West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Jun 1928, p. 2

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001C9533 THE AUEST VAN NEREUS WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Esquimalt, Hollyburn Sunday Service at 11.30 a. m. Subject June 3rd ANNIVERSARY SALE "God the Only Cause and Creator"hIen's Underwear Shirts and Pants from.... 59c each 1 ne ~Men s Dress Shirts, from . $ 1 s3e) hIen s Hose from ............................................... pc pair L dadies'resses, from ----.......... S9c Ladies'ummer EVeight Vests, from ............. 25c each Ladies'ummer Weight Bloomers, from .................... 35c pair Ladies Hose, all new Season's Shades from.......... 23c pair Children's Khaki Coveralls, red trim.......................... 69c pair Children's Sumnier )Veight Underwear from.......... 2pc each Children's Lisle Sox, fancy colors.......- ............. 4 I'airs 95c Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony illeeting every Wed- nesday at 8.16 p.m. St. Stephen's Church 22nd street near Marine Trinity Sunday (June 3rd). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.15 a. m.--Holy Communion Anthem, "I Am Alpha and Ome- ga," (Stainer). 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. The preacher on Sunday eve- ning will be the Rev. M. H. Jack- son, rector of St. George' Church, Vancouver. The prospectus of the fifth annual Church of England Sum- mer Camps at Camp Artaban, Long Bay, Gambier Island, has been issued and may be secured from the rector by parties inter- ested. The camps will run from July 3rd to August 27th, the Senior Boys'amp being the first two weeks of July. The juvenile baseball team will play the United Church juven- iles at Ambleside Park at 1 p. m. Saturday. Next week's game is on Wednesday evening at Sey- mour school against First Church United. Standard Quality Cotton Crepe.............................. 15c yard All our high class Ginghams reduced to.......... 25c yard ~ &rigors'.'ry ~ooc s S:ore 15gp &Iarine Drive, between 15th 'nd 16th. ~ VE PERFECT FLOORS CLEAN, S4IOOTH, SANITARY, BEAUTIFUL There is no reason for having dirty, worn, unsightly f]pprs The ~ Uni versa]" Floor Surfacing 4lachine will clean out the ground-in dirt, take pff st ins. remove old varnish pr paint, snlooth up the wvorn spots and make the old floor as good as new. Oak, maple, hard pine. birch, or any wood is easily cleaned and made as smooth as glass. They can be re- finished same as when first put down. OLD FLOORS ibIADE LIKE NEW--NE)V FLOORS MADE PERFECT Newly laid floors are easily and quickly brought to a clean smooth sur- face by the "Universal" method. This method saves the builder or general contractor the bacl--breaking labor and does the work much quicker, bet- ter and at less cost. "Universal" method finishes any floor beautifully and entire]y withput the usual muss. A vacuum fan deposits all dirt in a bag ]caving the jpbclean as you go along. Let us explain the method and quote loii prices.IRBIN'S JANITOR SERVICK PHOiVE SEYi~lOUR 6713 130 HASTIiVGS ST., WEST A.Y.P.A. Banquet The Anglican Young People' Association closed their season with a banquet held Tuesday night in the Parish Hall, the tables being decorated with flow- ers of blue and white which are the A.Y.P.A. colors. Following a ver~ enjoyable meal the rector as chairman proposed the toast to the King. The toast to the Church was propos d by Mr. Bob Bloxham and responded to by Mr. Wilfr.ed Hawkes, president of the local association. Miss Connie Thomas proposed the toast to the A.Y.P.A. Mr. Ed- gar Grout proposed the toast to Canada and in reply the guest of the evening, the Rev. Dr. R. J. Renison of Christ Church, spoke at length on "The Rom- ance of Canadian History." In graphic word pictures he gave the story of three pioneer ex- plorers of British North Ameri- ca, Henry Hudson, Pierre Radi- sson and Alexander Mackenzie and closed his address with a brief reference to the romance of Canada's sons in the Great War. The evening was brought to a close with the singing of Auld Lang Syne. FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURAiVCE, E'FQ. see JOHN LAWSON Phone KVest 5517th Street PUBLIC SCHOOL SPORTS AND CADET INSPECTION NEXT TUESDAY That Satisfies and Pleases All Our Bread and Cakes Blade in AVest Vancouver . The annual public schoo sports will be held next Tuesday, the juniors holding their competi- tions in the morning from 10 to 12 on the grounds of the Pauline Johnson school, while the events for the seniors will be run off in the afternoon on the Hollyburn School grunds. The public school teachers have offered a beauti- ful cup for competition between the AVest Vancouver Public Schools. The inspection of the cadets will take place on Tuesday morn- ing in Ambleside Park at 10 a.m. Stratton's Goods are as good as any you can buy anywhere. S 'TTON'S BAKERY Ambleside PHONE WEST 27 And our Delivery man will call. CARD OF THANKS EUe have just completed One Year in Business In IVEST VANCOUVER and thank you for your patronage. Here are a feiv extra specials by way of an June 1, 1928. ~est Vancouver Sible School HOLLYBURN HALL Corner lith and Duchess Amb]eside Hall, Marine at 14th Sunday, June 3rd at 3 p.m. Leader MR. PERCY KING Subject: "']'HE DAWN OF A iV EW El( A." EVERYBODY WELCOME Bring your questions along on Sunday afternoon. Sunday, June 3rd at 7.30 ()ne hour only Special Gospel Service Severa] young business men of Vancouver wi]] tell what they know of the blessings and ad vantages of believing the Gospel. Good Singing. A Bright Service Unitec C iurc i 21st street near Marine Minister, Rev. A. hI. O'Donnell baptist Church 15th and Duchess I',ev. David Long, pastor. Lord's Day Services 1000 a m Sunday School 11.15 a. m.--Morning worship 7 15 p. m.--Evening )Vorship. Interesting addresses were de- livered in the United Church last Sunday by visiting delegates to the Convention of the Interna- tional Union of Gospel Missions held in Vancouver during the past week. The Rev. A. A. Smith of Minneapolis, spoke in the morning and the Rev. John Bur- gess of Montreal in the evening. Next Sunday evening a speci- al choral service will be held in the United Church. A brief ad- dress will be given by the min- ister. Appended is the musical pr.ogl amme. An old-fashioned Quilting Bee was held in the United Church Hall last Tuesday under the aus- pices of the Women's Mission- ary Society. Wvo quilts were completed and will be sent to one of our Missionary Homes. The Junior Baseball team play- ed the St. Michael's team last Friday night at the Alexandra School and defeated them by 5-1. The Juvenile team enter- tained the First Church team at Hollyburn School grounds and after a good game won out by 8-5. On Friday night (tonight) the Junior team will play St. Andrews'eam at home. On Saturday afternoon the Juvenile team will play St. Stephen's at Ambleside Park at 2 o'lock. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--hIass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.80 a.m. Benediction, 7.80 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a. m. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Sei vice 11 a m )Veekly prayer service eacli )Vednesday at 7.30 p m The C. G. I. T. meets every Friday night at 7 o'lock. Lead- er Miss I. Brealey. All teen age girls welcome. Service of Song United Church Sunday, June 3rd. 1928, 7.15 P. hI. Anthem--"Seek Ye the Lord" Roberts; obligato solo by Mr. J. Fiddes. Solo--"Father Eternal," Gou- nod, by Miss Joan Durbin Anthem -- "who Is Among, Among You?" Trembath. Duet--"With Heavenly Love '. ~ Abiding," Smart; Mrs. J. T. AVatt and Mrs. R. E. Howieson. Anthem-- "Te Deum in F," Smart. Solo--"The Lord Is My Shep- herd," Liddle; by Miss Anne Ritchie. Solo--"The Blind Ploughman,'lark; by Mr. A. A. Clarke. Anthem--"Sun of My Soul," Turner; solo by Mrs. H. Eager. Pianist, Mrs. J. E. Durbin. Organist, Mr. Haydn Young. Conductor, Prof. J. hI. Morgan UNITED CHURCH WORMIAN'S ASSN. IIEET ON AVED- NESDAY NEXT INSTEAD OF TUESDAY Owing to the school sports having been arranged for Tues- da) June 5th the 1egulai meet ing of the Woman's Association of the United Church will be held at the home of the President, Mrs. Ritchie, on wednesday aft- ernoon, June 6th. hIembers please take the 2 o'lock ferry bus and get off at 80th Street. WEST VANCOUVER Boarcl of Sclaoo.. 'I rustees will hold a KVest 363 Phones: West 412L Business and Editorial Office: 1361 Marine Drire Mail Address: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands 6c per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION 'II(est 'lr'an News Published Every Friday H. HODGSON and P.P.LOVEGROVE Publishers CALL FOR TENDERS FOR+ AIARINE DRIVE EXTENSION The District of West Vancou- ver under the signature of Geo. S. Hanes, consulting engineer, is calling for tenders for two al- ternate types of bitulithic pave- ment. The tenders close at 4 p. m. next Tuesday, June 5th. This is for the road work on Marine Drive from West Bay to EVhytecliff as authorized by the electorate a few weeks ago. We understand that the work will have to be completed within 8 or 4 months. Anyway the pessimist doesn' enrage you by looking on the bright side when you are having a good time being a martyr. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. S, Smith of West Bay, wish to express their appreciation of the valu- able assistance rendered by the many friends and volunteers who helped to save their furnit- ure during the fire at their resi- dence on Sunday evening, May 20, 1928. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Crowhurst of 1381 Clyde expresses her sincere gatitude to the many friends who helped to sustain her in her very sad bereavement, also her sincere thanks to the "King David Mas- onic Lodge" A. F. & A. M., West Vancouver for the splendid trib- ute they conducted to the mem- ory of a departed brother Mason and to the crews of the "West Van. Ferries" for the beautiful flowers which were much ap- preciated. ~ . 1J.:l..j.C ..~.CC,'.:;~j~ ..I ext .0 one ay, .Iune 4t 1, at 8.15 p.m. in the Auditorium of THE ]NGLEWOOD SCHOOL (17th and Inglewood) TO DISCUSS AND EXPLAIN THE SCHOOL BY-LAWS which are to be voted upon next Wednesday and hear addresses on "IhtPRESSIONS FROhl EVERETT NORTH JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL" to be given by H. D. SOUTHAhI, Vice Principal of Hollyburn School J. R. 51ITCHELL, Science Teacher at the High School.