001C951F PURE STRAWBERRY JAbl, per tin .. FELS NAPTHA SOAP .................... 1 lb. TliN CRISCO, special Price................. DOMESTIC SHORTENING, 1 lb. Carton .. WESTERN CORN FLAKES .................................................;.... 3 FINEST GOLDEiV bIARblALADE, 4 lb. Tins, each....,........... BLUE RIBBON bIAYOiVNAISE, 8 oz. Jar, each .. "QUAKER" PORK AiVD BEANS. 2's ............ B. C. GRANULATED SUGAR............................,.. SVEIOLE WHEAT FIG BAR BISCUITS, per lb ... RED AND WHITE QUALITY TEA, 1 lb. pkg..... bIOOiVLIGHT bIARSHblALLOWS, per lb. 3 cakes 3 Tllls 10 lbs. ....... 5 8c for 2 1 c 25c ..... 18c for 22c .. 55c ...... 35c for 29c for 68c ... 22c ... 69c ...... 31c a'Lc" I I.'j'4th and Marine All Government Inspected Meat Prices Good for One Week Prompt Delivery Smith 's I rocery Ive Delirer A. HARVEY SMITH, Prop. 24th AND bIARINE, Opp. Dundarare Hall. Phone IVEST 469 (ED AN9 WHITE BToRK Specials for Friday and Saturday THE BLUEST VAN NEKVS GLENEAGLES COUNTRY CLUB List of Week End Players M. H. williamson, D. Small, A. AVestoby, M. Murdie, C. M. McLean, Gordon Robso», Mr. and Mrs. Senio, E. R. Fawcett, A. Brickman. Mrs. R. G. Bridgman, 5Ir. and Mrs. Sawden, A. Bum- stead, L. Heron, A. McMahan, J. AIcTallin, Mr. and Mrs. Hah', B. Watson, H. Hamilton, J. Bar- clay, E. J. Hall, E. R. Fawcett, A. D. Sewell, KV. Thompson, T. Bird, Miss G. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Love, A. J. Gard, L. Gard, J. McEwan, J. Lowden, R. K. Johnston, R. Ross, Gordon Ford, E. R. EVightman, F. Hall- wax, A. Scatterby, F. M. Nills, A. M. Sharpe, V. F. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Russell, T. Finnie, A. T. Finnie, Miss E. hyness, Miss E. Lofting, J. Dunning, E. A. God- dard, Mrs. G. E. Herman, A. E. Herman, C. O. AVoodward, Gen. H. T. McDonald, Miss N. Mc- Donald, Gen. R. P. Clark, A. N. Skill and son, T. Jardine, V. G. Reid, H. T. Menzies, AV. Mac- Intyre, J. E. Johnston, B. Brook- es, B. Matheson, A. G. Larson, P. D. Brickford, Miss Gladys Turner, Miss Kathlin McNaugh- ten, H. Bruce, Mr. and 5hz. H. P. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Taylor, R. P. )Valker, O. J. AValk- er, J. P. Milner, E. C. Romford, J. P. Saint, AV. Newcombe, G. T. Meredith, Mrs. E. H. Bridgman, T. Bridgman, 5Ir. and Mrs. Sow- den, Margaret Craig, Catherine AValsh, L. Nash, H. S. Chambers, Mrs. H. S. Chambers, C. A. L. Payne, N. Chesterfield, D. M. Dickson, AIr. and AIrs. Sykes. C. D. Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Slater, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. May 18, 1928. HERE YOU ARE .'asI ..iy eaI ..S Choice cuts of Meat--tender, fresh and tasty--that's what you'l get when you order your meats here. Our customers are well acquainted with the quality of meats we sell and with our courteous service Next to Hollyhurn Theatre I'EIONE WEST 3 Closed Thursday at 1 o'lock All bleats Kept in Refrigerator FRESH AND CURED blEATS, BUTTER, EGGS, BACON AND LARD iVE DELIVER Z)ON'T 'LE.T GGK) lHYKNTIONS SiQNSCR. -- CovE. state How AND sov Y0URU)NBE$t. MR. BUILDER, you should wake up to the fact that this lumber yard presents you with a magnifi- cent opportunity. You should come in and carefully scrutinize the lum- ber we are offering the building public and you will become con- vinced of its undoubted worth. I I I', II cl III:I,llI, Itl',,",, lI, 'III,'II5„','I. 15th and 51arine LIAIITED Phone West 115 ig ..rice.(eeoc:ions USED CARS We have several really good buys. Our )Vest Vancouver representative, H. C. Osborne, will be ~ glad to demonstrate these cars at your convenience. NORTH SHO.RE MOTO(S, .Tj). Local Lamb Legs, per lb.......................... 35c Loins, per lb................... 37c Shoulder, per lb........................ 26c Rib 4 Breast, per lb.............. 26c Prime Beef Pot Roast, per lb.... 12c dt 13c Oven Roast, per lb ...... 15c E- 18c Boneless Stew, per lb............... 15c Boiling Beef, per lb................ 11c Boneless Corned Beef. per lb ............... 15c dh 20c Sirloin Roast. per lb................ 25c Rump Roast, per lb......... 18c 6; 20c Prime Ribs, per lb................. 20c Pork Legs (fores) ........... -----.--- 17'/zc Butts, per lb.......................... 21c Loins, per lb............. 29c LOCAL KILLED FOWL, lb..... 28c Pork Sausages, per lb.............. 25c Cambridge Sausage........ 3 lbs. 25c Ayrshire Bacon. sliced, per lb. 30c P. M. Back, sliced, lb............. 35c Side Bacon, sliced. per lb........ 35c by the piece 3c per lb. less..... Head Cheese ...2 for 25c Rhubarb......................... 7 lbs. 25c 100 lb. Sack Potatoes .......... $ 1.25 Oranges from 22c per dozen, up Grape Fruit .................... I for 25c EGGS LOCAL EXTRAS, per doz...... 30c LOCAL FIRST, per doz....... 28c PULLET EXTRAS, per dozen 26c COilIPETITION FOR NAIIING STORE CLOSED The competition for naming the new confectionery and ice cream store on Marine Drive be- tween 24th and 25th, was won by Mrs. L. Faram, 24th and Nel- son, to whom a box of t;hocolates has been sent, the winning name being HAPPY THOUGHT. This store, which specialises in Granny Mayson's home-made chocolates, will in future be known as the Happy Thought Store. THE GOLDEN TREASURY OF CANADIAN VERSE compiled by A. M. Stephen Buy Your Suit in West Vancouver V.. WI..IAVS 16th and bIARINE, AblBLESIDE CUSTOM TAILOR Come and see our Patterns. Large selection to choose from Dry Cleaning Dyeing, Repairs and City Prices and Pressing Alterations Open Saturday Evenings till 9 o'lock. IVe Call For and Deliver. PHONE IVEST 20. V oI-Iey I o .oaI-I on First Mortgage at current rates. Let us finance the building of your new home in %est Van- couver. Ne~v Zealand Butter 3 lbs -- $ 1.23 SATURDAY ONLY In this new volume from the presses of J. M. Dent & Sons Limited, of Toronto, Nr. A. M. Stephen, the ~veil-known Canadi- an poet and novelist who is a resident of EVest Vancouver has compiled a distinctive and charming anthology. In his recent trans-continent- al recital tour, Mr. Stephen did much to arouse interest in the work of our native writers and "The Golden Treasury of Canad- ian Verse" places in permanent form the assertions he has made from the lecture platform in re- gard to the value and beauty of the pages of our Canadian poets, In "The Golden Treasury of Canadian Verse" there are gath- ered together, in beautiful and inexpensive form, a representa- tive collection of gems from our native literature. seventy-five poets are represented. Bio- graphical sketches and poems characteristic of the work of each author are included in a volume handsome enough for your library and yet suited, in size, for use as a pocket-guide and companion. This oook should be in every Canadian household as an inspiration to our young men and women and a source of pride to those who are helping to build our Dominion. The vol- ume is on sale at local book- stores. THE RED AIILL Mr. Lewis has taken over the hotel at West Bay, which he has re-named "the Red Mill," and has had extensive altera- tions made including a new high class tea room, where afternoon teas, buffet luncheons, ice cream etc., can be obtained. The grounds have also been fixed up, modern bathing facili- ties provided, and a new float installed. Mr. Lewis has had many years of experience in the hotel and a- musoment park business in Port- land and elsewhere, and those who visit the Red Mill will be given every attention. We carry 15 Varieties of Cooked Meats for your picnic Also PICKLES-- SALAD DRESSING 3 Varieties ALL FRUIT and VEGET- ABLES iri Season. Mrs. Nut (handing her husband a saucerful of white powder ): "John, taste that and tell me what you think it is." blr. Nut: "It tastes like soda." Mrs. Nut: "That's what I told Brid- get. She declares it is rat poison. Taste it again to make sure." ROBERTS'!letter Meats 14th and 5Iarine ~IIItesI: 'U Idee FixeThe cop waved the fair autoist back."Go back, ma'm; can't you see this is a one-way street?" "Well," indignantly, "I only want to go one way, don't I?" If people spent as much time pay- ing back trouble as they spend bor- rowing it, there would be little time left for anything else. Theatre Tickets given with every 50c purchase. No Phones YOU SAVE No Delivery London & British North America Co., Ltd. Mortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street West Phone Sey. 6285 Local Representative;--F. X. Hodgson, West 665R GARAGES, SHEDS, FENCES etc. Small structures about your home can be things of beauty, and can really add to the attractiveness of things, instead of 6 tracting. When contem- plating such work, see us; we will give you valuable advice. THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT Ltl,. .-.C c, i I III.i I.S I: I..lII IlI.iI.t'I.i..l;I:. bIARIiVE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Phone West 199 or North 1431 ASK FOR JACK JONES