West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 May 1928, p. 9

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001C952A 12 THE )VEST VAN NEEVS iWIAY DAY CELEBRATIONS May 26, 1928.; S 14th RI10 Mariae All Government Inspected Meat Salmon T.out - Roc Each Grain Fed Pork Legs (fores) .............. 17)'ac Butts, per lb ......................... 20c Loins, per lb.................. 29c Kidneys ...................................... 20c Pork Sausages, per lb................ 25c Local Lamb Legs, per lb............ 35c Loins, per lb............................. 37c Shoulder, per lb................. 26c Rib E.. Breast, per lb....... 26c LOCAL VEAL NET ZEALAiVD BUTTER 3 lbs. 1.30 Frying Chicken Boiling Fowl, each 50c 95c EGGS LOCAL EXTRAS, per doz...... 30c LOCAL FIRST, per doz......... 28c PULLET EXTRAS, per dozen 26c Prime Beef Boiling Beef, per lb............... llc Boneless Stewing Beef.... 2 lbs. 25c Pot Roast, per lb...... 12c iC-. 13c Oven Roast, per lb ...... 15c E. 18c Rump Roast, per lb................ 20c Sirloin Tip Roast, per lb.......... 25c Prime Ribs, per lb........................ 20c Boneless Corned Beef, per lb lac c% 20c Cambridge Sausage ....... 2 lbs. 25c Ayrshire Bacon, sliced, per lb. 30c P. M. Back, sliced, lb........... 35c Head Cheese .................. 2 for 25c Cookett, per lb.............................. 20c 100 lb. Sack Potatoes ......... $ 1.25 Radish ......................... 3 for 10c Green Onions .............. 3 for 10c Head Lettuce, Cucumbers Tomatoes etc. SATURDAY ONLY Ne~v Zealand Butter 3 lbs -- $ 1.23 Miss Christian Leighton was croivned May Quee» of the three north shove municipalities, yes- terday afternoon by her prede- cessor, Miss Marguerite Lee. The parade formed on Esplan- ade West a»d proceeded to Ma- hon Park, North Vancouver, headed by the city and district fire apparatus a»d a brass band. The queen followed in the car- riage used by the Duke and Duchess of York three decades ago and was escorted by a guard of honor composed of cubs, brownies, boy scouts and girl guides. Civic officials and mem- bers of the committee of organ- ization came next. Reaching Mahon Park, the quee»-elect and the former queen were led through lanes of boy scouts to a dais where former Reeve Sydney Gisby, presented Mayor G. H. Morden. Mayor Morden made a short address i» which he spoke of the value of May Day celebra- tions to the municipalities and particularly to the children. Taking the crown from her own head, former Queen Mar- guerite Lee placed it upon the head of the newly chosen queen. Then Mayor Morden and Reeve J. 3I. Fromme of North Vancou- ver district, presented Queen Christian with a golden key symbolic of the freedom of the municipalities. Fololwing the coronation and presentation of the key, maypole dances were given by two teams under the direction of Miss Gladys Earland and Miss Beryl Rogers. Miss Rogers'eam won by a score of 19-17. The royal party was then taken on an official tour of the three municipalities, stopping at the hospital to leave flowers with the patients, and at the ceno- taph and memorial arch to de- posit wreaths. The coronation dinner was served in the Elks'ome, provid- ed by the B.P.O.E. and the day closed with a dance in the drill hall. THE hlAN THAT OiVCE I hlEAiVT TO BE I knew his face the moment that he passed Triumphant in the thoughtless, cruel throng-- Triumphant, though the tired quiet eyes Showed that his soul had suffered overlong. And though across his brow faint lines of care Were etched, somewhat of Youth still lingered there. I gently touched his arm--he smiled at me- He was the hinn that Once I meant to be. Where I had failed, he'd won from life success; Where I had stumbled, with sure feet he trod; Alike -- yet unalike -- we faced the world, And through the stress he found that life was good! And I? The bitter wormwood in the glass, The shadowed way along with failures pass. Yet as I saw him thus, joy came to He was the Man that Once I meant to Be. Theatre Tickets given with every 50c purchase. No Phones YOU SAVE No Delivery Dr. F. E. Dorchester has oeen in winnipeg giving a series of lectures. wednesday week, 16th instant, he spoke in the auditori- um of the Music and Arts build- ing to a capacity audience. The prairie press speaks very highly of Dr. Dorchester's lectures. ~g K&OW OUR.SVSl'RES~ L hgE, A Book, You SHo'vt-D Go'ME 'LN AHO TAHE A Loow '. PRDIE STEER BEEF PRIME LOCAL LAMB PRIhIE LOCAL VEAL GRAIN FED PORK FRYIiVG CHICKEN BOILIiVG FOWL 15 Varieties Cooked Meats All Fresh Vegetables in Sea- son. ROBERTS'.'letter Meats 14th and Marine Wesi: 'OO I knew him. And I knew he knew me for The man he might have been. Then did his soul Thank silently the gods that gave him strength To win. while I so sorely missed the goal? He turned, and quickly in his own firm hand He took my own--the gulf of failure spanned And that was all--strong, self-reliant, free, He was the Mnn that Once I Meant to Be. ARCHERS ENJOY BASKET PICNIC Vancouver Company of Arch- ers, the parent body of the bow and arrow enthusiasts in Va»- couver, opened their 1928 season'ith a basket picnic and shoot at Brockton Point Thursday aft- ernoon. About 30 archers, includ- ing some of the AVest Vancouver club, were on hand, and a line afternoon's sport was enjoyed. Impromptu shoots were held, after which the party partook of refreshments. AVe did not speak. But in his sapient eyes I saw the spirit that had urged him on, The courage that had held him through the fight Had once been mine. I thought, "Can it be gone?" He felt that unasked question--felt it so H:s pale lips formed the one-word answer, "No!" Too late to win? No! Not too late for me- He is the Man that Still I Mean to Be. It Ayas Hard Work "Ah, good morning, Mrs. Murphy.An'ow is everything?" "Sure, and I'm having one grand time of it between me husband and the furnace. If I keep me oye on the wan the other is sure to go out!" Prompt Delivery Smith 's i roeery 1ye Deliver A. HAltVEY ShIITH, Prop. 24th AND hlARINE, Opp. Dundnrave Hall. Phone lVEST 469 GHAIN RED AN9 WHITE sTQRE Specials for Friday and Saturday SHREDDED WHEAT, Best for n Healthy Brenkfast, per pkt..... llc RED CUTLET FINE SALhloiV. ',i', per tin...................,..... FLIT INSECT DESTROYER, 8 oz. bottle, regulnr 50c, eilch.............. 45c SIiVGAPORE PINEAPPLE, tall tins, ...................2 Tins for 25c SERV-US BRAND KIPPERED SNACKS.... 4 Tins for 25c SFRV-US BUTTER, Finest Obtainable.............................. 3 lbs. for $ 1.25 SQUIRREL BRAND BULK PEANUT BUTTER, per ]b ... PERRIN'S hIALTO CREAhl SANDWICH, per lb,...„............... 35c FIiVEST QUALITY BULK HALLOWI DATES....,. 3 lbs. for 27c MARSH'S GRAPE JUICE.... Pints Quarts 70c . -.::eries eR~.S Pleasing to the eye as well as to the palate. Don't take chances on inferior qualities It's poor economy to begin with. I The meat we sell is pure and wholesome, thoroughly inspected. You'l be satisfied with such food, as well as the service. All hlents Kept in ltefrigerntor Next to Hollyburn Thcntre PHONF iyEST 3 Closed Thursday at 1 o'lock IVE DELIVER FltESH yND CUltFD hlF ITS, BUTTER, EGGS, BACON AND LARD 'Ht use, oV wa~op &a , Hwesw -- +rye) | ()Ogg Qt= Rg+Lp,~ thA&A'Y .' UPON the quality of buildi|g mat- erial you buy depends the beauty, +~„i&'4&t I&/y//'trength nnd enduring qua)ities of the structure you bring into being. We will sell you the prope/ mater- HONE.STY IS ~+; ials at a price that will fhelp us VHK OESr BuslNG,SS ~ ret in your trade. IN 8UQAlvcE,, I'1'.'S. ff tl'li'.I,III Iti) 'II. Il.III',.I,'I. 15th and 51arine LIMITED Phone 9'est 115 i Buy Your Suit in West Vancouver lY... Wlj..IAMS 16th nnd hIARINE, AhiBLESIDE CUSTOhl. TAILOR Come and see our Patterns. Large selection to choose from Dry Cleaning Dyeing, repairs and City Prices an) Pressing Alterations Open Saturda& Evenings till 9 o'cloc t. IVe Call For and Deliver. PHOiVE IV]ST 20. I V..olney o,oa-.i on First 5Iortgage at current rates. Let us finance the building of your new home in Welt Van- couver. I I London 8z British North America Co7 Ltd. Mortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street AVest Phone y. 6285 Local Representative;--F. X. Hodgson, Weft 665R Cq GARAGES, SHEDS, tENCES etc. Small structure I about your home can be t'fings of beauty, and can really a)d to the attractiveness of thing, instead of detracting. AVhen contem- plating such work, sel us; we will give you valuable vice. THE HOUSE THAT JAcK BUILT g Q IW ~ J.&.'(l:I i.'S I..I.'.ll.'IIl.li'.I'I:I.. I:. hIAltINE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Phone YVest 199 or North 1431 ASK FOR JACK JONES AN ANNOUNCEAIENT BY TITE'S NU-WAY SHOE STORE Repairs and New Shoes We wish to inform our customers and the public generally that Next Friday JUNE 1st, AVE hIOVE INTO OUR NE&V STORE in the Messenger Block, Marine Drive, opposite Ambleside Lumber Co. f In addition to Shoe Repair AVork we shall have a sto.'k of Boots and Shoes especially for Children.