West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 May 1928, p. 4

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001C952A THE YVEST VAN NEYVS May 25, 1928. Make 'j.'his Your Food Shop This is your Grocery. It is built on Service and Satisfaction to customers. Here's a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries guaranteed to be of the highest grade. The best food at lowest prices. lii'l'.i'. Ill9li',ll',I 'S GiROCERY West 16 PHONE YO UR 0 R DERS. We deliver. Waterfront Houses and'amps i(. W. SAVO.('.l'429 AIarine Drive Ambleside PHON E--West 69S R1 or West 340 Evening--IVest 143 THE . I'aree, S Io I I I 1520 Marine Drive Marcel, Steam and Finger Wav- ing, Haircutting, Shampooing and Scalp Treatments For Appointment WEST 304 Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The IVest Van Watchmaker 5 Jewelier 1522 Marine Drive Amb]eside Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Wharf &VEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, etc. J. M. Morgan Phone lVest 173 WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Production and Singing VANCOUVER STUDIO i bone Seymour 101 MRS. F. X. HODGSON I AUDED IN SEATTLEPERSONALS Mrs. F'. X. Hodgson achieved another artistic success o»« appearance as assisting al'tlst with the Amphion Society~c- attle's premier male choir. her work the Seattle Post-Intel- ligencer says: "As their assisting artist, the singer's presented Mrs. F..X Hodgson„a Junoesque dramatic contralto, who fills an important place in the musical life of Van- couver, B.C. A rich old Italian aria, familiar to students, "Ah Rendimi," from Rossi's "Mi- trane," was her principal offer- ing, and it served ideally to re- veal tht; quality of her voice. The singer responded with Tsch- aikowsky's famous setting of Goethe's "Nur wer die Sensucht Kennt," as her first encore. La-ter the soloist was heard in a group of songs ranging from the sentimenta]ities of "Yesterday and Today," by Spross, and Kate Gilmore Black's "I Love YouDear," to the anguish of Salt-er's "The Cry of Rachel." Sofavorably was the group receiv- ed that Mme. Hodgson gener-ously responded with two en- cores, of which "My Laddie" was the more popular. AIrs. Hodgson was presentedwith a beautiful bouquet of Am-erican Beauty roses. Mrs. Joseph Tite, whosehealth has necessitated her liv ing in Eng]and for some timearrived in )Vest Vancouver lastFriday with Miss Grace Tite and wi]1 take up permanent resi- dence here. e Rev. J. H. white of Clayburn and Rev. Fred Dredge of Nel- son were visiting Mrs. P. A. Mc- Bain, 29th and Waterfront, last Silnday. AIrs. C. kV. Stevenson is ex- pected back at her home at 19th and Bellevue on Sunday from Victoria, where she has been spending a fortnight at the Resthaven Sanatorium. 0 Percy Reynolds, who has been ill in the Vancoiiver General Hospital suffering from a se- vere attack of typhoid has re- covered sufficient]y to return to his home at 13th and JefFerson. Dr. and iAIrs. E. R. Rowan moved last Thursday, 17th in- stant, from the city to the hous they have taken at 26th and AIathers. Mrs. Kennedy of Vancouver has taken the Smith bungalow, e 29th and )Vaterfront, for the summer months. 0 e Professor James AI. 5Iorgan, 1228 Argyle Avenue, is suffer- ing from an attack of inflamma- tory rheumatism. Rev. Harry Davidson, with his wife and family, who was for- merly minister of the United Church at Britannia, has take» kV. Gourlay's house at 23rd and Bellevue and will arrive here at the beginning of next month. Frank Harrison, 17th and Haywood, is acting as driver on the municipal busses while E. A. Rathje is away on his two weeks'acation. Dayton Case, 14th and Ma- rine, had the misfortune to have the thumb of his left hand cut off by a saw last Friday whi]st following his occupation as sawyer at the Capilano mills. Mrs. J. T. Armstrong, Fulton Avenue, left yesterday for an extended visit to Calgary and Midnapore, Alta. CASH AND CARRY MEAT MARKET AND JOSEP TITE hIOVE INTO NET BLOCK NEXT iVEEK C J Anthony of )Vest Bay has been on the sick list for a few days with an injured leg. He is now making good progress but wi]] likely feel the efFects for some time. W. Hookum of Port Coquit- lam is visiting 5Ir. and Mrs. Er- nest Keith of the Keith block, 16th and Marine Drive. Mr. Hookum expects to become a resident of EVest Vancouver in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. David White- side and daughter Betty are now occupying their summer home at Cypress Park. Mr. Whiteside is we]] known in the province, particularly in the New AVest- minster district, as a member of parliament. Mrs. W. M. Jackman, accom- panied by her brother and sis- ter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. J. V. Leonard, spent the week-end touring Vancouver Island. Mr. Carl Leonard, B.A., is ex- pected to arrive on Thursday, May 24th, at the home of Coun- cillor and Mrs. Jackman to join his parents. He has been tak- ing advanced studies at Mc- Gill University, Montreal. SUAIAIER MAIL SERVICE Holly burn Mail despatched for east (ex- cePt Sunday) 7 52 a m D un darave mail despatc3:12 p.m. (Except Sundays and statu-tory holidays,) ) Mail despatch for east (ex- cePt Sundays)~:23 p m Dllndarave Mail despatched for east (ex- cePt Sundays) --7:57 a.m Hollyburn mall despatch4:18 p,m. (Except Sundays and statu-tory holidays.) The new business block on Marine Drive, between 16th and 17th streets, wi]] be completed within a few days, and it is ex- pected thaf the new tenants will be doing business there next Friday, June 1st. One of the larger stores wi]] be the new home of the Cash and Carry Meat Market. This business will be operated solely by Dudley Roberts, and will be under his direct manage- ment. Dudley is one of the youngest business men in the district, but the success that his efForts have met with so far shows that he is a "chip off the old block," and it is expectedthat he will build up a good bus- iness in his new location. Fair treatment and courtesy to all is Dudley's business motto, and to follow this out in practice iq onethat spells success to any busi- ness man. Joseph Tate is moving into another of these stores, and in addition to his shoe repair bus- iness wi]] carry a stock of shoes, featuring specially children' needs. The Piggly Wiggly Co. wi]] oc- cupy one of the other stores. SERIOUS FIRE AT IVEST BAY A serious fire broke out on Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Smith at 31st and Travers. The fire bri- gade responded to the alarm, but had a hard time fighting the flames. The roof was practic- ally destroyed and considerable damage was done to the rest of the building from the water. Luckily al] the furniture was saved as a result of the efForts of the fire brigade, who with the assistance of nearby residents and friends carried it out of the burning building to a place of safety. Mr. Purvis and another resi- dent who were on the roof as- sisting the fire brigade, slipped off and fel] to the ground, Mr. Purvis having one of his elbows dislocated as a result. He was taken to the North Vancouver General Hospital, where his in- juries were atten:led tp. The cause of the fire has not yet been determined. Do you know you can get "Granny Maysons" Home-Made Chocolates and Candies in Du nd arave? SomethIng good and not too dear What Is known as Dandy That s the kmd that we sell here Granny Mayson s Candy "Happy Thought" Confectionery Store Marine Drive between 24th and 25th ' 'eveloped, Copied and Enlarged in 4Vest Vancouver For quick service leave with ALEX HARVEY, 2131 ilfarine (West, 91L) Water Service Sj. RIb'KLIEG O'.OURS l~lmc z -.ea1: can be obtained from SERNO the canned heat. Thoro cans 25c See our window for special on this with a stove and pan. We send Telegrams, either C 1. R. or C. N. R. Dispensers to the C. P. R lifedical Association WEST VAN l'HARNACY The Store of Service PUQLl SE,RV IC r v 0 IVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone )Vest 410L (Established over 75 Years) C. J. Overington 14th and 5Iarine a For appointment PHONE WEST 135 sea BROKE ~OWN Fova NlLKS PRON + I 0IHII 054I '.'" the If you'd avoid both jolt and jar Let us inspect your motor car. "YVouldn't that jar you?" re- marked the careless autoist as he landed in the ditch. "Only yesterday I read an ad advising me to have an expert inspect wy car but I thought I was somewise baby. Now look at me. Iwonder in the name of the manwho invented mile stones howfar it is to the nearest tele-phone?" Telephone to us! ccIc You L.~ Finn WK SKRVS rHK PUBLlC UCLL 'HE,y a 6OVS.Wa&4 ~ VIK'gK EQ,C Ta%«s "le 3urrarc iLallllcry lLimited For I'eople Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. HARRON BROS. R WILL IAAFSON If uiieral Qirecturs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 No Garden Hose may be used before permit is paid for.Sprinkling hours unti] further notice are: District East of 22nd Street:-- Mondays, Wednesdays and I:ridays, 6 to 8 a. m. and 7 to10 p. m. District West of 22nd Street:-- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 6 to 8 a.m, and 7to 10 p.m. Caulfeild same as last year. I beaks or wilful waste of water should be reported at onceto the AVater Department, Telephone West 44. Signed, JAMES OLLASON, C.M.C. AmblesIde Tea Rooms IVest Van. Pharmacy Lesage Drug Store Marine Grocery Most Van Garage Ambleside IVest 130 Play a game of 1 ..arri.s ",, ":"' . 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