001C950F THE WEST VAN NEAVS RIGHT AT YOUli DOOR AND IVE CII AltGE NO iliORE! Cut Rate Drugs SATURDAY AND MONDAY SPECIALS 60c Box Stationery.... 3$ c 60c Lemon Cream ................. 29c 36c Benzo Almond Hand Lotion 23c 25c Zinc Ointment, tubes.......... 19c Ovaltine, 3 sizes....... 60c, 90c, $ 1.60 $ 1.00 Cherisette Compncts....... 69c 75c Cherisette Face Powder.... 49c $ 1.25 Georgia Body Powder.... 79c 2oc Red Cedar Flakes................ 19c 60c Day Dream Powder .. 39c 35c Hires Household Extrnct.... 26c 65c Antiphologistine ......,..........19c OSc Lydia Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound ........................... 89c $ 1.75 Mnltine with Cod Liver O il ......................................... $ 1 .4 9 $ 1.00 Cod Liver Oil Emulsion .. 69c 25c Iileenex ................................ 19c 36c Ivilliams Shaving Cream... 2Sc 26c 2-oz. Absorbent Cotton........ 19c 10c Package Epsom Salts ......06c 30c Sulphur A Molasses............ 21c 35c Bnr Castile Soap French . 19c GOc Pompeinn Dry Cream ........ 49c i'1.00 Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic 69c 25c Peroxide .............................. 16c $ 1.00 Ivaterbury's Cod Liver Oil, plain ................................ S9c $ 1.00 waterbury's Cod Liver Oil, compound ........................ 89c $ 1.00 Blood Purifier ................ 69c 15c Colored Glasses (driving or tennis, etc.) .......................... 34c ~ Kodak Films developed nnd printed IVest Van. Agents C. I'. R. Telegraphs and Cnn. Pnc. Exp. i~loney Order i es-age i'iirug Store Prescriptions Filled gy Fully Qualified Druggist at City Prices G. E. REID, hlanager Net Building--Corner illarine and 14th. FA ST D ELIV ERY NO ORDER IS TOO Si~IALL WEST 323 ~:. &SO.4'A.. iS Mrs. and Miss Parkyn, 26th and Lawson, have moved into the Hastings house on Haywood Avenue. Mrs. Thomson and daughter, 13th and Keith Road, have mov- ed to North Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Caul- feild, xvere i» a serious motor accident on Friday, when their car skidded and turned over at 29th and Marine Drive. Neither were hurt, but the car was quite badly damaged. Mrs. Bagley and her son of Vancouver, spent the week end at her cottage at 22nd and Queens. Mr. and Mrs. Vance and family have moved from 26th and AVat- erfront to the Fortune Cup Inn. The office of the B. C. Tele- phone Co. is now open from 8.15 a. m. to 5 p. m. and on Saturdays from 8.15 a. m. to 1 p. m. These houiw ivill remain in force foi the summer months, the change having become effective on Tues- day, 1st May. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews and family have moved from the For- tune Cup Inn to North Vancou- vel'. f Nr and Miss Stringei have moved into their new home on Esquimalt Avenue, between 10th and 11 Streets. Nrs. G. E. Bryan, who has been visiting her daughters, Nrs. N. H. Allwork and Miss O. E. Bi~- an, at their home at 17th and Bellevue, left on Tuesday to re- turn to her home at Innisfail, Alberta. SS 'X Dlusical Festival Programmes are now ready and obtainable at the office, 334 Rogers Building, where you may also get a Sub- scriber's Pass for $5.00. A Car that combines the qualities of beauty and comfort in ap- pointments with power and smoothness in performance at n remnrkable cost. If you will phone NORTH 133S n car will be sent to your door at whatever time you wish. DRIVE ONE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF . J U ii 4 J J ii 4 i U Lonsdale and 15th North Vancouver Phone 1338 Mr. and Mrs. Henningsen, 21st and Fulton, have left here for the Fraser Valley, where they are going into chicken farming. Miss G. Lawson of the staff of the Pauline Johnson school, is away from her duties this week owing to sickness. Nrs. A. M. O'Donnell taking the class in her absence. ~hat is ~rong with Marriage Today ~ ~hy are There So Many Divorces? s Ignorance Better Than Knowledge. Is Knowledge Sinful. Are SEX HyGIENE and BIRTH CONTROL Fit Subjects to Teach. WHA-I AaOU-I. ..A.i'I "..Ii A"...'. I.A.4.4 A ~.'.. These and Other Topics %Vill Be Thoroughly Discussed in "5IARRIAGE" by ON MAY 8th and 9th, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY I r &v Picture Program AVill Commence at 7.00 O'lock and Lecture at 8.30 o'lock After which the I'icture Program IVill Be Repeated "An address that might, with propriety, be given from the pulpit of any church," reports the Chilliwack Progress. "Nothing he advocates is at all out of keeping with the best that the church and the home should give," says REV. CLEM DAVIES, City Temple, Victoria. Admission SO cents CHILDREN UNDER SIXTEEN NOT ADAIITTED J. D. Lowden, 14th and Wat- erfront, has moved into a house at 13th a»d Marine Drive. Nr. and Nrs. Stanley AVeaver and.family of AVest Point Grey, moved on Saturday into the Prentice house at 20th and Kings. J. Glover, 26th and Lawson, is moving into a house at 24th and Bellevue. Captain W. J. Cane, 13th and Keith Road, had his left hand and wrist badly lacerated on Monday evening, when in shoot- ing a rat from his verandah the pistol he was using was blown to pieces by the force of the dis- charge. The force of the e~~lo- sion was such that one piece of the bariel lodged in the roof of the verandah. The pistol, which was an old Turkish weapon, was one of two which Captain Cane picked up from a dump of arms of various kinds after the sur- render of Bagdad during the late campaign in Mesopotamia, when the populace of that city were compelled to hand over their weapons. Mrs. Ogden has returned to her home at 29th and Bellevue from the North Vancouver Gen- eral Hospital following an accid- ent to her hand. Rev. A. J. Pineo, who has been visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs. George Pineo, 13th and Keith Road, left here on Tuesday to return to his home in Alberni. Nrs. Blow, Radcliffe Ave. and waterfront, has moved into a house on Marine Drive at )Vest Bay. E. A. Rathje, 13th and Gord- on, ivho has been ill with an at- tack of quinsy, has recovered and is back again on the bus staff. Mr. and Nrs. James Thompson 11th and Inglewood, have moved into the Byrnell apartment at 14th and waterfront. Mr.and Mrs. McNair have rent- ed the Ross cottage at 24th and Haywood. The )Vest Van. Supply has moved their office on Marine Drive at Ambleside across the road to the Ross block next to gormand's Grocery. Fred Tite, 15th and Marine Drive is suffering from a badly poisoned hand. The cod are beginning to run freely in the First Narrows and in the waters off our shores. A number of anglers have lately had good catches. T. Astbury, 14th and AVater- front, has moved to the Mac- Gowan house at 21st and Marine Drive. You Have Read the Falsehoods and illisrepresentations -- Now Is Your Opportunity to Hear the Truth Before Passing'udgment Also a Motion Picture---"ARE YOU FIT TO NARRY" An educational picture designed to enlighten every adult person on one of the most vital questions affecting the public welfare. This picture has been seen and endorsed by some of the leaders of public opinion in Canada. Nay 4, 1928. Mis. D. Heaslip has ieturned to her home at 15th and Duchess from the Bute Street Hospital, bringing with her her new little baby girl. F. Rouse of IVhytecliff in a letter to the council drew the latter's attention to the bad con- dition of Douglas Street, AVhyte- cliff. The council replied that this street was on the road re- pairs programme and would re- ceive attention in due course. 0 Percy EVharton is on his way up here from Pasadena, Califor- nia. Percy Reynolds, 12th and Jef- ferson, who has been very seri- ously ill with typhoid fever, is making a speedy recovery at the Vancouver General Hospital, and is expected home shortly. Councillor EV. M. Jackman has moved into his new house at 22nd and Queens. Nr. Frain of Vancouver has taken Mr. Seller's house at 16th and Inglewood. James Sutherland, 17th and Inglewood, has purchased Mrs. Co»ant's store property at 15th and Marine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. AVatermain have moved from 16th and Inglewood to the new house they have had built at 13th and Haywood. Colin McVean of Lethbridge, Alberta, is visiting his sister, AIrs. J. G. Fiddes, 22nd and Ful- ton. Mrs. C. Poisson, 29th and Bel- levue left this week for a visit to Victoria. DEATH OF iVALTER FORD Walter Ford, 15th and Gordon, died on Sunday at St. Paul's Hos- pital following an operation for appendicitis. The deceased, who was in his 48th year, is surviv- ed by one sister, who lived with him here, and another sister and a brother in Vancouver; also by two other sisters in Newfound- land and a brother in the States. Funeral services were held on wednesday at the chapel of Har- ron Bros. and williamson in Vancouver and interment was made in Mountain View ceme- tery. BARGAIN AVEEK IN 51USIC AT THE H.C. AIUSICAL FESTIVAL When the average bargain hunter hears of a $5 dress being sold for $4.98, she will expend two car tickets, a day's energy, and half a day's time, and get that bargain or die in the at- tempt. This is to say that all next week, Slay 7th to 12th any one who wishes can have a bargain in music at the B. C. Musical Festival. For the modest outlay of $5 on a Subscriber's Pass, the holder may attend any or all of the forty sessions, with the big wind-up concert at the Arena on Saturday night, May 12th thrown in for luck. And all this can be had without frayed nerv- es or ~vearing the edge off the temper. The great point, of course, is that not only do you get more than your money's worth, but the Festival Association is all the stronger for your suppoi&. Nothing succeeds like success, and tlie Festival, in order to be successful, needs your co-opera- tion and support. It is the great- est beneficial community effort in existence, and is richly worthy of the very best you can do for it. If you have helped before you will help again; if you have not, begin now, and knoiv the satisfaction there is in helping on the good work. You can get a Subscriber's Pass at the Fes- tival office, 334 Rogers Building, or at 4V. B. Smith's, )Vest 658L. Get yours today.