West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Apr 1928, p. 4

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001C94E3 THE EVEST VAN NEREUS April 5, 1928. EAS'j.'ER Groceries and Confections SYhether for special occasions or for every day meals, you can't improve on the quality of the goods sold at this store- and it's mighty nice to know you can rely on getting, at all times, the very best goods at the lowest prices. ~s 'i.'i.'(ti4tiiii. 8 GROCERY We deliver %Vest 16 K. W. SAVORY Rea]. Estate Insurance 1429 Marine Drive Ambleside 'I(es:;*„ THE ,f arce S.io ~ 1 1520 Marine Drive Marcel, Steam and Finger Wav- ing, Haircutting, Shampooing and Scalp Treatments For Appointment WEST 304 Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The )Vest Van Watchmaker Ec Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside Amblasido Tea Rooms Fang %barf WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Suppifea, Tobaccos, etc. J. M. Morgan Phone %Vest 173 WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Production and Singing vANCOUvER STUDIO Phone Seymour 101 HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON gnnrral Bircctars I. O. D. E. PKB.SON%I 8 Mr. and AIrs. F. Boyd, who have been spending the winter in California are returning this week to their house at 25th and Bellevue. H. Davison, Gordon and 14th, president of IVest Van. P.-T. As- sociation, was elected as one of the committee at large at the Provincial Parent-Teacher Fed- eration convention last week. 0 0 0 At Grouse Mountain Chalet eight feet of snow on the level is reported, three and one-half feet falling since last Thursday. Rev. A. E. Cooke of Denver, ver to attend the funeral of his Col., who came to )Vest Vancou- mother, preached in the Canadi- an 51emorial Church in Vancou- ver last Sunday. Mr. Cooke left for his home on Monday. Charles Roberts Loses Brother Word was received this week by C. Roberts, Ambleside Meat Market, of the death of his eld- est brother. This occurred in Syracuse, N.Y., and was the re- sult of a gasoline ei~losion. George Coney, 24th and Otta- wa, who has been under the weather, has now fully recover- ed. DIr. and Mrs. Oscar )Valker and family, who, have been occupy- ing the Nelson cottag~ at 23rd and Marine Drive, have moved to the city. 'The float at Dundarave piei~ belonging to H. F. Botterill broke loose on Sunday night as a re- sult of the sudden heavy wind- storm and has gone adrift out into the gulf. Miss 51. Suffield has rented the Lagos cottage at 25th and Bellevue. Nrs. Evans, who has been oc- cupying one of the wilkinson cottages at AVing's Point, has moved to the city. The heavy snowfall on Satur- day night in the higher altitud- es resulted in a party of 15 members of the B. C. Mountain- eering Club having to abandon climbing Crown Mountain on Sunday. Nrs. williams and son, who have been living at 24th and Haywood, have moved to the Fortune Cup Inn, where they will spend the summer. Nr. and Mrs. william Black of Vancouver, have moved back to their home at 27th and Math- ers, for the summer. A Creelman 23rd and Kings with his three sons, Stanley, Neil and Art, left by auto this morning for Calgary en route to the Peace River District. Mr. and Nrs. L. EVarren of Vancouver, have moved into the house at 2~nd and Lawson, formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. EU. D. Colvin. Mr. and Mrs. Kennett have moved from 11th and Jefferson, to the Lambert cottage on 14th Street near Marine. J. Griffin, lineman for the B. C. Telephone Co., who met with an accident on Haywood Avenue some weeks ago is now at the Vancouver General Hospital, it having been necessary to m-set his fractured hand. A. H. Prentice, 20th and Kings has rented his house to Mr. and Mrs. S.T. EVeaver, who come from Vancouver. Mr. Prentice finds it necessary to live closer to his work and will take up res- idence in Vancouver. Bank Manager Chilton Returns EVhen the local bank opens its doors for business on Saturday, Manager A. Chilton will be back at his desk after a two-weeks'acation. Substitute manager J. K. H. Currie is leaving tonight and will probably officiate in a similar position at some other point in B. C. Federal blember for North Shore to Recuperate in Europe AVord has been received here that Gen. A. D. McRae, seriously injured by a fall on Pariament Hill, Ottawa, will pay a visit to Europe as soon as he is discharg- ed from hospital, Mrs. McRae has gone east to accompany her husband. Mr. and Mrs. H. Peppard, who have been living in the Armitage cotitage at 25th and Bellevue, have moved to their farm at Chilliwack. CHURCH SERVICES ON GOOD FRIDAY Church services will be held in KVest Vancouver on Good Friday as follows: United Church: 11 a,m. St. Stephen's Church: 10.30 a.m. and 8 p.m. At the evening service at St. Stephen's the choir will give its third annual rendering of Stain- er's "The Crucifixion" with Maj- or A. M. Lester as tenor soloist, AIr. J. H. Smith as bass soloist. Mr. H. H. Skelton conducting and Albert Kendrick at the or- gan, assisted by a small orches- tra, TELEPHONE CO. INCREAS-+ ING SWITCHBOARDS The remarkable growth of West Vancouver is well illustrat- ed by the necessity for increas- ed facilities for the service of subscribers which are now being installed in the local office of the B. C. Telephone Co., A subscrib- ers'ection of relay switchboard No. 1, with 480 subscribers'ns- wering jacks, 50 subscribers'ultiple lines and 20 outgoing trunk lines is being installed. In addition to this, a trunk position will be installed to op~rate in conjunction with the new inter- office trunks which will connect AVest Vancouver to Seymour ex- change by way of submarine cable across to Stanley Park. This new route will probably be ready by the middle of May. WEST VANCOUVER RA'j.'EPAYER'S ASSOCIATION YOU ARE INVITED TO THE Mj'.E'l'ljiG II '.XT TUESDAY SAVINGSThe regular meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., will be held on Tuesday, Apr, 10th, at 2.15 p. m. at the home of Mrs. lV. H. Manning, 2966 Marine Drive. Can be effected on these Six Lines ALL next week. Vinolia Tooth Paste ........... 19c Castile Soap ...........,... 24c Carbolic or Tar Soap 2 for 23c Combination Fitting Hot WaterBottle ........................,........ ~ 89c Flower or Vegetable Seeds 3 Packets ............................ 27c Envelopes, Pad, Bottle of ink ................................................ 31 c WEST VAN. NURSERIES INCREASE STOCK E. S. Gamage of the EVest Vancouver branch of the B. C. Nurseries made a trip last Tues- day to Sardis to look over the stock of the extensive nurseries of the company located at this point to choose stock which he is having brought over to his own place on Marine Drive just one block west of the Capilano bridge. The EVest Vancouver branch has a large stock of fruit trees, shrubs, and rose bushes for the public to choose from. IYe send Telegrams, either C. P. R. or C. N. R. Dispensers to the C. P. R Medical Association WEST VAN PHARMACY The Store of Service Prompt Delivery Phone W. 37 FRAAIAR 5IONTESORRI SCHOOL TO RE-OPEN NEXT TUESDAY People Like I'he 'Burrard'eople speak very nicely about the great care we take of every article sent to us. Each custom- er's parcel is treated separately and promptly returned. And our charges please everybody. Try us with a parcel this week. The Burrard Laundry Limited For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS .North Vancouver Phone North 1310. The Framar Montesorri School 18th and Esquimalt, closed today for the Easter holidays and will reopen for the summer term next Tuesday, 10th of April. Children from 3 years to 7 years of age are received, and instruc- tion is given in folk dancing, hand work, language, etc LEGION TO GIVE DANCE SATURDAY, 28t11 APRIL A special meeting of the West Vancouver branch of the Canad- ian Legion was held at their rooms last Friday night. It was decided to give a concert and dance on Saturday night, 28th April at 8 p.m. in Dundarave Ha'll. These monthly concerts and dances put on by the branch have proved very popular this winter, and an excellent program is being arranged for the 28th. )Vest Van. Representative F- RIVERS Phone West 410L (Estabhshed over 7% Years) C. J. Overington 14th and MarineBALL TEA%I TO BE CHOSEN NEXT TUESDAY Players Invited to Meeting av xe:. For appointment PHONE WEST 135 Mickey Abbott, manager of the senior baseball team, has called a meeting for 8 o'lock next Tuesday night at the ferry build- ing rooms, at which all ball play- ers and intending players are asked to be present. This meet- ing is called for the specific pur- pose of organising and naming the members of the team, and any who wish to play should be at this meeting. CHIROI'RECTOR Next to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver Phone West 383 Rober(a A. Vass D. C. Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School HOLLYBURN RAINFALL 51arch, 1928. inchMarch 6-- .27 7-- .25 8-- 1.33 9-- .99 10-- .02 ll-- .19 12-- .93 14-- .16 15-- .24 19-- .09 20-- .53 21-- 1.25 22-- .47 23-- .28 24-- .19 26-- .10 27-- .15 28-- .41 29-- .46 30-- 1.01 31-- .11 Take care of your spine. It will be time well spent and will save you both expense and suffering. Your health depends upon the welfare of your backbone. CHIROPRACTIC WILL HELP YOU F. R. Franklin Carpenter and Contractor 2503 Bellevue Ave. Phone West 59L2. WEST VAN . &'iesI:auran1. 1421 Marine Drive at 14th St. Public Phone &Vest 611-0 Total... 9.43 inches Days with rain, 21. Total for March 1927, 7.55 inches. Days with rain, 21. i.l',i'.l. PS~ J 'L ~ ~ ~ ~ hlarine Drive at 22nd Street North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 A special discussion on Municipal Roads and other matters of public interest. Meeting starts at 8 p. m. All Ratepayers are invited. .; ii.i 'S'; Day or Night