West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Jun 1928, p. 7

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001C9533 June 1, 1928. DEATH OF HERBERT CROWHU T Herbert Crowhurst died suddenly of heart disease last Saturday at his home at 1381 Clyde Avenue. The deceased, who was only in his 58th year, leaves a wife to mourn his loss. The funeral was held from the Burrard Funeral Chapel in North Vancouver on Tuesday at 2 p. m. under the auspices of King Dav- id Lodge A. F. & A. M., and in- terment was made in the Mas- onic section of the Capilano View cemetery. The service was con- ducted at the chapel by the Rev. A. M. O'Donnell and at the grave by the local lodge of the Masonic Order. Cricket IVest Van. vs. B. C. E. It. Played at North Vancouver, Saturday, 26th hlay. iVEST VAN. INNINGS: R. Turner, c Glenross, b Sweeney 6 E. W. Baker, b Sweeney ................ 23 F. Birch, b Sweeney........... 8 G. Yrain, b Cartmell ....................... 6 G. E. Court, c Glenross, b Sweeney l.i A. A. Rerrie, b Cartmell............. 0 J. Barnsden. b Sweeney .... A. Frost, not out P. C. Chapman, b Sweeney...... 4 J. White, c webb, b Selman........... 23 F. Clarke, c Morrison, b Selman.... 0 Extras ............................................. 11 Total ... Bowling Sweeney Cartmell iVebb ...... Sel man .. .,........... 1 26 Runs Wkts. 2 +3 0 G 2 B. C. E. R. INNINGS: Selman, b Chapman ........................ Sweeney, c Barnden, b Chapman .. 2 htorrison, b Chapman ..................... Harding, c Court, b Rerrie .. 31 Fairhead, run out .......,.."-"-- Cartmell, c Turner, b Baker... ll webb, c Frost, b Baker .......... G Glenross, b Rerrie .............. 1 hlinter, not out 0 Tappen, b Rerrie ........................ 0 hturphy, c white, b Rerrie.... 0 Extras ..................... „............ 7 Correspondence~ Editor West Van News, West Vancouver. Dear Sir: I believe you have noticed the great increase of ve- hicle traffic on Marine Drive since the summer season has be- gun and this increase will con- tinue to be a hundred per cent. greater when the westerly por- tion is paved and widened from West Bay to Horseshoe Bay. At the present time there are about ninety per cent. of the IVest Van residents travelling on the east- erly portion from Capilano river to West Bay and many motor- ists as well as our bus drivers will agree with me that they are encountering danger of an auto accident daily, owing to the number of strange motorists who are not aware of the nar- rowness of the road, and if it wasn't for the good caution of IVest Van. motorists who are fully aware of the conditions of the road there would be a num- ber of accidents on account of our visitors, speed maniacs, and sometimes under the influence of liquor, hogging the fifteen foot pavement. The widening of the easterly part of Marine Drive, two feet on each side, with cheap method of crushed rock tied with asph- alt is a small item and an abso- lute necessity to the safety of our motorists and to the protec- tion of road edges which they are breaking badly in most plac- es. I hope our council will give this matter their serious consid- eration and if the Marine Drive By-Law is elastic enough, which I have no doubt it is, the council may save a sufficient amount for this ivork from the $180,000 which is going to be spent on the westerly portion. K. A. RAY. Total Bowling P. C. Chapman A. Frost E. lV. Baker A. A. Rerrie .................. . G2 Runs Wkts. ....32 3 ..14 0 7 2 4 GRIGOR'S DRY GOODS STORE 'ELEBRATES FIRST ANN IV ERSARY The Grigor Dry Goods Store is this week celebrating the first anniversary of its business in EVest Vancouver. Mrs. Grigor was for some years prior to com- ing to AVest Vancouver in busi- ness in Nanaimo, which she ulti- mately sold to the David Spencer Co. Her advertisement in this issue draws attention to special offerings she is making for this anniversary occasion. I I I ~ P I i ~ leis ii ~ i &el U GOSPEL 1$IEETING AT HOLLYBURN HALL NEXT SUNDAY hlember of the B. C. Mining and Stock Exchange StoCECS Real Estate Insurance and Loans Next Sunday at Hollyburn Hall, there will be a special gos- pel service starting at 7.30 p. m. for one hour only. Several young business men of Vancouver will tell what they know of the bless- ings and advantages of believing the gospel. West Van. continued their winning streak by notching their fourth con- secutive victory. Frost, Baker and White batted well on a bumpy wicket. A. A. Rerrie bowled splendidly. doing "the hat trick" in his last over for IVest Van. Next Match--IVest Van. vs. Lynn Valley, Saturday, 2nd June. Mary had a little dress, A dainty bit and airy; It didn't show the dirt a bit, But gosh, how it showed hlary! THE WEST VAN NEWS CONSERVATIVES AI'POINT DELEGATES TO COiV- ' ENTION SCHOOL SPORTS The boys and girls of both public schools are getting ready for the big Sports Day next Tues- day. Eliminations are being run off and some keen competition is expected at the final meet. E ilPIRE DAY CELEBRATION BY LOCAL SCHOI.ARS The SVest Vancouver Public Schools and the EIrgh School held their regular Empire Day cele- bration in the auditorium of the Inglewood School on Wednesday, 23rd May. The juniors of Paul- ine Johnson, Hollyburn and Dun- darave schools had their celebra- tion, from 1 30 to 2 30 p. m. when the following programme was run off: "0 Canada!" Schools. Chairman's remarks. Flag Drill, Hollyburn Juniors. Folk Dance. Dundarave Juni- ors. "The Maple Leaf," Pauline Johnson Juniors. "Sailor Boys," Grade 3, Paul- ine Johnson Juniors. National Airs, Hollyburn Jun- iors. National Anthem. In the afternoon the senior students of the public schools and the high school scholars gave the following programme Flag Salute. "0 Canada!" Chorus -- "Hearts of Oak," Schools. Address--"Canada's Future," Stanley Boshier. Presentation of +~cwriting Awards, Commercial Teacher. Chorus--"Rule Britannia"-- Schools. Address--"Cooperation, Loy- alty, Obedience to Law, and Sac- rifice," Rev. A. H. Sovereign. Vocal Quartette -- "Land of Hope and Glory"--Pauline John- son Boys. National Anthem. Rev. A. H. Sovereign illustrat- ed his remarks from the game of baseball, and his address was listened to with rapt attention by all the scholars. INTERDIEDIATE BASEBALL. KING'S BIRTHDAY OBSERVED NEXT 51ONDAY June 3rd is the King's birth- day but, as this falls on a Sun- /ay. the government has order- ed that the holiday be observed on Monday. Dominion Day is on July 1st, but, as this also falls on Sunday, an order-in-council has been made whereby Monday, July 2nd, will be obs.rved as the stat- utory holiday. CADETS TO CAAIP IN NORTH VANCOUVER Cadets to the number of over 700 from all parts of the prov- ince will go under canvas at Ma- hon Park on July 3, and the camp will continue for one week. On wednesday evening the West Van. Intermediates played a return game with Mountain View losing by the narrow mar- gin of 10 to 9. It was an excit- ing game from start to finish. AVest Van. took the lead in the first inning scoring 5 runs. This was shortlived, the Mountain View team going on a batting rampage which along with some costly errors netted them 11 runs. In the seventh the )Vest Van. boys started a rally which brought them within one run of the South Vancouver team. Over 200 fans witnessed the game. Tonight the local boys will take on Ex-Brock in a league game at Ambleside Park and next Tuesday ivill entertain the Collin~vood nine. Turn out and help the boys. The regular meeting of the West Vancouver Conservative Association was held in Dundar- ave Hall on Monday at 8 p. m., and following the meeting the election took place of delegates to the nominating convention in North Vancouver last Tuesday night. Geo. H. Cowan, K.C., ex- i~I.P., was the special speaker, and he gave a very able and int- eresting address. He contended that the Conservative party were the only party who had really served Canada constructively at home and abroad since Confeder- ation, citing Confederation itself the foundation of the National Policy, and their actions in 1899, 1911, and 1914 as proof of his contention. The North Shore riding in el- ecting General McRae had done more for Canada than any other riding in the country. The gen- eral's immigration scheme rec- ently proposed to the Ottawa house was the soundest and most important pronounc.ment made since Confederation, because it would solve our present di ff i- culties, which were due to lack of good immigration. SVe could do equally well by sending a Con- servative to support Dr. Tolmie. Canada must be made to keep her contract with B. C. as re- gards the return of provincial lands. The Liberal party pre- ferred taxing the people of B. C. to insisting on this being done. A unanimous vote of thanks was accorded the speaker, fol- lowing which Mrs. H. A. Eager and Miss Joan Durbin each sang a song and an encore number, Mrs. Sheffield being the accomp- anist. The following delegates were then appointed: AV. R. Hamilton, Miss 51. B. Almas, J. Haydn Young, Mrs. A. E. Young, KV. AV. Hawtin, H. A. Eager, AV. B. Small. Major J. Edelston, Alter- nates--Mrs. J. Edelston. The delegates by a unanimous motion were instructed to ask for an open convention. Phone North 346 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y BURRARD Ssee: e i Anything in Sheet lletal Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice. Skylights Tar and Gravel Roofs, General Repairs of all kinds. 229 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver, B. C. IIOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th 4 Marine EX I'ERT S ER VICE E. hIA RSH Proprietor Hollybum Theatre Friday and Saturday June 1st and 2nd. .3eR1;I esl.e Omng to the hIgh cost of the picture to us we are compelled to deny our patrons the privil- ege of the h!erchants Theatre tickets and to raise the admis- sion for adults to 30 cents, child- ren 15c. QUR BREAD is made on the premises.. It is the REAL HOhl E MADE and is not handled by other hands. 3 Loaves for XSc. Mrs. DRAPER 2435 hIARIN 8 DRIVB Nea t Duadaras e Hall. NQTE pHQNE! west 386 A. & F. VALENTINE 140G Marine Drive Canadian %indow Bakeries Agency FRESH CAKES and BREAD DAILY LIC HT LUNCH ES TEA S Store closes 8 p n~ Saturdays 10 p. m. Phone TT'rders promptly and efficiently executed. 579 Dunsmuir St., Vancouver l'hone Seymour 8894 &. D. B(IEWl.S Wishes to inform the public that he is now specializing in MINING STOCKS Information and advice gladly given l'hone Seymour 6972 New office address: 709-710 Bower Building 543 Granville Street, Vancouver Can now be bought in West Vancouver. For Demonstration phone West 130 or see MICKEY ABBOTT at IVest Van Garage r ) . l'our models of the same standardized quality Roadster, Touring, Sedan and Coupe. If you are considering buying a Car let us first give you a run in the Chrysler. Free demonstration. No obligation to you. I'hone 51iekey Abbott, West 130. WES I VAN GARAGE %Vest 456 A GOOD p ~ s c g e i li! ~ IS A CONSTAiJT JOY. Have the children taken regularly and so keep a record of their develop- ment.i'HE :.'K)5G STUDIO (V. V. VINSON, Prop.) IVill give you satisfactory work STUDlO: 3ll Hastings St., W., l'hone Seymour 1046 ~CRT?h===.=.