001C951F THE WEST VAN NEWS 3lr. and Mrs. F. X. Hodgson have had extensive alterations and improvements made to their home at 23rd and Bellevue. 0 0 0 The Eagle Harbour Develop- ment Co. purchased last week the boats of the Dundarave boat station from H. F. Botterill. They were taken up to Eagle Harbour by their new owners at the beginning of this week. 0 0 0 Mr. and ~lrs. Logan and fam- ily, who have been residing at 24th and Mathers, have moved to Pitt Meadows. 0 0 0 i~lr. Wallace of Vancouver, is building a house at Cypress Park 0 0 ~ i4iost of the logs in the boom which broke up in the First Nar- roivs last week were rounded up, and made up into a boom again at Dundarave Pier. The child- ren had a great time this iveek using them for diving platforms. 0 ~ 0 John D. Gregory has rented the Clachan cottage at 25th and Bellevue, and expects to move in about the first of next month. May 18, 1928. ..acies i (ear DRESSMAKING PLAIN SEWING and ALTERATIONS THE NOVELTY DRY GOODS STORE (MRS. S. F WHITE) Phone Seed'a Block next to Grocery, Marine Drive, Ambleside. PERSO& ALS The municipal engineer put i~ a report to the council on the ap- plication of McBeth and Drys- dale for the opening of Inglewood west of 3rd Street for G83 feet, which he figured would cost $ 1,086.20. The matter was re- ferred back to him for a further report giving the cost of less permanent work. He also reported in connection with AV. S. Phillips application that to open Oxley Street to 558 El/„'-19-2 would cost $ 160. The clerk was instructed to ascertain whether the applicant intended'o build, and. if so, at what time. 0 0 The council has communicat-, ed with the Dominion engineer in New Westminster advising him that in their opinion the wharf which they understand the government proposes to build at Horseshoe Bay be placed at the foot of Nelson Street. 0 0 0 The municipal solicitor has been instructed by the council to prepare for their next regu- lar meeting a money by-law for side roads improvement for $70,- 000 in conformity with the eng- ineer's list of highways and the amount to be devoted to each. 0 I Illr. and Mrs. H. D. Martin, who formerly resided at 13th and Marine Drive, but who are now in Edmonton, are rejoicing in the birth of a daughter. The young lady arrived on May 10th. 0 The city of Trail wrote the council enclosing a copy of the resolution protesting against the sales tax levied on gravel used and rock crushed by municipal rock crushers as unfair and con- trary to the public interest, and requesting the federal govern- ment to annul same. The coun- cil went on record as entirely concurring in the resolution and the clerk was instructed to send a copy of the council's resolu- tion to Ottawa and also to the City of Trail. 0 0 0 The council ordered paid the sum of $76, being the municipal- ity's share of Mayor Morden's recent trip to Ottawa as a mem- ber of the delegation, who wait- ed on the Ottawa government in connection with the establish- ment of an airport in Greater Vancouver. 0 0 ~ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vance have moved from 26th and Wat erfront, and have taken an a- partment at the Fortune Cup Inn. Mrs. W. M. Thompson return- ed to her home at 20th and Ful- ton, on Monday from the North Vancouver General Hospital, bringing her new little son. 0 0 0 Captain.and Mrs. C. J. Archer and family have moved from 17th and Duchess to the house Captain Archer purchased from H. L. Crates at 11th and Ingle- wood. 0 0 0 AI. Williams has had a cement pavement laid down in front of his tailoring establishment at 16th and i4larine Drive to con- form with that in front of the stores in the new Messenger block. 0 0 0 A small exhibition of water color paintings can be seen at the B. C. Electric Co's store on Marine Drive They are the work of the well known artist War- burton Young, who lives at 28th and Bellevue The largest one, a painting of the Port of Van- couver with one of the "white Empresses" at her dock, was used by the C. P. R. during the Diamond Jubilee celebrations last year. st Alfred Searle of the Vernon Feed Co., who recently had the misfortune to sprain one of his ankles, is now able to get around but it will be some days before he will be back to work. J. B. Leyland is preparing to build an addition to his house at 28th and waterfront. Miss Isabel Parkyn has moved from 26th and Lawson to 2512 Haywood Ave. 0 Dlr. and Mrs. J. B. Mathers have returned from California to their home at 15th and Kings. e Charles Appleton has had striped awnings put on all the windows on the south and west sides of Appleton Court. They add considerably to the fine ap- pearance of these apartments. Dr. J. Vaughan Neomand and Mrs. Neomand of San Francisco, are visiting Councillor and Mrs. 4V. M. Jackman, 22nd and Queens. Dr. Neomand is a broth- er of Mrs. Jackman. 0 AV. A. Forrest, 25th and Math- ers, has received word from his father, C. S. Forrest, that he ex- pects to be visiting him again in )Vest Vancouver this summer. Air. Forrest senior has just re- turned to his home in Brandon, hlanitoba, from Pensacola, Flori- da, where he has been spending the winter. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Rendall of Van- couver have taken one of the Leyland cottages at 28th and Waterfront for the summer. AIRS. HARTE ENTERTAINS IN HONOR OF NIECE Mrs. John Harte, 16th and Es- quimalt, entertained a number of friends at her home last Tues- day afternoon in honor of her niece, 5lrs. 4V. J. Pitman, of Prince George, who is here on a visit to her mother, Illrs. John Lawson. The hostess was as- sisted by her sister, lllrs. Law- son, who poured tea, and by Mrs. J. T. IVatt. Among those pres- ent were Airs. Pitman, Mrs. Vin- son, Mrs. Turnbull, Mrs. Thomp- son, Mrs. Shepherd, )Irs. Preti- ous, lairs. Gillett, Mrs. J. T. Watt, airs. John Lawson Mrs. J. Hill, Mrs. J. Clarke, Mrs. W. Todd, Mrs. R. Reid, and Mrs. EIarry Hodgson. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 '.er;i izers for Your Garden F VELA I)VILDIYG SUPl'LIES 3licah Kenworthy, who has been a guest at the Fortune Cup Inn, left here on Wednesday for Pent icton. 0 4 ce New chandeliers have been in- stalled in St. Stephen's Church, and also in St. Francis Church, Caulfeild. Their installation has added considerably to the interi- or appearance as well as provid- ing better lighting facilities to worshippers. 0 0 0 hlr. and Mrs. Milroy of Van- couver have taken one of the Wil- kinson cottages at Wing's Point for the summer. 0 0 0 Bert Ridley of Caulfeild broke one of his wrists last week as a result of falling off one of the Ridley Milk Co.'s delivery trucks 0 0 0 Thomas Saba of Vancouver has rented Mrs. Baldwin's cot- tage at 19th and Bellevue. 0 0 ~ Frank Draper, son of ~lr. and )Irs. Draper of the Dundarave Home Babery, who has been a patient at the Shaughnessy i~iil- itary hospital suffering from a prolonged illness, is, we are glad to report, able to be home this week end. Frank was brought here yesterday and will remain until Monday morning. This ev- idence of his improved condition will please his many friends, who trust that it will not be long ere he mll be able to be home permanently. 'II Ormanc 's I~ Igl„"II„'. Ig'( 14th and illarine Phoae %Vest 65 Saturday Speci@ s EGGS--Local Pullet Extras. Per doz... 25c SUGAR CRISP CORN FLAKES... 3 pks. 25'YRSHIREBACON. Loin, sliced, per lb.... 40c FREE DELIVERY ~lorning and Afternoon vatt TENNIS CLUB 4 Courts Season Membership--Ladies $ 10 Gentlemen $ 16. For particulars Phone West 23L2, B Burton Pres West 481R3, L. Davenport, Secty. G. ROZ -I'..'n connection with the appli- cation of A. E. Morris in refer- ence to Lot 5, Block 10B, D. L. 655, an expenditure not to ex- ceed $ 101 was authorized by the council for the re-grading of 26th Street to the lane south of Lot 5, also for the expenditure of a sum not to exceed $65 on opening 87 feet of the lane run- ning along the southerly bound- ary of the same lot, owing to the physical difficulty of opening 26th Street beyond that point. Brand Pulverised Sheep AIanure Free from Weed Seeds Price--$ 2.50 per 100 lbs. plus delivery Apply to H. T. CURTIS 325 Howe Street Telephones--Sey. 653 West 151-Y-2 GORDON ROBSON Barrister & Solicitor %est Vancouver office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403 Suite 801; 610 Hastings St., W. Phone Seymour 4199. ! I ~ ~ e i t III V s HE IDEAL COVERING FOR OUTSIDE WALLS IN A CLDIATE LIKE BRITISH COLUMBIA'S IS CEDAR SIDING. CEDAR IS AN EXTREMELY EFFICIENT HEAT INSULATOR -- WHICH MEANS WARMTH INSIDE A HOUSE IN WINTER AND COOL- NESS IN THE SUMMER. $N CONTRAST TO STUCCO, IT STAYS "PUT" ON YOUR WALLS, DOES NOT CRACK AND DOES NOT HOLD THE DADIPNESS. FURTHERMORE, CEDAR SIDING COSTS LESS AiVD LASTS A GREAT DEAL LONGER. VERY ARTISTIC EFFECTS ARE OBTAINABLE, ESPECIALLY WITH THE USE OF THE WIDER )VIDTHS. YOU NAY CHOOSE FROi4I A GREAT VARIETY OF WIDTHS AND PATTERNS. t/qx4, 5, 6, or 8..........................BEVEL SIDING ~/4x8, 10, or 12..................BUNGALOW SIDING &/q or ~4x4, or 6 NOVELTY, CALIFORNIA, TONGUE and GROOVE and ANGLE RUSTIC SIDING The rejects from the regular grades in any of the above are suitable for garages, sheds, and out-houses in general, at very low prices. I &e a)i ano ".illl~er "o., 1:(. Specialists in Cedar. North 306Foot of Pemberton Ave. N igh t Phone iN or th 127