West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Jun 1928, p. 5

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001C9542 June 8, 1928. VITAL STATISTICS According to the report of the district registrar of vital statis ties, there were thirty-one births two deaths and five marriages r recorded in the three North Shore municipalities during Alay. In the city there were recorded twenty-one births, two deaths and one marriage, and in the dis- s trict, there were four births, no deaths and two marriages re- corded. AVest Vancouver's totals for April show six births, no deaths and two marriages. TENNIS CLUB TO GIVE LADIES BRIDGE TODAY The West Vancouver Tennis Club is holding a ladies bridge party at the Fortune Cup Inn this afternoon from 2.30 to 6.30 o'lock. An afternoon buffet supper will be served. The con- venors are AIrs. Taylor and )lrs. Flanagan. The British Israel Association of IVest Vancouver is discontinu- ing its meetings for the summer months. i~rocery S)ecia s aI; Seecs Malkins Best Coffee 1 lb. Tin ......-------- 65c Nabob Tea, 1 lb. packet...........----.--.--- 69c Nabob Coffee, 1 lb. packet........................ 65c B.C. Granulated Sugar, 10 lb. sack.... 73c B.C. Granulated Sugar, 6 lb. Cartons ..... 37c Local New Laid Eggs--Particular attention is paid to these to insure quality and a good supply all the year from one Ranch. HARDWARE--Aluminum Daisy Tea Kettles, reg $ 1.16 for 89c 6-String Corn Brooms, reg. 60c for ................................ 39c Screen Doors, all sizes .................-...-"---...- ............ $2.50 Netting, Fly Screens, Paints, Oils and Varnish and Ala- bastine. Ambleside HARDWARE and GROCERY IVest 28 Sects'ervice Sa:is'.ies For over 12 years, most of the older residents and many of the new have been served by us. Our Policy has been and is still the same through those changing years. Quality Goods at a Fair Price with suitable Delivery and other services when required. THE KVEST VAN NEWS TOAIORROIV IS TAG DAY FOR HOSPITAL Tomorrow is Tag Day for the North Vancouver General Hos- pital. This is an annual event and those in charge of the col- lection hope the residents will he generous in their support of this very worthy cause. Alany IVest Vancouver ladies are mem- hers of the auxiliary and are specially interested in the work of the hospital. Airs. J. T. IVatt is in charge of the West Vancouver area and is being assisted by Airs. (Dr.) Nash, Airs. I. AI. Alcl.ean, Airs. S. A. G. Currie, Airs. lV. 13lair, Airs. Young, Airs. Graham, Airs. H. L. Thompson, Airs. Gleam, Airs. D. AI. Thompson, Airs. H. Don and a group of other helpers. In connection with the new North Vancouver General Hos- pital the council has been advis- ed by the municipal solicitor in reply to their inquiry that, if the municipality became the chief contributor, with the ex- ception of the Crown, to the hos- pital, it could not be held liable in respect of patients treated in any other hospital, this except in emergency cases, or where the North Vancouver hospital could not furnish the treatment re- quired. It would also, providing it was the chief contributor, with the exception of the Crown, be entitled to appoint a person to represent it on the hospital board. The letter was ordered filed for reference. The road at 17th and Water- front, which has been covered with pieces of bark for some time, has now been cleaned up. 'lr I C ~s'g~~~ "Vi &":ir , c~&~~ 19l6 O'MI:II I~I~I~I 'h ~c-gtL67 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Production Increase l9I6.1927 o39.I79.294 or l2I%- o v C~~tM I WX'.!. S ".i" !iPS, S~".~ VACUUAI CLEANER DEAIONSTRATION TO- AIORROIV IN LESAGE DRUG STORE To-morrow (Saturdar ) there will be a demonstration of "the Sweeper Vac" vacuum cleaner in the Lesage Drug Store. An illustrated advertisement of this machine is shoe n in another part of this issue. G. Lees, who is well known to SVest Vancouver people as a singer and entertain- er and who is a resident here is the agent for theso machines. JEANNE GARRETT CHAAII'ION GIRI ATHLETE Jeanne Garrett, pupil of the Hollyburn School, won the girls'ndividualchampionship and the highest point score in the track and field meet of the West Van- couver public schools this week. She won the hop-step-and-jump 12 to 13 years, and the hop-step- and-jump 14 years and up. was on the winning relay team both for 12 to 13 years, and 14 years and up, and was also second in the 76 yard dash 12 to 13 years. Her total points were 9. Phyllis Johnston was second with 8 points, and Pearl Robertson third with 7 points. Jeanne is to be congratulated upon her excellent showing. Her record with those of her school- mates Phyllis Johnston and Pearl Robertson was responsible for the very substantial lead ob- tained by the Hollyburn school. AiVARD CONTRACT TO BUILD CAPILANO SUSPENSION SPAY Sunset Holdings Ltd., which recently purchased Canyon View Hotel and thirty-seven acres from Alr. Peter Larsen at North Vancouver, has awarded a con- tract for the construction of a suspension bridge over Capilano Canyon. The bridge will be ready for use by June 28, it is expected. It will be approximately 300 feet long and 400 feet high at the deepest point over the canyon. I. O. D. E. GARDEN FETE TO BE HELD ON 27TH The Duncan Lawson Chapter I.O.D.E. is arranging for a gard- en fete to be held wednesday, June 27th, on the beautiful grounds of Airs. J. H. Redden. Caulfeild. Airs. Small. Airs. Bur- ton Forster and Airs. E. J. Pearce are the general conven- ers and working with them are Aliss Eva AlcBain in charge of the fish pond; Airs. AlcIntyre, programme; Airs. Leyland, home cooking; Airs. Ogilvie, tea; Aliss AlcLean, candy; and Airs. Alc- Lean, novelties. Tickets may be obtained from any member of the chapter. lerleagles (~aunfrg (6llib CREEN FEES Effective on and after June 5th IVEEK DAYS VISITORS 18 Holes, or less, All Day ............. . .. .. ..... $ 1.00 9 Holes .. 50c 18 Holes pr All Day...... SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS VISITORS 1S Holes or less .. All MEMBERS $ 1.00 $ 1.50Day MEMBERS 18 Holes or less .. 7oc ...........-iLOO WEEKLY RATES .. $g.pp MONTHLY RATES $ 12.pp Phone North W5 Res. North 918Y and 121gY BURRARD S IIltitI; Anything in Sheet Metal Gutters, Cornice, Skylight Tar and Gravel Roofs, General Repairs of all kinds. 229 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver, B. C. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th 4 Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH Proprietor Sa~ ei Special h!usic Saturday even- ing by The McIntyre Quartette. Regular Admission 0U R EXG LI SH Sponge C~kes for STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE are really delicious. HOME MADE BREAD - 3 for 25c Mrs. DRAP 2435 hIARINB DRIVE Next Dundxraxo HalL NOTE PHONE: West 3ss :o.yourn "leatre Friday and Saturday, June 8th and 9th. The great companion picture to Beau Geste Canada has long been called "the Granary of the World"... but few people seriously think of British Columbia as an agricultural province. hctuslly more than three million acres are now under cultiva- tion... 19 million acres are still available... an area equal to Wales, Denmark and Belgium combined! hgrlcu1 ture has made greater progress In British Columbia during the last ten years than any of our industries. The actual increase ln volume wss 121%... from 32 million dollars to 71 million. Think of Itl Twenty-three thousand farmers on three million acres of land producing food stufTs valued at 71 million dollars... and our actual total agricultural wealth estimatedat 300 millions! British Columbia's average return per farm during the last two years hss been $3,087 per annum... an average of $23.67 er acre under cultivation, as against 12.13 for all Canada. h record! Livestock, dairying and fruit farming are all prospering. Poultry revenue increased 100% in 18 months and the eyes of the world look to our fair province for even greater achievements. lien Yo. 6... the most proli6c egg producer ever hatched ~ .. hss been our "Ivorld Poultry Ambassador" and has forced the world to recognize our Poultry supremacy! h most encouraging feature of British Columbia's agricultural situation is the keen interest our government hss and is taking in this vital question. h stabilized prosperity for all csn only be assured by enabling the farmer to gain a fair profit. With all shoulders to the wheel, great things will be accomplished and the tang- ible progress that hss been so outstanding over this ten years record will seem smail when another decade hss passed. J4ad Sew oaaoaacwaca4 oad saadcr¹oad soar Proriacc'... clip Sess oat oad ocad Qna to frCrada. l/ Soa do¹ro cctro coptco of Seed oaaoaacrasea4 o ao4 to Q4 aneepepcr trttt Srtag Ana. Adocrttoo Soar Pron~ b.c.t4, 'l a 0 HE backbone of the world is its farm population... the strength of a nation is judged not so much by its natural resources as by its ability to produce FOOD... mankind's great essential. REV. iV. FASCOE GOARD O'ILL ADDRESS AIEETINGS The Rev. W. Pascoe Goard, who is wel] known to the B. C. people as a speaker and lecturer, will address meetings in the AVes- ley Church. Vancouver, next Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day evenings at 8 o'lock. COUNCIL FORECLOSES ON AIOVIE STUDIO SITE The council has been advised by the municipal solicitor that he had completed foreclosure ac- tion against Acme Securities Ltd. and had cancelled the regis- tration of the agreement in the Land Registry Office in Vancou- ver. The land sold to them was now, therefore, unencumbered and might be sold at any time. His letter was ordered filed. This is the property obtained by the movie company with the idea of establishing that industry in West Vancouver. "Nothing is easier than fault-fin- din; no talent, no self-denial, no brains, no character are required to set up in the grumbling business." PITMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Est. 159$ Vancouver's Leading Business College Individual Attention DAY and NIGHT School Night School 4 nights each week Enrol at any time. 4 2 2 Richards St. 1'hone Sey. 9135. Cor. Hastings ~H ~ -$ ~ -4W ~ 4i ~ ~ .t1-A-1 ~ ~ ~ ~ I- ~ ~-~ I I&64+&gf ~ t 4%HtH&4ii A GOOD IS A CONSTANT JOY. Have the children taken regularly and so keep a record of their develop- ment. THE ::: ( b G STUDj0 (V. V. VINSON, I'rop.) I Will give you satisfactory work. STUDIO: 311 Hastings St., IV., 1'hone Seymour 1046 ~ .tt ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ at ~ & le % ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ I at- ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ .EP ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ i ~ ~ at- ~ ~ . ~