001C9505 I I ','gO' '. 1540 hfari»e Drive .Ii. S S,i.i i.,i between 15th and 16tls I I'&( 'I( 'I~ Aiba~ r~fA ee ee ea ra r% ea ea o~ a ea rue~ ~ ~ ew 0& RED CROSS FAIR TO BE HELD The North Va»couver Red Cross Society is making plans for a British Empire Red Cross Fair, to be held in Victoria Park on Saturday, 16th June, 1928. There will be booths of vari- ous kinds. At present plans have been made for the following: Home produce, grocery, kitchen, ice cream, fishpond, tobacco, needlework and art, balloons and ivhite elephant. These stalls will be decorated to represent various parts of the empire. Sev- eral fortune-tellers will be pres- ent, and there wil] be sports and games for the children and com- petitions for the grownups. The band of the Seaforth Cadets will play during the afternoon and tea will be served. Arrangements have been made through the courtesy of Burrard Motors Ltd. to raffle a 1928 four- door Chrysler sedan. This beauti- ful car will be shown on the road both in North and AVest Vancou- ver and tickets at $ 1 each or 6 for $5 may be procured from any member of the Red Cross committee or from Burrard Mo- tors Ltd., North Vancouver. The rafFle mill be drawn at the fair grounds at 6 p.m. on Sat- urday, 16th June. BREAD and CAKES Delivered right to your door, or from OUR Store. You can rely upon the pro- ducts of our Bakeshop being pure and wholesome. Phone and have Our delivery man call daily. PHONE AVEST 27 S 'TTON'S BAKERY St. Stephen's Church 22nd street near Marine Easter 3 (April 29th): 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--AIorning Prayer. 3:30 p.m.-- Communicants'lass. 4:30 p.m.--Holy Baptism. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong. A n- t h e m, "Incline Thine Ear" (Bim- mell) . There will be a Communi- cants'lass for those newly confjrmed at 3:30 p.m. Sunday in the church. There divas a full attendance of St. Stephen's delegates at the Synod held this ~veek at St. Paul's Church. The juvenile baseball team will play the first game of the s e a s o n Saturday afternoon against West Vancouver United boys at Hollyburn School at 2 o'lock. Nrs, J. T. Armstrong of Ful- ton avenue, who is an old ac- quaintance of Lady Willingdon, divas unable owing to sickness to meet her excellency during this visit to Vancouver. She, how- ever, received a charming letter from Lady EVillingdon, whom Mrs. Armstrong has known since she was a bady. Mrs. Arm- strong has happy memories of Lady )Villi ngdon's father and mother, Lord and Lady Brassey, while a guest on their yacht "Sunbeam," then in Sunderland harbor. A letter was received from H. Campbell & Co. of London, Eng- land, offering to build a new fer- ry boat and giving a few particu- lars of boats in their hands which they thought would be suitable. The letter was refer- r d to the ferry manager. yI i ~ e by hIARIiVE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Phone West 199 or North 1431 ASK FOR JACK JONES Th s business is now under entirely new management. Customerscan be assured that their orders and enquiries will receive SPEEDY, CAREFUL AiVD COURTEOUS TREAThi ENT We supply everything in Building Material and please note we makeour Own Sash in West Vancouver. Give us a chance to figure your bills, it will be appreciated. Wecan give you the best grades of material, or if you are wanting cheapergrades for Summer Cottages, Garages, etc., we always have specials pnwhich we can give you attractive prices. ASK FOR JACK JONES e m + ~+m~m~ p~m~~ I ~~+~ +~~™+-c. ~ ~ Qt )I ,',a(:jes'. resses I 'e are showing a new line in Ladies Dresses in the fashionable '~ SPOT BROADCLOCH, CREPE and SPUN SILK i'~i All our stock is new and up-to-date. Buy here and save. Ill THE WEST VAN NEEVS WEST VANCOUVER April 27, 1928. WEST VAN AND MUSIC (By Balcaskie) )Vith the final event of an- ot,her season's work and pleas- ant endeavor in sight, the mem- bers of the Alusical Society and the Ladies'hoir are earnestly rehearsing for the competitions at the B.C. Alusical Festival held at the )loose Hall, Vancouver, May 7th to 12th. The two mu- sical associations are a decided asset to the community, and at the same time provide recrea- tion to all the members. Instructed and directed by Nr. J. N. Morgan, both choirs receive the benefit of his long experience in staging and un- doubted musical ability. Miss Margaret McIntyre at the piano instils confidence with her com- mand over her instrument. The personnel of the Musical Society consists of President, 3V. K. Woodcock; vice-president, P. 'I'. Masterman; treasurer, Mrs. A. Hampson; executive, Mrs. Dorchester, Mrs. Gleam, Nr. Mason, Mr. Turner, with a mem- bership of approximately 80. The Ladies'hoir, with membership of 38, have for pres- ident Mrs. EVm. NcQuaker; sec- retary-treasurer,, Mrs. R. C. Procter; executive, Nrs. P. T. Masterman, Mrs. C. Donahoe. To the personnel go the plaud- i's of the public, to the ofFicers and executives are due the sin- cere thanks of the citizens. The hardest problem to be solved, and recurring year after year. is the absence of a suitable hall at a figure not too high for the slender resources available for that purpose. It was thought by many the auditorium attach- ed to Inglewood School could have been used to advantage, but the needs of the rising gen- eration for muscular develop- ment have first call. This also applies to those engaged in training the youth in vocal and instrumental music. AIrs. F. X. Hodgson and Miss Margaret Mc- Intyre are busily preparing pu- pils for the Musical Festival, and Mr. J. M. Morgan, the Girls'hoir and Boys'hoir. The Musical Society, the Ladies'hoir,also quite a few individ- uals, are striving for honors that are not altogether personal, but reflect greatly on the municipal- ity. Nothing is more disconcert- ing to the youth or adult trained to sing in a small hall than to be at once transported to a large building, plus the audience, therefore let us make an efFort to assist a movement from which we derive community benefit and invite everyone rehearsing for the Festival to use the audi- torium, say, from 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. until the Festival. To the citizens of IVest Vancouver, if you can't sing or play, pull. Christian Science Society %Vest Vancouver Bible School CHURCII EDIFICE 20th nnd Esquinialt, llolly burn Sunday Service at 11.30 a, m. Ambleside IInll, hlarine at 14th Sunday, April 29th, at 3 p.m.Subject April 29th "Everlasting I'unishment" MR. PERCY KING Leader Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony hleeting every EVed- nesday at 8,16 p. m. "iVIIEN IS THE FIRST RES U R R ECTION" UnitetII Church Everybody welcome. 21st street near Marine Minister, Rev. A. M. O'Donnell DOi41INION INCOilIE TAX REGULATIONS All persons residing, employedoi'al'iying on business in Can- ada are liable to tax on income. Returns should be filed by every person who had an income dur- ing 1927 in excess of $ 1500, not- withstanding the exemptions to which they are entitled. Exemptions-- (Individuals) (a) $3000 in the case of a married person or householder or any other person who has de- pendent upon him any of the fol- lowing persons: l. A parent or guardian. 2. A daughter or sister. 3. A son or brother under 21 years of age or incapable of self- support on account of mental or physical infirmity. )Vhere a husband and wife wife each have separate income in excess of $ 1500, then each shall receive, not $3000 exemp- tion, but $ 1500. (b) $ 1500 in the case of all other persons. (c) $500 is allowed for each child under 21 years of age who is dependent upon the taxpayer for suppoit. Rate of Tax Based upon the amount of in- come in excess of the exemptions stated above: On the first $2000 or any por- tion thereof, 2 per cent. In excess of $2000 but not in excess of $3000, 3 per cent. In excess of $3,000 but not in excess of $4,000, 4 per cent. Tax increases 1 per cent per $1000 up to $20,000. For rates above $20,000, see "Income Tax Act). Reduction of 20 per cent, of the tax is allowed on above rates in accordance with amendments to the act. Amendments to the Act Exemptions (corporations)-- Tax of 8 per cent. upon income exceeding $2000. Returns of information to be filed on or before March 31. Forms T. 3--Trustees, execu- tors, assignees, etc. Forms T. 4--Employers'e- ports of salaries, wages, commis- sions, etc., paid to employees. Forms T. 5--Corporations and joint stock companies, return of dividends and bonuses to share- holders. Returns of income to be filed on or before April 30. All individuals, other than farmers and ranchers, must use Forms T. 1; farmers and ranch- ers must use forms T. la; cor- porations and joint stock comp- anies must use Form T. 2. (Continued on Page 8) Lord's Day Services Lord's Day Services: 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--'5Iorning worship. 7:15 p.m.--Evening worship. The minister w'ill preach at both services. The morning sub- ject will be "The Cost of Dis- cipleship," and in the evening,"Is Christianity Practical?" Sunday morning: Anthem, "Arise, Shine".......... Hopkins Solo, "Teach Me 0 Lord"........ .................................. Giordani Nrs. Colin McLean. Evening: Anthem, "Teach Ale 0 Lord" ..... ... .... .................. . Attwood Solo, "God Shall EVipe Away" Sullivan DIiss Joan Durbin. .baptist Cl&urc 1 15th and Duchess Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, ll a. m. EVeekly prayer service each )Vednesday at 7.30 p. m. The C. G. I. T. meets every Friday night at 7 o'lock. Lead- er Miss I. Brealey. All teen agegirls welccme. RECORD BRIDGE TRAFFIC ON SUNDAY As a result of the fine weath-er which prevailed last Sunday's traffic over the Second Narrows bridge set up a record for this vear, the previous highest being on Easter Sunday. A total of 16 296 persons, 4,772 autos and 177 other vehicles passed overthe bridge on Sunday. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a.m. THE 4'est I an News.. ]..:.VA..4. l)..3.(EW.S I'ublisned Every Friday H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE Publishers AVishes to inform the public that he is now specializing in (Late of Savory E: Duval) Member of the B. C. hlining and Stock Exchange )Vest 363Stocks Real Estate Insurance 'and l.oans Phones:MINING STOCKS West 412L Business and Editorial office 1361 hlarine Drive Mail Address: I'- O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. Information and advice gladly given I'hone Seymour 6972 New office address: Orders promptly and efficiently executed. $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands 5e pei copy ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION 579 Dunsmuir St., Vancouver I'hone Seymour 8894 7Q9 7IQ BO&er Building 5/3 Granville Street, Vancouver The Woman's Association will hold a "5Iother's Tea" in the church hall on Thursday after- noon, iiiay 3rd, at 2:30. An in- teresting programme has been arranged, and aprons, home- cooking and candy will be on sale. The opening games of the Greater Vancouver Sunday School Baseball League will be played on Saturday next, May5th. The United S.S. juvenileteam will play St. Stephen's at Ambleside Park at 2 o'lock, while the junior team will travel to Cambie street to play St. An-drew's at 6 o'lock. The juniorteam will take the 5 o'lock ferry.