001C9518 May 11, 1928. LIEUT.-GOV. BRUCE TO OPEiV RED CROSS FAIR CORRESPONDENCE THE AVEST VANi NESVS JUNIOR AUXILIARY TO GIVE PLAYS CLASSmIRD Ans North Vancouver Red Cross Society has received a let- ter from the Lieut;Governor saying that he and hIiss ~Iac- . Kenzie will attend and open the l British Empire Red Cross Fairin North Vancouver on Saturday 16th June. Arrangements are being made for a Guard of Honor to meet him at the Ferry tVharf and the Seaforth Cadets Band will play along the route to the Fair grounds. He will be welcomed by the officials and past presi- dents of the Red Cross and also by 41ayor 1Iorden, who is the honorary president of the branch. .v'IBERALSCHOOSE DELE- GATES AT CONVENTION The IVest Vancouver Liberal Association met in Ambleside Hall last Tuesday evening to dh- cuss and make arrangements re- garding the nominating conven- tion which has been called for to- morrow night. and which will be held in North Vancouver. There was a good attendance of mem- bers and a spirited discussion took place. Opposing factions gave full expression to their opinions and desires as to rep- resentation a0 the nominating convention. Delegates were ult- imately chosen, but this action did not have the unanimity which is usual at such meetings. Get a Transfer Youth: "Doctor, I'm continually ~hinking of my girl. Can you not ad- vise me how to get her off my mindT" Doctor: "hlarry her, young man." Youth: "IVhat good will that do?" Doctor: "Then you'l have her on your hands." Her Excuse "4Vhy did you strike your husband with the rolling pinT" "Well, you see, judge. I wanted to make him level-headed." IVants Better Ferry Service. At the present time all manner of improvements are being pro- jected by our council for the fur- therance of IVest Vancouver as a desirable residential location. To further this worthy object, a matter of prime importance, if not the chief, is an improved fer- ry service. Cannot 4Vest Van- couver residents enjoy the ad- vantages of a regular half-hour ferry service as their neighbors in North Vancouver do? This would obviate what is at present a serious inconvenience to those who, returning from work in the city, or beyond its bounds, arrive just in time to find the 6.30 p. m. ferry for )Vest Vancouver gone, and so have to while away what seems an interminably long sixty min- utes til] 7.30 p. m. This precious hour could so much more profit- ably and happily be spent in one's garden than in chewing the cud of disappointment and helplessness wandering aimless- ly about the streets or tediously spent waiting at the wharf. If a ferry must be withdrawn, why not an early afternoon one which can so much better be spared? In drawing the attention of the people to this grievance, I feel I speak of a matter which can be easily righted. SEPTIMA HORA DIr. and Mrs. Lionel Haweis entertained at a delightful affair recently, when a group of Uni- versity students were their guests at their home at Cypress Park. Those present were Miss Jean Telford, Miss Helen Trites, Miss Alice EVeaver, Miss Rosa Marin, Miss Margaret Grant, Miss Mary Esler, Mr. Ross Tol- mie, DIr. Douglas Telford, Mr. Gordon Telford, Mr. Joshua Jac- obs, Mr. Ralph Purvis, Mr. Ted Morrison, Mr. AValter Lanning, Mr. Joe Marin and Mr. Cliff Dow- ling. The Junior Auxiliary of St. Stephen's Church is giving an entertainment consisting of mis- sionary and spring plays in the Church Hall, on Friday, 18th WIay at 7.30 p. m. Adm&ssion for adults 25 cents and children 5 cents. P ('ia fke g Co. (Vancouver) Ltd ATTRACTII E BUILDING LOTS-- bfathers Ave., Dundarave, 60x120. Fully cleared, good view, $-450 or offer. Esquimalt Ave., 66x100 on corner, attractive stiuation. A real good lot $350. Esquimalt Ave. 33x 120 partly cleared, bargain at $260. Your ow'n terms. ALTAhfONT--Just built 4 room Mod- ern bungalow, fireplace and furnace, full plumbing, good lot in natural park. Agreeable situation, $3,600; terms to suit. CYl'RESS I'ARK--Attractire water- front lot with two summer camps. Lot is fully cleared and has good roadway in rear, $ 1850, on terms. AblBLESI DE --Fully modern bunga- low on paved street. Fireplace, furnace. cement floor in basement. Good view $2850, terms. IL P. Clarke 4 Co. (Vancouver) Ltd- 823 Hastings St. lV. Sey. 7483, 7481 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, Weat 651L NORTH VANCOUVElt ELECTORAL DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a COURT FOR THE REVISION OF THE VOTERS'IST FOR ABOVE DISTRICT WILL BE HELD AT hlY OFFICE, 46 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, on hfonday, the 21st day of blay. 1928, when objections to names appearing on said list, also to applications for registration, to both of which objections have already been filed, will be heard; at which also applications for registrations for reg- istration may be made in person. AV. D. hlcFARLAND, Registrar oE Voters, North Vancouver. FOR SALE--Barred Rock egg ~et- tings. Good laying strain. 142~ Esquimalt. Phone AVest 649R. 4% A.'tiTED--A Small Piece of Land above Marine Drive Eor cash. Give full particulars. "Buyer," c o % est Van News. HOI.SE FOR SALE--Beautifully sit- uated. unobstructed view. Three bedrooms, sleep&ng porch, nice s&t- ting dining room. Lovely cabinet kitchen and breakfast nook. Abso- lutely modern. Phone %Vest 498L. K ITCH Ei& CA BIN ET and book cases made to order. Call and see speci- mens. Jenvey, 2364 Marine, West 346L. BUILDING ALTERATIONS Cement work, carpentry, etc., See Jenvey, and Dent, 2364 blarine, West 346I FOUNiDATIOitt, CEbf ENT WORK, Landscaping, Lawns made, Gener- al Contracting. T. Barnott, Resid- ence Phone %Vest 672R. SALE New 5fodern Eour-room house with attic, within ~ve minutes walk of ferry. locality, splend:d view. Apply Owner. P.O. Box 305, Holly&urn, or phone AVest 484. AMBLESIDE HALL Applications for reservations oE the Ambleside Hall for the present may be made to the agents for the build- ing. GEO. HAY Notary Public 1405 hlarine Drive Phone IVest 21 FOR SALE -- Cleared bfarine Drive business corner, only $ 100 cash. bal- ance $900. Easy terms. Nice comfy bungalow& excellent soil, uninter- rupted view, $ 1275, terms. Five room modern house close to beach, 3 bedrooms, garage. Real snap, $2560. AVest Van. Investment Co. )Vest 102. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT GEO. HAY Notary Public 1405 bfarine Drive. West 21 City Office: 315 Cordova Street West Seymour 1260. WVEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS ~VEAR BEST--Dundarave. SKIING IVANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. Mrs. Bloxham, 2'~i 8 Inglewood. SVIN DO% BLI.'i DS--blade to order and installed. Est. mates tree Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and blarine. Phone West 144. .'iE%MAN & ROBBI.iS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalsomining, chimneys built. 28th and hlarine. Phone West 74R1. H Ebf STITCHING--Plain . white.. Sc yard; silk and colored 10c yard Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. FOR SALE--Six-hole Range and Double Bed. Both in splendid con- dition. Phone West 178X or West 2. FOR SALE--Good Lot oa Mathers Ave., between 23rd and 24th Streets size 67 Et. x 132 Eeet, $ 190 cash, $200 terms. Apply Troughton if'arrow,AVest 83. TO RE,iT from 15th May~ood sum mer camp Large liv&ng room room, kitchen, double sleeping porch electric light, water phone, garage. SVithin Eew minutes of Beach, $$). %Vest 651L SUbfblER CAMP FOR RPi T--Block from Beach. Phone KVest 496L. GARDENS PI A.iNED, Lawns, Rock. enes Contract day or hour Millan, ~Vest 311R1. LOST--Pair of Boy's Horn Rimmed Glasses, near 14th and Clyde. Phone iVest 696L3. FOR SAL~il Store, 3 burner with oven. Good condition, cheap. Small Dressing Table $8; Fireless Cooker $ 10; also Fumed Oak Dining Room Suite in good condition. AVest 489. BEAUTIFUL LARGE BUILDING Lot for sale. Garden soil, paved street. near Ferry. Your terms. West 331I THE COLD IVEATHER makes no dif- ference. Our stock of Running shoes is complete. Tite's Nu-AVay Shoe Repair, Yates Building, Ambleside. iI f'e ~ I~ Ia ~ a Hundreds of miles of COLFIXED ROADS are giving satisfactory so.rvice throughout the world--in Scotland, England, Ireland, Germany, Czecho-Slovakia, France, Italy, British India, Ceylon, Far East, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Rhodesia, Kenya Colony, AIalay States, Straits Settlements and South America. COLFIX is the result of years of scientific research on the part of Petroleum Tech- nologists of Great Britain in their endeavours to remedy the defects in the system of applying Hot Asphalt and Tar to roads. ADVANTAGES OF THE COLFIX PROCESS, By the cold or emulsion process, the bitumen is in such a finely divided state that the stones are not separated by any appreciable thickness of bitumen, and in consequence the aggregate after consolidation is really a solid mass of stone, each particle being cemented to its neighbor by the thinnest possible film of bitumen. The cold process for using bitumen therefore possesses many distinct advantages, a feiv of which are.'-- (1) Saving in cost of the finished road, as bitumen is not wasted. (2) The fact that the cold process road cannot become "wavy" in hot weather owing to the absence of excess bitumen. (3) The use of the most suitable grade of bitumen for road construction. (4) The use of plant or expensive machinery of all kinds, with the exception of the road roller, is eliminated. ECONOAIY Economy with efficiency is more important now than ever it has been. THE "COLFIX" lVAY IS THE lVAY OF ECONO~IY No time nor money lost in heating. No time lost during wet weather. No surcharges for fuel, haulages, upkeep of plant or labour. No plant required, as the "Colfix" way is From the barrel or tank to the road. It is the last word in Bitumen as applied to road construction. USES COLFIX is used for spraying road surfaces, high grade paving of streets. COLFIX PREMIER for asphalt, concrete, Repairing pot holes, School Playgrounds, Tennis Courts, Garden Paths. COLFIX SIDEWALKS can be laid so economically that the most Outlying Sections of the ilIunicipality can have this very necessary improvement. COLFIX BINDS ROADS iVITH 100,o ASPHALT. COLFIX IS BRITISH COLFIX IS A HOillE INDUSTRY COLFIX IS GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION BY STRONG FINANCIAL INTERESTS .. &e o .ix .. ac:ory is in .& or: & 4nconver Offices 570 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver 7~!.