West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Apr 1928, p. 5

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001C94F2 April 13, 1928. THE iVEST VAN NEiVS ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ - 1. ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -IVY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WHP ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 IHIAt ~ ~ ~ . ~ 0 WI I ~ -~ 1 ~ I & 0 I tt ~ f ~ P ERSON'ALS 14th and ilIarine Phoae West 65 Satunay Specia s HUTTER-- 1st Grade New Zealand 3 lbs. for $ 1.30 AYRSHIRE HACON-- sliced, per lb. EGGS--Local Extras- per dozen .. 30c 25c FREE DELIVERY AIorning and Afternoon : O.y mrn 'I'ieatre Tonight--Friday and Saturday hlatince-- RICIIARD DI X and LOIS iVILSON in The Vanishing American Tomorrow (Saturday) Evening and hlonday-- CREIGIITON IIALl. and LAVINIA LA I'I ANTE in "The Cats and the Canary" Next wednesday and Thursday V I CTQ R hl c LA Y LEN EDhlUND LOIVE and DOLOI(ES DEL REA in 'Shat Price Glory'UNDARAVE BARBER SHOP right opposite Dundarave Hall L. BROWN, I'rop. LADIES, CHILDREN k hi EN Your patronage solicited. GALT NUT COAL Is off the market for the Sum- mer months but we have a steady supply of LETII BRIDGE lhil'ERIAL EGG GALT which, we think, is equally as clean and good burning. For quick service, Phone ED. BLACK 25th and hIarine iVEST 68 Victor Odium applied by let- ter to the council for water con- nections for 4 lots at Fisher- man's Cove also for the private system near the south side of old Dunsmuir Street. He was advised that arrangements would be made to supply the water in the near future. Leslie Yates, who ~as visit- ing his parents, IiIr. and 31rs. J. S. Yates, 16th and Marine Drive, left on i~Ionday night by motor to return tot Chilliwack. ~ s iAIr. and 3Irs. Runciman of Vancouver have moved into the Garland cottage at 25th and Bel- levue. 3fr. and 3Irs. C. N. Barton and family were in West Vancouver on Sunday, having motored here from Haney. They returned the same evening. ~ ~ 0 hV. L. Oyden of Vancouver has moved to a house at 5 Park Road, Altamont. e ~ 0 L.O.L. No. 2990 is holding their regular bi-monthly meet- ing next Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Dundarave Hall. 0 ~ 0 Miss O. Bryan, agent for the B.C. Telephone Company here, with her mother spent the East- er holidays visiting friends in Victoria. 0 0 s Mrs. E. Holdsworth, with her two children, who recently re- turned to her home at 25th and Marine Drive from Southern California, is leaving here short- ly for the latter place, where she intends to reside in future. 0 0 Mrs. Kerr, RadcliA'venue, West Bay, left on Saturday for a visit to Vancouver Island. 0 0 0 L. Gainey, who has been stay- ing with J. E. Fitchett, 15th and iVaterfront has returned to Harrop, B.C. 5Iiss Jean iVatson is con- valescing at her home at 14th and Gordon after recently un- dergoing an operation for ap- pendicitis at St. Paul's Hos- pital. 5Ir. and AIrs. Stanley Clark, 20th and Mathers, have moved to Victoria. where they will in future reside. IIr. and Mrs. Hvalsoe, who have been living in Seattle, have returned and taken up residence at a house at 28th and Bellevue. i~Irs. Frank Stainsby and chil- dren, who are now residing in Vancouver, spent the Easter holidays with Mr. and DIrs. George Gemmill, 15th and Es- quimalt. Miss Ethel Millard, 24th and Mathers, is confined to the house through sickness. Chas. Appleton of Appleton Court. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. 5I. iVilliams, 20th and In- plewood, motored on Sunday to Mission and points in the vicin- ity. They report the roads as dry and in good condition. Mrs. Purchase of Capilano has taken one of the Lamb cottages at 19th and Bellevue. DIrs. C. B. Greenwood and daughter Dorothy have return- ed home from a week's visit to- Portland, Oregon. .03,].".l S Amounts of $500 to $3000 to be loaned on houses on terms to suit you. Phone Sey. 4326 western F~plre Life Assurance Co. London Building, 626 I'ender St., lV., Ivest 79R2 J. I(. SIGhlOltE, Cypress l'ark ~Ir. and AIrs. H. O. Hutt of Seattle were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. iV. R. Sutton, 29th and ~Iarine Drive, over the week-end. Cod fishing has been good this week in the waters off Kew Beach. Eighteen large cod were recently caught by anglers there. ~ e The building of the four stores which 3Ir. i~Iessenger is havirig erected on his property at 16th and i~Iarine Drive is going on a- pace. Already the cement foundations and the main floor- ing have been built also some of the side frames. IIrs. Roy Barry and her children. spent the week end in Vancouver with her mother-in- law. s s ~ iVilliam Lougheed, who now resides in New iVestminster, spent iVednesday here visiting his uncle, James Normand, 14th and iAIarine Drive. s e ~Irs. George Reid is confined to her home at 21st and Marine Drive through sickness. s 0 0 Messrs. Betterton and Roberts have taken the cottage of the 51isses Dalgleish and Davies at 28th and Roseberry for the sum- mer. 0 iVork has been started on the repair of the culvert on the north side of Marine Drive at 14th Street. AIr. and Mrs. R. J. Cameron and family of loco, spent Sunday visiting Mr. Cameron's brother- in-law. George Reid, manager of the Lesage Drug Co. here. Mrs. Grace Bowman, a form- er resident of iVest Vancouver was here for a short visit before leaving for Tulsa, Okla- homa. Mrs. A. H. Purcell, 25th and Lawson, is leaving next week for an extended visit to California. S. Lambert, 14th and Marine Drive, was informed by the council that the matter of the box flume and rubbish, to which he had drawn their attention, was being attended to. The Council ordered filed for referenco in the near future the inritation extended to them by the Morris Tractor Co. to witness a demonstration of one of their machines. F. Ritz, 19th and Inglewood, ivrote a letter to the council, ask- ing that a street light be in- stalled between 17th and 20th Streets on Inglewood Avenue. The letter divas placed on the light file. There has been on exhibition this week in one of the win- dows of the Ambleside Tea Rooms the handsome silver cup presented by J. B. Leyland to the Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club. The cup, ivhich is over 12 inch- es high exclusive of the wooden pedestal, bears the following inscription: "Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club iVest Vancouver, B.C. Championship Cup presented by J. B. Leyland for annual competition." On the reverse side is en- graved: "iVor& by F. FLADiIARK." Several very interesting pho- togmphs of the club house and groups of the competitors are also on exhibition in the win- dow, ~ +46( ~ a t-f t-w ~- ~ I-4 H t- ~ t-t t-Jt- ~ t &4V ~ ~-I ~ --~ ~ . ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ s- ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ i-or ~ ~ o V4 ~ ~ s- J. iIYLES AiVARDED CLEARIiit G CONTRACT The tender of J. Myles for c) aring and grubbing l Amble- side Park Unit 2 at a cost of $775 was accepted by the coun- cil. The following tenders +ere received: P. A. Andrews, $875; J. F. Little, $892.50; J. Stewart, $900 and $800; K. SogofT, $850: J. 31yles, $775. HOME-MAnE Cakes, I'asteries, Bread II E KT I I Eh and S 4 L 5 iC E ROLLS IVe pride ourselves on "C)uality" Mrs. DRAPER 2435 hIARINE DltIVE Neat Duadaraee Hall. NOTE PHONEs Weet 3ee GORDON ROBSOX Barrister 8c Solicitor West Vancouver office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone %est 403 Suite 801; 510 Hastings St., W. Phone Seymour 4199. PITMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Est. 189S Vancouver's Leading Business College Individual Attention DAY and NiIGHT School Night School, 4 nights each week Enrol at any time. 4 22 Richards St. I'hone Sey. 9135. Cor. Hastings BOLL YBI.'RN Barber Shop for alen, %omen and Children 15th 4 hIarine E. hlARSH Proprietor SS'-X hIv X A Car that combines the qualities of beauty and comfort in ap- pointments with po~er and smoothness in performance at a remarkable cost. If you will phone NORTH 1338 a car will be sent to your door at whatevertime you wish. DltIVE ONE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Play a game of ~ ' tables for your s s pleasure c 14th StreetRight at, the Railway Crossing .~ou i~an Save ia~tne Iiipggr If you pay your telephone bill by the 1$ th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY ."..lS:A.'..V. I.""i."I",S .":I Lonsdale and 15th North Vancouver Phone 1338