West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 May 1928, p. 7

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001C952A 3Iay 25th, 1928. WEST VANCOUVER SCIIQQL biQNEY I3Y-LAW No. 386 1928 By-Law authorizing the Corpor- ation of the District oF West Vancou- ver to borrow by way of loan the sum pF $21,600.00 For school purples. WHEREAS the dourd of School of the Corporation of the Disti ict of West Vancouver have pre- sented to the Council of the said C rporation the following estimate for the extraordinary expenditures requir- ed by the said Board of School Trus- tees for school purposes:-- for the purpose of building snd equipping u four (4) room addition to I'auiire Johnson School, Twenty-one Thousand Six Hundred ($21,600.00) Dollars. AND WHEREAS the estimated cost to the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver of such undertaking is the sum of Twenty-one Thousand Six Hundred ($21,600.00) Dollars. AiND WHEREAS the sum of Twen- ty-one Thousand Six Hundred ($21,- 600.00) Dollars is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By-Luw. AND WHEREAS it is necessary that the money to be raised hereunder be raised upon the credit of the said Corporation, AND W H F REAS the Council of the said Corporation } s authorized the submission of this By-Law to the Electors: AND 4VHEREAS it would be nec- essary to raise annually by special rate the sum of One Thousand Eighty ($1,080.00) Dollars principal, and the sum of Nine Hundred und Seventy-two ($972.00) Dollars interest, making to- gether s total amount annually of Two Thousand und Fifty-two ($2,062- .00) Dollars, for the term of fifteen (16) years, for the payment of the said loan and interest thereon as here- inafter mentioned. AND WHEREAS the assessed value of the whole land of the said Corpor- ation, according to the last revised assessment roll. amounts to Four Mil- lion Forty-one Thousand snd Fourteen ($ l,041,014.00) Dollars, snd the as- sessed value of the improvements a- mounts to Two Million Nine Hundred and Fifty-one Thousand, One Hund- red und Twenty-eight ($2,961,128.00) Dollars, making together s total of fix hiillion Nine Hundred und Ninety- two Thousand One Hundred snd Forty- two ($6,992,142.00) Dollars. AND lVHEREAS the value of the ratesble land of the said Corporation, according to the last revised assess- ment roll, sinounts to Three hlillion One EIundred snd Forty-five Thousand Eight Hundred und Ninety-six ($3,- 145,896.00) Dollars und the improve- ments amount to Two hiillion Seven Hundred und Forty-six Thousand Two Hundred snd Ninety-three ($2,746,293- .00) Dollars, making together s total of Five Million Eight Hundred snd Ninety-two Thousand One Hundred and Eighty-nine ($5,892,189.00) Dol- lars. AND AVHEREAS to provide for the payment of interest snd the creation of u sinking fund for the payment of the said principal sum of Twenty-one Thousand Six Hundred ($21,600.00) Dollars, it would be necessary to levy s special rate sufficient to raise the sum of Two Thousand Fifty-two ($2,052.00) Dollars, the amount to be calculated annually on the rstesble land or lands und improvements of the Corporation. NOIV THEREFORE the Reeve und Council of the Corporation of the Dis- trict of West Vancouver in open meet- ing assembled enact as follows:-- (1) I t shall be la wful for the Reeve of the said Corporation snd the Clerk of the Council, for the purpose aforesaid to borrow or raise by wsy of loan from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who msy be willing to advance the same upnn the credit of the debentures (herein- after mentioned) of the said Corpor- ation, s sum of money not exceeding in the whole the sum of Twenty-one Thousand Six Hundred ($21,600.00) Dollars, snd to cause the same to be placed in the Royal Bank of Canada at West Vancouver, British Columbia, to the credit of the said Corporation for the purposes above recited, snd the debentures of the said Corpora- tion to the amount of Twenty-one Thousand Six Hundred ($21,600.00) Dollars in the whole msy be issued by the said Reeve und Clerk in ac- cordance with the "hiUNICIPAL ACT" in sums as msy be required of not less than One Hundred )$100.00) Dol- lars each. Each debenture shall be signed by the Reeve und Clerk und the Clerk shall attach thereto the Corporate Seal of the said Corpora- tion. The said debentures shall be dated the first dsy of August 1928, snd shall bearintereststtherateof four and one- halfpercent.per annum (4'%~le) pay- able on the first duy of February und the first day of August in each and every year during the currency of the said debentures, or any of them, snd the principal of the said debent- ures or any of them shall be puyublo on the first dsy of August, 1943, There ahull be attached to each of the debentures coupons signed by the Reeve und Clerk for each snd every payment of interest that msy become due. and such signatures may be either THE N'EST VAN NEREUS sessed value of the improvements a- mounts to Two Million Nine Hundred and Fifty-one Thousand One Hundred and Twenty-eight ($2,961,128.00) Dol- lars, making together a total of Six Million Nine Hundred and Ninety- two Thousand One Hundred and Forty- two ($6,992,142.00) Dollars. AND lVHEREAS the value of the rateable land of the said Corporation according to the last revised assess- ment roll, amounts to Three Million One Hundred and Forty-five Thous- and Eight Hundred and Ninety-six |$3,145@96.00) Dollars. and the im- provements amount to Two Million Seven Hundred und Forty-six Thous- and Two Hundred and Ninety-three ($2,746~33.00) Dollars, making to- gether a total of Five biillion Eight Hundred and N inety-two Thousand One Hundred snd Eighty-nine ($5; 892,189.00) Dollars. AND WHEREAS to provide for the payment of interest and the creation of a sinking fund for the payment of the said principal sum of Ten Thous- and Eight EIundred ($ 10@00.00) Dol- lars, it ~ould be necessary to levy a special rate sufficient to raise the sum of One Thousand snd Twenty-six ($ 1,026.0U) Dollars, the amount to be calculated annually on the rateable land or lands and improvements of the Corporation. NOW THEREFORE the Reeve snd Council of the Corporation of the Dis- trict of West Vancouver in open meet- ing sss«mbled enact as follo~s:-- (1) It shall be lawful for the Reeve of the said Corporation and the Clerk of the Council, for the purposes afore- said, to borrow or raise by wsy of loan from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who may be will- ing to advance the same upon the credit of the debentures (hereinafter mentioned) of the said Corporation, a sum of money not exceeding in the whole the sum of Ten Thousand Eight Hundred ($ 10@00.00) Dollars, and to cause the same to be placed in the Royal Bank of Canada, at West Van- couver, British Columbia, to the credit of the said Corporation for the pur- poses above recited, snd the debentur- es of the said Corporation to the a- mount of Ten Thousand Eight Hund- red ($ 10,800.00) Dollars in the whole muy be issued by the said Reeve and Clerk in accordance with the "MUNI- CIPAL ACT" in sums as msy be re- quired of not less than One Hundred ($ 100.00) Dollars each. Each debent- ure shall be signed by the Reeve snd Clerk snd the Clerk shall attach thereto the Corporate Seal of the said Corporation. '1'he said debentures shall be dated the first dsy of August 1928, und shall bear interest at the rate of four und one half per cent. per annum (44'/c), payable on the hrst dsy of 1'ebruury snd the first dsy of August in each snd every year during the currency of the said debentures, or any of them, snd the principal of the said debentures, or any of them, shall be payable on the first dsy of August 1943. There shall be attached to each of the debentures coupons signed by the Reeve snd Clerk for each und every payment of interest that muy become due, und such signatures msy be either printed, written or litho- graphed. (2) The said debentures shall be expressed to be payable in lawful money of Canada. (3) The said debentures as to principal snd interest shall be payable at any branch of the Royal Bank of Canada in Canada, at the holder's option by the Corporation. (4) There shall be raised snd levi- ed annually by special rate sufficient therefor upon the rstesble land or lands snd improvements of the Corp- oration the sum of Five Hundred and Forty ($540.00) Dollars for the pur- pose of forming s sinking fund for the payment of the said debentures, the sum of Four Hundred snd Eighty-sir ($486.00) Dollars for the payment of interest at the rate aforesaid, to be- come due on such debentures during the currency thereof (being the equal annual special rate of decimal thirty- three (.33) mills on the dollar of th'resentland valuation) or such furth- er or other rate as shall be sufficient for the sa d purpose, the same to be in addition to all rates to be levied snd created in the said Corporation during the whole currency of the said debentures or any of them. (6) This By-Lsw may be cited for ull purposes as 'WEST VANCOU- VER SCHOOL hIONEY BY-LAW No. 387 1928." PASSED by the Council on the 22nd dsy of hisy, A.D. 1928, RECEIVED the assent of the Electors at the elec- tion for thut purpose on the dsy of June, A.D. 19&. RECONSIDERED und finally AD- OPTED by the Council, SIGNED by the Reeve snd Clerk, und SEALED with the Corporate Seal of the Corp- oration, ull on the duy of June, A.D. 1928. printed, written or lithographed. (2) The said debentures shall be expressed to be payable in lawful money of Canada. (3) The said debentures as to principal and interest shall be payable at any branch of the Royal Bank of Canada in Canada at the holder's option by the Corporation. (4) There shall be raised and levi- ed annually by special rate sufficient therefor upon the rateable land or land and improvements of the Corpor- ation the sum of One Thousand Eighty ($ 1,0~0.00) Dollars for the purpose of Forming s sinking fund for the payment of the said debentures, the sum of Nine Hundred and Seventy-two ($972.00) Dollars for the payment of Interest at the rate aforesaid, to be- come due on such debentures during the currency thereof (being the equal annual special rate of decimal sixty- six (.66) mills on the dollar of the present land valuation) or such furth- er or other rate as shall be sufficient for the said purpose, the same to be in addition to all rates to be levied and created in the said Corporation during the whole currency of said de- bentures or any of them. (5) This By-Law msy be cited for ull purposes as "4VEST VANCOUVER SCHOOL hIONEY BY-LAW No. 386 l 928." PASSED by the Council on the 22nd duy of May, A.D. 1928, RECEIVED the assent of the Electors at the elec- tion for that purpose on the dsy of June, A.D. 1928. RECONSIDERED u n d fi n a l l y ADOPTED by the Council, SIGNED by the Reeve and Clerk, and SEALED with the Corporate Seal of the Corp- oration, sll on the duy of June, A.D. 1928. ClerkReeve TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed By-Law upon which the vote of the biunici- pality will be taken ut the New Am- bleside Hall, corner of 14th Street snd Marine Drive, Ambleside, West Vancouver, B. C., on wednesday, the 6th day of June, 1928, between the hours of S s. m. snd 8 p. m. (Signed) JAihiES OLLASON, Municipal Clerk. CORI'ORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF iVEST VANCOUVElt Notice to Electors PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the vote of the Electors qualify- ing on property situate within the Municipality will be taken on the above By-Law at the New Ambleside Hall, corner of 14th Street und Mar- ine Drive, Ambleside, AVest Vancou- ver, B. C., on wednesday, the 6th dsy of June, 1928, between the houro- of 8 o'lock s.m. and 8 o'lock p. m., und that James Ollsson has been ap- pointed Returning Officer to take the vote of such Electors with the usual powers in that behalf. (Signed) V. V. VINSON, Reeve. (Signed) JAhIES OLLASON, Clerk. iVEST VANCOUVER SCHOOL hlONEY BY-LAiV No. 387 1928. A By-Luw authorizing the Corpor- ation of the District of IVest Vancou- ver to borrow by wsy of loan the sum of $ 10,800.00 for school purposes. WHEREAS the Board of School Trustees of the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver have pre- sented to the Council of the said Corp- oration the following estimate for the extraordinary expenditures required by the said Board of School Trustees for school purposes:-- for the devel- opment of Inglewood and Paulire Johnson School grounds, Ten Thous- and Eight Hundred ($ 10,S00.00) Dol- lars. AND WHEREAS the estimated cost to the Corporation of the District of IVest Vancouver of such undertaking is the sum of Ten Thousand Eight Hundred ($ 10,800,00) Dollars. AND WHERAS the sum of Ten Thousand Eight Hundred ($ 10,800.00) Dollars is the amount of debt intended to be created by this By-Lsw. AND WHEREAS it is necessary that the money to be raised hereunder be raised upon the credit of the said Corporation. AND WHEREAS the Council of the said Corporation hss authorized the submission of this By-Lsw to the Electors. AN D lV H ER EAS it would be neces- sary to raise annually by special rate the sum of Five Hundred snd Forty ($540.00) Dollars principal, snd the sum of Four Hundred snd Eighty-six ($486.00) Dollars interest, making to- gether s total amount annually of One Thousand and Twenty-six ($1,026- .00) Dollars for the term of Fifteen (16) years, for the payment of the suid loan and interest thereon as hereinafter mentioned. AND AVHEREAS tho assessed value of the v hole land of the said Corpor- ation, according to the last revised assessment roll. amounts to Four hiil- llon Forty-one Thousand and Fourteen ($4,041,014.00) Dollars, snd the as- Reeve Clerk TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed By-Law upon which the vote of the hiunici- pality will be taken at the New Am- bleside Ilail, corner of 14th Street and Marine Drive, Ambleside, lVest Vancouver, B. C., on Wednesday, the 6th day of June, 19~&, between the hoursof Sa m and8p m (Signed) JAMES OLLASON, biunicipal Clerk. CORI'QRATIQN OF THE DISTRICT OF W EST VANCOUVER i&otice to Electors PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the vote of the Electors qualify- ing on property situate within the Municipality will be taken on the above By-Law at the New Ambleside Hall, corner of 14th Street and Mar- ine Drive, Ambleside, West Vancou- ver, B. C., on Wednesday, the 6th day of June, 1928, between the hours of 8 o'lock a. m. and 8 o'lock p. m., und that James Ollason has been ap- pointed Returning Officer to take the vote of such Electors with the usual powers in that behalf (Signed) V. V. VINSON, Reeve. (Signed) JAhiES OLLASON, Clerk. THE CORPORATION OF TIIE DIS- TRICT QF 8 EST VAiNCOUVER 9 EST VAiCQUi ER STREET LI G HTI N G EXT EN SION BY-LAiV, No. 390, 1928. WHEREAS according to the provi- sions of an Agreement made between the Vancouver Power Company, Lim- ited, snd the Corporation of the Dis- trict of IVest Vancouver, dated the 16th duy of October, 1922, provision is made for the extension of street lighting according to the terms there- lll set forth. AND SVHEREAS the said Agree- ment is incorporated under and made a part of "IVest Vancouver Electri" Lighting snd Heating By-Law No. 199 1922.'ND lVHEREAS it is deemed ex- pedient to extend the street lighting and'or undertake such service for the special benefit und at the cost of that portion of the biunicipality of AVest Vancouver set forth in the Schedule "A'ereof. NOIV THEREFORE the Reeve snd Council of the Corporation of the Dis- trict of West Vancouver in open meet ing assembled enact as follows:-- (1) The Council of the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver are hereby authorized snd directed to re- quest the Vancouver Power Company, Limited, to immediately erect, and supply, according to the terms snd conditions set forth in the Agreement made between the said Company and the Corporation dated the 16th day of October, A.D. 1922, within the area set forth in schedule "A" hereof, eight additional street lamps located as msy be deemed advisable by the Council of the Corporation of the District of IVest Vancouver: And the Council of the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver are hereby authorized snd directed to increase the number of, or change the location of the street lamps within the area set forth in schedule "A" hereto from time to time as the Council of the Corporation of the Dis- trict of West Vancouver shall deem advisable: And to this end the Reeve and Clerk are authorized A execute such documents as may be requisite in the name of the Corporation, and to affix the Corporate Seal thereto, snd to deliver the same in the name of snd as an act of the Corporation. (2) IT IS HEREBY DECLARED AND DEEMED EXPEDIENT to und- ertake such services as aforesaid for the special benefit of and at the entire cost of that portion of the hiunicipal- ity set forth in schedule "A" hereto, snd the liability of the Corporation of the District of IVest Vancouver under or by virtue of such service is hereby charged against that portion of the hlunicipslity set forth in schedule "A" hereof, snd shall be raised by s special rate upon the lands or lands snd im- provements, either or both, within such defined portion of the hlunicipal- ity: AND AUTHORITY AND DIR- ECTION IS HEREBY GIVEN to levy annually by special rate against the said lands or lands and improvements, u sum sufficient to satisfy the annual charge made by the Vancouver Power Company, Limited, for such service herein referred to, and such rate or tsx shall be snd is hereby charged dur- ing the term of the Agreement be- tween the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver snd the Vancouver Power Company, Limited, dated the 16th dsy of October, 1922, as a charge or lien payable along with and in ad- dition to snd as forming part of, the annual tux upon the said lands and improvements payable from snd out of the said lands and improvements, respectively, to the Corporation. THIS BY-LAW msy be cited for all purposes as "WEST VAiNCOUVER STREET LIGHTING EXTENSION BY-LAW, No. 390, 1928." PASSED by the Council on the 22nd dsy of htsy, A.D. 1928, RECEIVED the assent of the Electors of that por- tion of the hiunicipslity sct out in schedule "A" hereto at the election for that purpose on the duy of June, A.D. 1923. RECONSI DERFD snd finally ADOPTED by the Council, SIGNED by the Reeve and Clerk, and SEALED with the Corporate Seal pf the Corporation all on the day of June, A.D. 1928. Reeve Clerk SCHEDULE "A" QF THE BY.LAW Those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises lying and being within the Corporation of the Dis- trict of West Vancouver, Province of British Columbia, and more particu- larly known and described as District Lots 790, 1036, 1037, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041, 1042. 1043S,i, 1044SQ, 1045 SQ, 1046S "z, 1047SS, 104SShg, 1049 Sts; also those portions of District Lot 763 known and described as Lots 1, 2. 3, .1, 6 and 6 in the South 40 acres; all of which said lands are with- in Group 1, New Westminster District. Reeve. TAKE NOTICE that the aboie is a true copy of the proposed By-Law upon which the Electors qualifying on property situate within that portion of the biunicipality set out in schedule"A" of the By-Law entitled "West Vancouver Electric Lighting Exten- sion By-Law No. 390, 1928," will be taken at the New Ambleside Hall, cor- ner of 14th Street and bisrine Drive, West Vancouver B C on Wednesday the 6th day of June, 1928, between the hours of i~ a m and 8 p m JAS. OLLASON, biunicipal Clerk. Clerk. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VA iCOUVER Notice to Electors PUBLIC iNOTICE is hereby given that the vote of the Electors qualify- ing on property situate within that portion of the Municipality set out in Schedule "A" of the By-Law, entitled "West Vancouver Electric Lighting Extension By-Law No. 390, 1928, will be taken at the New Ambleside Hall, corner of 14th Street and bisrine Drive, West Vancouver. B. C., on wednesday, the 6th day of Jane. 1928. between the hours of 8 s. m. and 8 p. m. and that Jas. Ollsson has been appointed Returning Officer to take the votes of such electors with the usual powers in that behalf. (Signed) V, V. VINSON, Reeve. (Signed) JAS. OLLASON. Clerk. LAiVD SURVEYORS RECO~IIIEVD STREET CHANGES A letter was received by the council from the secretary of the Corporation of Land Sur- veyors enclosing the results of the deliberations og a committee specially appointed to go into the question of the size and 1ay- out of streets and roads as a re- sult of changed traffic condi- tions. Their recommendations were as follows: 1. That a uniform width of 66 feet for streets be no longer used. That main highways be widened to a minimum of 80 feet and residential streets be correspondingly narrowed. 3. That main highways be spaced half a mile apart. 4. That at street and highwa.r intersections portion of proper- ty be cut off by straight line joining points on street lines set at least 8 feet back from their intersection. 5. That distances between street intersections and main highways be as great as possi- ble. The council thanked the sec- retary, and ordered the letter filed for reference by the muni- cipal engineer. 9 H% TEACHERS GEI'IAQRIED Question--l~ hat are glaciers ~ Answer--Guys who fix windows when they are broken. Question--What is s peninsula! Answer--A bird that lives on ice- bergs. Question--What is a volcano T Answer A mountain with a hole in the top. If you look doaw you can see the creator smoking. Question--Why does a dog hang out its tongue when running T Answer--To balance its tail. Question--%hat is steel wool ~ Answer--The fleece of a hydraulic ram. Question--What are Christian na- tions ~ Answer--Those that use cuss words. Question--What is etiquette T Answer--Saying "No, thank you," when you mean "Gimme."