001C94FD THE )VEST VAN NEEVS April 20 1928. &Ir. and Mrs. EVaugh and fam- ily have leased "The Bungalow'n Marine Dr.ive between 11th and 12th Streets. Mrs. Holdsworth, 26th and Marine Drive. has left for Santa Barbara, California, where she will in future reside. Mr. wilson, formerly driver foi wilson and Moore's store at Dun- darave. has now the AVest Van- couver route for Shellv's bakery. Miss Rose Massy of Toronto, a former resident of West Bay, is leaving shortly for the Oka- nagan where she expects to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. John Wood of Point Grey and Mrs. Farnell of Victoria, have taken apart- ments at the Fortune Cup Inn for the summer. Mrs. H. T. Curtis of West Bay with her sister Miss Morris, have gone to Qualicum Beach for a few days. l(IGHT AT YOUR DOOR--AND 9 E CHARGE iNO ~IORE! «:.'Ro:NA .SFast Delivery SATURDAY AND MONDAY SPECIALS ~ftYVWR+)Iiss Frances Alexander of the University of Alberta, Edmon- ton, is visiting Dr. and Mrs. Rush, Marine Drive and 23rd Street. Mrs. kV. B. Barwis, 31st andwaterfront, is now in Edmonton, Alta., for a few iveeks'isit with her sister, 5Irs. R. ¹ Kilpatrick who resides in that city. R. D. Brevis, who has a host of friends in )Vest Vancouver, and who has had property inter- ests here since the municipality was organised, announces in this issue that he is now devoting his attention specially to mining stocks, and is prepared to giveinformation on any listed stocks. AIr. Brewis has opened a newsuite of offices in the Bower Building, Vancouver. Mr.and Mrs. 4V. Crisford, 1027 Duchess Avenue, have sold their house to Captain Hilton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hay who resided in the Ambleside Block moved last Monday to Vancou- ver and are now located in Hill- crest Apartment at the corner of Fraser and 22nd. The ladies of the Naomi Chap- ter, Eastern Star, held a milit- ary whist drive after their regu- lar meeting last Tuesday. A. J. Ajello has purchased the Allan house at 29th and )fath- ers. 35c Globusmen Razor Blades, Gillette Style .......................... 29c 50c Syrup Figs and Senna........ 39c $ 1.00 Eau de Quinine Hair Tonique ..................................... 89c 36c Colorite Hat Dye ............... 29c 15c Sunset Dyes ........... 2 for 24c 60c Pure Iodine, 1 ounces...... 24c S6c Mellin's Food .................. 69c 60c Aromatic Cascara ............... $9c 25c and 50c Rexall Orderlies 19c and 39c 50c Tooth Brushes .................... 39c 3 Pkgs. Kotex, $2.26 value.... $ 1.09 i0c Pulford's Cream Olives.... 39c $ 1.00 Gillette's Blades ........ 76c 25c Hydrogen Peroxide.......... 19c 10c Lifebuoy Soap.....,. 3 for 21c 40c French Cologne ................ 29c 50c Lorie Solid Brilliantine ... 39c 76c Nujol .................................. 69c $ 1.00 Beef, Iron and ovine...... 89c 25c Sulphur and Molasses..... 19c 25c 2 ox. Absorbent Cotton....... 19c $ 1.00 Pure Cod Liver Oil...... 79c AIrs. H. Smith and family have moved from East Beach to a house at 15th and Fulton. Mr. and )Irs. E. J. Kidd, 13thand Argyle, have moved to ahouse at 19th and Bellevue. J. AI. Edington Injured.J. M. Edington, 16th andDuchess was the victim of anunfortunate accident on 4iIondaywhen he sustained a broken rightshoulder as the result of fallingfrom the ground floor to thebasement of a building in thecity on which he was working.He was taken to St. Paul's hos-pital, where he is doing as wellas can be expected. The )Vest Van Pharmacy hashad a new light installed overthe pavement in front of theirstore at the corner of 14th andMarine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Downingand daughter returned from Vic- toria, where they have been re- siding for the past year, and areagain occupying their house at20th and Inglewood. George Payne has sold his house at 13th and Duchess and has purchased F. Hadwin's house at 15th and Haywood. V t V . Agents C. P. I&. Telegraphs and Can. Pac. Exp. AIoney Order esgge i i~rug Store Prescriptions Filled By Fully Qualified Druggist at City Prices G. E. REID, 51anager 'ew Building--Corner Marine and 14th. FAST DELIVERY NO ORDER IS TOO SillALL WEST 323 Miss Elizabeth Berry, daught- er of Nr.and Mrs. W. L. Berry, 21st and Marine Drive, and Miss Maime Brice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brice, 26th and Marine Drive, were among the members of the St. Paul's nurs- es'lass who graduted last Tues- day. They with other members of the class were the guests of honor at a tea given by Miss Kathleen Flahiff on Thursday afternoon, 12th instant, in the Patricia tearoom of the Hotel Georgia, when Miss Dutton, in- structress ofthe training school, and Miss Rogerson, poured tea. L. O..B. A. MASQUERADEAIIBLESIDE HALL OFFERED FOR LEASE The L.O.B.A. is giving their second annual masquerade to- morrow (Saturday) in Dundar- ave Hall, from 8:30 to 12. There will be good prizes and refresh- ments will be served. The last dance given by this organization was a great success, and it is ex~ected that tomorrow night the hall will be crowded. Tickets at 50 cents may be obtained at the door. The members of the L.O.B.A. have arranged to hold an open meeting on the first Thursday in May, i.e., May 3rd. This will be held following the regular meeting on that night. A pro- grarnme has been arranged, de- tails of which will be announced later. Now that Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hay, lessees of Ambleside Hall, have gone to live in Vancou- ver, the management of the hall has been transferred to George Hay's real estate ofT'ice. Anyone wishing to make ar- rangements for the use of the hall should get in touch with that oft'it'.e. In this issue of the News an advertisement is car- ried ofFering the hall and the five-room suite in conjunction for rent on a lease. Ambleside Hall is a popular meeting place, and anyone taking it over should r ceive good patronage. Ben Manners, 24th and Jef- ferson, left on Tuesday morning for Port Haney. Mr. Norberg, 24th and Otta- wa, has sold his property there, and has moved into a cottage at 25th and 5Iathers. Colin Turner, 13th and Hay- wood, last Friday ran his car into a boulder on the side of the road at 13th and Lawson in try- ing to avoid a collision with an- other auto. The front wheel of his car was wrenched off the axle, but otherwise the car sus- tained little damage. Nobody was injured. 5Ir. and Mrs. W. J. Payne of New Westminster, have purch- ased a cottage on Marine Drive at West Bay. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Cooke, 12th and Duchess, are going on a 23 weeks'our with Conklin and Garrett or Canadian Shows through the prairie provinces and eastern Canada. They will start their tour at Vancouver at the Elks Circus, which opens on 5th May. This is the second year Mr. and Mrs. Cooke have toured with Canadian Shows. GROCERIES BUILDERS HARDWARE GARDEN TOOLS WIRE NETTING, PAINTS, OILS and VARNISHES WINDOAV GLASS, AIOPS, BRUSHES ETC. J. S. Yates. 16th and Marine Drive, has purchased a new Chevrolet truck for use in his business. Mrs. Ogden, 28th and Belle- vue, had her left hand badly tom on Thursday, 12th instant, through getting it caught in a washing machine. She was tak- en to the North Vancouver Gen- eral Hospital, where she is mak- ing satisfactory progress. iAIr. and Mrs. L. )I. Duval, who spent last summer at Caulfeild, but who have been residing for some months in Vancouver, are moving next week into Captain Kettle's new house at Caulfeild. Phone West 28Daily DeliveryAmbleside MRS. S. E. WHI'I'E (for 8 years a resident of West Vancouver) Announces the Opening of her DRY GOODS STORE l~~r &'g" &5,;. ~t t~ I Ijt , ~ ~ ..)+Jg r in the SEEDS BLOCK, next door to the grocery on Marine Drive, Ambleside. GINGHAAIS, PRINTS, CREPES, Etc. as well as Fancy Novelties. HOUSE DRESSES, APRONS, ETC., made in our own work rooms. NORTH SHORE LIBERALS DISCUSS NOVI INATING CONVENTION You are invited to visit this store and can be assured ofcourteous and fair treatment at all times. 9 quarts for $ 1.00 Phone North 122 CS orinIK ';,)lIS'=,7 f/li,,'.,= ~ v,,'„sr Sa„e'i,~»-i ~ Se FraserVaHeg Mg~ to-morivu) ma~~ ~ h~ VGgonon, eoery street- eve~ morning The monthly meeting of the West Vancouver Liberal Associ- ation last Tuesday evening was of short duration as a special meeting of the Provincial execu- tive had been called for the same night in North Vancouver. The provincial meeting was for the purpose of deciding upon a date for the holding of the nominat- ing convention. NET MANAGER FOR AgIHLESIDE LU51BER CO The Ambleside Lumber Coy. Ltd., on Marine Drive at 16th Street, announces in this issue a change of management. Mr. Jack Jones, who has been man- ager of the Lonsdale Lumber Co. in North Vancouver, since that business was organised has tak- en active management of the loc- al yard, Mr. Jones is well known on the whole of the North Shore and expects that the Ambleside Lumber Company's business will show a big development in the future. The firm manufacture their own sash in AVest Vancou- ver. :V.:olney o .oar on First 5Iortgage at current rates Let us finance the building of your new home in West Van- couver. London Jk British North America Co., Ltd. 51ortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street IVest Phone Sey. 6285 Local Representative;-- F. X. Hodgson, YVest 665R Phones West 628Y North 1186 &ORt'H SHO(E MOTO.(S, j.TD. Oldsmobile and Chevrolet Dealers Our West Vancouver representative, H. C. Osborne, will be glad to demonstrate these cars at your convenience.