001C9533 June 1, 1928. THE AVEST VAiN NEKVS News Gleams Education must seem lessUseful Recipes ivonderful to a boy whose edu- cated dad cannot help him in the 8th grade. 0 The "sticks" is that region where a thief is just a thief in- stead of a master criminal. 0 0 0 Perhaps the first man to say there is honor among thieves was a cop who got his fair share. Ah, well; those who now fear for the young once hid in the barn to smoke and reatl Dead- wood Dick. 0 0 Canadianism: Muttering at the other fool driver so those in the back seat won't think it your fault. ~ l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ t ~ Apple Fritters Mix together one cup of bread flour and one-third teaspoon of salt. Add two-thirds of a cup of water and the beaten yolks of tivo eggs, then stir in i'ea- spoon of melted butter. Pare ripe apples and cut in rings cross wise. Let these rings stand for 10 minutes sprinkled with powd- ered sugar, then dip them into the batter and fry at once in deep hot fat (that is, fat which is hot enough to brown a cube of bread in a few seconds. About 374 degrees if you use a Fahren- heit frying thermometer). When rings are golden brown and done through, drain them a few mo- ments on crumpled sanitary pap- er toivelling, before serving. 0 If it's just a case of nerves, a little applesauce will keep the doctor away. You can't make a party issue out of a localism like thirst. 0 0 AVhy fire a coach'l Is it his fault if none but the dumb come out and try to make the team? If he knows American history and system of government, he' probably one of those darned aliens. 13oston Brown Bread AIix together one cup of rye flour, one cup of yellow cornmeal one cup of graham flour and 1/„ teaspoon of salt. Now dissolve 3-4 of a teaspoon of baking soda in two cups of sour milk (or if you prefer to use sweet milk in- stead of sour, dissolve i/ tea- spoon of baking soda in 1 3-4 cups of sweet milk. Last, stir in 3-4 of a cup of molasses and scrape all into a mold or a can which has a tight-fitting cover. Do not fill this mold more than 3-4 full, as the bread will rise in it. Tie on cover and weight can down in boiling water which ris- es almost to its top. Let water continue to boil around it for three hours, then serve. 0 Methods of improving the pub- lic's memory accomplish little except to make life harder for jokesmiths. The old-timers also took some- thing to make them sleep. They began taking it at 5 a. m. and kept at it until dark. Science says the oceans will cover everything in a few thous- and years. Let's hear no more talk of poor fish. So very many have been doing five day's work and scattering it over six days. So few attain that nice bal- ance midway between inferiority complex and sivell-head. Correct this sentence: "I'e had a cold for days," he said, "and no friend has suggested a remedy." Beef en Casserole Any cut of cooked beef may be used in this dish. Cut the meat into small pieces and measure. You ivill need tivo cups of it. Put the cubes into a baking dish with two cups of either left-over gravy or brown sauce. Add one cup of pared, diced raw carrots, two large peeled onions which have been boiled 15 minutes, then sliced, and one cup of can- ned tomatoes. Season with a few drops of Worcester sauce, and salt and pepper to suit individu- al liking. Cover, and bake one hour in a hot oven, then serve. German Nut Cake Cream one and one-fourth cups of butter and into it work one and one-fourth cups of gran- ulated sugar gradually. Add one teacupful of walnut meats put through the food chopper, then stir in four well beaten eggs (one at a time). Add one-fourth cup of flour, and last fold in the stiffly beaten whites of the four eggs. Bake in a sheet or in three layer cake pans. Put together with any desired filling. I use a moderate oven, baking the cake about 40 minutes or a little less for layers. So little flour is used because the nuts take the place of flour in absorbing the moist- ure. The various sections of Amer- ica agree on almost everything except the proper thing to be ashamed of. In the queer old days when education was the thing, con- tests between schools were spell- ing matches. You can't blame a new year for coming in with a yell when it sees what it must inherit. Canadianism: Today yelling, "IVe want Bill t"; tomorrow yell- ing, "Kill the big stiff t" There are no forts along the border, but there's many a "dead soldier" there. 0 0 Ideal bootleg is the kind that puts you to sleep before you have time to drink enough to be fatal. a moderate oven. AVhen cool, frost with the following: Beat smooth tivo cups of poivdered sugar mixed with one-third cup of evaporated milk and two tea- spoons of vanilla. Sponge Cake (IIade with evaporated milk). Yokes of four eggs well beaten one cup of sugar, one-half cup of canned evaporated milk (one of the smallest size cans is suf- ficient), one teaspoon of vanilla, apinch of salt; mix these ingred- jents well and then add one and one-half cups of flour sifted with two heaping teaspoons of baking powder. Fold in the stiffly beat- en whites of four eggs and bake jn a mold with center pipe, in FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES IVe have a good selection to choose from. Dressmaking, Plain Sewing and Alterations SUmmer Dress iMaterials and Hosiery THE NOVELTY DRY GOODS STORE (&lltS. S. F WIIITE) I hone 4 est 3&.i Seed's Block next to Grocery, llarinc Drive, Amblcsidc. Tennis KUest Van Beats Point Grey The following are the results of the Tennis match between West Vancouver and Point Grey Tennis Clubs in the ihIainland League (Men's Division) played at )Vest Vancouver last Satur- day, AIay 26th. AVest Vancou- ver 5, Point Grey 4. G. Davenport and Jaffray (W. V.) beat i~Iunton and Frith; beat Dempster and wilson; beat For- an and McDowell. i1IcArthur and Grisedale (lV. V.) lost to iWIunton and Frith; beat Demp- ster and wilson; beat Foran and McDowell. L. Davenport and Dorchester (4V. V.) lost to 5Iun- ton and Frith; lost to Dempster and wilson; lost to Foran and iAIc Dowell. TENNIS CI.UB "BRIDGE" NEXT FRIDAY Next Friday afternoon--June 8th--the West Vancouver Ten- nis Club will hold a Bridge Drive at the Fortune Cup Inn. Play will start at 2.30. Tea will be served. 3!rs. R. N. Taylor is the convenor and it is asked that those intending to be present will phone West 178X so that the number of tables can be arrang- ed. TEiNNIS CLUB DANCE The opening Flannel Dance of the season sponsored by the EVest Vancouver Tennis Club will be held in the EIollyburn Pa- vilion on Friday, June 15th. Dancing will be from 9 to 12. Refreshments will be served. The Lonesome Club Orchestra has been engaged for the occa- slon. GROCERY SPECIALS at Normands CORN FLAKES 3 Pkgs. 2ic FINEST HALLOWAI DATES, per lb..... 10c BARTLETT PEARS 2i/'s, per tin... ',I ormanc 's 1~ It1"„11"„'. I&'t 30c 14th and ilIarine Daily Delivery to all parts. Phone your order iVEST 65 Modern morality is easier. Eve would have thought twice about the apple if there had been any neighbors to find out about it. / It is estimated that one man in 8,642 knows America's exact attitude toward the World Court but doesn't give a darn. PJOQ/ is the time to huild! This compact little home can be erected at moderale cost. We can assist you with financial arrangements and make it easy to OWN YOUR OWN HOME gs, s' 4% .„~v),~~v.-'I-'-4, ] '@tsar l( Dill& I J)t1 & POKll %V. TINNEY O'O. Huilders snd Contractors 20th and waterfront. Teh West 322 City Office-- 142 Hastings KV. Tel.-Sey. 1944 KVe have larger plan~ to suit your needs and we Specialize in Alterations. .",'N'ENNIS CLUB 4 Courts Season Membership--Ladies $ 10 Gentlemen $ 15. For particulars Phone West 23L2, B. Burton, Pres.; West 481R3, L. Davenport, Secty. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 I '".er:i izers for Your Garden FU EL &; BU I LDI i% G SU P P LI ES Pr eW C 0 4C', ~ R ~ I I ~ SUMMER CO j.-I'AGES SU~I~IER COTTAGE of real no~ elt~ and practibiht~ can be s ~~by using thick Tomahawk Log Siding manufactured only by us. Thihis has all the appearance of a genuine log cabin, and is laid almost as easily as shiplap. Call us for further particulars. U~e cedar as far as possible in your summer cam f t hps or i resists t' decay and dampness of winter as favell as the inroads of insects in summer lx6 Cedar Com. T. E: G. Drop Siding igx5 to 10 De-grade Cedar Bevel Siding lx6 Cedar Shiplap lx3 or 4 Cedar V Joint lx6 Cedar T. 4 G. Boards No. 2 3X, 5X and Perfection Shingles. We may have many others. Come down and see us. ~" '% 1.. le a31 ano ..lIII3er O..l&. Cedar Specialists Foot of Pemberton Ave. Night Phone North 127 North 306 Here are a few low priced items suitable for such work to be found in our yai'ds: