001C9518 Mo I'HERS'~«a«&«Cs SATURDAY AND MONDAY SPECIALSDon't forget that nextSunday (May 13th) is Mother's Day. Drop in and get her a box of Chocolates which you can pick from our large assortment and which we will be glad to xvrap up appropriately for the occasion and deliver if desired. Nothing will give hlother as much plcasu re as will a token of reme mbrance on this speci- al day. A Box of Chocolates is usually acceptable but ive have many other articles that will be equally acceptable. West Van. Agents C. I'. R. Telegrn 76c Kruschen Salts, 10c Baby's Feeding Bottles.... 05c 35c Colgate's Shaving Stick.... 23c $ 1.00 Lady's Wish Powder ........ 69c 76c TreQur Compacts ............. 69c 36c Jontell Eye Brow Pencil.... 29c $ 1.s5 Enos Fruit Salts ............ 98c $ 1.00 Hot Water Bottles......... 89c )1.00 Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic 78c SOc Sulphur and hlolasses ........ 19c 35c Mos-quito Oil ..................... 23c 76c Fly-Tox ............................. GSc 25c Listerine Tooth Paste .... 19c $ 1.00 Listerine ........................ 79c $ 1.25 Budweiser Malt...... 98c KODAK FILhil--PRESCRIPTIONS phs nnd Can. Pac. Exp. hloney Order ALEX. HARVEY 2131 hlarine Drive Films Developed, Copying, Enlarging Phone West 91L or West 602-0 F. R. Franklin Carpenter and Contractor 2503 Bellevue Are. Phone West 59L2. iil ITi III II lli ill ill ll4 II'l'I l'I'I Il ~-f II II III II I I Ki ill'l f,II Illl p=r i,gg'p '0 '@gal LOUETTE plant, now n operation after two years ofconstruction work, is the sixth hydro- electric plant in the B.C. Electric system. Adding its 12,500 horse power to the mainland system it is the second largest automatic power plant on this continent. Its generator is switched on and off at Stave Falls, twelve miles away. The Alouette development has cost $2,300,000but will be sufficient only until 1930 when the first units of the Bridge River plant will come into operation. BanlSIICOI,memr - Ft~znnCRauaiIVS VANCOUVER VICTORIA Olios slj .ou Can Save One I3ollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY i'-esaje iI.irug Store Prescriptions Filled By Fully Qualified Druggist at City Prices G. E. REID, itilanager Net Building--Corner AIarine and 14th.FAST DELIVERY NO ORDER IS TOO ShIALL WEST 323 THE'VEST VAN NEEVS . ~ +SOKA. iS S. E. Dean of Vancouver is moving into a house on Duchess between 17th and 18th Streets, Airs. Hegg, 11th and Duchess, has purchased property on Duch- ess Avenue. A. L. Atherton of Point Grey, has taken the house of Messrs. Bayne and Smith at 13th and Inglewood for the summer. Sidney Smith is confined to his home at 23rd and Haywood ivith an acute attack of sciatica. AIr. and 5Irs. Phillips, who have been residing at Radcliff Avenue, have moved to )Vest Bay. F. EVhyte and party of Van- couver, have taken Mr. Ollason's cottage at; 29th and waterfront for the summer months. Tickets and programmes for the B. C. Musical Festival to- night and for the grand concert tomorrow night can be obtained from J. H. Smith, Phone West 659L. Mr. and Mrs. Birtwhistle, 15th Street, have moved into their new house at 27th and Nel- son. Due to the unfavorable weath- er conditions which have prevail- ed, Bartholemew Montgomery & Co. were granted a further ex- tension to 2nd June to complete the Whytecliff Waterworks con- tract. In the account given of the con- cert and dance put onbytheAVest Vancouver branch of the Canadi- an Legion last Saturday week in Dundarave Hall, the name of Mrs. J. E. Durbin, who gave a piano solo and encore and also acted as accompanist, was inad- vertently omitted from the list of artists. Mrs. Durbin has giv- en a number of piano solos and been the accompanist at each of these monthly affairs this sea- son, and their success has been largely due to her kindness in thus assisting the branch. The clerk was instructed to write to all those delinquents under the Soldiers'and Act that arrangements must be made at once to meet outstanding a- mortization payments. An expenditure of $ 120 was authorised by the council for the grading of the lane in Block 22, D. L. 237, which had been ap- plied for by R. Bell. W. J. Irwin a short time ago asked the council to have Palm- erston Avenue opened westward from 22nd to 23rd Street, and the municipal engineer was in- structed to make a report on same. This was presented Mon- day night, and as a result the council ordered 308 feet of the road opened at a cost not to ex- ceed $154. A. H. Edwards of Caulfeild wrote the council drawing their attention to the very bad condi- tion of the roadway on Marine Drive, and asking what prospect there was of repairs being done to it at an early date. The coun- ci] replied that repairs would be started immediately. Two courts of the Hollyburn Tennis Club at 17th and IVater- front, have now been put in shape and the members have al- ready started playing on them. J. P. )Vharton, owner of the )Vharton block at 14th and Mar- ine Drive, has returned from Cal- Ifol nla. Jackie watson, son of Captain and Mrs. J. watson, 14th and Duchess, cut his knee last week on the running board of an auto, necessitating several stitches be- ing put in to close the wound. Chas. Barrie of Prince Rupert, who has been staying for some months with Mrs. C. E. Blyth, 22nd and Jefferson, is visiting his sister in Victoria. H. A. Hunt has moved from 18th and Waterfront to the )Vhyte cot tage at 23rd and Kings. )Ir. and Mrs. AV. J. Arnold of Baldur, Manitoba, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Gemmill, 15th and Esquimalg Mrs. Arn- old is a sister of Mr. Gemmill. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Froud of Cortez Island, arrived yesterday on a visit to their son Robert 4V. Froud, 25th and Mathers. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dawson and family have moved from 21st and Esquimalt to a cottage at Cyp- ress Park. L. T. Troy and paly have tak- en the house of H. Ffrith- Smith, 27th and Waterfront, for the summer. DANGER SIGNAL REQUESTED AT 14th STREET CROSSING The clerk was instructed by the council to write the Minister of Railways requesting that he instruct the P. G. E. Railway to put in a danger signal at the 14th Street crossing in order to avoid a re-currence of what might have proved to be a very serious accident at that point last March. The minister was also to be reminded in the letter that this was the third time this request had been made of him. SCOTTISH SOCIETY Dr. AIacBeth to Address Society The regular meeting of the West Vancouver Scottish Society will be held next Friday, the 18th instant, in the Ambleside Hall and will start at 8.15 p.m. The Rev. Dr. MacBeth will lec- ture to the society and all mem- bers are asked to be present and to bring a friend. Dr. MacBeth's lecture should prove very inter- esting and the officers hope there will be a big attendance at this meeting. Whist Drive A miltary whist drive and musicale will be held in the Mas- onic Hall on )Vednesday May 23rd, when a good time is prom- ised all who attend. Splendid prizes will be given and refreshments will be served. The proceeds of this affair will be used to buy medals for the Dundarave Regatta as in former years. THE JUNIOR AUXILIARY OF ST. STEPHEN'S is giving An Entertainment-Missionary &: Spring Plays in St. Stephen's Hall on FRIDAY, 18th, 5IAY, at 7.30 P. AI. BIay 11, 1928. ENGAGEilIENTS Captain and Mrs. Dixon Hop- craft announce the engagement of their daughter Priscilla to Mr Jasper E. Spencer, younger son of the late Major R. E. E. SPenc- er and 5Irs. Spencer of North umberland, England. The wed- ding wi)l take place shortly. Cap- tain and 31rs. Hopcraft and faln- ily are former residents of Csni- feild. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rodian, 3538 Copley St., South Vancou- ver, announce the engagement of their daughter Evelyn )'Iabel Joynson to Mr. Henry EVeir Mc- Donald, eldest son of Mr. »d Mrs. Henry Roome McDonald, 1507 Fulton Avenue. The wed- ding will take place quietly on 16th June. Mr. and Mrs. F. Montgomery, 21st Street EVest, North Van- couver, announce the engage- ment of their daughter Norah, to Mr. J. O. Britton, 24th and Jef- ferson, the marriage to take place next )Vednesday at 8.30 p. m. in the First Baptist Church North Vancouver. L. O. L. No. 2990 is holding their regular meeting next Tuesday at 8 p. m. in Dundarave Hall. CHIROPRACTOR iVext to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver Phone West 383 Roberta A. Vass D. C., Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School NOT A CURE ALL! Chiropractic is not a "Cure All." We do claim, however, that it is a very different heal- ing system. CHIROPRACTIC WILL HELP YOU A. & F. VALENTINE 1406 Marine Drive Canadian Window Bakeries Agency FRESH CAKES and BREAD DAILY LIGHT LUNCHES TEAS Store closes 8 p. ni. Saturdays 10 p.m. Phone West 456 A GOOD IS A CON STAiVT JO& Have the children taken regularly and so keep a record of their develop- ment. THE KljNIG STUDIO (V. V. VINSOiV, Prop.) IVill give you satisfactory work. Adults 25 Cents Children 5 Cents STUDIO: 311 Hastings St., AV., Phone Seymour 1046