001C94F2 THE WEST VAN NEWS Closes Tomorrow I'EI'EUT Here are just a few of the SPECIALS Don't i%kiss them The AIisses Tristram, 20th ancl Fulton, spent the Easter holidays with their parents, Col onel and AiIrs. Tristram, Garrow Bay. WRITING PADS, Linen Finish, 60 sheets, 36c Letter size.... 2 fear 36c16c pk. Le Clair Envelopes, linen finish ............................. 2 for 16c 76c Box Prima Donna Correspond- ence Cards, white and blue, deckle silver border ................... 2 For 76c 76c pk. Old Colony Playing Cards regular or bridge size ...... 2 for 76c 16c bot, Old Colony Fountain Peu Ink ...,................................ 2 for 16c 16c bot. Mucilage ...... 2 for 16c 60c pk. Sugar of Milk........... 2 for 51 15c pk. Puretest Boracic Acid for 16c 26c bot. Sulphur and Cream of Tartar ....................... 2 for 26c 26c bot. 100 A.B.S. A C. Tablets 2 for 26c 2Sc box One Minute Headache Powders ....................2 for 26c 25c box of Rexall Orderlies....2 for 26c 60c box Rexall Orderlies, the nat- ural laxative .......................2 for Slc 60c box Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets ...................... ... .......2 for 5 1 c 26c box Rexall Carbolic Salve, ...............................................2 for 26c 25c bot. Rexall Corn Solvent..2 for 26c 25c box Booths'eloids for throat and voice .........,...................2 for 26c $ 1.00 bot. Rexall Blood Purifier .......................2 for $ 1.01 60c box Rexall Asthma Powder .................................. ............2 fu r S 1 c 60c tube Rexall Catarrh Jelly 1 $1.00 bottle Rexall Beef, Iron and Wine Tonic ....................2 for $ 1.01 60c.box Rexall Kidney Pills, 2 for 51c 25c bot. Peroxide of Hydrogen .....................................2 for 26c 25c tin Rexall Healing Salve, 2 for 26c 50c bottle Rexall Bronchial Syrup for coughs and colds............2 for Slc Jonteel Combination Cream, reg. 50c jars ........................2 for Slc 60c jar Jonteel Cold Cream....2 for Slc 60c bot. Riker's French Balm ...2 for 51c $ 1.00 bottle Rexall Tasteless Ex- tract of Cod Liver Compound ................... 2 for $ 1.01 Klenzo Dental Creme is best for your teeth. 35c tubes.......2 for 36c 25c Klenzo Tooth Brushes....2 for 26c $1.00 bot. Rexall Syrup of Hypo- phosphites, a nerve and stomach tonic ..............................2 for $ 1.01 50c bot. Sy~p of Figs and Senna ....................2 for Slc 25c box Stomach and Liver Pills 9~ ~ ~ for 26c 25c pk. Red Cedar Flakes for 3Ioths ......................2 for 26c Automobile Sponge and Chamois, ..The 2 for 89c $ 1.00 box Variety Chocolates, assorted cream. $ 1.00 box Jewell Chocolates..................2 for $ 1.01 30c M.lk Chocolate Bars, plain or nut, 6 ozs. in each ..........2 for 31c 5c Brazil Nut Chocolate Bars...2 for Gc Sc Walnut Chocolate Bars......2 for Gc Tiny Tot Talcum, loved by mothers and babies alike. Regular 25c. 2 for 26c 35c tin Orange Blossom Talcum ................,..................2 for 36c $ 1.25 tin Georgia Rose Body Powder .......................... 2 for $ 1.26 50c Riker's Greaseless Brilliantine $ 1.00 bot Lorie Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic................2 for $1.01 25c Pocket Comb with case....2 for 26c 50c Bobbed Hair Comb v ith handle $2.50 Rob Roy Hot Water Bottle, hand made and guaranteed ... .....2 for C$9 s $2.00 Family Fountain Syringe ...........2 for $2.01 $ 1.00 Ladies'ancy Rubber Aprons................................... 2 for $ 10150c Baby Pants, champagne color . . .......... ...................... ..2 for 5 1 c25c pk. Absorbent Cotton........2 for 26c 2Sc Belladonna Plasters......2 for 26c 50c Quick Acting Plasters....2 for 51c 15c pk. Puretest Epsom Salts, pure and almost tasteless....2 for 16cJonteel Cold Cream Face Powder. regular 50c box.................2 for Slc 75c box Cherisette Face Powder, including Polo-Tan shade, 2 for 76c $ 1.00 Cherisette Compacts, 2 for $1.0135c Jonteel Eyebrow Pencils, 2 for 36c25c Velour Powder Puffs, all shades ..........................................2 for 26cRexall Shaving Cream, 35c tube ........................................... 2 for 36c $ 1.25 bot. Paradis Toilet Water ............................................2 for $ 1.26 AiIr. and AiIrs. A. McNieill have sold their house at Shaughnessy and are now occupying their summer home at West Bay. According to a news item the estate of the late Jean I. Forster who died at the beginning of last year, is now being probated. Dr. Roberta Vass, the chiropractor at Ambleside, and a sister of the deceased, is named as executrix. A party divas held at the home of Dr. and AIrs. F. E. Dorchester, Altamont, during Easter iveek in honor of their son Jack. AIiss Joy Strachan, Dundar- «ve, left AIonday for a month's visit to friends in the East. Clarence Sorenson, son of Mr. and AIrs. Sorenson of West Bay, and Shaughnessy, is home for the Easter holidays from the AIoran College near Seattle which he is attending. AIiss Nairn of the school staff is spending the Easter holidays at the home of her parents in Ladysmith, Vancouver Island. J. H. Smith, 20th and Eiay- ~vood, will act as representative of the iAIusical Festival Commit- tee in the sale of tickets in West Vancouver. AIrs. D. AIcAiIillan, 15th and Esquimalt, left on Thursday of last week for Kamloops for a two weeks'isit with her moth- er who lives in that city. Mrs. Jack Wilson, 13th and Clyde ac- companied Mrs. McMillan to th Inland City to spend the holidays there. The many friends of Mrs. Paul Denison who formerly re- sided at Altamont will regret to learn that she suffered a serious accident, a short time ago, when she slipped and fell from the porch of her home. She is no~v out of danger and is convalesc- ing at her home in the Univer- sity district, Seattle, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Denison had expected to spend the Easter holidays in West Vancouver. Dalton Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Allan, Radcliff Ave., is leaving next week for a short vacation cruising up the coast. Mr. and AIrs. Howard Craze of Ambleside, were amongst others noticed hiking up to Had- don Hall during the holidays. AIany other local people have been investigating recently this proposed movie studio site. Nr. and AIrs. V. Eriksen of Travers Ave., are building a new house at West Bay, which they will occupy when completed, their present house being taken by Mr. and Mrs. Bibbs. ARCHERY ANNUAL COAI- PETITION FOR WEST VAN. The local archery club is now making arrangements for the annual Western Canadian Arch- ery competition, which will be held on May 24th, and are en- deavoring to have this affair staged in West Vancouver and to have the guests entertained here. At this competition arch- ers from all parts of the Western States will attend, and it is hop- ed that the local club will be successful in making suitable ar- rangements to hold this big event in West Vancouver. SPECIAL FEATURE $ 1.95--3 packages Kotex.........$1.09 DRUG-eS~ge STORE 14th and Marine Phoae %Vest 32,3 Mr. and AIrs. E. A. Rathje,13th and Gordon, motored to Bellingham on Tuesday. 0 Colin Solloway of AIission has purchased property at 25th and Ottawa, where he intends to build a house. AIr. Solloway, with his wife and family, expects to move here shortly. The P.G.E. station at Dunda- rave has been repaired and put in shape, and the protecting rail on the north side of the plat- form, which was tom down this winter, has been replaced. Ne~v store fixtures and a re- frigerator have been built by W. Jenvey for Smith's Grocery at Dundarave i» connection with the alterations and addition AIr. Smith is having made to his store to accommodate his grow- ing business. The foundations have been laid of the house the Misses Stevenson are having built at the corner of 25th and Bellevue. AIrs. Harrington of Vancouver has moved into Mrs. Barbour's house at 26th and Bellevue for- merly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. R. Sherriff. AIrs. Fugler of North Vancou- ver entertained at an Easter tea at "The Clachan" on Thursday afternoon, 5th instant, in honor of her daughter, AIrs. Jennings of Seattle. Miss Campbell of Vancouver moved into her cottage at West Bay on Thursday, where she in- tends to spend the summer. AIr. and Mrs. Bailey of Cy- press Park were away in Van- couver Island over the Easter holidays. The fine weather which pre- vailed over the Easter holidays attracted a large number of vis- itors and hikers to West Van- couver. More hikers went up the ridge than any time this winter and &spring. On Good Friday the ferries carried over 4,100 passengers, the Sonrisa, which was put on to help han- dle the crowd, making two runs in the morning and three runs during the afternoon. AIRS. J. D. ALLAN WEST BAY HOME SCENE OF DELIGHTFUL PARTY One of the many Easter func- tions in West Vancouver was the delightful birthday paly givenat the home of Mrs. J. Dodd Allan, West Bay, in honor of her daughter Josephine. Her beaut- iful home was made specially at- tractive by seasonable flowers and decorations. The tea table was decorated with spring flowers and Easter favors of eggs, dolls, balloons, etc. The mothers of several of the young guests enjoyed the afternoon by watching the child- ren in their happy frolic. Among those invited were: Gloria Pat- rick, Hazel Sorenson, Doreen Ryan, Betty Rutherford, Ruth Pickin, Basil Dunell, Nancy Bow- ell, Josephine Cates, Muriel Kidd, Wendell Hayes, Peggy McKen- zie, Patricia Bibbs, Donna Cave, Dale Ericksen, Pixie Reid, Mar- garet Bell, AIargaret Roberts, Lenora Beatty, Marguerite Cole, Peggy Watson, Pauline Ed- munds, Beatrice Hodgson, AIay AIcTavish, Margaret Sharp, Kathleen Sharp, Miss Jones, Miss Jackman, Mrs. J. Arm- strong, Mrs. Dunell, Mrs. Hast- ings, Dr. Roberta Vass, Mrs. Pat- rick, Miss Rutherford, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Sorenson, Mrs. Bowell, Mrs. J. D. Tait, Mrs. H. A. Hodgson, Miss Jack and Miss Parks. ,: +SOKA. ~S K i ng-Bai I ey A pretty wedding took place at St. Mark's church, Vancou- ver, on March 23 Rev. A. H. Sovereign officiating, when Miss Mae Bailey became the wi«« Mr. Wilfred Leigh King. The bride, who was given in mar- r&age by hei uncle Mr G&lmour Fleming, looked charming in a gown of oakheart georgette fashioned with a bouffant skirt and flared cuffs, her small pat- tern hat being of the same tone. Her corsage bouquet was of Ophelia roses and lily of the val- ley. After the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the home of AIrs. F. Fuller, 2345 Third ave- nue west, Vancouver, when the rooms were decorated with spring flowers in yellow and white, and the tea )table was centred with a three-tier wed- ding cake. Later Mr. and Mrs. King left for a short honey- moon in Victoria and on their return will reside at West Van- couver. The L.O.BA. is giving their annual masquerade on 21st Ap- ril in Dundarave Hall. Dancing from 8:30 to 12. There will be good prizes and refreshments. J. F. Tiderington, 25th and Bellevue, has moved to Vancou- ver. April 13, 1928. BASEBALL CLUB TO GIVE DANCE On Saturday, April 21st, the Wost Vancouver Intermediate Baseball Club will hold another dance in the Ambleside Hall. The last dance was a b&g suc- cess, about 140 persons being present, which, along with many who purchased tickets and oth- erwise helped, the boys were given a good start, and an order has already been placed for uni- forms. This team will be play- ing in almost every park in the city before good crowds, and it is only right that West Van- couver citizens should get be- hind the boys so that they may give the municipality a boost wherever they play A. & F. VALENTINE 1-&00 Marine Drive Canadian Window Bakeries Agency FRESII CAKES and BREAD DAILY LIG HT L UNCH ES TEAS Store closes 8 p. m. Saturdays 10 p. m. !:oney i o .oars on First AIortgage at current rates. London & British North America Co., Ltd. Mortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents.626 Pender Street West Phone Sey 6285 Local Representative;--F. X. Hodgson, West 665R NORTH SHORE MOTORS, LTD. Oldsmobile and Chevrolet Dealers Our West Vancouver representative, H. C. Osborne, will be glad to demonstrate these cars at your convenience. Phones AVest 628Y North 1186 J~fg ~~i6V1 ~ ..!'-SSI'.i(i&'i3 Creamo Wagon Ofl eOery street- eOery 17lorno?g -,)g-J I Pl '1 I ':.,/ C t / 'I+~" 9 quarts for $ 1.00 I wj Phone North 122 Let us finance the building of your new home in West Van-couver.