001C9542 THE iVEST VAN NEEVS June 8, 1928. One hundred more books adiied to our library. Your favorite author --Oppenheim, Eleanor Glyn, Zane Grey, Peter B. Kyle. Cut Rate Drugs SATURDAY AND MONDAY 26c Yellow Vaseline .. 30c Bromo Seltzer .. 60c Zonite .................... $ 1.00 Mecca Ointment...... 25c Pearl Tooth Powder.... 25c Red Cedar Flakes..... 25c Ben Hur Perfume .. 25c Seidlitz Powders ........... 25c Royal Baby Soothers... $ 1.25 Kennedy's Port... 15c ifie 39c 79c 15c 15c ljc 15c l6c 9Sc Bathing Caps and Sun Visnrs. 25c Straiv Hat Cleaner............ l5c 35c Dr. Black's Catarrh Balm.. 16c Ovaltine ....,............... 60c. 90c, $ 1.50 50c Fly Tox Sprays ..... 35c 25c Writing Pads ...................... 15c Sterno Canned Heat........ 2 for 25c 60c English Tennis Balls...... l9c $ 1.25 Absorbine Jr....... 98c 25c Peroxide ............................... 1»c Kadok Films. developed and printed West Van. Agents C. P. R. Telegraphs and Can. Pac. Exp. liloney Order i-esage »iirug Store Prescriptions Filled By Fully Qualified Druggist at City Prices G. E. REID, iiIanager New Building--Corner 51arine and 14th. FAST DELIVERY NO ORDER IS TOO SiiIALL WEST 323 ~ ~ gaaaaol 'John, dear, we simply'ust get an electric range. All our.friends have them now." "Nothing doing, Mary, I can't afford it. You know we'e just bought a new car that set us back $2,000. D'you think I'm made of money?" a Q ~ ~ \ '~ ~ ~ ' l ~ ' ~ ~ ~O I- Iy„= N a s ~ ipI z ~ ~ ~ et j - -"-"= =I=) +Ll tl ~ fbi ' ~ 't:, =-. E I rain Sc.sec u.e The Pacific Great Eastern Railway Company Between North Vancouver to Whitecliff, for Horseshoe Bay iVeek Days Leave North Vancouver for all points to Whytecliff; 6.00, 6.40, 7.40, 9.45, 11.45 a. m., 2.05, 3.00, 4.00, 5.42, 6.42 and 8.20 p. m. Leave Whytecliff for all points to North Vancouver; 6.50, 7.50, 8.30, 10.50 a. m., 1 ~ 10, 3.10, 3.50, 4.50, 6.30, 7.30 and 9.10 p. m. Sundays and Holidays Leave North Vancouver for all points to Whytecliff; S.40, 9.25, 10:25 11.25 a. m., 12.25, 1.25, 2.25, 3.25, 4.25, 5.25, 6.25, 7.30 and 8.30 p, m, Leave Whytecliff for all points to North Vancouver, 9.25, 10.25, 11.25 a.m. 12.25, 1.25, 2.25, 3.25, 4.25, 5.25. 6.25, 7.30, 8.30 and 9.30 p. m. RETURN FARES FROM NORTH VANCOUVER TO iVHYTECLIFF ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 25c (Good day of issue only) 5Irs. 4V. Smaill, Appleton Court, left on Sunday to visit poiiits in eastern Canada. Mr. Smaill is away io Boston on a business trip i» connectioii with a large coiiti'act svhich his firm has been awarded io that city. The Ridley Ice and Milk Co. is building an ice storage house oii the eastern side of the 5Iarine 5Iotors'uilding. The Vancouver Board of Trade wrote the council advising them of the appointment of L. F. Champion as field secretary of the "Buy in British Columbia" movement. The council promis- ed the same hearty co-operatioii in the movement as has been ex- tendered by them in the past. The council received an invita- tion to attend the Lynn Valley Day celebration on Saturday 30th June, at the Recreation Park, Mountain Highway, also to enter a team of four in the 440 yards'elay race for the North Shore Councils. As many as pos- sible of the council have promis- ed to attend. Harry Rehberger and 10 other residents petitioned the council for a street light to be placed at the corner of 14th and Jeffer- son. The letter was ordered plac- ed on the light file. 4V. Taylor, C.E., of Abbotsford wrote the council asking wheth- er there was a vacancy on the engineering staff. His letter was filed for reference. Dr. MacEachern of Vancou- ver has taken the McBride home on 17th and Fulton and will move in on 15th instant. Chet Shields has had the front of his store at 14th Street and Waterfront painted in black and orange colors. The appearance of the building has been consider- ably enhanced by this work. UNITED CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE ASK ASSISTANCE TO CLEAR TENNIS COURTS The Young People's Society of the United Church is making an appeal to the members of the congregation and friends for as- sistance in clearing a space for enlarging the tennis courts pre- paratory to permanent surfac- ing. AVork will continue every evening of next week. Those willing to co-operate are asked to bring along axes, picks, shov- els, etc. The Young People's Society will greatly appreciate your help in putting this court into good condition, and you are invited to come and help even if you can spare only one evening. ~Irs. 5I. Smith of Dundarave won a prize of $ 100 offered by the Certified Products Co. of Canada, Vancouver, for a name foi' new spray they are putt'ng the market. The winning wold was Nzal but Mis Smith won by default, her word being "Kilzall." S. J. Folkins of Vancouver has taken the Booth house at 19th a»d Esquimalt for a period. The Vyvyan huse oo Fulton, just west of 17th, has been tak- en by 4V. D. Colvin. Mrs. Colvin aod family, who are now iii Cal- gary, are expected back at the eod of the month. Mrs. George I. MacLean of Ot- tawa, was a recent visitor to )Vest Vancouver as the guest of Mrs. Colin MacLean. Mrs. Mac- Lean was on her way to join her husband in Dawson. The latter, who is a brother of Colin Mac- Lean, was for 5 years comptroll- er of Expenditure for the Can- adian Government and was rec- ently appointed commissioner of the Yukon. Mr. and Mrs. Mac- Lean are old Yukoners, having spent 14 years in Dawson City during the gold rush. EVhile here Mrs. MacLean paid a visit to Mr. and Mrs. AValter Hamilton, who are old friends of Klondike days. 4iIrs. George Baldwin, 22nd and Lawson, fell off the verandah of her house on Thursday, 31st instant, suffering a severe shock and minor bruises as the result of the fall. She is, however, now able to be round and about again. Dr. and Mrs. F. Stainsby and family are expected to return from Los Angeles to Vancouver ig the near future, Dr. Stainsby having completed his post-grad- uate course at Los Angeles. Since leaving here he has also complet- ed post-graduate courses at the Mayo Bros. clinic in Rochester, and at Chicago. The violent wind and rain- storm that blew up on Tuesday night raised such a heavy sea that it became necessary at 2.30 a.m. wednesday to take No. 5 ferry over to the Vancouver dock. The Sonrisa on Tuesday will take the first party to go from Vancouver to the United Church camp near Halcot Bay, Gambier Island, and thereafter for the next seven weeks she will be tak- ing similar parties every ten days. Robert Hartley of Vancouver has bought the Appleton house at 15th and Bellevue and with his family will take up residence there within the next few days. PERSOXALS v"'ENNIS CLUB 4 Courts Season Membership--Ladies $ 10 Gentlemen $ 16. For particulars Phone West 23L2, B. Burton, Pres„'est 481R3, L. Davenport, Secty. ~ .-'. ~ase.i.. if(a eely or sac from The Dairy w i th the highest score. North 122 WATER NOTICE (Use and Storage) TAKE NOTICE that Hood Point Es- tates, Limited whose address is 303 Rogers Building, 470 Granville Street, Vancouver. B. C., will apply for a licence to take and use 100,00 gallons per day and to store Thirty, (30), acre feet of water out of an unnamed stream flowing out of what is locally known as "Honeymoon Lake" which flows North-westerly and drains into Grafton Bay, Howe Sound, about &/q mile Northerly from the South-west corner of Lot 2958; Group 1; New westminster District; on the North side of Bowen Island. The storage-dam will be located at the West end of Honeymoon Lake. The capacity of the reservoir to be created is about Thirty, (30), acre- feet, and it will flood about Eight "cres of land. The water will be di- verted from the stream at a point about 1600 feet North-westerly from Inter- section of East boundary of Lot 2957, G. 1. and North boundary of Lot 1674, G. 1., and will be used for iVaterworks purpose upon the land described as Lots 823 and 2260; Group 1; New'estminsterDistrict, Bowen Island. This notice was posted on the ground on the 19th day of May, 1928. A copy of this notice and an applica- tion pursuant thereto and to the "Wat- er Act, 1914," will be filed in the of- fice of the Water Recorder at Van- courer, British Columbia. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Vic- toria. B. C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. Pipe-line across Lots 2957, 2958. 2407 and 1605, G. 1; N. iV. D. Distribution system on Lots 823 and 2260, G. 1; N. W. D. "The petition for the approral of the undertaking Nill be heard in the office of the Board at a date to be fixed, and any interested person may file an objection thereto in the office of the Comptroller or of the iVater Re- corder of the district." The date of the first publication of this notice is June 1st, 1928. HOOD POINT ESTATES, LIMITED, Applicant By J. ALEX. WALKER, Agent Illustrated folder and further information may be obtained at P.G.E. Station, Lonsdale Ave., 'Phone North 300. Can now be bought in )Vest Vancouver. For Demonstration phone EVest 130 or see MICKEY ABBOTT at AVest Van Garage Four models of the same standardized quality Roadster, Touring, Sedan and Coupe If you are considering buying a Car let us first give you a run in the Chrysler. Free demonstration. No obligation to you. Phone Mickey Abbott, AVest 130. WEST VAN QARAQE