. Page 5. R. p. Clarke & Co. (Vancouver) Ltd- SUMhf ER COTTAGE--Quiet and con- venient location. Over half acre in area, cleared and in garden, with fruit trees, flowers, etc., and view of water. $ 1250, terms i~ cash, bal- ance arranged. CORNER HOhfESITE--Two lots, at- tractive situation, mater, light, phone, paved road, bus, $760 or of- fer. Terms to suit purchaser. GLEN EAGLES GOLF LINKS--Now open to the public. See special ad for revised list of Green Fees. Ex- cellent opportunity for beginners during week days. Instruction if re- quired. It. P. Clarke & Co. (Vancouver) Lth. 823 Hastings St. W. Sey. 7483, 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, iYest 225. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSES AND CAbfPS FOR RENT GEO. HAY Notary Public 1405 bfarine Drive. West 21 City Office: 316 Cordovn Street AVest Seymour 1260. FOR SALE--Nice Cottage on Fine large lot. Garden. Fine aen view, $ 1,000. F I V E-ltOOhf BUNG A LOIV on 200 feet frontage. Lovely garden, sen view. Garage. $2760. N'EST VANCOUVER INVEST- h!ENT COY. %est 102. Ahf BLESIDE HALL Applications for reservations of the Ambleside Hall for the present may be made to the ngents for the build- ing, GEO. HAY Notary Public 1405 Marine Drive Phone IVest 21 MAINLAND TENNIS LEAGUE RESULTS IIIen's D1vtslon Kitsilano 5, AVest Vancouver 4. Jaffray and L. Davenport, AVest Vancouver, beat Jefferson and Mussenden 6-3, 6-4; lost to Morrison and Quinn 6-8, 11-18; lost to Eyles and Chambers 1-6, 3-6. McArthur and Drysdale, )Vest Vancouver, beat Jefferson and Mussenden, 2-6, 6-3, 6-4; lost to Morrison and Quinn 4-6, 4-6; lost to Eyles and Chambers 8-6, 4-6. J. Fox and Reid, )Vest Van- couver, beat Jefferson and Muss- enden 6-2, 10-8; lost to Morrison and Quinn 6-8, 4-6, 1-6; beat Eyles and Chambers 6-2, 8-6. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR HORTICULTURAL SHOW iVHICH IS HELD NEXT SATURDAY IN DUNDARAVE HALL 1. All exhibits must be grown or made within the bfunicipality of West Vancouver by amateurs nnd by the person exhibiting same, nnd must be grown in the open. 2. Entries positively close June 21st for Fifth Floral Festival, nnd September 6th for Fall Show, at 9 p. m. 3. All entries to be made on the form found in the Prize List, nnd placed in the hands of the Secretary. The entry fee must ncconipnny same. 4. Entry fee: Membership fee entitles an exhibitor to exhibit in ten classes; each additional class, 5 cents. The entry fee for non-mem- bers shall be 50 cents, which shall entitle an exhibitor to exhibit in three classes, each additional class ten cents. The membership fee for children (up to 16 years of nge) shall be twenty-five cents, which shall entitle n member to exhibit in five classes; each additional class 5 cents; nnd also to free admission to any exhibi- tion or lecture held by the association. 6. In the absence of competition in any class the judge shall award only such prize as he thinks is merited. 6. The judge's decision is final in nll cases. 7. The hall will be open to receive exhibits on Fridny evening, June 22nd nnd September 7th respectively, nnd nll entries must be in place by 10 n. m. on Saturday, June 23rd nnd September 8th. 8. Judging will positively start at 11 n. m, 9. All persons must leave the hall while the judges are making their awards, except those officially appointed by the directors. 10 No individual exhibitor shall stage more than one entry in any one class nnd no one exhibit shall be entered in more than one class. 11. 'the exhibition is open to the public between the hours of 3 p. m. and 10 p.m. 12. The Association officers in charge will direct the placing of all exhibits, nnd members must strictly follow instructions given. 13. No exhibits to be removed before 10 o'lock p. m. 14. Exhibits shall not carry marks that mny identify their owner- ship. 16. No judge shall bo n resident of the municipality. 16. The Association assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to exhibits, and exhibitors must attend to the removal of same. 17. All bouquets must be tied. 18. An amateur shall be nny person who does not employ any pro- fessional help. PLAIN SEWliiG WORK IVANTED-- by experienced seamstress. 2642 Lawaon Ave.. West 92L1. WANTED--Land Clearing, IVood Cut- ting. or general improvement work, day or contract. A. J. Charmsn, 1224 Argyle Ave. I'ROI'ERTY FOR EXCHAiNGE -- 8 room house at Edmonds, Burnaby, strictly modern; full cement base- ment, garage; 2 room cottage, chick- en houses, etc. Nearly three acres --vegetables, lawns and flower-beds \Vill exchange equity and assume for West Vancouver House or acre- age. Price $ 10,500; equity $5+00. Phone Seymour 3233. AUTO TENT and Coleman two burn- er gasoline stove for sale or will exchange for small rowboat. Phone West 74X3 evenings. SIX IIOLE KITCHE& RAiNGE I or Sale cheap. Phone West 667R, 2386 Kings Avenue. AUTO FOR SALE--Excellent condi- tion. Snap price. H. C. Osborne, West 628Y. SHOES for the Kiddiea at Tites New address: Messenger Block. op- posite Ambleside Lumber Coy. WANTED for month of July, possibly longer, modern furnished bungalow. Three adults, "Renter," c';o West Van News. IVANTED--Capable woman for light housework and plain cooking. Half days only excepting Sunday. Phone West 209L for appointment. BUILDERS--Buy your Sand, Gravel nnd Building Supplies here. Quick service nnd the prices are right. Hobb Coal and Transfer, AYest 17. MOVING--IVe have special facilities for furniture moving. Express, etc. Hobb Coal nnd Transfer. West 17. IYATKINS PRODUCTS--Spices, Ex- tracts and Toiletries. Dickson's Tens, Coffees. H. Davison, West 629X. SEWING IVANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. bfrs. Bloxham, Phone West 226. WILL ACCEPT IVest Van. Property in exchange for modern house, with large garden, near Magee Station, two blocks from new public nnd high schools. Phone West 698Rl or West 340. THEY ARe ALL RICH& ~ o~ - g" P]Q The're lots of folks quite glad to Tell That we have served them very well. We have the experience, the facilities nnd the skilled labor that make up the sure-fire-ser- vice to be found in n properly equipped repair shop. The snt- iafactory manner in which we have served others is proof-pos- itive of the satisfaction that is awaiting you here. ~est Van Garage Ambleside West 130 ELECTRIC WIRING--Ranges, AYash- era radio fixtures Call us for prie es. North Shore Electric--Radio, G. A. Broder, Prop. HOUSE FOR S %LE-- 'New &fodern four-room house with attic, mithin five minutes walk of ferry. Good locality, splendid view. Apply to Owner, P.O. Box 305, Hollgburn, or phone IVest 484. FOUND &TIO~ CEME&T &YORK L nd~ping.'L ~ made, Grading and Clearing T Barnott Resid- ence Phone AVest 672R. FURNISHED ROOhfS TO RENT-- 3 Doors west from Ferry. Apply Owner 1430 Bellevue Avenue or P.O. Box 257, Hollyburn. ~'EBB'S SHOE REPAIRS ~EAR BEST--Dundarave. IYIN DO% BLINDS--hf ade to order and installed. Estimates free. Pearce'a Drygoods, 14th Street and hfarine. Phone West 144. NEIYhf AN & ROBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting paper- hanging and knlaomining, chimneys built. 28th and Marine. Phone )Vest 74R1. H EMSTITCHING--l'lain. white.. 5c yard; silk and colored 10c yard.Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and hfarine. Phone lYest 144. WATKINS. Spices, Extracts, edicines Toilet~~ca Etc Dickson a Tens nnd Coffees. H. Daviaon, Phone )Vest 629X. WATER NOTICE (Use and Storage) TAKE NOTICE that Hood Point Ea tatea, Limited whose address is 303 Rogers Building, 470 Granville Street, Vancouver, B. C., will apply for a licence to take nnd use 100,00 gallons per day and to store Thirty, (30), acre feet of water out of an unnamed stream flowing out of what is locally knoew as "Honeymoon Lake" which flows North-westerly and drains into Grnfton Bay, Howe Sound. about mile Northerly from the South-west corner of Lot 2958; Group 1; New IYestminster District; on the North side of Bowen Island. The storageAam will be located at the IVest end of Honeymoon Lake. The capacity of the reservoir to be created is about Thirty, (30), acre- feet. and it will fiood about Eight acres of land. The water will be di- verted from the stream at a point about 1600 feet North-westerly from Inter- section of East boundary of Lot 2957. G. 1. nnd North boundary of Lot 1674, G. 1., and will be used for IVaterworks purpose upon the land described as Lobs 823 nnd 2260; Group 1; New SYestminster District, Bowen Island. This notice wns posted on the ground on the 19th dny of May, 1928. A copy of this notice and an applica- tion pursuant thereto and to the "Wat- er Act, 1914," will be filed in the of- f'ice of the Water Recorder at Van- couver, British Columbia. Objections to the application mny be filed with the said AVater Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Vic- toria. B. C.. within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in n local newspaper. Pipe-line across Lots 2957, 2958. 2407 and 1605, G. 1; N. W. D. Distribution system on Lots 823 and 2260, G. 1; Ni. lV. D. "The petition for the approval of the undertaking wiH be heard in the office of the Board at a date to be fixed, and any interested person may file an objection thereto in the office of the Comptroller or of the Water Re- corder of the district." The date of the first publication of this notice is June 1st, 1928. HOOD POINT ESTATES, LfhflTED, Applicant By J. ALEX. IVALKER. Agent W H I T E W H I T E H E L P H E L P $500 double load ....$4.50 double load Inside Fir, delivered .--.$7.00 double load Order NOIV to insure early delivery l'hone, IVest 446L. 224, Hollyburn I'. O. G. I'ASER BEATTIE, Prop Slabs nnd Edgings delivered................. Two or more ordered at same time ..