001C9533 8 COUNCII.S ALTER I I ANS OF I'ROI'OSED HOSI'ITAL Fire Brigade to Meet Monday As the North Vancouver City and District cou»cils have only $ 1G0,000 available for the con- struction of the neiv sixty-bed hospital to be erected here short- ly, and the six contractors sub- mitting tenders at special meet- ings of the tivo councils held iii the North Vancouver City Hall on Monday evening, quoted bids ranging from $213,000 to $ 190,- 570, the councils will likely have to consider the amending of the hospital plans so that the cost of the building will come within the amount available. If the plans are altered, it is likely a complete new set of tend- ers will be called for, in which case the construction of the hos- pital ivill be unavoidably delay- ed for a few weeks, but as the majority of contractors handing in bids Monday evening stated they would complete the build- ing in six months, it is still pos- sible that the hospital will be ready for occupancy by Decem- ber. The hospital will be located on the block bounded by Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets and St. Georges and St. Andrews aven- ues, North Vancouver. The EVest Vn»couver fiie bri- gade is holdi»g a meetiiig on Monday»ight at 7.45 in the fer- ry office. All members are re- quested to make a point of being prese»t. Baseball IVest Van. Draws ivith Elks. Last Monday the weather was too ivet for the game scheduled at Mahon Park, and the only game played by )Vest Van. this week divas against the Elks at Ambleside Park last night. The locals, after traili»g behi»d for the first G innings staged a bat- ting rally to make the score 4 all at the end of the 7th, when the game was called on account of darkness. Harry Ransome, the»ew pitcher signed by EVest Van., showed himself a cool, level- headed ball player. He pitched a splendid game with the excep- tion of one inning, when he hit 2 of the batters a»d walked an- other, filling the bases. This started the Elks on a little wave of enthusiasm which netted them 3 runs in that inning. The West Van. team, however, were on their toes throughout the whole game and gave the fans many thrills. Ransome, by the way, looks like a good hitter, and came through last night's game ~vith a good batting average. Parkyn, always well liked by the fans, played one of the best games we have yet seen him in, hitting the ball right square on the nose every time at bat. Man- ley Romans again demonstrated his value to the team by hitting at the crucial moment and driv- ing in 2 runs. Romans is playing an exceptionally good game at first base. Tonight West Vancouver play Squamish at Mahon Park, and next Thursday they will continue the argument with the same team on their home grounds at Ambleside Park. Rastus--Here's dat quatah Ah bor- rowed from yuh last year. Bones--Yuh done keep it so long Ah don't know ef it's muff ivhilefo'e to change mah opinion of yuh jestfo'mo-bits. WATER NOTICE (Use and Storage) In termediate Schedule June 1--)Vest Van. vs. Ex- Brock, Ambleside Park. June 5--West Van. vs. Colling- wood, Ambleside Park. June 7--Cardinals vs. YVest Van., EVindermere Park. June 11--West Van. vs. Com- ets, Ambloside Park. June 18--Ex-Brock vs. West Van., Van Horne School. June 26--Renfrew vs. West Van., Clark Park. July 6--West Van. vs. Cent- rals, Ambleside Park. "ICE-TERIA" In nthis week's advertisement of the Ridley Ice plant there ap- pears the word "Ice-teria." We understand this is a word used quite frequently in parts of thr. United States to convey the idea of the self-serve principle. It is a new word to us, and we have nore than a suspicion that it was originated by Mr. Ridley. TAKE NOTICE that Hood Point Es- tates, Limited vrhose address is 303 Rogers Building, 470 Granrille Street, Uancourer. B. C„will apply for a licence to take and use 100,00 gallons per day and to store Thirty, (30), acre feet of water out of an unnamed stream flowing out of what is loca!iy known as "Honeymoon Lake" which flows iVorth-westerly and drains into Grafton Bay, Howe Sound, about '/q mile Northerly from the South-west corner of Lot 2958; Group 1; New Westminster District; on the North side of Bovren Island. The storage-dam will be located at the West end of Honeymoon Lake. The capacity of the reservoir to be created is about Thirty, (30), acre- feet, and it will flood about Eight acres of land. The water will be di- verted from the stream at a point about 1600 feet North-westerly from Inter- section of East boundary of Lot 2957, G. 1, and North boundary of Lot 1674, G. 1., and will be used for Waterworks purpose upon the land described as Lots 823 and 2260; Group 1; New Westminster District, Bowen Island. This notice was posted on the ground on the 19th day of ~lay, 1928. A copy of this notice and an applica- tion pursuant thereto and to the "Wat- er Act, 1914," will be filed in the of- fice of the Water Recorder at Van- couver, British Columbia. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comp/roller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Vic- toria. B. C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local nevrspaper. Pipe-line across Lots 2957, 2958. 2407 and 1605, G. 1; N. IV. D. Distribution system on Lots 823 and 2260, G. 1; N. W. D. "The petition for the approral ofthe undertaking will be heard in theoffice of the Board at a date to be fized, and any interested person mayfile an objection thereto in the officeof the Comptroller or of the Water Re-corder of the district." The date of the first publication ofthis notice is June 1st, 1928. HOOD POINT ESTATES, LIMITED, Applicant By J. ALEX. WALKER. Agent THE EVEST VAN NEAVS June 1, 1928. Whimsical Review The pastor announced on Sunday:"4vhen you come to the mid-meek meeting Wednesday bring your favor- ite hymn." Miss Abigail Applesauce appearedlate Wednesday evening, her hair lilussed and her face pink, explaining breathlessly, "I tried to, but hemouldn't conic."--Pomona Sngen. Suitor: "Tommy, does a young mnn call here in the evening to see yoursister?" ~i Tommy: "Not exactly to see her, because there's no light in the room ivhen he's there." Cruel Angels One evening during the summer, nsPauline's mother iras putting her to bed she said, "Nom, go right to sleep, dear. Don't be afraid, for God's an- gels are watching over you." Shortly afterwards, while the moth- er nnd father mere reading in the library, the child called to her mother. "Yes, dear," replied the mother. "What is it?" "God's angels nre buzzing around me just aivful, mother," cried the little girl, "and one of 'em's bitten me," History mas not Billy's strong point and this morning he had ignominious- ly failed to name six presdents of the United States. "Why, IVillinm," remonstrated his teacher, "when I was your age I could name every one of the presidents since Washington." "But please, ma'm, there weren' nearly so many then." Guide (to tour party of the Ford plant)--Do you know what mould happen if that man on the right side ever missed a day at work? Interested Onlooker -- No. What mould happen? Guide--Tmo thousand and sixty-one Fords mould go out of the factory w;thout springs. Interested Onlooker--Say, mister, that fella's been sick a lot, ain't he? Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davison, 14th and Goidon, aie being con- gratulated on the arrival of a son. The young man made his appearance yesterday--Thurs- day--morning. Mother and babe are at home a»d getting along nicely. Mrs. Avery White entertained on wednesday afternoon, 30th May, at a bridge in honor of Mrs. Eric Hvalsoe. The room was pret tily decorated with cream tea roses and iris. The invited guests were: Mrs. Eric Hvalsoe, Mrs. Heaslip, Mrs. Pascual, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Gemmill, Mrs. Dan Hill, Mrs. Rimmer, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Nash, Mrs. Tay- lor and Mrs. Harry Hodgson. Mrs. Nash won first prize; the consolation prize going to Mrs. Hill. 51~ "Ilail", I. ~ACiFIC 5TAGES Augmented Service: Dally Slrt Through Coaches Saturdays and Sundays Nine Through Coaches. i.cave Vnncourcr. Week-darn O,o'er n.rn. i i.so a.rn. s.%r p.m. n i'i P Irl S.SO il lll I I:Ir I'll nnd nlno Snturduy nnd Suadnr t.so )l rn, O.SO p.rn. Io.uo p.m. Lt'ave i lornc Siloc Bn)". T,ss n.m. Ill. lo a.m. l.tO tr.m. I r6 p. rrl, T.rid p.m. IO.IXi p.lrl. S.(6 tr.m.) ri.trs p.m.) it.:irr lr.nl.) { Snt.. Sun. nnd uolldnyn For ru rtilcr Inform. «tlon, phone ScS'er& 0 40 ~ ~ r I,'i ~ Qpgvunng ~ raO & VI~I, Q Sf a4t I i ~ e LHeE ~trlITC ~ 4tet%LC MOygiy.gs khan eaecc eI ~4%AT 1I ~ 11OR QRANSPORTAT$0&' QU'T; ~ Rufe Johnson's pet hound disap- peared. Rufe put the following ad in the paper: "Lost or run away, one liver-colored bird dog called Jim. Will show signs of hydrofobby in about three days." The dog came home the following day. A small boy advent to the chemist' and asked for some powder for his sister. "What kind does she want?" asked the chemist, "that which goes off with a bang?" "No," answered the boy, "she wants the sort that goes on with a puff." a a R R "Tom, go fetch the old horse.' "Why the old one, father?" "Wear out the old ones first, that' my motto." "Well, then, father, you fetch the horse." No Competition Mandy: "Nose, is yo'ho'o'idn' marry me fo'ah job?" Mose: "Co'se ah didn't gal! Lawsy no! Yo'es'o ahaid an'eep yo'l'ob." Caution Caution is a fine habit to cultivate, provided, as in all good things, one does not go to extremes or is not guilty of inexcusably bad judgment. Word had been received by the in- spector of an electric light system that an overhead wire had fallen in the crowded street. The inspector betook himself to the spot. When he arrived he found a crowd of people handling the wire in a most careless manner. Luckily, no accidents had occurred. Going up to the nearest man he ad- monished him severely. "You took a grave risk," said the inspector. "You had no right to touch that wire. Do you know you might have been killed outright by the shock?" "Oh, said the man, "I was mighty careful, sir; I felt it carefully before I took hold of it!" ~ ~ R1GH~ HE,RE gjpNUGA& ~ 0~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ INSTANT pick-up ... Starts like a flash... wonderful on grades... maximum power for full piston stroke... it's ab- solutely pure... no in- jurious compounds... . keeps your engine running smooth... saves on repair bills. Use Northern Light. Get the fullpower from your engine. 'I%0 NEM STORFS FOR blARINE DRIVE ----A. &I~shall of Victoria, was &Vest Vancouver on Friday and Saturday, making arrange- ments for the erection of a store building on his property on the south side of hlarine Drive be- tiveen the B. C. Electric Co.'s store and the B. C. Telephone of- fice. The building ivill consist of tivo stores ivith living quartersat the back of one of them. It is understood that the contract has been let and the ivork of construction ivill be started shortly. Teacher: "Now, Gracie, you may tell the class mhat it is that elephants have that no other animal has." Gracie: "Little Elephants."--Girls'Ueekly. Little George, the garage mascot, mas visiting his aunt. He found the cat in a sunny windom purring cheer- fully. "0 Auntie, come quick," said little Georgie: "the cat has gone to sleep and left his engine running."-- Annapolis Log. A grumpy old gentleman was walk- ing around the pictures at an art ex- hibition when suddenly he stoppedand pointed. "I suppose that's what they call art nowadays," he growled."No, dear," said his wife gently,"that's a mirror."--Montreal Star. l orPozver ~ sguagilj h'ORTHMN LIGHT oAs S )'~~!i~