001C950F iAIay 4, 1928. THE 4VEST VAil NEAVS .l ormanc 's i" 'I"Ii" '"t 14th and ibIarine Phone %Vest 65 Saturday Specials EGGS--LOCAL PULLET EXTRAS, per dozen 20c SEUEET ORANGES 3 dozen 59c LIBBY'S PORK Er. BEANS large size .. .. 17c I'REE DELIVERY i~lorning and Afternoon WEST 4 Courts Season blembership-- Ladies $ 10 Gentlemen $ 15. For particulars Phone West 231-2, B. Burton, Pres.; West 481R3, I.. Davenport, Secty. PAINTING and I'AI'EltHANGING All work guaranteed. Estimates Furnished V. IIEIDIANDEZ I'hone Wert 678l. iYEST VAN Iies1:auran1: 1421 blarine Drive at 14th St. Public Phone IVest 611-0 DUNDARAVE BARBER SHOP right opposite Dundarave Hall I.. BltOIVN, Prop. Open 8 a.m. each week day. Cloce--hIonday E: Wed. 10 p.m. Tuesday b Friday 6 p.m. Thursday at 1 p. m. Saturday at 11 p.m. Your patronage solicited. ~!r. and Mrs. E. A. AVillsher, former residents of West Van- couver, and who moved over to the city a few months ago, are leaving shortly 'for an extended visit to California. 0 0 ~ IIrs. A. Stone, who has been residing with her son, George A. Stone of Caulfeild, returned to Vancouver this week and will take up residence on Barclay Street. ~ 1 IIIrs. J. L. Davidson and Mrs. Stuart Cameron of Caulfeild, have returned home after visit- ing Captain and!~Irs. Alee. Rid- del of Saanich. Mrs. Riddel is the daughter of IIrs. Cameron. 0 0 0 AIr. and Mrs. S. LeFeaux of 22nd and waterfront, are mov- ing to New westminster this week. The AIayor of Belli ngham. IVash., has sent invitations to the Reeve, Councillors and gen- eral public of )Vest Vancouver to attend the Annual Tulip Fes- tival to be held in Bellingham on IIay 11th and 12th. 0 0 0 Robert Bell, 1231 Marine Drive, wrote the council asking that the lane in rear of his prop- erty be fixed up. The municipal engineer was instructed to ex- amine the condition of the lane and report. 0 0 ilIrs. DIarling of Vancouver has moved into her apartment at the back of the two stores she has had erected at 17th and Mar- ine Drive next to the Royal Bank branch. IValter Sewell and A. H. Mil- ner wrote the council asking that they have garage approaches built. They were informed that the municipality do not build such approaches. lV. B.,A. illeets at Home of Airs. Johnston The ladies of the EV. B. A. will meet at the home of iMrs. (Cap- tain) Johnston, 18th and Ful- ton, on wednesday of next week, (9th inst.,). All members are requested to be present. After a winter spent in San Diego and other southern points IIr. Owen Power has returned to B. C. and is taking up resi- dence at Caulfeild for the sum- mer. F. EV. Rudolph sent a written request to the council that Math- ers Avenue be fixed up as far as hIajor ~Iarshall's house. The matter was referred to the mun- icipal engineer. 0 0 0 W. J. Irwin's request that Palmerston Avenuo between 22nd and 23rd Streets be cleaned up and graded was referred by the council to the municipal eng- ineer for his report. 0 0 0 The council passed a resolution that, in view of the physical con- ditions in D.L. 771 rendering im- practical the carrying out of the provisions of the Land Rights Act regarding the opening of roadways to the waterfront, they agreed to the setting aside of said provisions in said district lot. W. E. Sewell, 1410 20th Street requested the council to have a culvert put in in front of his property. The matter was re- ferred to the municipal engineer for his report. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Atkinson and daughter Minnie, spent the week end at Arbutus cottage, Caulfeild, the new home of Mrs. 4V. Harvey. a t ~ The council advised P. A. Ed- ington and T. Caudwell, in reply to their letter asking that 11th Street north of Mathers, receive attention, that the work is now in hand. 0 The Yorkshire and Pacific Se- curities Ltd. of Vancouver wrote the council asking that water service be given to Lots 1 and 2, Block 13, District Lot 582, being the property owned by Mr. Dawson at Cypress Park. The council advised them that the only solution to the increasingly pressing domestic water service problem in District Lot 582 was a local improvement by-law, which the ratepayers should pe- tition for under the act. Mrs. James Cornwall of Ed- monton, has taken a house at Caulfeild for the summer. Seed's Grocery and Hardware Store at Ambleside is offering a 10 per cent reduction on hard- ware and garden tools, poultry netting, fly screens, screen doors and fittings. The season is now here when all these things are necessary, and prospective pur- chasers would do well to take advantage of this offer. PERSONALS F. R. FranklinCarpenter and Contractor 2503 Bellevue Ave. Phone Iyest 59L2. GORDON RQBSOy, Barrister 4 Solicitor %est Vancouver offtce No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403 Suite 801; 510 Hastings St., W. Phone Seymour 4199. ALEX. HARVE Y 2131 &Iartne Drtve Films Developed, Copying, Enlarging Phone Nest 91L or Wert 602-0 I PITMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Est. 1898 Vancouver's Leading Business College CHUTNEY SALAD DRESSING I.E~ION CI;ItD MAIDIAI.ADE All Home llade Just Try Them Once. Mrs. DRAPER 2435 hIhRINE Ditlyp Nor t Dundsrsve Hall. NOTE PHONE t West sss Individual Attention DAY and NIGHT School Night School, 4 nights each week Enrol at any time. 4 22 ltichards St. I'hone Sey. 913$ . Cor. Hastings IIOLLX BI.'R& Barber Shop 15th 4, Marine EX I'Elt T SEI&VICE E. MARSH Proprietor r. I,,r I S ~ 'P'. ~ ~gl C„"g l ~. Here is a washer made to meet Canadian conditions, sold at a Canadian factory Price R terms to suit you I.EGION CONCERT AND DANCE e on Inspected herds, utmost care throughout with the milk, and sparkling bottles, -- guarantee the superiority of Fraser Valley Milk. 9 quarts for $ 1,00 Phone North 122 HAVE THE CREAMO MILKMAN SERVE YOU. Due to their being other af- fairs on the same evening, the Legion concert and dance in Dun- darave Hall on Saturday night was not as well attended as it should have been in view of the excellence of the programme pro- vided for the evening's en- tertainment. AIrs. F. X. Hodg- son, 31rs. J. H. Leggatt, Mrs. Barnden and 51r. J. Lowden were all in fine voice and their singing was very much appreci- ated by those present, while 51r. Frank Dowie, the rubber-faced comedian, brought down the house with his clever imperson- ations. Child's Orchestra supplied the music for the dancing, and their playing kept everybody up aiid going. i~Iessrs. Frank Dowie and Frank IIadley gave some comic numbers in an interlude betweeii dances, which proved quite a fea- ture of the evening. Easier to Operate %Rashes Faster Lasts Longer Phone for Par ticulars Exclusive feature» makes the Beatty the outstanding washer value of the world today--all gears are enclosed and run in oil--no belt to slip or stretch--both rollers stop when the pre»sure is released and both can be lifted out for cleaning. The Beatty is the simplest and most efficient of all. .3 'A'".'.( PItAS..-. '.( S".".I'.'28 Granville St. Sey. 7863