001C9518 IlIay 11, 1928. THE BLUEST VAN NEAVS l ormam.'S i",'i"„li„,"( 14th and ~larine Phone West 65 Saturtlay Speciah EGGS-- LOCAL FIRSTS, doz.30c SEVIFT'S COOKED HAM, lb.... 50c SWEET ORANGES 3 dozen FREE DELIV ERY Morning and Afternoon WEST 4 Courts Season Membership--Ladies $ 10 Gentlemen $ 16. For particulars Phone AVest 23L2, B. Burton, Pres.; AVest 481R3, L. Davenport, Secty. P A INTI NG and I'APERIIANGING All work imaranteed. Estimates Furnished V. HERi&IANDEZ I'hone West 678 L The Hollyburn Nurseries are advertising in this issue a large variety of bedding plants, which may be obtained at the Marine Grocery, corner of 22nd and 3Iar- ine Drive. Among these are asters, lobelia, marigolds, cos- mos, stocks, verbenea, snapdrag- ons, cabbage plants, cauliflowers, tomato, zennias and petunias. The solicitor was instructed by the council to get in touch with the registrar of lands with a view to drawing up an agree- ment suitable to the municipal- ity permitting the registration of Gleneagles sub-division plan and incorporating a private road as shown thereon. A copy of the plan has been furnished the sol- icitor for this purpose. 11iss H. V. Bell IVins Three Scholarsh ips IIiss Helen V. Bell, daughter of H. V. Bell, 11th and hIathers, made a remarkable record at the exams of University of B. C., the results of which have just been announced. In addition to heading the first class honors list in Arts, in her year, she won three scholarships, namely, the University Scholarship for gen eral proficiency $ 160, the Shaw ilIemorial Scholarship $ 137.50. (First in English, Latin, and Greek), and the iAIcGill Gradu- ates Scholarship $ 137.50 (First in English and French). The latter two scholarships go by re- version to the next highest can- didates. hiiss Bell is to be con- gratulated on her brilliant rec- ord, and it is to be noted that she was top of the first class honors last year. Of the other West Vancouver students, Edward S. Pretious won second class honors in civil engineering, Thomas F. Hadwin was second in the second class honors in his second year in Min- ing Engineering, Miss Daisy J. Brealey passed her third year exams in arts and Miss Eleanor G. Chilton also passed her third year exams in arts with supple- mentals. QA YFINED FOR TAKINGDOG&VOOD Leo Muir, A. Rostron, and A. Magrusm, all of Vancouver, were fined $2.60 by i4Iagistrate Rob- son for helping themselves to dogwood last Sunday ~ eek. There has been considerable de- struction and spoliation of dog- wood trees in the municipality and the police are determined to stamp out the practice. It should be remembered that to do so is an offence under the criminal code of Canada, except where the trees are on one's own property. sa«tft«d for p&ce her can rely upon REAL )lofti E B ggiy('readCakes l astr&e~ and Pter Just try them once. Mrs. DRAPER 2435 MARINE DltlVE Ner t Dundaraea Hall. NOTE PHONE: West 3$$ P. G. E. RLY. TO PRESENT SUhli~IER SCHEDULE A letter was received by the council on i~Ionday night from the P. G. E. Railway Co., stating that Assistant AIanager Wilson and his roadmaster would attend the council meeting next AIon- day to present the proposed sum- mer schedule, which would start about 23rd ofay. HOSPITAL TO HOLD TAG DAY OC HOI LYBURN NURSERIES TO BE REGISTERED SUCCESSFUI. AT OFFER PLANTS UNIVERSITY EXAiiIS GORDON ROBSON Barrister 8c Solicitor West Vancouver office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone %Vest 403 Suite 801; 610 Hastings St., %'. Phone Seymour 4199. PITMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Est. 1898 Vancouver's Leading Business College Individual Attention DAY and NIGHT School Night School, 4 nights each week Enrol at any time. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Cor. Hastings HQLLYBURA Barber Shop 16th 4 Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. SIARSH Proprtetor WEST VAN Iiesl:auran1: 1421 Marine Drive at 14th St. Public Phone West 611-0 : otlyburn Theatre Friday and Saturday, May 11th and 12th. Douglas Fairbanks in ,. 1e eRIIC 10 ,-&IIs:.& )IQ r 'Ol PARENT-TEACHERS'SSOCIATION The lecture of Mr. A. M. Stephen on the subject of Can- adian Literature was enthusi- astically received last Tuesday evening by a large gathering of members of the Association. Mr. Stephen made an earnest plea for greater attention to the work of our native writers, especially in the schools, as an indispensable factor in the building of our na- tional life and consciousness. He then outlined the development of literature in this country from pre-Confederation days to the present time. Then, to the man- ifest delight and appreciation of his audience, he concluded with effectively presented readings from his own poems. Refreshments were served as usual at the close The EVomen's Auxiliary of the North Vancouver General Hos- pital was granted permission by the council on Monday night to tag on 9th June. This permis- sion does not include the ferries. TAG DAY CHANGED The Canadian Red Cross So- ciety wrote the council asking that they be permitted to tag on 16th June, instead of on 9th June, as had been previously granted. Permission for the change requested was given. BOYS AND GIRLS CHOIRS FINISH THE SEASON There will be no further prac- tices of the Boys'hoir and the Girls Choir this season. The one which would in the usual way have been held tomorrow morn- ing being cancelled owing to the strenuous week put in by Pro- fessor Morgan in preparing the Festival competitors. It had been the intention to stage a concert for the Junior singers be- fore the close of this season, but it has been thought advisable to postpone the event until later in the year. The juniors will un- questionably draw a large crowd and give a good account of them- selves when the concert is stag- ed. Iv Here is a ivasher made to meet Canadian conditions, sold at a Canadian factory Price R terms to suit you i v iVEST VAN. CONSERVA- TIVES TO CHOOSE DELEGATES Nominating Convention ilIay 29 IVhen you have Fraser Valley Milk in your home every morn- ing you are enjoying the milk that government tests have proved safer because of greater purity and nourishmen. Start enjoying the Creamo Milkmen's cheerful service. on mTRRY street EVERY men~~ 9 quarts for $ 1.00 Phone North 122 FRASER VALLEY MILK The executive of the IVest Vancouver Conservative Assoc- iation held a well attended meet- ing in the Legion rooms on 51on- day night. It was decided to hold the regular meeting for the month of Play in Dundarave Hali on AIonday 28th i%lay at 8 p. m. the primaries to be held at the same time for the appointment of delel~tes to the nominating convention. The latter will take place on the following evening in North Vancouver, when a Con- servative candidate will be chos- en to contest the North Vancou- ver riding at the forthcoming provincial election. Albert Dale applied for per- mission to cut windfalls and "dry killed" timber on the corp- oration property on lots 1 and 2, D. L. 816, and lots 13 to 19, lot 22, and lot 25 on D. L. 817. Permission to do so was re- fused. Easier to Operate %gashes Faster Lasts Longer Phone for Par ticulars Exclusive features makes the Beatty the outstanding washer value of the world today--all gears are enclosed and run in oil--no belt to slip or stretch--both rollers stop when the pressure is released and both can be lifted out for cleaning. The Beatty is the simplest and most efficient of alL 5'A'"'jt VfAS-" S"." '." 928 Granville St. Sey. 7863