001C9505 THE IVEST VAN NEEVS Api il 27, 1928. SCOTTISH SOCI ETY Phoae I i p I ~ I Ied i Jl4 West 456 CiOOD IS A CONSTANT Jour NHave the children taken i":regularly and so keep arecord of their develop ment. THE .(,IbG STlJi)]0 'V. V. VINSON, Prop.) Will give you satisfactory work. 8 STUDIO: 311 Hastings St., lV., Phone Seymour 10 I6 .!IIO.(".4 Sf 0,(.'. MO".0,(S, .".). Oldsmobile and Chevrolet Dealers Our EVest Vancouver representative, H. C. Osborne, will beglad to demonstrate these cars at your convenience. Phones YVest 628Y North 1186 ~iig5, (l((IQ) Je ~ ' e'e s es~ t ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lied ai&t I "' 'i(Iy ~ki I ' ilti& ~I'jii~ "' Crearno "tttagon on euerystreet eery morning- T%one thePlant or call the milkman Qr rVoaslelee Jgh. 9 quarts for $ 1.00 Phone North 122 I(IGHT AT YOUlt l)OOI(--AND O'E CIIAR('E NO iiilOI(E ) Cut Rate Drugs SATURDAY AND MONDAY SPECIALS $ 1.15 Allenbury's Baby I"ood, 35c Citrate of illagncsia .... 29cNos. i, ~, and 3 ...........,........ 79c 60c Blaud's Iron Pills ................ 29c$ 1.45 Ayerst Cod Liver Oil.... H9c 50c French Balm for the hands 39c5c A. B. S. A C Tablets....... 19c $ l 00 Sarsaparilla Tonic for the35c Rexall Shaving Cream .... 16c Bl I 79c50c Citrus Lemon Cream ...... 29c'0c Tins pure Epsom Salts ..... llc '6c French Cleaner .............. 19c35c Line IVriting Pads ...... 23c $ 1.25 Eno's Fruit Salts .......... SSc25c Pocket Comb .............. 15c 50c Pulford's Cream Olives.... 39c60e Fruitatires (targe) ........ 3ee I 1&e old colony Fountain pen$2.25 Kepler's Cod Liver Oil I Ink ......................................... llcand l1lalt .............,........ $ 1.9& 76c IVoodward's Gripe IVater.... 57c60c Squibbs Tooth Paste ........ 43c "5c Mecca Ointment ............... 2lc40c Castoria ....................... 33c 05c Peroxine Powder .............. 79c15c Lavender Flowers.... 2 for 23c 60c Deodo Powder .................. 39c26c Red Cedar Flakes for cloths 19c I 36c I~rie Hair Fix .................... 29c76c Playing Cards, linen tini b 59c i 50c Jonteel Face Powder ..... 29c Nest Van. Agents C. I'. R. Telegraphs and Can. I'ac. Exp. baloney Order iiI es.age') ilrug'tore prescrip)io»s Filled By Fully Qualified Druggist at City Prices G. E. REID, Alanager New Building--Corner Dlarine and loatheFAST DELIVEIIY NO Ol(DER IS TOO SillALLWEST 323 A very happy time was spent last Friday evening in Amble- side Hall, when the Noi'th Viin- couver St. Andrew's and Cale- do»ia» Societi visited the )Vest Vancouver Scot tish Society There was a good turnout and a hearty ivelcome was extended the visitors by President J. EIc- Gowan on behalf of the local society. A splendid programme was enjoyed, and the ever-pop- tilar square dance was indulged in. A dainty supper brought to a close a pleasant and profitable time for all present. The next regular meeting will be held in Ambleside Hall on 51ay 18th, when Rev. R. G. Mac- Beth of Vancouver will lecture to the society. eu e EVith the advent of wai meiweather the scholars at Pauline AIJohnso» and Hollvburn Schools oare putting i» all their spare Stime practisiiig base ball. A ser-ies of matches between the se»i-or and junior teams of the twoschools is being arraiiged. B0 J AIrs. Rex Macdonald of Caul-feild has left for easter» pointsand expects to spend severalweeks visiting with friends inToroii to. L Mrs. Summerfield, 22nd and athers, last week undei~ve»t an peration at St. Paul's Hospital. he is now doing nicely. Mrs. John Lawson, 22nd a»d ellevue, and her sister, ohn Harte, 17th and Esquimalt, ad as a visitoi last week the» ousin, 51is. Duncan McLachlan f Chatham, Onta»o. Mis. i~Icachlan's e 1 d e s t daughter, ouise, is the wife of Prince Oleg Vladimir, cousin of the King of Jugo-Slavia. 5Ir. and Mrs. L. Burley, 28thand waterfront, left on Sundayfor a trip to England. The Queen's Avenue main is now in operation, the first con- nection having been put in bythe water department. James Griffin, the B.C. Elec-tric linesman who last winter suffered severe injuries as theresult of falling off a pole at20th and Inglewood, has goneinto the Vancouver General Hos-pital for an operation on hiswrists. L.O.L. No. 2990 will hold theirregular meeting in DundaraveHall next Tuesday, 1st May, at8p.m. BI RTH DAY I'ARTY &Iaiv Gibson daughtei of Mi and &Irs. T. C. Gibson, Keith Road and 3rd street, celebrated her twelfth birthday last Sat- urday 'ifternoo» by entertain- ing a number of her youngfriends at a party ai'ranged byher parents. Games were en- joyed by the young people, after which ice cream, jellies and ca»dy were served. A feature of the refreshments was a fine birthday cake which was filled with novelties, one for each member of the party. Thosepresent were: Enid Clement,Irene Clarke, Caroline ilIarsh, Virginia and Barbara Gamage,Kathleen EVatson, 31ary andMargaret Gibson, James Wat- son, and Tom and Gordon Gib- son. Mrs. Ross Allan of San Fran-cisco, a»d iAIrs. Rendall of Pasa-dena, were luncheon guests onTuesday of AIrs. EValton at theFortune Cup Inn. Mrs. Hurst and daughter havetaken a cottage "Thrums" at)Vest Bay for the summermonths. AIr Philhps 22nd and Mathers, is confined to the housethrough sickness. Mr. Bulkley is building a finerockery at his home at Wing'sPoint. George Hay of South Vancou-ver has purchased Mrs. Kerr's house at RadcliE avenue, YVestBay.AIr. and Mrs. Tyler of Mont-real, have taken L. Burley'shouse at 28th and Waterfrontfor the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Waite and fam- ily, who have been staying atthe Fortune Cup Inn, have mov- ed into the Massey cottage onthe EVaterfront between 23rdand 24th Streets. Mrs. Ed. Black of Dundarave,and her two sons, David andVictor, are spending a week atSelma Park. A. i'. Stephen has purchasedthe house he is now occupyingat 22nd and Haywood from the owner, Edward Anderson, K.C.,of Winnipeg. The )Vest Vancouver juvenile baseball team will play their first game in the first division of the juvenile baseball leagueat Heather Park, Vancouver, on Tuesday, May 1st. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Riddle ofNew westminster, who were planning to spend the next few months at their summer home in Cypress Park, have decided totake a trip to the Old Country instead. They left on Sunday totake ship for England. L. S. Garthorne is getting the foundations laid for the gas ser- vice station and confectionery he intends building on his prop- erty at the north-west corner of 22nd and Marine Drive. A com- fort station and a place for checking overcoats and parcels will be provided for hikers. The gas service station will give a 24-hour seievice for the conveni- ence of motorists. The eastern entry will be from 22nd Street. Mr. Garthorne is an old resid- ent of KVest Vancouver, and for- merly conducted a gas station and grocery at 25th and Marine Drive at the stand now occupied by wilson and Moore. The Ridley Ice and Milk Co., have had built this week a large ice tank in the garage of the .3Iarine Motors at 22nd and Mar- ine Drive, this being the first unit of the ice plant they are establishing in West Vancouver. The compressor and other ma- chinery will be installdd next week and the company expects to be producing and delivering ice between 5th and 10th of next month. The secretary of the B.P.O.E.sent the council an invitation toattend the May Day celebrationat Mahon Park. As many mem-bers as possible of the council will attend. The council havemade a donation of $25 to theannual May Day fund of theorder. SPECIAL SALE OF il -adies't.~tats Hollybuin Tennis Club is get-ting their grounds ready for theseason. 'Avo courts are to beput in shape for play, and it ispossible that the singles court may be got ready later on. All kinds of seasonable Mil- linery; also a good line of Afternoon and Street DRESSES and FANCY GOODSINVITATION TO BIBLE SCHOOL Special Bargains are of- fered for one week starting today (Friday). Come and See Our Stock. The )Vest Vancouver Bible School give an invitation to all people of this district, irrespec-tive of denomination, to come tothe Bible Study class in the Am- bleside Hall next Sunday at 3p.m. Mr. Percy King will leadthe class. Children's and illisses'ats CJ.assic Mil).incry JUVENILE BALL PLAYERS+ GET UNDER AVAY Yates Building Marine Drive Ambleside Opening Game Tomorrow Juvenile Baseball League pas-times will get into action Satur- day afternoon when a numberof games are billed in the firstand second divisions. Division 1 April 28--Ex-Brock vs. Moun-tain View. Cambie street, 3:00. May 1--Grandview Centrals vs. Cardinals, Templeton Drive, 6 00 May 1--Cavell vs. )Vest Van- couver, Heather Park, 6:00. May 1--Collingivood vs. Ex- Brock, Carleton School, 6:00. May 1--Renfrew Argyles vs. Comets, Clark Park, 6:00. May 3--Cardinals vs. YVest Vancouver, EVindermere Park,6:00. DIay 3--Comets vs. Caveil,Robson Park, 6:00. May 3--Mountain View vs. Collin~vood, wolfe School, 6:00. May 3--Renfreiv Argyle vs.Grandview Centrals, Clark Park,6:00. BaAKQS SQUATWaaK! r ~ ~~«llll l I i oe inc" "tke J Wrrh ERIC~ / ~&+. If your brakes are loose or sick- ly You should bring them to us quickly. REMEMBER we'e the doc- tors. If there is something that ails the brakes or steeri»g gears we can find out all about it in a "jiffy" and remedy the trouble at oiice. Appoiiit us as your car's family physician and we will keep it in speedy io- bust health. ~est Van Garage Ambleside IVest 130 UNITED CHURCH IVOAIEN'S AIEETING The regular meeting of theEVomen's Association of theUnited Church will be held inthe church hall next Tuesdayafternoon at 2:15. ~SO.XA iS