001C950F THE AVEST VAN NEEVS May 4, 1928. x),'i! I,'.tlllNi;l(l( 'S GROCERY Gives The Utmost in Value This business is built on Satisfaction. We cannot afford to have dissatisfied customers. Hence we take no chnnces on carrying cheap quality goods. We give full value and the best vnlue on every purchase. For Reliability, Try Grcwnwood's We deliver West 16 .'.X~"..-.A.& ~.'. CITY i% COUNTRY HOUSES-- and properties to trade for IVest Van. acreage or lots. One four room modern bunga- low to trade, with car taken as part payment. IF YOU CAiNNOT SELL AYHY NOT TRADE? K. W. SAVO.(Y Real Estate and Insurance 1429 illarine Drive Ambleside 'I(es: "~ THE ,0i arce. S &o z I 1520 IIarine Drive IIarcei, Steam and Finger AVar- ing, Haircutting, Shampooing and Scalp Treatments For Appointment WEST 304 Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The IVest Van Watchmaker 8 Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, etc. J. M. Morgan Phone %Vest 173 WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Production and Singing VANCOUVER STUDIO Phone Sei mour 101 HARRON BROS. & IVILLIAM SON glllietal 9irector9 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 I'&: R. S O N W I S il~ ~ lit George Reid, manager of the Lesage Drug Store, is back again at the store after an enforced absence of two weeks owing to sickness. ibliss Peggy Harlin of Vancou- ver, divas the guest of bliss Annie Ridley of Caulfeild, last iveek end. ilIrs. J. A. U «ttin, Cypress Park, won a 6-1b. tin of Crisco, the fourth prize in the pie div- ision of the Sun's third annual Cooking School, which was held Saturday morning in the louver dining room of the Hotel Van- couver. In the children's division Dor- ee» Elgar, 16th and Gordon, se- cured honorable mention and a prize of $ 1 for being eighth a- mong the contestants. A delightful party was held at the home of AIr. and DIrs. Gordon Gray, 26th and Mathers, on Monday evening last, in hon- or of Dlr. Norman E. Thompson, 3rd engineer, R.ilI.S. "Aorangi" who is shortly leaving for Eng- land. The evening divas spent in dancing, and many novel games were enjoyed. The feature of the occasion was the presenta- tion to Mr. Thompson of an il- luminated address, and a set of military hair brushes. The par- ty from the ship, and other guests chartered a special Pac- ific stage for transportation pur- poses. Mrs. C. Chinery, who has re- turned to EVest Vancouver from a six weeks'rip to Seattle and Portland had as her guests over the week end, Nr. and Nrs. C. 4V. Benson of the Curben Hotel, Seattle, )Vash. Mr. and Mrs. J. Teare return- ed last Sunday from Buccaneer Bay after spending a few days there at their summer camp, "Inglewood." J. 3I. Edington, school trustee, whose home is at 16th and Duch- ess, is still a patient at St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver. Mr. Ed- ington mas the victim of a pain- ful accident a couple of weeks ago when he fell from a build- ing, breaking his arm and dislo- cating his shoulder. He is, how- ever, making as good progress as can be ex~ected. Notwithstanding the inclem- ent weather over seventy play- ers registered at the Gleneagles Golf course during the past week end. Dr. F. E. Dorchester, health expert, has returned to his home in Altamont, after an extended lecture tour covering the larger cities on the prairies. A. F. Tabor is spending a month at Laughbor Inlet with his daughter, Mrs. A. Provinci- ale. Mrs. Logan who has been a- way for some months on a tour of the Eastern States and Can- ada returned to AVest Vancou- ver last )Vednesday and is stay- ing with her daughter, Mrs. Taylor, 12th and waterfront. Mr. and Mrs. 4V. 51. Thompson 20th and Esquimalt, have had an addition to their family, a baby boy having been born to them at the North Vancouver General Hospital, last night. Both moth- er and son are doing well. Mr. Thompson is on the West Van- couver Transportation staff. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Taylor, 23rd and Marine, are leaving this week for a holiday trip to Alert Bay and e~~ect to be a- way for ten days. Miss S. Cusack has rented her residence on the waterfront at Cypress Park to Mr. J. A. Camp- bell, the well known city bar- rister who will reside there with Nrs. Campbell and family during the summer months. R. L. Watters has purchased a semi-waterfront lot at West Bay from E. J. Koen of the Capilano Filling Station. C. J. Archer has purchased the property owned by L. Crates on the south east corner of Ingle- wood and 11th, and will move in about the 12th instant. Miss Mary Natheson enter- tained a number of her friends over the week end at the sum- mer home of her parents Nr. and 3Irs. Mackenzie Matheson at Caulfeild. Nrs. C. pintle is spending a month at Vermillion, Alta., vis- iting Mrs. R. Colpitts. Finish 6-iWIonths'uto Trip Mr. and Mrs. D. Gillett, 15th and Fulton, had as their guests last week end, Mr. and Mrs. C. 5Iurphy and family who have just returned to B. C. after a six-months auto trip through California and the Pacific States. Mr. and Airs. Murphy reside in Kitsilano. St. Anthony's Church Whist Drive A whist drive will be held at the rectory of St. Anthonys Church, 24th and Haywood, to- morrow (Saturday) . Play will start at 8 p.m. Special door prizes will be given. NOTICE OF PARENT- TEACHERS'IEETING At the next meeting of the As- sociation--Tuesday evening, in the Pauline Johnson School, at 8 p. m.--Mr. A. M. Stephen will give an address on "The Devel- opment and Growth of Canadian Literature." The Association is privileged in being afforded an opportunity to hear this address from one who has scored so signal a suc- cess in the field of which he is to speak. It is expected that there will be a large attendance of members and all others inter- ested in the subject. ...arcware anc Ganen '..oos All Garden Tools Poultry Netting, Fly Screens Screen Doors and Fittings. SPECIAL:--5-String Corn Broom, good stock, good value at regular 50c, this week .......................................... 39c AIEAT SAFES--Local made, strong and fly-proof. Protect your food. Prices.............................. $ 1.75, $ 1.95, $2.25 HARDWARE and GROCERY Ambleside West 28 BRIDGE TEA AT HOGTIE OF AIRS. iV. BURTON FORSTER BEAU'I'Y SPOTS A bridge tea in aid of the Dun- cAll Lawson Chapter. was given on wednesday after- noon bv bless E J Pearce and AIrs. AV. Burton Forster at the home of the latter, 17th and Mathers. The table was center- ed with a crystal bowl of purple iris, pink and yellow tulips, and forget-me-nots embedded in rain- bow shades of tulle flanked by mauve papers in crystal holders. Eleven tables of bridge were played, the following being the prize-winners: 1st, IIIrs. K. Bur- ton Forster; 2nd, Mrs. Christian; Consolation, AIrs. Fay, 5Irs. Mc- Cready. Are numerous on the North Shore. Wc have n splendid as- sortment, recently added of Post Card views of some of the bet- ter known beautiful scenes of this district. Send them to your distant friends. Gc Each Ive send Telegrams, either C. I'. R. or C. N. R. Dispensers to the C. P. R Medical Association WEST VAN l'BARNACY H.-I. NOiU IIEET ON TUESDAY 'I'he Store of Service I'rompt Delivery Phone IV. 3? The B1itish Israel world Fed- eration has changed their night of meeting in West Vancouver from )Vednesday to Tuesday. Heteaftei meet1ngs w111 be held in the Ambleside Hall on the sec- ond and fourth Tuesdays of each month, starting at 8 p, m. Next Tuesday is the first night on which the change takes effect. Mr. Percy King will be the speaker. =e ~~op+~,c&. gaMRaTE, PRiczS .- Wekx %HATS Ri~v" -ia THE. HoubgW&F~ ~ 5&wSS 'DKLX~T .'. ~ The Burrarti Laundry Limited For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L The COMPETITION for naming our Store CLOSES ON AIAY 12th. Is your suggestion in yet? There's a box on the counter for names proposed THE NET ICE CREAM PARLOR and CONFECTIONERY STORE Marine Drive between 24th and 25th (Established over 74 Years) C. J. Overington 14th and Marine The Finest Sweets For appointment PHONE WEST 13'oe'T DA5A6E YouR. CAR! Phone West 456 ~DQXNÃMPMI~IXIXJX~l I~i IXINXN A GOOD IS A CONSTANT JOY. Have the children taken regularly and so keep a record of their develop- ment. OW 4 O- ~',.'-'.the iV~rtn ~~~."~n~ I'rom cylinders irithout n doubt The carbon should be taken out. Let us remove the carbon that is interfering with the poxrer- punch of your cylinders awhile we are about it we might find a nut or a bolt that should be tightened. The best car ever made won't behave itself unless it is treated right. Have your auto examined occasionally by our experts. THE ,.-: KING STUDIO (V. V. VINSON, Prop.) Will give you satisfactory work.PI STUDIO: 311 Hastings St., lV., I'hone Seymour 1046 %Vest Van Garage Ambleside West 130 Play a game of 3 tables for your pleasureiarc.s CHET SHIE].DS,"„',"„,.",;„':,'„„.,.. „.„,„