001C94FD Prompt Delivery Smith s I rocery CHAIN JRED AN9 WHITE sToRE Specials for Friday and Saturday 3 cakes for 2lc ,........... 58c .. 7 1 b. Sack 4 6c c , c FELS iVAPTHA SOAP .....-....."." -"-"-""--" PURE STRAWBERRY JAlll, 1's, per tin B. 4 K. CREAM ROLLED OATS................v'HITEGLOk S STARCH. 1 lb. packaLe ..2for23 VESTERN CORiV FLAKES...................................,. 3 for 24 Finest New Zealand Butter 3lbs for $ 1.25 CHOCOLATE ECLAIR BISCUITS, per lb B. C. BROWN SUGAR ............................................... HUiVT'S SUPREi~lE CRUSHED PINEAPPLE.... DEL MOiVTE i~IEDIUi41 PRUiVES .... ,....... ........ ... 30c .. 5 lbs. for 3Ic .......... 2 for 35c 3 lbs. for 28c Iv We Deliver A. HAIIVEY SMITH, Prop.24th AiVD i~IA BINE, Opp. Dundarave Hall. Phone WEST 469 THE WEST VAN NEEVS GEN. illcI(AE TO TAkE HOLIDAY General A. D. McRae, 5I.P.,has sufficiently recovered to beable to leave the Civic Hospitalat Ottawa. where he has been apatient since his aceide»t a fewweeks ngo. Accompanied by Mrs. McRae he will sail today from New Yorkfor England and France, accord- ing to reports received in Van- couver. It is expected he willreturn to Canada about the middle of June. C. J. 'I HORLEY S BROTHER DIES SUDDENLY Joseph J Thoiley a biothei of C. J. Thoilep, 23id and Math- ers, died suddenly on Tuesdayafternoon while riding in a street car i» Vancouver. The deceased was born in Toronto, but had been a resident of Vancouver for many years. The funeral serv- ices will be held in the city fol- lowing which the remains will be forwarded to. Toronto for inter- ment. April 20, 1928. Experience has proven that our customers want nothingbut the best. EVe stock nothing except the choicest cuts. I'RIME ROASTS OI PORIi I'RDIE ROASTS OF VEAI. laI(ljQIE RQAS fS OF I AMB I'RljlIE ROASTS OF BEEI" Our 51otto--"Quality, Service, Satisfaction" ~ "1"+['"g "8 t'i ' '&~ r gpss i, J„z I I r s Next to Hollyburn Theatre PlloiVE WES'I' Closed Thursday at 1 o'lock. WE DEI.IVElt All iMeats Kept in ltefrigerator FltESH AND CUI(ED ill EATS, BUTTER, EGGS, BACON AND LARD FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURAiNOE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON 'lh'+)P'ASTER SKI M E ET ON HOLLYBURN RIDGI'7th Street Phone West 55 14th and Marine A11 Government Inspected Meat prices Good for One Week Pork 16cLegs, fores. per lb.......... Loins, per lb..... Steak, per lb... Chops. per lb ..... 27c ................. 20c EGGS LOCAL EXTRAS, per dozen.... 30c LOCAL FIRST, per dozen........ 2Sc Beef Boiling Beef, per lb................. llc Pot Roast, per lb.. 12c 4 13c Oven Roast, per lb.... 15c, 18c, 20c Rump Roast, per lb........ 18c dh 20c Sirloin Roast, per lb................ 25c Boneless Stew Beef 2 Ibs for 25c Fruit and Vegetables Fresh and Cured FISH SATURDAY ONLY Cambridge Sausage, per lb.... 10c Pork Sausages, per lb................ 25c Side Bacon, sliced, lb.............. 35c Back Bacon, sliced, per lb....... 35c Ayrshire Bacon, sliced, lb....... 30c Cookett, per lb..... 20c Lard, per lb.............., ..... 19c Head Cheese, each .............. 15c Theatre Tickets given with New Zealand Butter 3 1bs -- $ 1.28 Local 'Spring Lamb Shoulders, per lb..................... 26cRibs and Breast, per lb......... 26cLegs, per lb.......................... 35c every 50c purchase. No Phones YOU SAVE No Delivery The perfect weather which obtained over the Easter holi- days made conditions perfect for the ski meet on Hollyburn Ridge. A record crowd was on hand Good Friday to see Harry Collins catch the hare in the hare - and - hounds competition. Uno Hillstrom. who was the hare, proved a difficult one to catch, and he laid the hounds a trving course. Collins also won the cross- country race held Easter Sun- day morning. The course was over five miles in length, and was a difficult one. The many ski-tracks left by skiers Friday and Saturday confused some of the contestants, who took the wrong course and therefore were unable to finis. Clark Hoff- man was runiier-up, only 21 sec- onds behind. The same man was second in the hare-and-hounds event. Mickey Pogue was third, one minute behind the leader. Sunday afternoon there was some exhibition jumping over both jumps. The novices did well on the small new hill. and, not to be outdone, some of thefair sex tried it with fair re- sults. Complete results of the cross- country race follow: 1, H. Col- lins 50 min. 7 sec.; 2, C. Hoff- man, 50:28: 3. M. Pogue, 51:7; 4, J. Turner, 55:10; 5, J. Shaw, 58:15; 6, G. Floyd, 60:12; 7, D. Bryce, 72:13; 8, 4V. Hastings, 73:35; 9, AV. Crawford, 84:10; 10, G. Carter, 84:30. Four ski- ers failed to finish on accountof broken skis and mistakes in picking up the right course. 'e GoARD OQRREPUTATI6N WEL1 -- THERE'S VaLUK, , To rHB &ooD5 wE $ELL! BUILD with the best building material--do business with us. There is real value to the goods we sell. The man who knows how tjo buy usually knows how to mar- ket his wares. That's us. Buy Your Suit in West Vancouver iV,. W ..(AMS 16th and MARliVE, AilIBLESIDE CUSTOM TAILOR Come and see our Patterns Large se!ection to choose fromDry Cleaning Dyeing Repairs and City Prices and Pressing Alterations Open Saturday Evenings till 9 o'lock. We Call Fnr and Deliver. PHOiNE %VEST 20. I yon I an'I: SI:o), .'on'I: Si:arI: WATCH YOUR BRAKES THIS IS THE KEYSTONE SERVICE STATION FOR RAYBESTOS BRAKE LINING 'I dies: II'an I~arage Ambleside Phone %Vest 130 I'.S', ItcL'i'I!Illl fl!i',sll,',I ll,'l'I. 15th and Marine LIMITE D Phone IVest 115 Elt OT5 ANP S ARz ER WRON& -' HONCST D&V 15 LOWGI s ~ 'I I il ', jglll llll(iijji Ir~ s&i '. /a THE INSPECTION OF MEATS Conducted at this market is of a most rigid character, iNo point of quality is overlooked. We handle only first grade meats and care for them in a way that ensures the health and happiness of those who favor us with their custom. ROBERTS'!letter Meats 14th and Marine III(agl: '0 Whimsical Review Judge--%Chat pretext had your hus-band for beating you'! Complainant--He didn't have anypretext. He only had a stick. "Is this the weather bureau?" "Yes, ma'm." "How about a shower to- night?" "It's all right with me. Take one if vou need one." Small Capital IVell Used O'eill: "The average womanhas a vocabulary of only 500 woi ds. Rinaldi: "A small stock--butjust think of the turnover." Father (presenting his son at new school)--I wish absolutely that myson learn Latin. Principal--But that's a dead lan- guage. Father--Exactly. It will serve him.He is to take over my business. Iam an undertaker. Words of Wisdom Some things will last a great while if pickled, but this isn' true of mortals. Naturally, the young lawyer who had been retained by afarmer to prosecute a railroad for the loss of twenty-four hogs was anxious to impress the jury with the magnitude of the case. "Twenty-four hogs. gentlemen," he said, "just think! %venty- four--twice the number there are in the jury box." Recently the widow of a faiTn- er, striving to keep the farm go- ing had some difficulty with her hens, and wrote the following letter to the Department of Ag- riculture: "Som.tling is wrong with my chickens. Every morning when I come out I find two or three lying on the ground cold and stiff with their feet in the air. Can you tell me what is the matter?" After a little while she receiv- ed the following letter from the Department: "Dear Madam: Your chickens are dead."--Christian Evangel- ist. "That no-good husband of mine went out in such a hurry this morning he didn't leave me any kindling." "Why don't you get an electric range, old dear? Be- lieve me, that's what's popular with the men folks."