West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Apr 1928, p. 6

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001C94E3 THE WEST VAN NEO'S April 5. 1928. ') ~ yl &'. A S '..'; . 4 Baskets arid Novelties Everything for Easter includi»g a pret- ty selection of Easter Cards. Easter Eggs, Easter Baskets, Easter Dyes and Bun»ies, iVovelties, Chicks, etc., at popular prices, 5 cents to $ 1.00. SATURDAY AND MONDAY SPECIALS 26c Colgates Tooth Paste ........ 19c 25c Stcedman's Toothing Pow- ders ...................................... 22c 60c Dr. Black's Q'hite Pine and Tar ............................................ 39c S5c Mellin's Food..................... 69c $ 1.10 Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ............................ 98c 50c Deodo .................................. 35c $ 1.00 Owbridges Lung Tonic... 71c 50c Gillette Blades .................... 39c 75c Coty's Powder .............. 59c 35c Castile Soap ..................... 21c GOc Eau de Cologne ................. 39c 26c Bella Donna Plaster.......... Irc $ 1.26 Kennedy's Stomach Bitters 98c 75c Ariola Cream, face ............ 39c 50c Dr. Black's Bronchitis Rem- edy ...................................... 39c $ 1.00 waterbury's Cod Liver O il ............ „,...... ,..................... 89c IVoodbury's Facial Soap 3 cakes for Slc ONE CENT SALE next Thursday. Friday and Saturday, April 12, 13. and 14. SVe t Van. Agents C. P. R. Telegraphs and Can. Pac. Exp. Bloney Order t.esage t .irug Store Prescriptions Filled By Fully Qualified Druggist at City Prices G. E. REID, iWIanager New Building--Corner AIarine and 14th. FA ST DELI VER Y NO ORDER IS TOO SiblALL WEST 323 :V.:oi.-ley i o,oa...t on First 5Iortgage at current rates. Let us finance the building of your new home in AVest Van- couver. =Ooi:. Se~:. a: ..S At Bargain Prices. AVe Hare a Large Number to Select From Ion - S-0~:. ~O"O~S, ."~. OLDSBIOBILE AND CHEVROLET DEALERS 135 First Street AVest, North Vancouver. (Represented in %Vest Vancouver by H. C. OSBORNE) Phones AVest 628Y North 1186 i..S&a ze '..l..l ( Ol„w I '3 Fraser Valley Milk for Safety Greet the morn with a smile--use plenty of Milk and Creamo every day. .'! AS '. i VA... ( 9 . ( 9 quarts for $ 1.00 Phone North 122 London & British North America Co., Ltd. Mortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street AVest Phone Sey. 6285 Local RePresentative;-- F. X. Hodgson, West 665R TELEPHONE CO. TAKE OVER IVHYTECLIFF SYSTEi&I The B. C. Telephone Company is taking over the Government line at IVhytecliff, and arrange- ments are being made at the pi'esent time towards this end. This is the initial move, we hope, in having Whytecliff and the ad- jacent districts connected by tel- ephone with the other parts of )Vest Vancouver; a long wanted need. F. D. williamson, who has been Government linesman at AVhyte- cliff has been moved to Bowen Island. ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'I ~ ~ I ~ I 0 ~ ~ iMrs Logan who used to side at 13th and DIarine Drive, but who is»ow on an extended trip to the east, is at present visiting i» New York. e E. Hart, who has been living at 26th and Mathers, has moved into a house at 25th and EVater- front. 5Iajor J. Edelston, 30th and Mathers, left o» Monday for Se- chelt, where he will spend the Easter holidays fishing. Mrs, Warian of Kitsilano, moved on Tuesday to a house at 22nd and Lawson. J. Haan of Vancouver, while clearing his lot at 11th and Es- quimalt with the assistance of two frie»ds, had the misfortune to cut his foot with an axe. Mrs. Roy Faulkner and two sons, 2317 5Iarine Drive, has left here for her old home in Gull Lake, Saskatchewan, where she will i» future reside. The Ridley Ice and Milk Co. started this week the installa- tion of their ice plant in the Marine Motors'uilding at 22nd and Marine Drive. Last week the basketball game between the Pauline Johnson girls'eam and the Junior High School girls'esulted in a win for the former by a score of 18 to 15. R. P. Blower, 22nd and Belle- vue, is in Shaughnessy Hospital undergoing treatment, and ex- pects to be there for some time. The work of laying the found- ations has been started on the block to contain four stores which is to be erected on the south-east corner of 16th and Marine Drive. J. C. Hammett has taken the Faulkner house at 2317 Marine Drive, and moved in there last Saturday. W. C. Thompson, 21st a»d Bellevue, arrived home on Sun- day from Southern California, where he has been spending the last two months. He motored up all the way from San Diego. The ferry bus, which was in collision with a P.G.E. train last Saturday week, has been repair- ed and repai»ted at the munici- pal garage. It is expected to have it ready for the Easter travel, which is usually heavy. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paterson, 15th and Marine Drive, spent the week end with friends at Lang- ley Prairie. John Redden, Jnr., of Caul- feild, who has been attending Shawnigam Lake School, Van- couver Island, returned home to- dav, Thursday, to spend the holi- days with his parents Mr, and Mrs. John Redden. Miss Margaret Partington who has been visiting her grand-par- ents at )Vest Selkirk, Manitoba, has accepted a school at Lee River, Manitoba. H. E. Downey, 21st and Ful- ton, left for Gull Lake, Sask., last Tuesday and will be followed in a few days by Mrs. Downey and family. Mr. Downey has fann- ing interests in that district and the family will probably remain there for some time. Mr. and Nrs. W. Rawkins and family, who have been spending the winter in the city, have re- turned to West Vancouver and have opened the Hollyburn Boat- house for the season. Mrs. C. B. Greenwood with her daughter, Dorothy, is leav- ing tomorrow for a week's visit to Portland, Oregon, to visit her mother and her sister. Mrs. Greenwood will probably make the journey by the Pacific Stag- es which make connections right through. Mrs. Nick Williamson was in Vancouver last week, by invita- tion, having her voice tested for radio vocal work. B C 51USICAL COM PETITION FESTIVAI Festival Adjudicators. The four adjudicators who will officiate at the B. C. Musical Festival, May 7th to 12th, are Hugh Robertson, Dr. E. C. Bair- stow. J. Peebles Conn, and Miss Marion A. Crawford, 5I.A. Of these the first three named will devote their time to the musical competitions, while Miss Craw- ford will have the Elocution Classes in hand. Miss Cave- Browne-Cave will adjudicate the Folk Dancing. Of Mr. Hugh Robertson, who is Conductor of the Glasgow Or- pheus Choir, little need be said, as his previous visit to Vancou- ver on the same mission two year's ago will be recalled with pleasure by the great majority of people who attended the Fes- tival. For a number of years Mr. Robertson has been actively en- gaged in Festival work, being responsible for the organization of various centres in Scotland. As a composer he is also well- known, but as a Festival adjudi- cator he is heard at his best. His return to tPe city is eagerly an- ticipated by followers of the fes- tival in Vancouver. Dr. E. C. Bairstow, who is at present organist at York Min- ster, needs little introduction to choral and choir members, since the large amount of music which he has written for their use has brought him into intimate con- nection with their work. A man who is known all over the British Empire for his inspirational work on behalf of music, his vis- it to Vancouver is one in which all music lovers will take a keen interest. Mr. J. Peebles Conn, who is conductor of the Glasgow Ama- teur Orchestral Society, is a musician of great distinction, ~ and although perhaps little known to many'n this side of the Atlantic, his work with his own orchestra and on the con- tinent of Europe where he has held distinguished musical ap- pointments has brought him in- to great prominence among lov- ers of music in the British Isles. Miss Marion E. A. Crawford has also been at the Vancouver Musical Festival before, having adjudicated here in 1920. Her work then stamped her as an ex- pert in her line. Born in Ontario she received her education there and at Columbia University, New York. She has taught in New York and Boston, has been connected with the Cornish School at Seattle, and is a mem- ber of the Faculty of the Uni- versity of washington. She has also lectured extensively on poets and poetry. Miss Cave-Browne-Cave is a graduate of the Cecil J. Sharp School of Folk Dancing, well qualified to adjudicate the Folk Dancing Classes. Nrs. Frank Harrison of Caul- feild, left on Monday for a trip to Europe. Mr. and Nrs. Robert Allan and family, 29th and Mathers, mov- ed on Monday to the Davies cot- tage at 22nd and Kings. Nrs. H. N. Hutchinson has re- joined the local staff of the B. C. Telephone Co. as night operator. Mrs. E. J. Thomson is building a garage at 17th and Argyle, next to the tennis court. Miss Fry, teacher of drawing at Columbia College, and the Misses Gertrude Lawson and Mabel McFee of the public school staff, are leaving Thursday for Long Beach and Ucluelet, Van- couver Island, where they ex- pect to spend the Easter holidays sketching. AIAJOR BARRIS SHOOTS EAGLE AVITH BOAV AND AI(ICOAV Major Barwis, president of the Archery Club, demonstrated his prowess with the bow anc'rrow last week when he winged a huge eagle which was soaring above his house at Altamont. The ar- row penetrated the eagle's wing and caused the "lord of the sir" much perturbation. GENERAL R. P. CLARK BUILDS SUAIMER HOGTIE AT GLENEAGLES A large commodious summer home is under construction for General R. P. Clark at Gleneagl- es. This is the first residence to be started in this magnificent district. It is anticipated, how- ever, that other buildings of a similar nature will be started in the near future. H. Bradley, the local contractor, is doing the work. Mrs. Clark and family will make an extended trip to Europe while the house is under construction, and on their return will take up residence there. Mr. and Nrs. B. Burton, who have been spending the winter in the city, have returned to their home at 30th and Marin Drive. 4V. Smaill, Appleton Court, who has been away in New Zea- land on a business trip, returned here last week on the "S.S. Ni- agara." Canadian 8 &ndow Baker&es Agency Come here forLeslie Yates, accountant of the Royal Bank in Chilliwack, is expected here on Saturday to spend the Easter holidays with his parents, IIIr. and Nrs. J. S. Yates, 16th and Marine Drive. Mrs. Mounce of Travers Ave- nue, KVest Bay, was a charming tea hostess last Monday. Her guests being Mrs. Hastings, (Vancouver), Mrs. Devlin, Nrs. Percy Mason, Mrs. J .D. Allan, and Mrs. George Hewitt. HOT CROSS BUNS LIGHT LUNCHES A. & F. VALENT1NE During the history lesson the teacher asked the question- "KVhat do you know of Margaret of Anjou?" "She was very fat, sir" ans- wered one boy. This was new to the teacher, and he asked for the lad's au- thority. "It's in the book, sir. Among Henry's stoutest supporters was Margaret of Anjou." 1406 Marine Drive «-.LSO.N A. S