001C94FD THE WEST VAN NEEVS April 20. 1928 THE HOME OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT Our service consists not only of free delivery but guaranteed quality at lowest possible prices. It will save you time. effort and money to deal here. Our first concern is our repu- tation and your satisfaction. Order your groceries from JII'I',I!, I,1N'l)I;II: S GROCERY We deliver %Vest 16 K. W. SAVO &Y Reaj. Estate and Insurance 1/29 Dlarine Drive Ambleside THE fi arce.S.&o.x I 1520 i%i nrine Drire ~larcel, Steam and Finger IVar- ing, Haircutting, Shampooing and Scalp Treatments For Appointment WEST 304 Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker 5 Jeweller 1522 5Iarine Drive Ambleside Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos. etc. J. M. Morgan Phone IVest 173 WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Production and Singing VA NCOU VER S'I'U DI 0 Phone Seymour 101 1J\ AIr ilIilne 11th and Inglewood suffered a bacl fall last week and is now in the North Vancouver General Hospital, where his con- dition is showing some improve- ment. 0 Mrs. Parr and daughter Joyce have taker& one of the Griffith'partmentsat 25th and Water- front for the summer, and are moviiig in toIllol row. Percy Reynolds, 13th and Jef- ferson, is in the Vancouver Gen- eral Hospital, suffering from an attack of typhoid fever, which he contracted while away i» Al- berta. He is more than holding his oem, but it will probably be some weeks before he is around ag a ill. Mrs. George Childs, 15th and Waterfront, is having a house built for her by Colin Turner at 17th and Waterfront, just west of the grounds of the Hollyburn Tennis Club. Mix. F. Stewart, a former resi- dent of West Vancouver, but now of Chilbwack, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Newman of Capil- ano. Mr. Stewart, who conduct- ed a milk business for years in West Vancouver, sold it about a year ago and bought a farm in Chilliwack, where Mrs. Stewart savs they are doing well. Travel on the ferries was not so heavy last Sunday as over the Easter holidays, due to the inclemency of the meather. Quite a number of hikers, however, came over and went up Holly- burn Ridge, probably spun ed on by the determination to make the most of the winter sports there before the snow disap- pears. Conroy has purchased acottage on Marine Drive at $Vest Hay. Miss Bettv Walton 19th St entertained at three tables of bridge at her home last Satur- day evening in honor of Miss Rose Massy of Toronto. The guests were Dr. and Mrs. H. Per- rin, 3Ir. and Mrs. H. T. Curtis,Ni. and DIrs. F. Harris. Miss Morris, Miss Rose Massy, Miss Matthews of Vancouver, Miss Radcliff of Shermans, and Mr, EVilfred Hawkes. Mrs. H. T. Curtis won the prize for the highest score. Colin Solloway of Mission, who recently purchased property at 25th and Ottawa, moved in this sveek. BIr. Nesbitt, 13th and Clyde, was confined to the house for a few days this week through sick- ness. Peter John, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Haworth, 26th and Bellevue, was baptised at St. Stephen's Church last Sun- day, H. F. Botterill and Mr. Bot- terill's sister. Mrs. )Vallace, be- ing the god parents. A 40-foot power launch be- longing to J. L. Davidson of Caulfeild broke adrift from her moorings on Monday night as a result of the heavy gale, and after pounding around sank in Cypress Bay. Her mast is just visible above the water. Miss Ethel 31illard, 24th and ilIathers, is out and around again after being in the house for a few days with sickness. She ex- pects to return to her duties at Pauline Johnson School next Monday. BASEBALL Fans Eagerly IVait for Opening Day--Dance Held in Evening. Paul Stevenson. 19th and Bellevue, left on Tuesday for a trip to San Francisco, where he expects to spend some weeks looking round. He- may possibly settle there if he likes that part of Califorma. Mr. Wilson, formerly driver for wilson & Moore's store in Dundarave, has now the West Vancouver route for Shelly's bakery. The West Van. Senior Base- ball Club is holding a dance in the Ambleside Hall on Saturday, May 5th. Dancing from 9 to 12. There will be a four piece or- chestra in attendance and re- freshments will be served. In the afternoon of the same day the first league games of the season will be played. These will bo„ in the form of a double head- er at Mahon Park, North Van- couver. The EVest Van. team will meet the Elks and the Squa- mish Indians will tangle with the Native Sons. The local fans naturally hope that the dance in the evening mill be in the nature of a celebra- tion of AVest Van's first min of the season. Whatever happens on the opening day, however, our people can be sure of seeing some good games throughout the sea- son. Manager "Mickey" Abbot has gathered together an aggre- gation of top-notchers who have the ability to hit the "old pill" and run bases. Strict discipline is to be. main- tained and it is rumored that if a player is to hold down his po- sition he will have to play ball all the time and that the temper- amental stuff that was evident at times last season will be con- spicuous by its absence. The fans are all waiting for the 5th and anticipating hearing the umps call "Play Ball." AIr. McGouan, an old resident of )Vest Vancouver, has bought a cottage on Duchess Ave., be- tween 11th and 12th Streets, and with his family will move in there shortly from Vancouver. Mr. Mayhem who has been spending the winter in West Vancouver during the winter Vancouver left for his home on the prairie on Monday morning. NET DRY GOODS STORE OPENED BY AIRS. WHITE Mrs. white who lives at 21st and Haywood, and who has been a resident of West Vancouver for some years, has opened a new dry goods store in the Seeds building on Marine Drive, Am- bleside, directly west of the grocery store. Mrs. White has been in business in North Van- couver for some time, her store being at 8th and Lonsdale. This she has now closed and in futui'e will maintain a business in West Vancouver only. P I:R.SONa I.S LOCAL MAN ENTERS FIELD +FOR FII.AI DEVEI.OPING A new service is offered the people of West Vancouver in film developing and printing and in enlarging and copying. Hith- erto it has been necessary to sen(l all such work out of the district, but noiv that a local ex- pert has .decicled to undertakethis work in )Vest Vancouver, itis expected that local residents will give preference to local in- dustry. Alex. Harvey, who re-sides at 2131 Marine Drive,guai'antees satisfaction andquick, reliable service. Films may be left at his house or aphone message to West 911. willbriiig the service to your door.Films may also be left at theAmbleside Tea Rooms and theMarine Grocery. CRICKETERS TO BE ACTIVE THIS SUAIBIER All indications point to thevarious cricket clubs having avery active season this summer. Tentative arrangements have been made for the various fixtur- es, and the dates finally agreed upon will be announced in thenext few days. The North Shore League will be composed of 5teams as was the case last year, and the North Shore Club 3Iain- land League wil] form part of the First Division. HOLLYBURN TENNIS CLUB HOLD MEETING A meeting of the Hollyburn Tennis Club took place on Thurs- day evening, 12th April, in the Canadian Legion rooms, when plans were made for the sum- mer season. It was decided to take the grounds at 17th and waterfront dating from 15th instant. Robert Bell was ap- pointed secretary-treasurer. In addition to the old members, quite a number of others have signified their intention of join- ing the club, and all indications point to a most successful sea- son. CONGREGATIONAL SOCIAL AT U N I T E D CHURCH NEXT WEDNESDAY A social evening for the con- gregation of the United Church has been arranged for next Wednesday evening, April 25th, starting at 8 o'lock. An inter- esting programme has been ar- ranged, and as this event has been organized specially so that the newer and older friends of the congregation may become better acquainted, it is hoped that there will be a large attend- ance. Doctor--"My fee is $500." Patients--"Ye Gods! And you said it was me that had the gall trouble!" GLENEAGLES GOLF LINKS Now Open for Play. Information re Green Fees at Clubhouse. Week Days is ideal opportunity for be- ginners. Professional in at- tendance. SPECIAL Palm Olive Shaving Cream.. 35c 1 Gillette Razor with blade Free 3 Packages i~otex $ 1.09 We send Tc!egrnms, either C. P. I(. or C. N. R. Dispensers to the C P R bledical Associntion WEST VAN PHARMACY The Store of Sera ice I'«mpt Delivery I'hone ~V. 37 PA INTING nnd I'APERHANGING All work guaranteed.. Estimates Furnished V. HERillANDEZ f'hone West 678L (Established over 74 Years) C. J. Overington 14th and hlarine For appointment PHONE WEST 135 Ci ROPRAt',"OR Next to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver Phone Wes t 383 Roberta A. Vass D. C., Ph. C. Graduate of I'nlmer School HEALTH SERVICE Our Health Service is based on scientific principles which have been tested and proved. It covers all ills. CHIROI'RACTIC IVILL HELP YOU WEST VAN Ites1:auran1: 1421 hlarine Drire at 14th St. Public Phone AVest 611-0 Pe@pie Like I he 'Burrard'eople speak very nicely about the great care we take of everyarticle sent to us Each customer's parcel is treated separately and promptly returned. And our charges please everybody. Tryus with n parcel this week. The Burrard Laundry Limited For People )yho Are Particular THII(D ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L HARRON BROS- R WILLIAMSON funeral Qirectiirs North Vancouver Parlors 122 AVest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Admission 50 cents Refreshments THE CANADIAN LEGION, West Vancouver will give a COERCER'I and DAN'CE in DUNDARA VE HALL On SATURDAY, April 28th, 8 to 12 p.m. i~Iarine Drive at 22nd Street Iv Day or Night