West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Apr 1928, p. 5

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001C94E3 April 6, 1928. THE WEST VAN NEiVS .l ormanc.'s 1" 'I l "( 14th and hIarine Phone West 65 ----- ~ ~ *~ '- I~'~Irs.Sharp, 184 r IIarine Drive is confined to her home through sickness. IIrs. O. A. Lundberg, 29th and 3Iarine gave a birthday tea party last week. Among those present were Mrs. DIcFarlane of Vancouver and ~iIrs. Robinson of Dundarave. e ~ e AIr. and i~Irs. J. Tait of Alta- mont spent several days in Van- couver this week visiting friends. They are expected home on Sat- urday. Satm't ay Specia s The announcement board andthe steps leading up to Holly- burn Hall 14th and Duchess, have been repainted and the grounds put in shape for the spring and summer. e ~ e D. 51cMillan, 15th and Esqui- malt, is having a basement dug in preparation for the construc- tion of a house on 20th Street immediately north of the Christ- tiari Science Church. ~ e e G. N. Ford, 13th and Fulton, who is on the staff of the As- say Office in Vancouver, recent- ly returned from a trip to Otta- iva and Quebec City made on be- half of the office. He returned via, Chicago, St. Paul and Seat- tle, and while in Chicago called on Dr. Stainsby, who is taking a post graduate course in surg- ery there. FRESH ROASTED COFFEE, ground while you wait, per Ih...... 45c EGGS--I.ocal Extras per dozen ................... 29c HALI.OFAY DATES per lh ..................... 10c FINEST COOKED HAi~I sliced, per lb......... 45c ilIr. and iAIrs. O'eill, 14th and fnglewood, who have been away for the past three weeks visit- ing points in California and the Pacific States, returned home last Tuesday. e e e AIrs. McFarlane of Vancouver, daughter of ~lrs. Robinson of Dundarave, motored to Seat tie last week end after having visit- ed AVest Vancouver. a e e AIrs. Hugh A. Hodgson. 23rd and AIarine, wife of the school architect, is, we hear, confined to her home by a bad cold. e e Roy 4lanrell, son of iAIr. and Mrs. Charles E. i~Ianrell of IVest Bay met with an accident last week whilst playing basket-ball, suffering a painful dislocation. e e e AIessrs. Bowman and Ross of Ambleside are leaving for the Peace River District tomorrow, Friday. FREE DELIVERY hlorning and Afternoon ]IOJy)III '"Ieatre Tomorrow--Friday. CHARLIE iIUltRAY and GEOItGE SYDNE% in e e Father Rohr of williams Lake visited Dr. A. C. Nash, 15th and Marine Drive, on Sunday. Fath- er Rohr is head of the Oblate Fathers'Iission and School to the Indians at that point. e e e ';The Life of Riley'aturday, April 7th hi ILTON SILL and DORIS KEN YON in The Valley of the Giants hfonday, April 9th LAUItA LA PLANTR GLEN TYSON in 'Painting the Town'lso R I iN 'I'IN TI N in "While London Sleeps" Captain Roy Barry. who has been a member of the ferry staff for a number of years, has re- signed and will in future devote all his time to playing and teach- ing music. e e e J. J. Dutton, 23rd and Belle- vue, is very ill in St. Paul's hos- pital. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Frank Dorchester gave a delightful birthday party on Sat- urday night at her home at 29th and Mathers, in honor of her daughter, Joan. The rooms were tastefully decorated for the oc- casion with balloons and stream- ers. The evening was spent in dancing. Supper was served, the table being crowned by a large birthday cake. Those present were Mr. and Nrs. R. C. Proctor, DIr. and Mrs. Charlie Reid, Nr. Gobo Pendrall, Mr. E. Stenson, Sue Proctor, Barbara Reid, Laura Edmund, Paula Edmund, Audrey Lester, Joan Dorchester, Joan Curtis, Vernon Lester, Cyr- il Haworth, Fred Proctor, Peter Proctor, Rodney Poisson, Charlie Chapman, Stuart Smith, Charlie Neville and Budler Stenson. Repairs have been made this week to the Ambleside station of the P.G.E. The roof has been fixed up, and new boards put in the sides to replace those that had been rotted by the weather. e ~tra Special Next Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday April 10th, 11th and 12th 5Iiss Kate L .Chappell, of AIer- ritt, B. C., has purchased the summer cottage belonging to Harry Clements at Fisherman' Cove, which she will occupy for the coming summer. e e e Special admission price for "Ben Hur" only, Adults 60c; Children 26c. The above picture is 12 reels long so we can run it through only once each evening, com- mencing at 7.46 p. m. 11r. Harry Clements has bought a lot at Gleneagles on the water- front, where he is having erect- ed a summer home. GORDON ROBSON Barrister 4 Solicitor West Vancouver office No. 1447 Marine Drive, Phone West 403 Suite 801; 610 Hastings St., W. Phone Seymour 4199. iv. B. A. TO HOLD TEA ON APRIL 18thSCOTTISH SOCIETY Under the auspices of Review No. 24 5Irs. AV. Urquhart, presid- ent of the EUoman's Benefit As- sociation, is the general conven- or of a tea to be held in Amble- side Hall on Wednesday. April 18th, from 2.30 to 5 p. m. During the afternoon the past commanders of the W. B. A. will stage a "sketch" or small play which has been brought from 4'ancouver. The following ladies ivill have charge of the various sections and booths: CANDY STALI iAIrs. Steph- ens and Nrs. 51cMillan. HOiAIE COOKING--i~lrs. Romans and 51rs. H. Thompsoii. RAFFLE- 51rs. McTavish. GRAB BAG- 51rs. Dennison. PROGRAAIME --51rs. Stronge. The regular meeting of the Scottish Society will be held in Ambleside Hall on Friday even- ing, April 20th. at 8.15 o'lock. The North Vancouver St. And- rew's Society will be the guests of the Society for that evening and a splendid entertainment is promised all members. The of- ficers ask that all members make an effort to be present. There are 12,050 voters on the 1928 list for Burnaby, but only 1600 voted last Saturday on the two money by-laws. Ohe was for $200,000 for waterworks, and the other for $ 120,000 for Roads. This represents only 13.3 per cent. of the total vote. .OR]..LS Amounts of $S00 to $3000 to be loaned on houses on terms to suit you. P ERSONALS 'lAYS A".'bow is the time for &our Gardens. 4Ve have the Tools and all kinds of Seeds. The Sun also shows up the inside of the house. We have the Cleaning materials, Brushes, Alabastine, allTints, Paints and Varnishes, IVindow Glass. STEP LADDERS, 65c per foot One of the best made. SONAX FLOOR POLISH 75c per Tin The Genuine English. IN GROCERIES we still lead in Quality. Finest New Laid Eggs 35c doz; 3 doz. for $ 1.00 Fino.st New Laid Pullet Extras, per dozen 30c Swift Premium Bacon, per lb Virginia Baked Ham, per lb.. 60c Pea 41eal Bacon, per lb .............. 45c Pineapple, 2's, sliced, ...... 2 Tins for 23c Roger's Syrup. 2 lb. tins.... per Tin 18c Nabob Jellies, all flavors...... 4 for 25c I( ~ Grocery and Hardware Phone West 2,8 Ambleside Daily Delivery HOME-MA&E HOT CROSS BUNS Try our Easter SIilINEL CAKE An Old Country Recipe. Mrs. DRAPER 2435 MARINE DitlVE Neat Duadarevs HalL NOTC PKONKt West $8S Early Ferries On Good Friday The first ferry boats on Good Friday will leave the Ambleside dock at 6 a. m. and 7 a.m. and half hourly thereafter through- out the day. On Easter Sunday and Mon- day there will be the usual ser- vice. RESIDENT PIANO TUNER Teacher of MANDOUN, BAN/0 and GUITAR W. Cuthbert Phone West 409Y PITMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Est. 1898 Vancouver s Leadmg Business College Individual Attention DAY and NIGHT School Night School, 4 nights each week Enrol at any time. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Cor. Hastings BOLLYBURN Barber Shop for lien, N omen and Children 16th 8: Marine E. IIARSH Proprietor SS' :.X Play a game of C.- '.T Sl. '.].DS 14th S tree tRiI;ht at the Railway Crossing A Car that combines the qualities of beauty and comfort in ap- pointments with power and smoothness in performance at a remarkable cost. If you will phone NORTH 1338 a car will be sent to your door at whatever time you wish. DRIVE ONE AND SEE Foll YOUIISELF .„"IIS:A ..: It, I"."I."I S Lonsdaie and 15th North Vancouver Phone 1338 I'hone Sey. 4326 IVestern Empire Life Assurance Co. London Building, 626 Pender St., IY., IYest 79R2 3. R. SIGiloltE, Cypress Park Musical Society to Enter Festival :1e inc uenI: IIIItaI:er Ila1:es Hollyburn, B. C., 5Iarch 31st, 1928, J. OLLASON, Collection. Consumers are hereby warned that unless the above are paid within Ten Days of the date of this notice, water will be shut off and the delinquent fee of $2.00 enforced. The IVest Vancouver Musical Society ivill enter the B. C. Fes- tival and hope to «gain win the "shield" ivhich they have held so many times. IVith this object in view they are starting prac- tising the festival music next AIonday night, and thereafter practices &vill be held twice week- ly. All old members and any others ivho ivish to help the choir ivin back the shield are earnestly requested to join ivith- out delay.