West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Jun 1928, p. 7

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001C9542 ~ ~ ~ ~basement. It was only by their strenuous efforts that the con- flagration did not demolish the building. It is claimed that chil- dren playing in the basement were responsible for the fire. Sometimes even in tragic oc- currences like this amusing epi- sodes occur which create some diversion. On this occasion the humor was provided by life-sav- er Harry Normand, who located the family cat lying prostrate under the table, with its feet in the air, overcome with smoke. Harry salvaged the feline and triumphantly carried it to safe- ty outdoors, where both hero «nd victim were joyfully ac- claimed. At last reports tabby had a t tached hersel f permanent- ly to Hairy's retinue. RAINFALL Duchess Road, Hollyburn, May, 1928. hIay 1... 2... 3 4. 6.. 22 . 25 . 26.. 27.. 28... 29... 31.. .07 inch .03 .29 07 I 4 trace trace trace 05 IC 1.37 02 cl .05 Total............ ~47 inches Completely dry days, 19. Total for Nay 1927, 5.26 inches. Completely dry days, 18. Last month presented a re- markable illustration of the old rhyme'. "Long foretold, long last; Short notice, soon past." The sky looked threatening on many occasions during the dry spell which lasted practically HIGH SCHOOI. Typewriting Awards, hfay 23, 1928. Underwood Certificates -- 1st year: Words per minute Alex Grieve .............. 80 Selma Siewert ...30.3 Beatrice Short ...80.6 hlillie hIuir ......,........ 31.1 hfargaret Clements ........ 32 Remington Certificate -- 1st year: minute . 26 . 27 . 27 .. 28 -- 1st AVords per ihIargaret Clements .. Selma Siewert . Beatrice Short ....... Alma Partington ........ Remington Card Case year: IVords per minute Millie Muir ...................... 37 Underwood Certificates --2nd year: AVords per minute Seiji Homma ................... ~ 30.1 Grace Cuthbert ............. 33 Dorothy Payne .............. 87 Irene Young, 40.8 and Bronze hIedal Emblem. Frances Brydon-Jack 51.3 and Bronze hIedal Emblem. Frances Brydon-Jack, Silver hIedal Emblem. L. C. Smith Bronze Emblem-- Frances Brydon-Jack, 49 words per minute. The council has issued instruc- tions that a resident engineer be advertised for to have charge of setting lines, grades. check- ing quantities and keeping rec- ords of Marine Drive widening and paving work as per the rec- ommendation of G. S. Hanes. Applications are to be in the hands of the municipal clerk by Monday 18th June. June 8, 1928. FIRE BRIGADE ~IADE from the 5th to the 25th inclu- RECORD TURN OUT sive. The thunderstorm on the afternoon of the 27th was not On Thursday morning the fire accompanied by heavy rain here; rigade made a record response but the interval between the o a fire call from the home of morning of the 28th and the Ir. and Dr. Dorothy hIiller, 15th morning of the 29th saw a steady nd Inglewood. and were success downpour, although hIay 1927 ul in restrictin the fire to the had three such downpours. THE WEST VAN NEWS R P Clarke 8r, Co (Vancourer) Ltd. SUhfhf ER COTTAG~uiet and con- venient location. Over half acre in area, cleared and in garden, with fruit trees, flowers, etc., and view oE water, $ 1260, terms '4 cash, bal- ance arranged. CORNER IIOhf ESITF~Two lots, at- tractive situation, water, light, phone. paved road, bus, $750 or of- fer. Terms to suit purchaser. GLr~EAGLm GOLF uNKS--Now open to the public. See special ad for revised list of Green Fees. Fx cellent opportunity for beginners during week days. Instruction if re- quired. R. f . Clarke 8r, Co. (Vancouver) I.t~- 823 Hastings St. W. Sey. 7l83, 748i Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 225. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSES AND CAhfPS FOR RENT Sl'ECIAL CLOSE IN BUY--Large Lot 111x 129 with Creek running through, $376. GEO. HAY Notary Public 1405 hfarine Drive. Nest 21 City Office: 315 Cordovn Street West Seymour 1260. FOR SALE--Nice Cottage on Fine large lot. Garden. Fine sea view, $ 1,000. FI VE-ROOhf BUNG A LOIV on 200 Eeet frontage. Lovely garden, sea v;ew. Garage. $2750. W'EST VANCOUVER INVEST- hf ENT COY. IVest 102. hlANUAL TRAINING STUDENTS TO HOLD EX H IBITIO1 Next Friday at Inglewood School there will be an exhibi- tion of the work done by the students of the Manual Training class under instructor J. E. Con- don. The general public is invited to attend. WANTED--Capable Woman or Girl for cleaning one morning a week. 30c per hour. W'est 629R. YOU.'iG GIRL WANTFD for Eew hours'ouse work each Saturday nnd Sunday. Apply 2880 Bellevue. STORE F OR RENT--Ne~ Double W'indow store. Hot water. Toilet. Cupboard. Next Royal Bank and Post Office. Phone liest 22-1. P.O. Box 22', Hollyburn. CANADA PltiDE RANGE for sale, $ 15. W'est 19R. ATWATER KENT hlODEL 33 R IDIO Philco B Eliminator, storage bat- tery Tungar Trickle Charger hfusi cone Speaker, Tubes, cash $ 12QQQPerfect condition Phone %est 6g2L SEWING'ORK WANTED by experienced sea mstrc ss '642 Lnwson Ave., West 92L1. FUR.iISHED SUITE -- ~lodern to rent, near Beach. Garage. Adults. 2487 Kings. Phone IVest 172R3. I.OST--Will party w ho picked upgirl's navy reefer please phone West 361. FOR SALE--Six hole kitchen range, cheap. Phone West 667R. COTTAGE FOR SALE -- 19th and hfathers. Easy terms. Douglas 1857 R. W. JENVEY, Builder, cabinet work of all kinds. Phone W'est 346L. FOR SALE--Open Front Heater, best condition. "The Hollies," 20th St. near Mnthers. FOR SALE--Brunswick I'nnathrope Grnmaphone nnd $20 worth new records, $ 135 cash or on terms, $70 cash nnd $ 10 per month for total of $ 140. Phone West 439L1. TITES for Running Shoes--New Ad- dress: hfessenger Block, opposite Ambleside Lumber Coy. IYANTED--~rate Tuition in ent- rance class work. Apply Student, c'o W'est Vnn. News. SERVING WANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. Mrs. Bloxham, Phone West 226. WILL ACCEI'T West Van. Property in exchange for modern house, with large garden,.near hfngee Station, two blocks from new public and high sghools. Phone West 698R1 oi West 340. hl I I.LI. i EltY, Hats Eor Ladies and M isses at reduced prices. House Dresses. Silk Dresses for Street wear. Underwear. Lad'.es'ose. Hats made to order and Hats made over. Gents' urnishings, Socks, Caps, Ties. Handkerchiefs, Collars, etc. Classic Millinery Store, Yates Building Ambleside ELECTRIC WIRING Ranges ers, radio, fixture. Call as for pric- es. North S bore Electric--Radio, G. A. Broder, Prop. FOR SALE or Would Lease--A new Bungalow west of 17th Street on large lot. Splendid view. Cheap and on easy terms. See this first. Phone West 21. Evenings West 32R. IIOUSE FOR SALE--New, hfodern. four-room house with attic, within five minutes walk of ferry. Good locality, splend;d view. Apply to Owner, P.O. Box 305, Hollyburn, or phone IVest 484. FOUN DATIOii, CLIENT WORK. Landscaping. Lawns made, Grading and Clearing. T. Barnott, Resid- ence Phone West 672R. FUIt iISHED ROO&IS TO RENT-- 3 Doors west from Ferry. Apply Owner 1430 Bellevue Avenue or P.O. Box 257, Holly barn. W EBB'S SHOE REl'AIRS WEAR BFST-- Dundarave. W INDOW BLINDS--hfade tp order and installed. Est;mates free. Pearce's Drygoods. 14th Street and hfarine. Phone West 144. N EWhlAN & ROBBINS -- BuiMers and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalsomining chimneys built, Wth and Marine. Phone West 74R1. HEIDI STITCHING--Plain. white. 5c yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone AVest 144. WATK INS. Spices, Extracts, Medicines Toiletries Etc Dickson s Tens and Coffees H Davison Phone West 629X. AhIBLESIDE HALL Applications for reservations of the Ambleside Hall Eor the present may be made to the agents for the build- ing. GEO. HAY Notary Public 1405 Marine Drive Phone West 21 CLASSIFIED ADS ~ ~~, Owned by Los Angeles-Vancouver Mines, L ted (Incorporated under the La~vs of the Province of British Columbia TII E Cohf PAN Y The Los Angeles-Vancouver hfines Limited, a British Columbia organization, was formed for the purpose of acquiring nnd operating the Drumm I.ummon mine formerly held by the Paisley Point Mines. The stockholders of the Paisley Point hfines, in the tran~action, received 200,000 shares of stock in the Los Angeles-Vancouver Mines Limited in full payment of their interest in the property. This stock is held in escrow to be released November 17, 1930. There remains in the treasury of the new company 590,981 shares. A number of eminent mining engineers have ex- amined and reported favorably upon the mine nnd I:efore the purchase wns effected Samuel E. Chancy, the general manager of the new company, also ex- amined nnd reported upon the property, Application will be made to list the stock on the Vancouver nnd Toronto Stock Exchanges in the near future. Before this is done however, it is necessary that there be n fair distribution of stock to the ~ ~ublic. For this purpose 50,000 treasury shares are eing sold at $ 1 each. the pnr value, proceeds to be used for development work. It is not contemplated that another issue will be placed on the market before September 1, 1928, nt which time it is expected that the development now under way will disclose sufficient additional ore bodies to just fy the sale of the stock above par. THE DIRECTORATE President: THOhfAS H. AGNEW, Physician nnd Surgeon Vancouver, B. C. Vice-I'resident and Assistant General hfannger: JOHN R. VERNON, Retired Capitalist. General Manager: SAhf UEL Ehf MONS CHANEY, Mining Engineer. Secretary Treasurer: HOMER C. hfILLS, Lawyer Los Angeles FACTS THAT COUNT 1. The Drumm Lummon Mine operated by Los Angeles-Vancouver hfines Ltd., is in an ideal location for economical nnd convenient shipment. It hns been reported on by E. A. Haggen, one of the best known mining engineers in British Columbia who stated it has every possibility of de- veloping into n vnlunbel mine not only as a producer of copper, but as the leading gold producer on the coast. 3. Copper nnd gold are both metals which are not affected by market fluctuations to the extent that other metals are. 4. The directorate is composed of men who are thoroughly versed in every phase of mining in British Columbia nnd the lower Pacific Coast. 5. The cnpitnlizntion of the company is com- paratively low nnd returns may reasonably be ex- pected in n short time. 6. Development work of the property has defin- itely proved its value nnd active work this summer should bring the mine to the shipping point in the fall of 19M. DEVELOPhf EiiT The Drumm Lummon mine is located on Douglas Channel in the Skeenn hIining district of British Columbia and consists of 13 claims covering an area of 600 acres. A crew of men is already at the prop- erty doing the work preliminary to active develop- ment which is to be carried out through the summer nnd winter of this year. Operations at the mine will be in charge of hfr. Chancy nnd W'. C. Rannnls, the latter n practical mine operator who was formerly mth Britannia hfine and the Bonaparte Mine at Ashcroft. The ore consists mainly of copper minerals of exceptionally massive character and carries high values in gold and silver. It is situated within n mile of tidewater with a good dock, railway. power plant and camp nccomodntion. In tests shipments nlready made the mine has produced the highest grade copper ore yet obtained for the development and operating mines of British Columbia. Values from these shipments ran $2 to $35 per ton in gold, 14 to 60 oz. silver and 24 to 68 per cent. copper. The gross average value per ton is estimated at $ 19.29. Development work to date consists of about ",000 feet of underground work on the I %.1 claim of the group. This includes No. 1 level SQ ft. in length, main cross-cut tunnel 440 ft. main drift from intersection of ore zone in cross-cut tunnel to faci~20 feet. Authorized Capital $ 1,000,000.00, Divided into 1,000,000 shares having a par value of $ I.00 each. The first public OHering of 50,000 shares at $ 1.00 each is noiv being made by S )g ~ 605-6 B.C. %lining Building 0 Vancouver, B.C. Phone Seymour 12'