001C9505 royal party will be the guests of the Elks at the i~Iay Day ban- quet in the Elks Hall, and after the banquet the royal party will proceed to the Drill Hall, where the i~Iay Day ball will be held, the grand march taking place at 8 o'lock. In order that over 700 KVest Vancouver school children may attend the ~Iay Day festival in a body, an eff'ort will be made to arrange for a special P.G.E. train from SVest Vancouver at 11 a.m., and returning at 9 p.m. The municipal bus may also be brought into service for the children of the schools here. DOREEN ADDY INJURED BY AUTO An unfortunate and distress- ing accident happened on Marine Drive between 23rd and 24th streets last Monday morning about 8 o'lock, when little Do- reen Addy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Addy, 24th and Hay- wood, crossed the road in front of a standing ferry bus and ran into a car driven by i~Ir. Draper. Fortunately the car divas being driven comparatively slowly, else the accident, which was al- together unavoidable on the part of the driver, might have been more serious. Doreen was taken into a nearby store and assist- ance was given by Mr. Draper as well as by many others who saw the accident. Dr. Bayfield was quickly on the spot, and it is hoped that the little girl will soon recover from the injuries which she sustained, which are not as serious as was first thought. mtramii/«i." gl 4$1l/." ~ r April 27. 1928. May Day Celebration The North Shore's 1928 May Queen and her two maids of honor will be elected publicly at the Lonsdale Theatre on Tue~ day evening, AIay 1, at 9 o'clnck. The decision divas reached by the May Day committee at its meet- ing Monday night. Tickets bearing the names of the fourteen candidates for the principal honors will be placed in a box and the tickets bearing the names of the three success- ful candidates will be drawn from the box by i4Iayor G. H. AIorden and Sydney Gisby, chairman of the committee. The Empire Day festivities will commence with the usual street parade at 1 p.m., the pa- rade proceeding north on Lons- dale avenue to Fifteenth street, thence ivest on Fifteenth street to Mahon Park, where the coro- nation of the queen-elect will take place. After the coronation cere- mony, pupils from the various schools will compete in the May- pole pleating competition and the school children will also par- ticipate in a programme of sports. EVhile the sports programme is being proceeded with, the royal party will make their oKicial .tour of the three North Shore municipalities, in the course of ,which they wi]l distribute flow- ~ ~ ~rs to patients in the North Van- ouver General Hospital and de- posit flowers on the Cenotaph at Victoria Park and the Memorial Arch at 20th street. ~, Following the ofI'icial tour, the THE 4VEST VAN NEREUS PAULINE JOHNSON SCHOOL The voting for candidate for iAIay Queen for the North Shore May Day Festival took place on wednesday and resulted in Hat- tie Young being chosen. She re- ceived 119 votes, and Joan Cur- tis, the runner-up. obtained 91. The schools will unite for pa- triotic exercises on May 23rd and the various classes are al- ready practising the choruses. HIGH SCHOOL Class Leaders, Easter Exam&»- tions Grade XL.--1, Albert Kend- rick, 76; 2, Bruce Hamilton, 71; 3, James Baxter, 70. Grade X.--1, Hilda wilson, 77; 2, Gordon Grafton, 73; 3, Charles hIcMillan, 65. Grade IX.--1, Margaret Reid, 79; 2, Glen ihIcCulloch. 73; 3, Frances webb, 72. Grade X, Commercial. -- 1. Margaret O'rady, 62; 2, Fran- ces Brydone-Jack, 61.6; 3, Grace Cuthbert, 61.2. Grade IX., Commercial.-- 1, Selma Sievert, 70; 2, Alex. Grieve, 69; 3, Beatrice Short, 62. The High School students are closing the basketball and gym- nasium season on Friday even- ing, April 27. with a basketball tournament. Teams, both boys and girls, representing not only the High School, but the public schools an/ the ex-high club, will line up for the last games of the season. Four games are scheduled, beginning at 7:30, in the Inglewood School. A nom- inal admission is being charged. 0 0 0 Stanley Boshier made a good showing Friday evening last in the district oratorical contest. ~Iiss Peters of Britannia High, however, won the decision of the judges. All who heard the speeches were well pleased with every item. CLASSmm~ . HOUSE FOR SALE--New, hlodern. four-room house with attic, within five minutes walk of ferry. Good locality, splend;d view'. Apply Owner, P.O. Box 305, Holgburn, or phone West 484. BANJO FOR SALE--Phone IVest 383 TWO ROOhf ED Furnished Cottage to rent, $ 16 per month. Phone West 310L GOOD COOK--General, ~anted. Sleep out. Sundays off. Phone West 374. Ahf BLESI DE HALL Applications for reservations of the Ambleside Hall for the present may be made to the agents for the build- ing. FOR SALE--3-Tube Radio with two sets of tubes, loudspeaker, storage battery, aerials, etc., $25. Phone West 172L3. GEO. HAY Notary Public 140m Marine Drive Phone West 21WANTED -- Small stuinps pulled,(IVest Bay). Apply "Stumps," c',o West Van News. FOIC SALE--Four Roomed hfodern Bungalow with two large lots. BeautifuLly situated, $3250. Doug- las 743. FOR SALE -- Cleared hfarine Drive business corner, only $ 100 cash. bal- ance $900. Easy terms. Nice comfy bungalow, excellent soil, uninter- rupted view, $ 1275. terms. Five room modern house close to beach, 3 bedrooms, garage. Real snap, $2550. West Van. Investment Co. West 102. lVANTED TO ICENT--Four or Five room modern house furnished or un furnished, above hfaririe Drive. Phone West 174I FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT GEO. HAY Notary Public 1105 Marine Drive. West 21 City Oflice: 315 Cordova Street West Seymour 1260. R. P. Clarke 4 Co. (Vancouver) Ltd BIG SNAI' Ten acres with over 160 A.et waterfrontage. Sacrificed to close estate. Excellent investment opportunity. If you know local val- ues don't miss the chance at $3000, terms; or $2M0 cash. BARGAIN --Two fifty foot building lots, cleared, very suitable for at- tractive garden. Good location on corner. A real gift at $3o0. MODEICATE PICICE HOhfE--Garden fully improved, lawn, bulbs, roses, fruit trees. Pleasant view of water. Sun room, living room with 6replace hall, kitchen, pantry. Full plumb- iag. 2 bedrooms, attic, garage; $2b50 on terms to suit purchaser. IVEST BAY -- 80 loot residential building lot, north side Marine, 6ne view, near beach and bus, etc., $750. R. P. Clarke 8r, Co. (Vancouver) Lth. 823 Hastings St. W. Sey. 7483, 748 1 Local Representative C. J. ARCHEIC. West 651L FOUND--Yellow Cocker Spaniel Dog about 6 months old. Phone West -rosL. HAiNDY hfAN ~%ants Gardening work or odd jobs. Will go anywhere. G. Stack, Rest 92Y1. SUhfhlER CAhfP FOR RENT--Back from Beach. Phone West 496L GIRL IVANTED--Part tiine. I ight duties. Apply "Help," c',o West Van News. GOOD BUILDING LOT in Dundarave wanted. hfust be reasonable, no agents West 92Y1 SERVING WANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. bfrs. Bloxham, 2278 Ingle wood. FOR fCENT--New'our Room Mod- ern house, between 23rd and 24th on Kings. $30. Phone West 413R. FOIC SALE--Range, the "Wonder" with water front Six holes. Warm- ing oven. Practically new. Phone KVest 696L1. FOR RENT--Furnished House, July and August, to reliable party. Phone West 629R. FUhf ED OAK Extension Dining Table for sale, $ 12.50; also solid oak bureau, excellent condition $ 14.50. Phone West 460I )gLo.Se:i' . .,;,,i I 't t-'ti ~ %J r ,; ~ ,rIp g ;,, ',t'$i: ~ "/ /y i' Ii ~ ~ //; / ~ ~ /','/ ~ ~ I ~O r) «/ rP' i ~ ~ ~ I ~ [ ~ ~r i!, PONER S.QLJAL TY GAS Commercial Department Typewriting Awards.--In ev- ery line of business activity it is the degree of proficiency that regulates the reward, and in nothing is this more apparent than in the operation of the typewriter. Therefore, the mak- ers of the standard machines of the world today acknowledge results attained by students and give evidence of that acknowl- edgment by suitable awards, awards not only of intrinsic val- ue in themselves, but which are so graded as always to inspire the students to continued and better eKorts. Last week t~vo commercial students were presented with awards earned this term. Miss Helen Colpitts, who had previ- ously earned and received the Underwood Typewriter Com- pany's Initial Certificate, was presented with a leather card case for typewriting 36.9 words per minute on a Remington ma- chine. Miss Frances Brydon- Jack was presented with the L. C. Smith Certificate for type- writing 38 words per minute on the L. C. Smith machine, and ivith the Underwood Certificate for tvpewriting 43.7 words per minute on the Underwood ma- chine. AUith the latter award, 5Iiss Brydon-Jack is entitled to a bronze medal, but owing to the fact that the United Type- writer Company's supply of these medals is temporarily ex- hausted, this aivard has been de- layed. During this school year, iAIiss Brydon-Jack has also been presented with a Remington silver emblem for attaining a rate of 48 words per minute, and in the most r~ent tests has qualified for higher asvards. Other awards which have been presented during the pres- ent school year are: Underwood Certificates--Miss es Dorothy Payne and Ella Gen- tleman. R«rnington Card Cases--Miss- es Irene Young and Grace Cuth- bert, FOIC SALE--Barred Rock egg set- . tings. Good laying strain. 1428 Esquimalt. Phone West 649R. CANADIAN COIIPAiWY BID FOR B. C. E. CONTROL GA R DENS PLANNED, Lawns Rock- eries. Contract, day or hour. H. A. hfillan, West 311R1. FOR RENT--Furnished 3-room House corner 12th and Duchess, 5 min- utes walk from Ferry, for summer months. Apply R. G. Cooke, West 303. KITCHEN CABINET and book-cases made to order. Call and see speci- mens. Jenvey, 2364 hfarine, IVest 346L. BUILDING ALTERATIONS, Cement work, carpentry, etc., See Jeriee, and Dent. 2364 bfarine, West 346L. FOUN DATION, CEhl ENT WORK, Landscaping, Lawns made. Gener- al Contracting. T. Barnott, Resid- ence Phone IVest 672R. COIY hfANURE, Well ICotted, for sale 2 yards $5.00; 4 4 yards $ 10.00. Raine. Phone IVest 74L2. COLIN TURNER--Builder and Con- tractor. Repairs and alterations. Phone West 679R. C HI hf N EYS and Eave Troughs clean- ed. Safety first. Have your chim- neys swept. Phone Turvey, West 66SL. hIODEICN ELECTRIC WIRING AND LIGHTING--Get our prices. Trade in your radio for new model. North Shore Ele.tric. Phone N. 79. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS IYEAR BEST--Dundarave. WIN DOW BLIN DS--blade to order and installed. Estimates free. Penrce's Drygoods. 14th Street and hfarine. Phone West 144. N EWhf AN 4 ROBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalsomiriig, chimneys built. 26th and hfarine. Phone West 74R1. H Ehf PI'ITCIIING--I'lain.. white.. Sc yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and hfarine. Phone IVest 144. VARIATION OF AN OLD TH ERIE The codfish lays a million eggs. And the hen but one; But the codfish does not cackle To tell us what she's done. No one cares for codfish eggs, But the hen's eggs many prize; which ought to indicate some- how That it pays to advertise. --Christian Science ~Ionitor PAINTlNG, DECOICATING, French Polishing. IV. Carley, Phone IVest 71Y. l'AltTlCU LAlC I'EOl'LE get their shoes repaired at Tite's Nu-Way Shoe Repair, Yates Block. Amble- side. Announcement is made that Nesbitt, Thomson & Company Limited, Canadian Investment Bankers, in conjunction with Power Corporation of Canada, Limited, have made an offer for the purchase of the stock control of the British Columbia Electric Railway Company. It is stated that $ 1,375 per share has been offered for the Preferr- ed Ordinary Stock and $ 1,575 per share for the Deferred Ord- inary Stock and the offer is con- tingent on 75 ~ of the outstand- ing stock being deposited on or before May 11th. Competing offers have been received from Lord Rothermere and Associates and from Holt- Gundy interests, but the Board of Directors of the B. C. Elec- tric have recommended stock holders to accept the Nesbitt- Thomson offer and announce that they have turned in their stock in accordance with the terms of the offer. The situation is one of great interest to Canadians, more es- pecially in vieiv of the fact that if the Nesbitt-Thomson Power Corporation offer is accepted, control of this great public util- ity will be oined and retained in Canada and investors in British Columbia ivill be given opportun- ities to participate in the future development of the Company.