001C951F LOCA Ii U.B.C. STUDENTS SUCCESSI"UL IN EXAIlIS. THE EVEST VAN NEWS SCOTTISH SOCIETY CORRESPONDENCE May 18, 1928. I'I E5'TY II EIRE at RIG 0T I'lt I C ES If our merchandise was not just as good--more often bet- ter. If our prices were not just as low--sometimes louver, than can be obtained elsewhere, our business svould not grow as it has, and our customers would not be so we11 satisfied. There s a reason. Good Goods. Good Service and Fair Prices. l ]'i!1! llli)/1',ll:il.' G,HOCERY liest 16 PHONE YOUR ORDERS. We deliver. ,.Xi". -. A I'i",'. FOR West Vancouver Property Comfortable MODERN duplex house in newly developed dis- trict; large garden (76 ft.x130 ft ); 2 blocks from new Magee Public and High Schools. 14 blocks from Street Car. Gar- age. .(. W. SAVOIIY 1429 BIarine Drive Ambieside PHON E--West 698R I or West 340 Evening--West 143 THE i tj arce. S.io i 1520 Marine Drire Marcel, Steam and Finger War- ing, Haircutting, Shampooing and Scalp Treatments For Appointment WEST 304 Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The KVest Van Watchmaker 8 Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Wharf %EST VANCOUVER Camp aad Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, etc. J. M. Morgan Phone %'est 173 WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Production and Singing VANCOUVER STUDIO Phoae Seymour 101 HARRON BROS. R WILLIAMSON guiioi al Qiroctars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 The list of local students suc- cessful «t the University exam- inations given in our columns last week divas incomplete. The following names have to be acld- ccl to the West Vancouver roll of hoi101. Juliet Johnson, awarded B. A. with second class honors. (bliss Johnson's recorcl is somewhat remarkable inasmuch as she has completed her 4 year course in 3 years.) Dalton Allan, awarded B.A. Edward Lunn, second yearstudent in Science, passed with second class honors. Peggy Coinish, second year student. passed with second class honors. Jean Hood and Margaret Mac- Leod, first year students--ivere also successful in their examin- ations. Aleet Tonight The regular meeting of the )Vest Van. Scottish Societv is he- i»g held tonight (Friday) in the Amblesicle Hall. The Rev. Dr. iAIcBeth of Vancouver, will lect- ure to the Society. The meet- ing starts at 8.15 p. m. and all members are asked to be pres- ent a»cl to bring a friend. whist and Alusical A military whist drive aiid musical ivill be held in the Mas- onic Hall next Wednesday, 23rd i»st., uncler the auspices of the Scot tish Society. Proceedings start at 8.15 p. m. There will be goocl prizes ancl a large attend- ance is expectecl. The proceeds from this affair are used in buy- ing medals for the Dundarave Regat ta as in former years. Tickets can be obtained from all members. NET BOAT STATION IN HORSESHOE BAY NAOAII CHAPTER EASTERN') STAR ENTERTA IN ilIEiAIHERS AND FRIENDS S. Heaseman applied to the council for permission to carry on a boat hiring business at the foot of Bay Street, in Horseshoe Bay, his application having been previously approved of by the town planning commission. The council granted his request. iVEST VANCOUVER TENNIS CMH The Naomi Chapter of the Eastern Star entertained their members and friends at a milit- ary whist drive last Tuesday evening in the DIasonic hall aft- er holding their regular meeting. AIrs. D. Gillett divas convenor for the entertainment, being assist- ed by Mrs. W. Gray and DIrs. G. Shepherd, as a special commit- tee. Mr. J. McGoivan acted as director of play. The guests ivere received by the worthyMatron, Mrs. J. Duncan, and past worthy matron, i~Iiss J. Mc- Cleery. After play was finished and prizes awarded, refresh- mei'its were served by the ladies of the order. In their match played on the club courts last Tuesday the ladies team won 1 event as again- st the 7 events won by their op- ponents, the ladies'eam of the Vancouver Tennis club, which latter team included some of the best lady players in the prov- ince. The following are the par- ticulars of the games: Doubles Mrs. Proctor and Mrs. Sim- monds--Mrs. Forsyth and Mrs. Grubbe, 6-1, 7-5; Mrs. Rose and DIrs. Kingsley, 6-3, 6-2. DIrs. Flanagan and Miss Strachan -- Mrs. Forsyth and Mrs. Grubbe, 3-6, 6-3, 9-7; Mrs. Rose and i4Irs. Kingsley, 6-2, 10- 8. Singles Miss B. Tristram--Mrs. Nuir, 6-3, 6-0; Miss Ellis, 610, 6-0. Mrs. Taylor--Mrs. Muir, 6-4, 6-0; Miss Ellis, 6-0, 6-1. GARDENING Note to Our Readers We are unable to publish this aveek the serial article on Gard- ening written by ilIina G. Hutt. This will, hoivever, appear as usual next iveek. DEATH OF REUBEN WIDDIFIELD Reuben EViddifield died last Friday in the Vancouver Gen- eral Hospital, where he had been ill for the past six months. Pre- vious to which he had been liv- ing for some time with Captain and Mrs. AV. J. Kane, 13th and Marine Drive. Interment took place on Monday in Mountain View cemetery. The deceased. who was a bachelor, was in his81st year, and was for manyyears an employee of the C.P.R. He divas born at St. Thomas, On- tario, but came wept a number of years ago. BOYS AND GIRLS CHOIRS IIEET TOMORROW AS USUAL The practices for the Boys'hoirand the Girls'hoir will be held tomorrow (Saturday) morning in the Hollyburn school. Boys at 10 o'lock; girls at 11o'lock. Last week it was stated that no further practices would be held this season. This was in error, and the members of the choirs and their parents are ask- ed to see that there is a good attendance tomorrow morning. ~ 'eveloped, ~ & ~ +++~ and Enlarged in West Vancouver For quick service leave with ALEX HARVEY, 2131 Marine (West 91L) Ambleside Tea Rooms West Van. Pharmacy Lesage Drug Store ilIarine Grocery Please Count 'Em "I'e never had a chance," said the man with the hand-dog expression. "No matter what I do my unlucky number pops up and gets me into trouble" "How come? What is your Iinlucky number?" "Thirteen. Twelve jurors and one judge." Seeds'ustomers are all satisfied. .:ion'i: "a ~e i."lur Il(ore Ambleside t ~ HARDWARE and GROCERY iVest 28 Just place one order at our Store and you will find that we sell QUALITY GOODS that are reliable at all times. GROCERIES and HARDWARE in large or small quantities. Horticultural Exhibit I wish to correct a mistate- ment of fact, appearing in last week's issue, under the heading of "Horticultural Society 4Vins Silver Medal," where it is stated, the design for last year's exhibit divas prepared by Nr. J. Haydn Young. The design was the work of a committee of 4 directors ap- pointed for that purpose, and the successful staging of the exhibit the combined work of all the dir- ectors of the 1927 board. Thanking you Mr. Editor for your courtesy, IVM. McQUAKER. Misunderstanding A number of people be- lieve we only deliver at cei'- tain times of the clay. will deliver at any time the store is open. We send Tc'e gra m a, el i her C. I. It. or C. N. It. Dispensers to the C. P. R Medical Association WEST VAN l'HARltlAC& The Store of Service I'rompt Delivery I'hone W. 37 Each day is a gift from God, there- fore make the best possible use of it. 0 ~ ~ To doubt yourself is to cripple your own abiliity. C 0 dg~ cOc GpT @i'f Ail- vouR HouSE.HoLO WaES-- SF HO OS &OOR <lKHS g %NO YgVR CLOTHES! & I'I .)urrard Laundry Liinited For PeopIe Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310 lVest Van Representative F. RIVERS Phone IVest 410L (Established over 74 Years) (.'. J. Overington 14th and 51arine For appointment PHONE %VEST 135 WE'L BE ou~ RiG HT AWAY P 'I' ' PI' 'I~ ' 'P 'I ff 3...,., This is the winning name for the new Chocolate Confectionery and Ice Cream Store. Mrs. L. Faram, 24th and Nelson, is the winner of the box of chocolates. "Granny Maysons" Home-Made Chocolates are sold here "Happy Thought" Confectionery Store Marine Drive between 24th and 25th "the I ~~4Cke&2-A~~ 0 e II come and help you back to toom When your machine is broken down If your car has left you in thelurch in town or out upon acountry road don't sit on a railfence and rail at fate. Just con-nect up with a telephone and go as far as central will let you. We'l come to your as-sistance. West Van Garage Ambleside IVest 130 Play a game of .ail. il.S 14th $ treet Right at the Railway Crossing Mi. and Mi s. E. A. RathJe and family, 13th and Gordon, left here on Friday for Calgary, where they will spend two weeks visiting Mr. Rathje's mother. during his vacation. The council authorized the reeve and clerk to execute con- tract No. 44a for the construc- tion of the roads shown in the plan of the subdivision of part of D. L. 771, as submitted by Gleneagles Ltd., the said plan having been approved. The marine insurance for $15,- 000 on ferry No. 5, which expir- es 19th May, was awarded by the council to J. B. Leyland on the terms set forth in his tender of 12th instant. 4V. G. AViltshire of West Bay, brought to the council's atten- tion the bad condition of the road leading to his bungalow. He was informed that nothing could be done at present. J. N. Leggatt, 25th and Glad- stone, is away on a business trip through the Cariboo District. He is accompanied by Mrs. Leggatt and son Jack. The membership of the AVest Vancouver Tennis Club is rapid- ly filling up but a few more mem- bers can still be accommodated. Those wishing to join should communicate with the president, B. Burton, AVest 23L2 or Secre- tary L. Davenport, West 481R3. Percy Blower who has been a patient at Shaughnessy Milit- ary Hospital for some time has now returned home permanently and is back at his work in Mr. Geo. Hays'ffice. The Board of Trade social which was to be held last night was postponed. It will probably be put on in the early fall.