001C9505 A Wee ~.y '.8 ews ~a ~ej $ 1.00 per year. CI'~~NI~rjpgg egg the District of West Vartcouver-- Amblesia'e, Hollyburn, Westow, Dundarave Cypress Park, Caulfei ld, Whytecliff, Etc. Ne~lt zd, 6 rzz c,py Vol. III EIGHT PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., FRIDAY, APRIL 27th, 1928 No. 4 f h Hodgson, municipal arch- tect, went to Victoria rec- ently and interviewed Dr. EVillis. Superintendent of Education, regarding a pro- vincial grant for a four- room addition to the Paul- ine Johnson school. Dr. EUillis took it up with ~he ~Iinister of Education ard advised ~Ir. Edgar on IVed- nesday, 18th instant, t':a.t the government will make the grant, it having been shown that the big growth of our school population de- mands more class room. Followiag a special meet- ing of the School Board oI the 19th instant, the latter requested the council nn ~Ionday night that two by- laws be prepared. as fol- lows: 1. For building and equip- ping a four-room addition to the Paulino Johnson school, $ 18,000 (net cost); equipment, $2,000. 2. For development of Inglewood and Pauline Johnson school ground~, $ 10,000 (net). The council instructed the municipal solicitor to prepare the bylaws. ing fund investmerit a ~Vest Vancouver $ 1 000 5 per cent debenture due 1962 at a price to yield 4.85 per cent. The offer was accept- ed. +. / V H.C. &IUSICAL FESTIVAL IUest Vancouver The Distr'ct of )Vest Van- couver, always well to the fore in the matter of Festi- val interests, will this year be r;-presented by some 125 IVest Vancouver residents, who will participate in many of the competitions. As one of the entries at least, that for the Large Choral Societies, will be contested by IVest Vancou- ver and also the North Van- couver Choral Society there will be added interest in the friendly rivalry thus pro- moted. )Vest Vancouver residents cannot do better than turn out in strength and so give moral and prac- tical encouragement to their various local contestants when the events take place.- All local contestants are now practising diligently to become as perfect as pos- sible. w ~ 'op row, left to right: David Morgan, 1921,1926; V, V, Vinson, 1918,1919,1920,1922,1927,1928; R. C. Proctor, 1923; S. Gisby, and 1925. Bottom row, left to right: G. Hay, 1915, 1916, 1917; Charles nelson, 1912 (first reeve to hold office; J. Lawson, 1913, I/24 1914. SCHOOL BYLAAVS FUND INVESTjlIENT 'O BE SUBIIIVI'ED Wgr'gycouver Since Its IncorporatIou Sixteeu Years Ag0 &. D «r ~. ~»r~~n 0fered the council for sink- the School Board, and Hug C. R. Messenger, Marine Drive, $6000; Messenger & Chatterton, Marine Drive, $3000; L. S. Gar- thorne, Marine Drive, $2500. Dwellings L. Reynolds, ) Iarine Drive, $3500; P. D. McKenzie, Marine Drive, $600; F. J. Bywater, Im- perial Road, EVhyteclifT, $500; The Missda Stevenson, 25th and Bellevue, $3650; Mrs. M. Ley- land, Bellevue, $2900; Colin Tur- ner, Argyle and 17th, $2000; Mrs. B. A. Scott, 3rd street, $500; A. J. )Valiance, Cypress Park, $3000. Additions i Margaret McIntosh Bellevue avenue, $200; Robert i Holden, Argyle avenue, $300; 'Miss R. AVoodleigh, iAIarine Drive, $645. Garage Mrs. Gray, Marine Drive, $150. Total, $29846. In an interview with Reeve Vinson after the result of the bylaws voting was announced, he expressed himself as well pleased with the results, as it showed that the spirit of pro- gress was in the minds of by far the greatest majority of EVest Vancouver people. "Nat- urally," said the reeve, "I am pleased with the results and that the people have seen fit to en- dorse the actions of their coun- cil ~ It will now be my endeavor to follow my policy as reported in the )Vest Van. News of April 13th, and in doing so I feel that I have the support of the peo- ple of )Vest Vancouver gener- ally." BOARD OF TRADE TO ENTERTAIN SONRISA TENDERS OI'ENED The IVest Vancouver Board of Trade &ril hold an "at home" The tenders for repairs to the&or social evening on Thursday, Sonrisa were opened by the ~»y 17th, in the Ambleside council at their meeting on 5Ion- Hall. The entertainment will be day night. The figures were as «a varied nature, including follows: dancing, cards and singing. A ancouver Shipyards, $ 1,760 four-Piece orchestra will be in Eriksen Boat Bui]ders Ltd. attendance, and refreshments $2,314.33. will be served. The tenders not coinciding, they were referred to the reeve BOATS AND BUSSES SHO~U and chairman of the transporta- OPERATING I'ROFITtion committee The assistant district engineei'dvisedthe council that the fol- lowing amounts have been auth- orised by the provincial govern- ment for maintenance on second- ary highways in the municipal- ity o ibIarine Drive ....................$ 1,646 Marine Drive extension.... 4,720 51arine Drive (Hobson Ave) 120 The auditors have presented a report on the municipal trans- portation system for the three months ending 31st i41arch. The passenger receipts from the boats amounted to $ 15,311.20 and for the busses $4,057.60. After allowiiig for wages, costs of operation, insurance, etc., an operating profit of $707.86 was shown. D 'ASSING OF BYLAIUSApril Budding Permits r LE~sEs REEvE vrNsoN Both By-Laws Endorsed Last wednesday 841 voters turned out to cast their ballots on the road reconstruction bylaw and the municipal hall by- law. The entire voting was on these two issues, and it was a surprise to many that such a large poll should be recorded. The vote was as follows: Road Reconstruction Bylaw F ~ 532 Against ..........................;........ 306 Spoilt ballots................ 3 Blunicipal Hall Bylaw For ................................. 512 Against ................~....... 313 Spoilt 13 A three-fifths majority was necessary to carry each of these improvements. They are both badly needed, and we congratulate the ratepayers upon their action in passing them.There is a lot of truth in the old adage about "being pennywise and pound foolish." This is one of those cases exemplify- ing the virtue of that trite old saying. It would indeed have been a most disastrous thing for )Vest Vancouver had thebylaw for the road been defeated. No matter how manyother improvements are needed, and it is a fact that manyare needed in )Vest Vancouver, a good main arterial road isa vital necessity for the general welfare and the generaldevelopment of the municipality, and it is just as importantand just as reasonable and fair that every district in themunicipality should have the means of safe and efficienttransportation facilities. It is just as important that meansof ingress and egress be given to the less settled districts asto those more densely populated, else how are those districtsto be ever developed and populated' EVest Vancouver is a comparatively net district. It needsmore population. Poorly constructed and broken-up roadswould deter people from settling here, and would jeopardizethe safety and prove mighty inconvenient for those alreadyliving here. Instead of being able to boost 9'est Vancouvercoiiscientiously, as we noiv can, we would be turned into acommunity of disparaging and dissatisfied residents. Pro-gress and improvements go hand in hand. One cannot existwithout the other. DIost of us want to see the district makeprogiess, but evidently there are a feiv who do not want tosee development. The passing of the bylaw for the additiori to the municipalhall is another step in the right direction. This improvementhas been badly needed for some time. No doubt, &vhen thechanges have been made and the people realize just whatimproved facilities for handling municipal business have beenmade, those svho niade this possible will have good cause forself-congratulation. ~VEST VANCOUA'ER IS GROOVING. The Tennis Club Courts Now Open The IUest Vancouver Tennis Club has now opened their sea- son. and the members are bus- ily engaged in getting into their game again after the winter' layofF. The four courts are in excellent shape, and prorspects are very bright for an active summer. Anyone desiring to join the club is requested to communicate with the president, B. Burton, at IUest 23L~, or the secretary, Lionel Davenport. at IUest 481R3. The yearly sub- scription is. for gentlemen $ 15, and for ladies $ 10. COUNCIL TO HOLD SPECIAL iIEETI rr G The council will hold a special meeting in the council chamber newt Alondai April 30th at 7:30 p.m. 01TA~VA EXPERT TO EXA~IINE AIRPORT POSSI BILITI Eh The Clerk of North Vancouver City sent to the Council a copy of a telegram received from ~lay- or Morden in Ottawa, who is there in connection with the pro- posed airport on the North Shore. The telegram is as fol- loivs: "Department agrees send ex- pert and harbor engineer exam- ine ground and recommend site. Vancouver to provide temporary landing facilities and harbor board probably cooperate in per- manent airport scheme later." The council thanked the clerk for his letter.