West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Jun 1928, p. 4

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001C9533 THE AVEST VAN NEWS June 1, 1928. hat&ing i„"a~s Sun Visors P &:i&SON%I S hllCKEY ABBOTT HAS I.OCAI. AGENCY FOR CH RYS I.ER CAR ht Rate Drugs SATURDAY AND MONDAY $ 1.00 Scott's Emulsion, large.... 98c SOc Bromo Seltzer .................... 24c 30c Sulphur and Molasses...... 19c 2oc 3-oz. Camphorated Oil ..... 19c 25c Powder Puffs ............. 13c 76c hIaybelline .................. 59c 85c Mellin's Food ................... 69c 16c Fountain Pen Ink .. 4c 65c Kotex ................................... 55c 36c Linen Writing Pads ............ 23c $ 1 ~ 16 Moore's Emerald Oil.... $ 1.00 25c 3-oz. Glycerine .................... 19c 98c Thermos Kits .................... 89c 35c Verbena Oatmeal Soap.... 19c $ 1.00 Obridges Lung Tonic..... 71c 60c hlcCoy's Cod Liver Oil Tablets .................................... 49c 50c Gin Pills ................................ 43c 50c Kidney Plasters ...........~... 39c $ 1.00 Nujol ................................ 89c 76c Krushen Salts ................. 51c 10c Toilet Rolls ............ 7 for 29c 60c Playing Cards .................... 29c Wampole's Grape Salts 50c - $ 1.00 SCORE of years ago, prospectors on Bridge River visualized a water power so vast as to stagger imagination. Here was a great river, Aowing near a lake, yet 1200 feet above it. The power of water Fdling that distance could develop 700,000 horse power. But such a development caHed for equally great financial resources. The dream is now coming true. The B.C. Elec- tric Railway Company is now spending $ 13,000,000 on the hrst two units of a great plant on Seton Lake, power &om which will Bow to Vancouver in 1930. Double, treble, even four times that amount will be spent before Bridge River is fully developed. Qmi~~ Q)i, t t & i & ' I'.IS&iEICBHlag~ GL VANCOUVER VICTORIA on Give the kiddies Fraser Val- ley Milk--as much as they want but at least a quart a day--its purity and whole- someness have been proved by government tests as the healthiest body builders. lDQri ai PASTEURIZED 9 quarts for $ 1.00 Phone North 122 West g'an. &gents C. P. R. Telegraphs and Can. Pac. Exp. hIoney Order i-esage ~.~rug Store Prescriptions Filled By Fully Qualified Druggist at City Prices G. E. REID, 5Ianager New Building--Corner 51arine and 14th. FrKST DELIVERY NO OltDER IS TOO ShIALL WEST 323 Last Friday Miss Jackman, 22nd and Queens, entertained in honor of her cousin Nr. Carl Leonard, who left on Sunday for his home i» San Francisco. Last week i» the list of pupils taking part in Mrs. Clara EVil- son's recital we omitted the name of 5Iarjorie Hill. Marjorie played Coquette valse (Bach- manr&) in a very inspiring man- ner and received hearty applause for her efforts. Miss L. NacBeth of Toronto, is visiting 5Irs. A. B. Turnbull at her home at 13th and Fulton. Mr. Macdonald, 17th and Mathers, is sick and is a patient at the rest home of Mrs. War- ren Davidson at 22nd and Belle- vue. AIrs. Jackson, 14th and Hay- wood, suffered an accident to her hand on wednesday, and was taken to the North Vancouver General Hospital. iAIr. and Nrs. E. A. Rathje and child, 13th and Gordon, returned on wednesday from a very en- joyable fortnight's holiday at Calgary, Alta. The first strawberries and gooseberries are ripe in several gardens in West Vancouver. This is earlv in the season for these two kinds of fruit even for West Vancouver. An inquest was held on Mon- day at Harron Bros. and Willi- amson's parlors, North Vancou- ver, on the body of the unknown man who was recently found drowned at AVhytecliff with a large rock round his neck. The jury returned a verdict of sui- cide by drowning. The body was that of a man about 28 years old and in good physical condi- tion. So far there has been no identification. Lloyd Clement, 11th and Mathers, is confined to his home through sickness. Miss Betteley of Vancouver, has taken H. D. Southam's house at 21st and Argyle for July and August. J. M. Larnie has sold his house at the corner of 18th and Gord- on. Mrs. William Kane spent the holidays in Seattle on a visit to her daughter there. Mrs. Avery White gave a party on the afternoon of 24th May for her little son Tony, on the occasion of his third birth- day. The garden was prettily decorated with colored balloons. Nrs. Eric Hvalsoe, Mrs. Pascual, and Mrs. Mamie Brice assisted with the tea. Those invited were: Roberta Dawson, Ariel Hodgson, Kathleen Jacquard, Norma Gem- mill, Marian Taylor, Gertrude Nash, Carmen Johnston, Nora Pascual, Dorothy Jackson, John- nie Jackson, Eric Hvalsoe, Gray and Donnie Thompson and Bob- bie Kendrick. BLAIR EDWARDS HELPS CAPILANO WIN SOCCER CUP Blair Edwards of West Van- couver, well known to local foot- ball and baseball fans, was re- sponsible for one of the three goals scored by the Capilano Juniors at Nanaimo last Satur- day, when they won the junior soccer championship of the prov- ince. Capilano beat Ladysmith 3-2. It was an overtime game and created remarkable interest. Blair Edwards y as responsible for the only goal scored in the first half of the game. Mrs. Jack Roberts, 27th and Ottawa, who is ill in the Vancou- ver General Hospital, is making satisfactory progress. David IVhiteside, K.C., who has a summer home at Cypress Park, received the nomination of the Dewdney Liberals at a con- vention held in Port Coquitlam last Saturday. Mr. EVhiteside sat in the legislature for New West- minster for 8 years. With his wife and daughter he is now oc- cupying his Cypress Park home. A. J. Charman of New AVest- minster has bought a house on the east beach from D. B. AVatt, brother of Councillor AVatt. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barry and family left this district last wednesday to take up perman- ent residence in Vancouver. For a few weks they will stay with DIr. Roy Barry's mother on Man- itoba Street, to visit with her prior to her moving to the old country. DIrs. Gerald Blanchfield, Wing's has purchased from Mr. W. Dow- ling a house at 20th and Marine Drive. Mrs. Forshaw and Nrs. ¹ Innes, both of Vancouver, have moved into one of Mr. Burley's cottages at 28th and Bellevue. Mrs. Gerald Blachfield, Wing's Point, who has been quite ill, has now about recovered from her indisposition. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory of Van- couver have moved into the Clachan cottage at the corner of 25th and Bellevue. Mrs. Magnus Ross has moved from 24th and Haywood to her summer home at 24th and Otta- wa. Magnus Ross is still under- going treatment at Shaughnessy Military Hospital. Nr. and Mrs. R. F. Taylor of Vancouver have taken one of the Burley cottages at 28th and Bel- levue, for the summer. lIIr. Johnson is back at his home at 13th and Esplanade after a business trip to the Ori- ent. Mrs. B. L. Gemmill, mother of George Gemmill, and his broth- er-in-law, Dr. W. J. Arnold, with his wife and child, who have been on a visit here, left yester- day to return to Baldur, Mani- toba. 5Iickey Abbott of the AVest Van. Garage has been «ppointed local agent for the Chrysler car, and advertises in this issue that he is desirous of giving all pros- pective buyers a demonstration in the Chrysler. This company, which by the way has just com- pleted arrangements for absorb- ing the Dodge Brothers'uto- mobile business, has been suc- cessful in making the Chrysler a popular car. iVEST VAN I EADS THE COAST ~ Sou t h Vnncou ver Has Not h ing on Us. This week the Vancouver Sun carried an article about a certain resident in South Vancouver, Nho planted gaiden pt.as in his garden in February, and by cov- ering them with sacks as a pro- tection from the frost, has now the distinction of having them in flower. This may be and evid- ently is a wonderful agricultur- al feat in Vancouver and South Vancouver, but it is far from be- ing so in IVest Vancouver. A. H. Albin, 22nd and 5Iathers, has peas in his garden with pods 4 or 5 inches long, and expects to be picking them next week, nor did he plant them till March or have to use sacks to keep them safe from the frost, because we don't have frosts in AVest Van- couver then. It simply "isn' done." Magnus Ross and Ed Black of Dundarave had also garden peas just as far advanced. This only shows just how far the climate of West Vancouver is ahead of that of any other municipality in Greater Vancouver. at WEST BAY BEACH Every facility offered Dressing Rooms and Priv- ate Lockers, New Board AValk. "THE RED 5IILL" Newly furnished and reno- vated offers you the choic- est refreshments daintily served with courteous ser- vice. &Iake a point of going to West Bay Beach and to lVEST VANCOUVER Boarcl of Schoo.. 'I rustees will hold a .. 1lJ. 3:.C (17th and Inglewood) TO DISCUSS AND EXPLAIN 'FHE SCHOOL BY-LAWS which are to be voted upon next wednesday, and hear addresses on "IllIPRESSIONS FROAI EVERETT NORTH JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOI." to be given by H. D. SOUTHAhl, Vice Principal of Hollyburn School J. R. 5IITCHELL, Science Teacher at the High School. WEL) ' g~$~\@ v....a)~ ,& ext 7 ont ay, .Iune 4t i, at 8.15 p.m. in the Auditorium of THE INGLEWOOD SCHOOL