001C9533 THE WEST VAN NEEVS June 1, 1928. prompt Delivery Smith s I IVe Deliver 24th AND MARINE, Opp. Dundarnve Hall. cHArN,RED AN9 WkllT: STORE A. IIAIIVEY SMITH, Prop. I'honrr IVEST 469 CRUSHED PINEAPPLE, large tins BLACK FIGS ........... B. C. GRANULATED SUGAR .. MAZOLA OIL, per tin ......... EI. P. SAUCE, per Bottle .. SERV-US SARDINES ......................... FINEST CRAB MEAT, 4's, per tin CORiNED BEEF, I', per tin........ SERV-US TohIATOES .................. FANCY ASSORTED BISCUITS.... LIBBY'S POTTED MEATS ...... CARNATION MILK, per tin............. -................... 2 Ic 2 I bs for I Sc I 0 I bs. for 67c 3irc 2 Ic 2 tin» for 29c 29c 19c ................ 3 Large Tin.~ I'or IGc 10c I'ackage; 3 pkgs. for 25c .. 3 Tiris for 21c 10c r'.S: . i~IS I i~I iverlgr. I )P's % NEXT TO PIGGLY YVIGGLY Prime Beef Boiling Beef, per lb........... 10c Boneless Stew. Beef.. 2 lbs. 25c Pot Roast, per lb. 12c 8; 13c Oven Roast, per lb. 15c A 18c Boneless Corned Beef, lb..... 15c Sirloin Roast, per lb........ 25c Rump Roast, per lb 18c 6. 20c Prime Ribs, per lb.............. 20c EGGS LOCAL EXTRAS, doz......... 30c LOCAL FIRST. doz .......... 28c LOCAL PULLETTS, doz. 26c FRYING CHICKEN 50c EACH SALhlON TROUT 40c EACH Spring Lamb Shoulders, per lb............. 23c Rib and Breast, per lb..... 23c Loins, per lb............ '2 c26 Legs, per lb.. 35c Pork Legs (fores) per lb.... 17 i/~c Butts, per lb...... 21c Loins, per lb. Pork Sausage, per lb............. 25c Cambridge Sausage, per lb. 10c P. hl. Backs, sliced, lb........ 40c Side Bacon, sliced, lb............. 40c Ayrshire Bacon, sliced, lb. 30c ALSO A FULL LINE OF DELI CATESSEiN Baked Ham, Boiled Ham, Bolog- na, Veal Loaf, AVieners, Corned Beef, Jellied Tongue, Head Cheese, Potato Salad. Specials for Friday and Saturday FLORAL FESTIVAL ON 23RD INSTANT The fifth annual Floral Festi- val staged by the West Vancou- ver Horticultural Association will be held on Saturdav, June 23rd. Exhibitors should keep this date in mind. FREE COOKING SCHOOL AND CONTEST A modes n elect& ical cooking exposition will be held in the Lonsdale Theatre, June 14th and 15th during the afternoons of Thursday and Friday, when all ladies and growing girls are i»- vited to attend. Admission will be free, and a beautiful attend- ance prize will be drawn from the numbers on the programmes of ladies attending. Miss Agnes Reed will prepare and cook her menus in full view of her audience using Empire goods wherever possible and cooking upon a Moffat Range which is made solely of Empire materials and manufactured in Canada. The cooking will be preceded by a short one-act play by tal- ented local players. In connection with the exhi- bition the Captain Oates Chap- ter, I.O.D.E., will sponsor a cookery contest, and many beau- tiful electrical appliances will be awarded as prizes. There is no entry fee, but cakes and pies must be donated to the Chapter, to be afterwards sold for their charitable and educational work on the North Shore. The classes are simple, and the cakes and pies may be cooked in any household range, and sent to the British Israel Hall, 12th and Lonsdale on Friday morning June 15th. Three prizes will be awarded in each class. 1. Fruit cake (no icing), 2. Layer Cake (any finish). 3. Sponge Cake (no icing). 4. Lemon Pie. 5. Fruit Pie (apple or rhubarb or goth). 6. Girls (18 and under) Plate of 8 small cakes, at least two varieties. Mrs. B. G. wolfe-Merton, Reg- ent. 1iIrs. Harry AVard, Educa- tional Secretary. The Ambleside Cash and Cang Neat Market and Joseph Tite's Shoe Store have now mov- ed into their new location in the Messenger block at the corner of 16th and ) larine Drive, and from today wil] conduct business in their new quarters. PERSlSTEN CE These Summer Days DEMAND THE BEST MEATS No use taking a chance on inferior qualities of meats on hot &Iays. It's poor economy to begin with. The meat we sell is pure a»d wholesome, thoroughly inspecter. SAFETY FIRST--BUY AT JEFFERIES All hleats Kept in Refrigerator Next to Hollyliurn Theatre I'HONE N'EST 3 Closed Thursday at, 1 o'lock iVE DELIVEIt FIIESH AND CUItED hIEATS, BUTTER, EGGS, BACON AND LAIID NOW IN OUR NEW STORE Messenger Block. Marine Drive, opp. Ambleside Lumber Co. A Fine Stock of Tennis Shoes, Running Shoes and Shoes for Children. Come and visit us in our new quarters. TITE'S NU-WAY SHOE STORE Repairs and New Shoes 'No oNe. Y6Y HAS VOQNO ~ lX e,aa.O --&O V'INO moO l ~~OMSaa. w Tws Vapo &l ah' " ' I ~r cW J// No, it isn't much of a problem to find good. dependable lumb- er in this yard because that is the only kind we sell. If you will pay us a visit you can prove this statement to your own lumber-intelligence. Our prices are popular. I I I'.Sl; 4'I lli'I;llI,VI),', ~lI 'g,li) 'l,l',I. 15th and Iilarine LIAIITED Phone AVest 115 Buy Your Suit in West Vancouver lV.. W .. AV.S 16th and iiiARINE, AhlBLESIDE CUSTO1l'I TAILOR Come and see our Patterns. Large se!ection to choose from Dry Cleaning Dyeing, Repairs and City Prices and Pressing Alterations Open Saturday Evenings till 9 o'lock.- IVe Call For and Deliver. PHONE iVEST 20. .'V.:olney I o,oaI-I on First Alortgage at current rates. Let us finance the building of your new home in AVest Van- couver. Net Zealand Butter 3 lbs -- $ 1.20 SATURDAY ONLY Nothing in the world will take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men of tal- ent. Genius will not: unrewarded-genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated men who are failures. Determination alone is omnipotent. "Press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race. --matilda L. Schnull. DATE SET FOR NEXT MUSICAL FESTIVALHSRS. 1 s ~oua. MeAv- hcuRivf- VB GuARAHT58 ns puli~! Although it is planned ulti-mately to form a federation of Canadian festivals, plans for its immediate organization were a- bandoned Thursday by the con- ference of western competitive festivals in winnipeg, J. Peebles Conn, Glasgow, was re-engaged as an adjudicator for next year's festivals. Hugh S. Robertson, adjudicator at this year's festivals, was re-engaged for 1931, and Dr. Staten for 1930. Dates for next year's western festivals were set as follows: winnipeg, April 15-27; Vancou- ver, April 29-May 11; Edmon- ton, May 14-18; Saskatoon, May 21-25. Officers of the various prov- incial musical associations who have been attending the confer- ence include George C. Miller and S. A. Lawrence, Vancouver. liIUSICAL SOCIETY (Continued from Page 1) winners of the shield four times out of the six festivals held, namely 1923, 1924 - 1926 and 1928 and second place 1925-1927. )Ve stated in our last week' issue that the annual meeting for the election of officers was to be held on June 5th instead of last Tuesday. The meeting, how- ever, has been adjourned and will be held next Tuesday as above. EVe much regret this mistake, which was entirely of our own making. Naturally it caused ourselvss as well as others some annoyance. The annual meeting will be held next Tuesday at 8 o'lock in the Hollyburn School. OUR GUARANTEE IS AS A GOVERiNMENT BoiND AVe have promised the public that we would sell nothing but the best grade of meatstuffs, and everyone who patronizes this shop knows we have kept our word. For safety sake shop here. ROBERTS' !letter Meats 14th and blarine WesI: '90 Doubtless the nicest thing a-bout Bucharest, from a middle- aged queen's viewpoint, is the last syllable. Do you suppose prayers that reach Heaven are given their specified denominational label and classified for answer? Theatre Tickets given ivith everv 50c purchase. No Phones YOU SAVE No Deliver London & British North America Co., Ltd. 1ilortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street IVest Phone Sey. 6285 Local Representative;--F. X. Hodgson, KVest 665R SASHES, DOORS, ETC. All building appurtenances can be obtained from us. IVe have a complete line of quality goods. Even the smaller details for home building receive our most careful and efficient attention. THE HOUSE THAT "" JACK BUILT Ia Ia i4», hIAIIINE DRIVE AT 16th STIIEET Phone YVest 199 or North 1431 ASK FOR JACK JONES