West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 May 1928, p. 1

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001C952A A Wee ly e spa er CirculatiJJg iJJ tlze District of Wiest l/arzco11ver- tnble·side HoiiJ burtJ M esto11 . 1.00 per l'e&r. yprcs Park, Cau/fei/d, ~~ llJ tec/i.ff, Etc . Vol. III E l HT PAGE HOLLYBUR P.O .• \VEST V n unknowrn man tommitl d uicid at \\'hyl diU y terday by lying a rock ro nd hiH n k and jumplll'l~ into the . ea. he remain ure r ting at Harron Br . nnd \\"illinmson funeral parlor~ in yorth Vancou,·er and nl time ,of \ riti ng had not been identified. TER 0 LE TE The wa ler departm 'nt have I.Jeen im:.truet <1 r the council to hand to the municipal .soli- citoi· a list of the deli nq uen t wat r rate in connection with the Whylecliff • y tern with n ,.j w to h collection of these account The" e t Vancouver Ratepay- r. • Associa ion held a general meeting at Dundru·a e Hall last Tuesday, wben 1\lajor A. R. Mathe~on addressed the meeting •·egarding the Lion' Gate B1idge. The address ·wa inter- ling and instructive. The peaket· mpba ised tbe climatic nd -cenic ad anlages of the urth hore and est 'an ver in particular, and dre' a pen picture of the winter playground of Hollyburn Ridge which was waiting the hand of development. Th de\'elopment of We t Van- cou\'er ;\~a being retarded by the lack of adequa e and quick access to the City of Vancouver. Reference was made to the fact that the Lion' Gate Bridge as proposed, was passed by the Inter-Municipal Committee and th Bridge Commis ion appoint- ed by the Dominion Government. It wa pointed out very plain- ly how and why the plebiscite fo1· a bridge approach through th.;: Park was defeated through the propaganda of the big intere ts. It '·as l'esol\,ed that a sb·ong repre entative committee be fo1·med to further the construc- tion of this much needed artery of communication. • T TORI 1\l · 0 E B IL . 1 h proposal to con tru' . a natatorium on a fi ·e-ncre 1 c at he corner of Pemberton Ave. and ... Iarine Drh'e hu ~ recently received consider IJie pu licit.·. The phm. fo1· the con ruction of this l.mihHng, whi h will c JO- tain a wimming pool und gym- na ium l nd will co . 200,000, h v n~ v been C"ompleted, nnd it iR expected tha the work of COil- slruction \\ill be started ' hortlr. Sprinkling Perm ·ts ,/ Must be Ohtaioed prinkling lawns and garden i being testricted to fhre hour a dny and three days a week, according to an official notice by the municipal authorities. The hour are from 6 to 8 a.m. ancJ from. 7 to 10 p.m. In the dis- tdct east of 22nd St ·eet, Jon- days, \~;ednesdays and Fridar ~ re the days allotted, the dls- trict west of 22nd Street being allotted Tue da:s, Thursday and Saturdays. It i announced that a trict inspection "ill be maintained to check up any who have not ob~ tained prinkliug pea'mits. h nee it would be wise for anr intend- ing t o use the hose at all to ob- tain the nece sary permit from the municipal hall before con- necting up the gar en ho e. Of- fenders in thi · re pect are liable to pro ecuti on. R TEP YER TO BE I F R1\JED OF 0 T OF EWAGE Y IN 0. 1 A resolution was passed by the council that the l~atepayers of o. 1 sewage area be inform- ed what additional taxe on their propertie the in tallaticm of the system will involve per an- num by showing the annual mil- lage required for 15 •ear' to meet interest and inking fund on debentures issued to pay for it construction. The Think Sbop Thinking is a human process that is much neglected. Peopl • do thingf' in life entirely lea ·ing out the element of thought. Thi · \ orld would be a much better \Vorltl, a much better plac to Jiv in, if each per~on would imply put hi . th~n.king cap on and "'ear it at the performance of each deed, ~ngmf1ca.nt or cemingly incon equential. · In the office in the hop, in tne home. in the Locial arena, in public place ,' v 1·ywher , thought ~'ould '>.,:ell play it .part. •1 he think ~hop i · one of the rno t Important propet·t•. 'S of the human make up. ack o propel~ thought promote m1 ery. wo ·v, dis ontent, sadne ~. uffering, ignorance and hundr ds of things that l1ould be destroyed rather than promote~ .. The man who think i · the man who doe_ thmg eff1c1entJ): and it i lik ' i e with the woman "ho thmks . . The bo. · amt gil'l brought up in the habit of careful thinking i the bo · and girl who \ il l mean mo t to anad~. . _ . . Jn " ry ndi~ it • of life, there ,. R tnkmg 11 ce: 1t_ • lor Hound thi king. • o per ·on is cleal'l · independent. Ther • fore it :tand aeh p r on in hnnd to ha • n caa·e , hnve a thought, for the inter l. o( th oth r f llow . . Antl corr ·pond- ingly th other feUo ,\' bemg duly cnre(.( for Wl~l.car for (hO~C who care for him. In thi •ay a t tc ot· condttlon of common nalJ!piue s muy u maintain d. . . ~ onnd •d fe lin~ , batt red cm·e r , d moh hed ho-p • .luudn- work, d termin tion lo rc\'enge anti 11 .01·t, uml kim s of fnilur s may at once be pr ' nt d by tb ~nmple l P- plica ion of pl'opel' thought. Conservative al y Next Monday l on er ·ath·e r lh· "ill be held ne ' • ondny e\ ning, 2 t.h in ·tnnl, at o'clock. i Durnda· rave Hall. to bich aU t , ancou\·er- on en·a ti\' are in- \·ited . he peakcr will be eurge H. ownn .C .• e • I .P. t thi meeting delegat will be ~hosen to attend the nom·na· ling on ·enlion. which i to tnke place in the K. P. Hall. orth 'ancouver, at p.m. on the foUowing e\o·ening 29th May. U is hoped that a on- er,·ath~ in the d' trict. wm make a pe(ial effort to be pres· Pt ne t lUond y en~ning jn Dundara~·e HaU. Bonds Bring 94.96 / R. P. CL RK CO lPA Y C E F L The tender of R. P. Clark & Co .. Vancouver, of 94.4 55 for a $90,000 twenty-year bond i ue fo1· :Vlal"ine Drive paving, and of 94.96 fo r a 12.000 fifteen-year i . ue for addition to municipal hall. was accepted by the Muni~ cipal Council on Monday even- ing, Both is ues bear 'nterest at 4 1-2 per cent. - l"f"fiw"'""'"~:-~·- , ed fDI'·-t5~[)n~aru tion \V ork on Marine Drive Tender for Marine Drive highway construction ork to cost 90,000 will be received by 'r. G. S. Hanes. city engineer. 011h Vancouver, "i"ho is con- sulting engineer for the p ·o- ject. k Grant for Ho.spita A request from Ald. E. H. Bridgeman and Councillor G. R. Dennis that a grant be made to- ward the orth Vancouver hos- pital wm be considered at the next meeting of the council. It wa unanimou ly agreed by the municipal council to grant the B. C. Forestry Branch per- mi sion to place a forest protecw tion sign on Marine Drive. Beach Fire Permit Permits for beach fire mu t be obtained through the chief of police. They will not be i - ued by the council. This deci- ion wa 1·eacb d at Monday's meeting. Jake Annual Grant At a meeting of the council thi. week it was decided to make the usual annua[ grant of 200 to the We t Yancou er Horticultm·al ociety. BIG .JILL'" Thea· wa n hnge number of ' i itor at \\' t Bny Beach on unda. • a well a· on mpir£ na ·. "the Red i\ tll" proving a centl' • of attruction. This up. to-dnte h t I he\· proved a decid- ed at•ttui. ition to th . di. h·ict, aud :i\lr. Lewi .. is to IJe ·ongratula ted on his ffort. to ·upply a long f It '·ant i \' t Vancou\ r. I i announced that furthe im- provement r to b~ made t the bea~:h, \ hich will undoubt d- 1 · b come on of th mo t pop 1- ln1· on the r o1·t h hore Th) 'Otlllcil maue un in pe~.:­ tion f l he prop rty on W dne - d • 1 ighl, and e.·pre. ~ d th m- selve~ • much pi u >rl \tt il h what hull be 1n done. RlDAY tlAY 25th, 192 West Vanco ve Nee s L"g t ludustries The hot day. we ha\·e experienced thi week turn on ' thought to the n~e. sit.· of ice for dome tic u e as ·ell a· for cooling draught . H i therefore timely to dr w partil.!ular attention to the ice plant o · in 1 peration in W ·t 'ancou •er. The re~ idents of hi municipalit.· can for th fir t time be upplied with ice manufactured in their o vn di~tri t. \ ·hether we hould congratulate the enlerpri ing proprietor more han our.selve.s upon thi welcome addition. i i: difficult to ·ay. Personal1y, we feel that our resident hould congratula e tbemselve , inasmuch a· th growth of ' e ancouver. hould demand uch a e1·\•ice. 'e bespeak succe · for . J. idley -Sons m their venture. and tru t that the local upport ·ill be such a to cau e an early increa e in the c pacitr of the plant. It is uch indu trie as tbe e that 'es Y· ncou ·er wan s. Few people reali~e ju t what uch bu ine--e me· n. Thi ice plant, for in tance, ca ies a pfwroU of ele' en men. whose earnings go into six different familie . \\ e ba\·e no per anal interest in this particular plant. but e ha 'e an in- ere t in the future and in the welfare of We t 'ancou\?er. re want to ee a many a po ible profitable bu ine -e n suitable indu trie e tabli he here. Particularly would we like to ee an exten ion of light indu hie . re need a payroll and we should endeavor to find wa.r and means hereb • our people can earn. their living here in tead of havin~ ~o tra~el out ide the distnct to earn a wage or sala•-y. When at t reah - ed that a comparati ·ely small indu try, uch a thi ic plant, is the means of a par cheque g~in _to ele ·eo ~iffe~en people and into six different home , 1t wtl be reah ed JU t ·hat thi mean i.n the upbuilding and de ·elopment of the district. The grocer·: the hardware man, the butcher, the d goods ·tore, and pract~caU) e •err other ~u:·ne concern '·!11 oene · b.r tbis enterpn. e. E •en t mumcapal : ~ ~er will benefit indeed, it will be for the good of the Unlclpahty a a hole.' Here is good food for reflection. Public fe ling i rapidly getting away from the old id of making'. e '~n- couver a pure] re"idential district~ There are ~any 1n~u n.e highly uitable and e •en nece ary f_or the adeal re~1dent1al di trict and if reque t for e tabh hment of uch come before our c{ty fathers, w tru t that the: ' ·ill receh•e at lea t a ympathetic bearing. Tbe Lions' Gate Bridge The que tion of bujlding n bri ge o\'er the Fir~ - Tarrow · ha again come up for di cu sion: Th~ Ratep yer ' A ~i~­ tion bad a meeting on this que hon tht week. Th t wtthm a very few years sue~ a bridge \ ill be b_uil t i cedain. b u. e the neces ity of havmg uch a conne :twn. beh ·e~n the f!Orth and outh bore of the inlet i becommg mcrea mgly endent every day, but that i no rea on why the i "sue ~ou~d ~e allo ·- ed to remain dormant. Rather hould our nee e. ~&t. • mctte u to impre day in and day out on the mind· of tho e o~po ed o om· de\'elopment the fact that }Ve need uch a Lndge and are determined to baYe it bum. , e know ~·ho oppo ed. the scheme Ia t summer. "e know ju t eKac ly why the): ~ett no tone unturned to oppose it::; constru:tio_n. and. hov.·. toil~ _at eYer" turn, they at ta t were succe tul m havmg a pleb1 1;1 e take~ on the que tion in \ anco_u,·er. _We kno \ al. o ,.h · 'an- cou,·e•· ·e ident \'Oted o heav1Jy agam~t the proJect. Thi knowledge and _ erience hou)d be u ~eful o u~ ~ h n the fight i: t~e umed again, a it will_ ~e for lon~. \\ ~ can be sati ·fied that ju. t a~ ~tton oppo ttJOn to the bndge \\Ill be forthcoming as befor for the ~ me rea ·on· ~nd from the:' rn~ per-on and interei'ts. The t \'O out tandmg r ult~ of th fight for the bridge I t yeur were that we lo.~t. a· our op- ponent hoped would be the ca.:se, nd tbnt anc~u ·e! lo~t probably mor or le p rmane!ltl> th good_ •· put tl~n It_ ~ d up to then njo:re n a port ·1th n g~od ~· te ntrant: . • h1c.h the oppo·ition ought to ha,·. b~t fu.1led to for see !11 th~tr frenzied t!fforts to defeat the proJect. Tha~. bo .e ·er, .' !ben and Yanl.' u\·et" an ir entirely. 0~ · ~u:m~ · 1: to m l"t on the uridge b ing b ilt, to keep on m-;t~t~n , ~ nd _to work to- g ther ami to keep on \'Orkm" unt1l hk the tmp rtunate widow our reque t i granted. Q11e thing , ·e nn rely . n ~um~ly_. th t it 'dll b . a fight .to 8 fini. h. All kimJ · of obJe t1on " 111 b forthconung t 11 ~.:on tru tion and a· on obje'tion i · met and defe t d. other.; win b brought f rth. The univer·e will b~ ·e rehe~ nl ~ •cr. · po>~ ·ibh: effort m de to defeat u·. But hme 1: w1th u.. l e are growing and de\' lo i ·ery d :. nd 1 h 1 ·elop!ltem come· the PO' ·er tlrl \t '·ill make it imp r ti\'e hn uur \' J h be n l' ded to. • 0 one re li S thi more th I th?~e WhO ~rt oppo cd to th brid re. Th · kn~' · the • ar ftghnn lo. mg gam , but null" th l s th ~· wtll fi ht up 't :1 th J.. t hh h. The bridg i. u.: ine it 1bl a d' th and t